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Revised Organogram 2011 of NHA

Organization chart of the office of Chairman, NHA



NHA Executive Board

Chairman, NHA (BS-21/22)

Staff Officer BS-18 = 01

Supporting Staff Chairman NHA (Engg Cadre)
Protocol Officer (BS-17) =01
PS (BS-17) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01
Computer Operator (BS-14) =01 Summary of posts:
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Supporting staff
Stenotypist (BS-12) = 01 BS-21/22=01 BS-07=02
LDC (BS-7) =01
LDC (BS-7) = 01 BS-18 = 01 BS-05=01
Photocopier Operator (BS-5)=01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 BS-17 =02 BS-04=02
Driver (BS-4) =02
Total = 03 BS-16 =01 BS-02=02
Qasid (BS-2) =02
BS-14 =02 BS-01=01
Total: 11
BS-12 =01
Total = 16

GM (Inspection
Member (Finance) Member (Planning) Member(Operations) Member(Constructions) Member (Admn) Secretary NHA GM (Internal Audit) GM (P&CM)
& Monitoring)
(BS-20/21) (BS-20/21) (BS-20/21) (BS-20/21) (BS-20/21) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20)
Organization chart of the office of Secretary, NHA under Chairman, NHA

Secretary NHA (BS-20)

Supporting Staff Secretary NHA

PA (BS-16) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01
Computer Operator (BS-14) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) =01
(for all offices under Secy NHA) Director (Secretariat)
Driver (BS-4) =01 BS-19
N/Qasid (BS-1) =03*
Total: 10 Supporting Staff
* For Secretary Office = 01 Director (Sectt)
For Auditorium = 02
Stenographer (BS-15) = 01
Dy Director (Secretariat) UDC (BS-9) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
BS-18 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04

AD (Sectt-I) AD (Sectt-II)
BS-17 BS-17
Summary of posts:

BS-20=01 BS-14=06 Supporting Staff AD (Sectt-I) Supporting Staff AD (Sectt-II)

BS-19=01 BS-12=01
BS-18=01 BS-09=01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
BS-17=02 BS-07=03 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
BS-16=02 BS-05=01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15=01 BS-04=02 LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-01=06 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04
Total = 28 Total: 05
Organization chart of the office of GM (Internal Audit) under Chairman NHA

GM (Internal Audit) BS-20

Supporting Staff for GM (IA)

PA (BS-16) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopier Operator (BS-5) =01
Director (Audit)
(For all offices under GM (IA). BS-19 Supporting Staff
Driver (BS-4) =01 Director (Audit)
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Stenographer (BS-15) = 01
Total: 06 UDC (BS-9) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: = 04
DD (Audit) DD (Audit)
BS-18 BS-18
(Field Audit) (HQ)

Summary of posts: Supporting Staff Supporting Staff:

AD (Audit) Field BS-17 = 01 AD (Audit) HQ BS-17 =01
BS-20 =01 BS-14 =05 Supdt (Audit) BS-16 =02 Supdt (Audit) BS-16 =02
BS-19 =01 BS-12 =02 Audit Asstt (BS-14) =02 Audit Asstt (BS-14) =02
BS-18 =02 BS-09 =05 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-17 =02 BS-07 =03 Sr.Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =02 Sr.Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =02
BS-16 =05 BS-05 =01 JAC (BS-7) =01 JAC (BS-7) =01
BS-15 =01 BS-04 =02 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-01 =04 Total =10 Total =10
Total = 34
Organization chart of the office of GM (Inspection & Monitoring (BS-20) under Chairman NHA

GM (Inspection & Monitoring) BS-20

Supporting Staff for

GM (Inspection & Monitoring)
PA (BS-16) =01
Computer Operator (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopier Operator (BS-5) =01 Director (Inspection & Monitoring)
(For all offices under GM (I&M)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Supporting Staff Director
Total: 06
(Inspection & Monitoring)
Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
DD (Inspection-I) DD (Inspection-II) Total: 04
BS-18 BS-18

Summary of posts:
BS-20 =01 BS-14 =03 Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
BS-19 =01 BS-12 =02
AD (Inspection-I) BS-17 =01 AD (Inspection-II) BS-17 =01
BS-18 =02 BS-09 =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-17 =02 BS-07 =03
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-16 =01 BS-05 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15 =01 BS-04 =02
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-01 =04
Total 05 Total = 05
Total = 24
Organization chart of the office of GM (P&CM) BS-20 under Member (Ops) NHA

GM (P&CM) BS-20

Supporting Staff
PA (BS-16) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5)=01
(for all offices under GM (P&CM)
Driver (BS-4) =01 Director (Procurement & Consultancy)
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 BS-19
Total: 06 (Engg Cadre)

Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04
DD (Procurement) DD (Evaluation & Record) DD (Consultancy & Claims)
BS-18 BS-18 BS-18
(Engg Cadre) (Engg Cadre)
(Engg Cadre)

AD (Evaluation & Record) AD (Consultancy & Claims)

AD (Procurement)
BS-17 BS-17
BS-17 (Engg Cadre) (Engg Cadre
(Engg Cadre)

Summary of posts:

BS-20 =01
Supporting Staff:
BS-19 =01 BS-09=01 Supporting Staff:
BS-18 =03 BS-07=04 Supporting Staff: C/Operator (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt BS-14 =01
BS-17 =03 BS-05=01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt BS-14 =01
Office Asstt BS-14 =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-16 =01 BS-04=02 LDC (BS-7) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-15 =01 BS-01=05 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 04
BS-14 =07 Total: 04
Total: 04
Total = 30

Organization chart of the office of Member (Planning) BS-20/21 under Chairman, NHA

Member (Planning) BS-20/21

Supporting Staff of
Member (Plg)
PS (BS-17) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 02 Staff Officer BS-17 =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 02 (Engg Cadre)
Total: 07 Supporting Staff
LDC (BS-7) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 02
Summary of posts:
BS-20/21 = 01
BS-17 = 02
BS-14 = 01
BS-07 = 02
BS-04 = 02
BS-01 = 03
Total = 11
GM (Planning) GM (Design)
BS-20 BS-20
Organization chart of the office of GM (Planning) BS-20 under Member (Planning)

GM (Planning) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (Plg)
PA (BS-16) =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) =01
(for all offices under GM (Planning)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 06
Director (Planning-I) Director (Planning-II)
BS-19 BS-19 Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Stenographer (BS-15) =01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 04
Total: 04

DD (Planning) DD (Appraisal) DD (PC-I)

Summary of posts: BS-18
BS-18 BS-18
BS-20=01 BS-11=04
BS-19=02 BS-09=02
BS-18=03 BS-07=05
BS-17=04 BS-05=02 AD (PC-1)
Statistical Investigator AD (Planning) AD (Appraisal)
BS-16=06 BS-04=03 BS-17
BS-17 BS-17
BS-15=02 BS-01=07
Total = 48
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff
Head Draftsman (BS-16) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Sr. Enumerator (BS-16) =03
Office Assistant (BS-14) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01
Draftsman (BS-11) =01
Enumerator (BS-11) =03 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Tracer (BS-5) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
LDC (BS-7 =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total = 04 Total = 04
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 10
Total = 07
Organization chart of the office of GM (Design) BS-20 under Member (Planning)

GM (Design) BS-20

Supporting Staff GM (Design)

PA (BS-16) = 01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) = 01
(for all offices under GM (Design)
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 06
Director (Design) Director (Material)/Geo Tech
BS-19 BS-19

Supporting Staff Supporting Staff

Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04 DD (Design-I) DD (Design-II) AD (Material) Total: 04
BS-18 BS-18 BS-17

AD (Design-I) AD (Design-II)
BS-17 BS-17

Summary of posts:
Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
BS-20=01 BS-12=01 Head Draftsman (BS-16) =01
BS-19=02 BS-11=04 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 AD (Chemical) BS-17 =01
Draftsman(BS-11) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Sr. Lab Technician (BS-16) =01
BS-18=02 BS-09=04 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-17=04 BS-07=03 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Tracer (BS-5) =01 Lab Technician (BS-11) =02
BS-16=04 BS-05=10 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15=02 BS-04=03 LDC (BS-7) =01 UDC (BS-9) =02
Tracer (BS-5) =01 Ferro Printer Operator (BS-5) =01 Lab Assistant (BS-5) =06
BS-14=04 BS-01=07 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 51 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Lab Helper (BS-1) =02
Total: 07 Total: 07 Total: 15

Organization chart of the office of Member (Operations) BS-20/21 under Chairman NHA

Member (Operations) BS-20/21

Supporting Staff Member (Ops)

P.S (BS-17) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 02 Staff Officer (BS-17)
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 02 (Engg Cadre)
Summary of posts: Total: 07
Supporting Staff
BS-20/21 = 01 LDC (BS-7) = 01
BS-17 = 02 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
BS-14 = 01 Total: 02
BS-07 = 02
BS-04 = 02
BS-01 = 03
Total = 11

GM (Operations) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint) GM (Maint)
HQs KPK NAs Pb-North Pb-South Sindh-North Sindh-South Balochistan-North Balochistan-South Motorways-North Motorways-South
(BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20) (BS-20)
Organization chart of the office of GM (Revenue) NHA HQs BS-20 under Member (Finance)

GM (Revenue) BS-20 HQs

Supporting Staff of GM (Rev))
PA (BS-16) = 01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) = 01
(for all offices under GM (Ops HQ)
Driver (BS-4) = 01 Director (Revenue) Receipts & Disbursement
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Director (Revenue-Contracts)
Total = 06 BS-19
Supporting Staff (Accts/Finance Cadre)
(Accts/Finance Cadre) Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15)=01
UDC (BS-9) = 01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Driver (BS-4) = 01 UDC (BS-9) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Driver (BS-4) = 01
Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04

DD (Traffic Data DD (Weigh Stations DD (ROW) BS-18 DD (Revenue Receipts) DD (Disbursement)

DD (Business Promotion)
Management/ Tolls) BS-18 /Police Fine) BS-18 (Accts/Finance Cadre) BS-18 BS-18
(Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre)

Supporting Staff:
AD (Business
Promotion) BS-17 =01 AD (Traffic Data Management) BS-17 AD (Tolls) BS-17 AD (Weigh Station/Police Fine) BS-17 AD (ROW) BS-17 AD (Revenue (Receipts) BS-17 AD (Revenue Distursement) BS-17
Supdt (Actts)BS-16 =01 (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre) (Accts/Finance Cadre)
Acctts Assistant (BS-14) =02
Steno Typist (BS-12 ) =01
Jr Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
Total 07 Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Sr. Enumerator (BS-16) =03
Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 = 01 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Accounts Assistant(BS-14) = 02 Accounts Assistant(BS-14)= 02
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Steno Typist =01 Steno Typist =01
Summary of posts: Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) = 01 C/ Operator (BS-14 ) = 01
Enumerator (BS-11) =03 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) = 01 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) = 01
BS-20=01 BS-12=04 LDC (BS-7) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) = 01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) = 01
Naib Qasis (BS-1) =01 Total 04 Total 04
BS-19=02 BS-11=03 Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 10 Total : 07
BS-18=06 BS-09=04 Total : 07
BS-17=07 BS-07=08
BS-16=08 BS-05=01
BS-15=02 BS-04=03
BS-14=13 BS-01=10
Organization chart of the office of GM (Operations) NHA HQs BS-20 under Member (Operations)

GM (Operations) BS-20
Supporting Staff of GM (Ops)
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5)= 01
Summary of posts: (for all offices under GM (RAMD)
BS-20=01 BS-12=01 Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
BS-19=02 BS-11=04
BS-18=05 BS-09=05 Total = 05
Director (RAMD) Director (Highway Safety)
BS-17=07 BS-07=05 BS-19
BS-16=14 BS-05=01 (Engr) (Engr)
BS-15=02 BS-04=03 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
BS-14=07 BS-01=10 Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Total= 67 UDC (BS-9) = 01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) = 01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04 Total: 04

DD (RAMD-II) BS-18 DD (System Analysis) BS-18

DD (RAMD-I) BS-18 DD (Services) BS-18 DD (Highway Safety) BS-18
(Engr) (MIS/Computer)
(Engr) (Engr) (Engr)

AD (Electrical) AD (Mechanical) AD (Computer/MIS) AD (HWS) BS-17 AD (Roads & Structures Surveys) AD (Traffic Surveys)
BS-17 BS-17 BS-17 (Engr) BS-17 (Engr) BS-17 (Engr)

Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Surveyor (BS-16) =03
Supervisor Supervisor Asstt Prog (BS-16 =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Qty. Surveyor (BS-16) =02
Sr. Enumerator (BS-16) =01 Sr. Technician (BS-16) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Electrical (BS-16) =01 (Mechanical) BS-16) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 C Optr (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
Surveyor (BS-16) =01 DEO (BS-12) =01
Sr. Enumerator (BS-16 =01 UDC (BS-09) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 NQ (BS-01) =01 NQ (BS-01) =01 Helper (BS-01) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01
Enumerator (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Total: 03 Total: 03 Total: 04 Total: 04 Total: 05
NQ (BS-01) =01 Total: 07
Enumerator (BS-11) =02
Total: 05
LDC (BS-7) =01
NQ (BS-01) =01
Total: 08
Organization chart of the office of Member (Admn) BS-20/21 under Chairman NHA

Member (Admin)

Supporting Staff of
Member (Admin)
PS (BS-17) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Driver (BS-4) =02 Staff Officer (BS-17) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =02 (Admn Cadre)
Total: 07 Supporting Staff
LDC (BS-7) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total= 02
Summary of posts:

BS-20/21 =01
BS-17 =02
BS-14 =01
BS-07 =02
BS-04 =02
BS-01 =03
Total =11 GM (Coord)
GM (Admn)
Organization chart of the office of GM (Admin) BS-20 under Member (Admn) NHA

GM (Admin) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (Admn)
PA (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) =01
(for all offices under GM (Admn) Director Director Director Director
Driver (BS-4) =01 (Personnel) (Regulations & Training) (Recruitment & Confidential) (Welfare & General Services)
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total =05 BS-19 BS-19 BS-19 BS-19 *
* Details on next page
Supporting Staff Dir (Per) Supporting Staff Dir (R&C) Supporting Staff Dir (R&C)
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 Director
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 BS-19 *
Total: 04 Total: 04
Total: 04 * Details on next page

DD (Personnel-I) DD (Personnel-II) AD (MIS/Computer) DD (Regulations & Training) DD (Recruitment) DD (Confidential)

BS-18 BS-18 BS-17 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18

Supporting Staff
KPO (BS-10) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total 02

Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:

Summary of posts:
Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
Supporting Staff: AD (Recruitment) BS-17 =01 AD (Confidential)BS-17 =01
BS-20=01 BS-12=06 AD (Personnel-II) BS-17) =01
AD (Regulations) BS-17 =01 AD (Training) BS-17 =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 AD (Legal) =01
BS-19=03 BS-10=01 AD (Personnel-I) BS-17 =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Asstt Programmer (BS-16)=01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
BS-18=05 BS-09=03 Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01 Asstt Programmer(BS-16)=01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14 =01
BS-17=08 BS-07=07 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-16=11 BS-05=01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15=03 BS-04=04 LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =11 * N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 08
BS-14=09 BS-01=21 Total: 07 Total: 07 Total: 08
Total: 07 Total: 17
Total: 83 * For Section =01
for Leave Reserve/Pool duty) =10
Organization chart of Establishment Wing (HQ) under GM (Admn) NHA

Director (Establishment) Director (Welfare & General Services)

BS-19 BS-19

Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Dir (Wel& GS)
Dir (Estab) Stenographer (BS-15) =01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 DD (Purchase, Store & Assets) DD (Transport) DD (Welfare) DD (General Services) Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Photocopier Opetr (BS-5) =01 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 Total: 04
(for all staff of Dir (Estab) and
Dir (W &GS)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 05
Supporting Staff:
AD (General Services) BS-17 = 01 Electrician (BS-5) =02
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Plumber (BS-5) =02
Supporting Staff: Security Supervisor(BS-16) =01 Painter (BS-5) =01
Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff: Lift Operator (BS-5) =02
Supervisor (GS) BS-16 =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01 Carpenter (BS-5) =01
AD (Purchase, Store & Assets) BS-17=01 AD (Transport) BS-17 =01 AD (Welfare) BS-17 =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =03* Mason (BS-5) =01
Supdt Store (BS-16) =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01
Summary of posts: C/Operator (BS-14) =01 DR (Driver) BS-4 =01***
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
Care Taker (BS-14) =01 Cook (BS-2) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-19=02 BS-09=06 Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Mali (BS-2) =03
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 N Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-18=04 BS-07=09 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
LDC (BS-7) =02*** Helper (BS-1) =01
BS-17=04 BS-05=13 UDC (BS-9) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =06
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =02 Telephone Technician (BS-7) =01
BS-16=09 BS-04=19 Driver (BS-4) =16 Sweeper (BS-1) =08
Helper (BS-1) =01 Helper (BS-1) =01 Telephone Optr (BS-7) =02
BS-15=02 BS-02=04 (For Pool duty)
Total : 09 Total: 10 Khateeb (BS-5) =01
Helper (BS-1) =01 Total: 50
BS-14=11 BS-01=21 AC Plant Operator(BS-5) =01
BS-12=04 Total: 24 Generator Operator (BS-5) =01

* Office Assistant (BS-14), One for Section, one for R&I and one for
Total: 108
** LDC (BS-7), One for Section, and one for R&I
*** For R&I section.
Organization chart of the office of GM (Coord) BS-20 under Member (Admn) NHA

GM (Coord) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (Coord)
PA (BS-16) =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5)=01
(for all offices under GM (Coord)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 06

Director (Coord) Director (Legal) Director (MIS-I) Director (MIS-II) Dy Director (Public Relations)
BS-19 BS-19 BS-19 BS-19 BS-18
(Non-Technical Admn Cadre)

Supporting Staff Dir (Cord)

Supporting Staff Dir MIS)
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 Supporting Staff Dir (Legal)
UDC (BS-9) =01 Supporting Staff Dir (Legal) Stenographer (BS-15) =01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 04
Total: 04
Total: 04

DD (Coord) DD (Legal-I) DD (Legal-II) DD (MIS-I) DD (MIS-II) DD (MIS-III) PRO AD (Library)

BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 (BS-17) BS-17

Summary of posts: Supporting Staff:

Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff: AD (Computer/
BS-20=01 BS-12=05 Supporting Staff: AD (Legal-I) BS-17 =01 Networking) BS-17 =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
BS-19=04 BS-11=01 AD (Coord) BS-17 =01 Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 AD (Legal-II) BS-17 =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Assistant PRO (BS-16) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01 Office Asstt BS-14 =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Librarian (BS-16) =02
BS-18=07 BS-09=04 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-17=07 BS-07 =09 Photographer /(BS-16) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12)) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 N Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-16=12 BS-05=01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01
Total: 04
BS-15=04 BS-04=05 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =02 Total: 06 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
BS-14=12 BS-01=11 Total: 06 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Total: 10 Supporting Staff Dir MIS) Asstt Cameraman (BS-11)=01
Total = 83 AD (MIS/Computer) BS-17 =01 Light man (BS-7)) =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 NQasid (BS-1) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Total: 10
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 07

Organization chart of the office of Member (Construction) BS-20/21 under Chairman NHA

Member (Construction) BS-20/21

Supporting Staff
Member (Const)
PS (BS-17) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 02
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 02
Total: = 07
Staff Officer (BS-17) =01
(Engg Cadre)
Supporting Staff:
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Summary of posts: N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: = 02
BS-20/21 = 01
BS-17 = 02
BS-14 = 01
BS-07 = 02
BS-04 = 02
BS-01 = 03
Total = 11
GM (Construction) GM (EALS)
BS-20 BS-20
Organization chart of the office of GM (Construction) BS-20 under Member (Construction) NHA

GM (Construction) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (Const)
PA (BS-16) = 01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) = 01
(for all offices under GM (Const)
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 06 Director (Construction-I) Director (Construction-II)
BS-19 BS-19
For Punjab, KPK & Northern Areas For Sindh & Balochistan

Supporting Staff Supporting Staff

Stenographer (BS-15) =01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 DD (Construction-I) N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04 DD (Construction-II)
BS-18 Total: 04
For Punjab, KPK & Northern Areas For Sindh & Balochistan

Summary of posts: Supporting Staff:

Supporting Staff:
BS-20=01 BS-09 =02 AD (Construction-I) BS-17 =02 AD (Construction-II) BS-17 =02
BS-19=02 BS-07 =03 (For Punjab, KPK & NAs) (For Sindh & Balochistan)
BS-18=02 BS-05 =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
BS-17=04 BS-04 =03 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-16=02 BS-01=05 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-15=02 Total: 06 Total: 06
Total = 31
Organization chart of the office of GM (EALS) BS-20 under Member (Construction)


Supporting Staff GM (EALS)

PA (BS-16) =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) =01
(for all offices under GM (EALS)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Director (LM&IS/Social) Director (Afforestation & Environment)
Total: 06 BS-19 BS-19
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Stenographer (BS-15) =01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 04
Total: 04
DD (LM & IS/Social-I) DD (LM & IS/Social-II) DD (Environment) DD (Afforestation)
BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18

Summary of posts: Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:

Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
BS-20=01 BS-09=02 AD (LM & IS/Social-I) BS-17=01 AD (Afforestation) BS-17 = 01
Office Supdt (BS-16) =01 AD (LM & IS/Social-II) BS-17 =01 AD (Environment ) BS-17 =01 Inspector (Afforestation)BS-16 = 01
BS-19=02 BS-07=05 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-18=04 BS-05=01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Computer Operator (BS-14) = 01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
BS-17=04 BS-04=03 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-16=04 BS-01=07 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-15=02 Total : 06 Total : 05 Total :05 Total :06
Total = 43
Organization chart of the office of Member (Finance) BS-20/21under Chairman NHA

Member (Finance) BS-20/21

Supporting Staff
PS (BS-17) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Staff Officer (BS-17) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 02 (Finance/Accounts Cadre)
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 02
Total: = 07 Supporting Staff
LDC (BS-7) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 02
Summary of posts:
BS-20/21 = 01
BS-17 = 02
BS-14 = 01
BS-07 = 02
BS-04 = 02
BS-01 = 03
Total = 11
GM (Finance) GM (B & A) Transport Economist
GM (Revenue) BS-20
BS-20 BS-20 BS-19
Organization chart of the office of GM (Finance) BS-20 under Member (Finance) NHA

GM (Finance) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (Finance)
PA (BS-16) = 01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5)= 01
(for all offices under GM (Finance)
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Director (Finance)
Total = 06
Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 04

DD (Finance) DD (Pension, GP Fund &

BS-18 Book Keeping)

Summary of posts:
Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:
BS-20=01 BS-14=08 Supporting Staff:
BS-19=01 BS-09=04 AD (Finance) BS-17 =01 AD(Pension, GP Fund)BS-17=01 AD (Book Keeping) BS-17 =01
BS-18=02 BS-07=04 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =02 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =02 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =01
Accounts Assistant (BS-14)=02 Accounts Assistant (BS-14) =02 Accounts Assistant (BS-14)=02
BS-17=03 BS-05=01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =01
BS-16=07 BS-04=02 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =01 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01
BS-15=01 BS-01=05 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total : 07
Total = 39 Total : 09 Total : 09
Organization chart of the office of Transport Economist (BS-19) under Member (Finance) NHA

Transport Economist BS-19

Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15) = 01
UDC (BS-9) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04

DD (Tpt Economist/ DD (Tpt Economist/

Economist-I) BS-18 Economist-II) BS-18

Supporting Staff Supporting Staff

Summary of posts: AD (Tpt Economist/ Ecoomist-I) BS-17 =01 AD (Tpt Economist / Economist-III) BS-17 =01
AD (Tpt Economist / Economist-II) BS-17 =01 Sr Enumerator (BS-16) =01
BS-19=01 BS-12=05 Sr Enumerator (BS-16) =02 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
BS-18=02 BS-09=01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-17=03 BS-07=02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 DEO (BS-12) =01
DEO (BS-12) =02 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-16=03 BS-04=01
LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1 =01
BS-15=01 BS-01=03 N/Qasid (BS-1 =01
BS-14=02 Total = 06
Total = 10
Total = 24
Organization chart of the office of GM (B & A) BS-20 under Member(Finance) NHA

GM (B & A) BS-20
Supporting Staff GM (B&A)
PA (BS-16) =01
Asstt Programmer (BS-16) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopy Operator (BS-5) =01
(for all offices under GM (B&A)
Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total =06
Director (Accounts) AP Director (Accounts) Estab/GoP
BS-19 BS-19

Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 04
Total: 04

DD (Accounts) AP DD (Accounts) Estab/Budget DD (Accounts/GoP)

BS-18 BS-18 BS-18

Summary of posts: Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff: Supporting Staff:

BS-20=01 BS-12=03 AD (Accounts) AP BS-17 =01 AD (Accounts) Estab/Budget (BS-17) =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =02 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =02 Supdt (Accounts) BS-16 =02
BS-19=02 BS-09=08
Accounts Assistant (BS-14) =02 Accounts Assistant (BS-14) =02 Accounts Assistant (BS-14) =02
BS-18=03 BS-07=04 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-17=03 BS-05=01 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =02 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =02 Sr Acctt Clerk (BS-9) =02
BS-16=08 BS-04=03 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01 Jr. Acctts Clerk (BS-7) =01
BS-15=02 BS-01=06 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-14=06 Total :10 Total :10 Total : 10
Total = 50
Organization chart of the office of GM (Punjab-North) BS-20 Lahore under Member (Operations NHA)

GM (Maint) Punjab-North BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Pb-North).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04 Director DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) DD (Legal) Director (LM&IS)
Director (Maint)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-19
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01 DD (Maint) BS-18 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Lahore Driver (BS-4) =01
Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 Total: 04
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Supporting Staff AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
Total: 04
DD (Maint) BS-18
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
Wazirabad C/Operator (BS-14 =01
Total: 06 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17=01
Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01 DD (LM&IS)
DD (Maint) BS-18 Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 BS-18
Rawalpindi C/Operator (BS-14) =01 JAC (BS-7) =01
Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Store Keeper (BS-14) = 01 Total: 07
DD (Construction ) DD (Monitoring) DD (Maint) BS-18
Care Taker (BS-14) =01
BS-18 BS-18 Murree Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
AD (LM&IS) AD (Afforestation)
Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01 BS-17 BS-17
Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =01 Electrician (BS-5) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Inspector (BS-16) =01 Driver (BS-4) =02
AD (Monitoring) BS-17 =01 Cook (BS-2) =01 AD (Legal) BS-17 =01
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Mali (BS-2) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Supporting Staff
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Sweeper (BS-1) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff Inspector
Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Surveyor (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01 LAO (BS-16) =02 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Total: 18 Total: 05 ALCO (BS-14) =02 UDC (BS-9) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total = 07
Total = 07 Total: 09
Total = 07 Qanoongo (BS-9) =04
LDC (BS-7) =01
Supporting Staff Patwari (BS-5) =08
Summary of posts: Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 N/Q (BS-1) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =04 Inspector (BS-16) =02
BS-20 =01 BS-12=09 Total: 20
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =04 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-19 =03 BS-11=07 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-18 =10 BS-09=09 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
BS-17 =18 BS-07=10 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Lahore will deal
BS-16 =19 BS-05=10 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 all matters of LM & IS relating to whole Punjab
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Province including Motorways in the limit of
BS-15 =03 BS-04=10 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Punjab province.
BS-14 =19 BS-02=02 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-01=21 Total: 11
Total: 11 Total: 15
Total = 151
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) BS-20 Punjab-South Multan under Member (Operations)
GM (Maint) Punjab-South BS-20

Supporting Staff
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01 Director
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 (Construction & Monitoring) Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
Total: 04 BS-19
BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17
Supporting Staff
AD (Engr) BS-17 =01
Supporting Staff DD (Maint) BS-18
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 AD (Afforestation)
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Multan
Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 DD (Maint) BS-18
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Bahawalpur Supporting Staff
Total: 06 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17=01
R.Y.Khan Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
Supporting Staff
DD (Maint) BS-18 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) D.G.Khan Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
BS-18 BS-18 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 Supporting Staff
Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01 Supporting Staff
Rajanpur AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Electrician (BS-5) =01 Inspector
Inspector (BS-16) =02 JAC (BS-7) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Driver (BS-4) =02 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Mali (BS-2) =01 Total: 07
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Sweeper (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
AD (Monitoring) BS-17 =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total = 07
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 16
Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
Surveyor (BS-11) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Supporting Staff
UDC (BS-9) =01 Total: 11
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14)=01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 07 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Total = 07
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 11 Total: 03
Summary of posts: Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
BS-20=01 BS-12=09 Inspector (BS-16) =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
BS-19=02 BS-11=08 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02
BS-18=09 BS-09=03 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Lahore will deal
BS-17=18 BS-07=11 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
all matters of LM & IS) relating to whole
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
BS-16=18 BS-05=02 LDC (BS-7) =01 Punjab Province including Motorways in the
Driver (BS-4) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15=02 BS-04=10 limit of Punjab province.
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-14=15 BS-02=01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
BS-01=21 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 11 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total =130 Total: 11 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Motorway-North) BS-20 Balkasar under Member (Operations) NHA

GM (Maint) Motorways North BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Motorway).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04 Director Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17
Supporting Staff
BS-19 AD (Engr) BS-17 =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Supporting Staff Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 LDC (BS-7) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 DD (Maint)BS-18 Supporting Staff AD (Afforestation)
Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Bhera N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01 BS-17
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 06 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
Total: 04 DD (Maint) BS-18 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
Sheikhupura Supporting Staff Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17=01 JAC (BS-7) =01
N/Q (BS-1) =01
Barabanda Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01
Total: 07
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) DD (Maint) BS-18 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
BS-18 Store Keeper (BS-14) =01
BS-18 Sahianwala
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 LDC (BS-7) =01
Burhan Supporting Staff Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01 Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Electrician (BS-5) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Driver (BS-4) =02 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Supporting Staff Inspector (BS-16) =02 LDC (BS-7) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Mali (BS-2) =01
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Monitoring) BS-17=01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Sweeper (BS-1) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 03
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Inspector
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 16 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 07 Total = 07 Total: 11 Total = 07
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 11
Supporting Staff Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Lahore
Summary of posts: AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff will deal with all mattersof LM&IS in
BS-20 =01 BS-12=09 Inspector (BS-16) =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Punjab Province. relating to GM (Bal-
BS-19 =02 BS-11=08 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 N), GM (Punjab-S) and Motorways in
BS-18 =09 BS-09=03 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 the limit of Punjab Province.
BS-17 =18 BS-07=11 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-16 =18 BS-05=02 LDC (BS-7) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
BS-15 =02 BS-04=10 Driver (BS-4) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-14 =15 BS-02=01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-01=21 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Total: 11 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 130
Total: 11 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Motorway-South) BS-20 under Member (Operations) NHA

GM (Maint) Motorways-South BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Motorway).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04
Director Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17
Supporting Staff
DD (Maint) BS-18
Supporting Staff AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 AD (Afforestation)
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff BS-17
Driver (BS-4) =01 DD (Maint) BS-18 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 Supporting Staff
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Unit-2
Driver (BS-4) =01 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17=01
Total: 04 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01
Total : 06 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Unit-3 Store Keeper (BS-14) =01
Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 JAC (BS-7) =01
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) DD (Maint) BS-18 LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Unit-4 Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01
BS-18 BS-18 Total: 07
Supporting Staff Electrician (BS-5) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 Driver (BS-4) =02
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
Unit-5 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Mali (BS-2) =01
Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Sweeper (BS-1) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Supporting Staff
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
AD (Monitoring) BS-17=01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Surveyor (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Total: 16
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Total: 03
Draftsman (BS-11) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Total: 11
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 07 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Supporting Staff
Total = 07
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Inspector
Total: 11 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Summary of posts: UDC (BS-9) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
BS-20 =01 BS-12=09 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Total = 07
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02
BS-19 =02 BS-11=08 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
BS-18 =09 BS-09=03 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Lahore will deal
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-17 =18 BS-07=11 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 all matters of LM & IS) relating to whole
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
BS-16 =18 BS-05=02 LDC (BS-7) =01 Punjab Province including Motorways in the
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15 =02 BS-04=10 Driver (BS-4) =01 limit of Punjab province.
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-14 =15 BS-02=01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
BS-01=21 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 130 Total: 11 Total: 11 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) KPK BS-20 Peshawar under Member (Operations)

GM (KPK) BS-20
Supporting Staff
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01 Director DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) DD (Legal) Director (LM&IS)
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Director (Maint)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-19
Total: 04 BS-19 Supporting Staff
BS-19 AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15) =01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Supporting Staff Driver (BS-4) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 DD (Maint) BS-18
Driver (BS-4) =01 Supporting Staff Total: 04
UDC (BS-9) =01 Pesahwar N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Supporting Staff AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
DD (Maint)BS-18 Total: 06 DD (LM&IS)
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16=01
Total: 04 Dir C/Operator (BS-14 =01 BS-18
DD (Maint) bs-18 Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
Batkhela/Mingora C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
JAC (BS-7) =01 AD (Afforestation)
N/Q (BS-1) =01 BS-17
DD (Maint) BS--18 Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 Total: 07
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) Kohat Care Taker (BS-14) =01 AD (LM&IS)
BS-18 BS-18 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 BS-17
LDC (BS-7) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 Supporting Staff Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01 Supporting Staff
D. I. Khan
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Electrician (BS-5) =01
Supporting Staff Inspector
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Driver (BS-4) =02 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Cook (BS-2) =01 AD (Legal) BS-17 =01
Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Mali (BS-2) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Monitoring) BS-17 =01
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Sweeper (BS-1) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Total = 07
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Total: 18 Total: 05
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff
LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Total: 11 LAO (BS-16) =02
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 ALCO (BS-14) =02
Total = 07 Total = 07
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Total: 11 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Summary of posts: Supporting Staff Qanoongo (BS-9) =04
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-20 =01 BS-12=10 Inspector (BS-16) =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Peshawar Patwari (BS-5) =08
BS-19 =03 BS-11=08 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 will deal all matters of LM&IS relating N/Q (BS-1) =01
BS-18 =11 BS-09=10 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 to GM (KPK), GM (NAs) and Total: 20
BS-17 =19 BS-07=10 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Motorways in the limit of KPK
BS-16 =20 BS-05=10 LDC (BS-7) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Province.
BS-15 =03 BS-04=11 Driver (BS-4) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-14 =20 BS-02=02 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-01=23 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Total = 161 Total: 11 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 11 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) BS-20 Abbottabad under Member (Operations)

GM (Maint) BS-20 NAs Abbottabad

Supporting Staff
GM (NAs).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Director Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
Total: 04
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17
AD (Afforestation)
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff AD (Engr) BS-17 =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Stenographer (BS-15) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 DD (Maint) BS-18
Driver (BS-4) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Abbottabad
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Total: 04 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Total: 06 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
Balakot Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
C/Operator (BS-14 =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
Total: 03
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-18 BS-18 DD (Maint) BS-18 Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 JAC (BS-7) =01
Muzaffarabad/AJK N/Q (BS-1) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Total: 07
LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Electrician (BS-5) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =01 Driver (BS-4) =02 Inspector
AD (Construction) BS-17=01 AD (Monitoring( BS-17 =01 Inspector (BS-16) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Mali (BS-2) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Sweeper (BS-1) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Total = 07
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Total: 16
UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Total = 07 Total = 07 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 09 Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
Summary of posts: Supporting Staff Inspector (BS-16) =02 Note: The Director (LM&IS) BS-19 NHA
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Peshawar will deal all matters of LM&IS
BS-20 =01 BS-12=07
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 relating to KPK Province including Motorways
BS-19 =02 BS-11=06
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 in the limit of KPK province.
BS-18 =07 BS-09=03
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-17 =13 BS-07=09
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-16 =13 BS-05=02
LDC (BS-7) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
BS-15 =02 BS-04=08
Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-14 =13 BS-02=01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Total: 11
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total= 104 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) Sindh-South BS-20 Karachi Under Member (Operations) NHA

GM (Maint) Sindh-South BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Maint) Sindh-Sout).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01 Director
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) DD (Legal) Director (LM&IS)
Total: 04 (Construction & Monitoring)
BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-19
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 DD (Maint) BS-18
UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 Karachi N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Supporting Staff Total: 04
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Supporting Staff
Total: 04 Driver (BS-4) =01 DD (Maint) BS-18 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Hyderabad Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
Total: 06
AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17 =01
Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
DD (LM&IS) AD (Afforestation)
Thatta Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 BS-18 BS-17
JAC (BS-7) =01
Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
DD (Maint) BS--18 Care Taker (BS-14) =01 Total: 07
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-18 BS-18 LDC (BS-7) =01
Telephone Operator (BS-7)=01 AD (LM&IS)
Supporting Staff BS-17
Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Electrician (BS-5) =01 Supporting Staff
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Driver (BS-4) =02 Inspector
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Supporting Staff
Cook (BS-2) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Monitoring)BS-17 =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Mali (BS-2) =01 AD (Legal) BS-17 =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14 =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Sweeper (BS-1) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total = 07
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total: 19
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 Total: 05
Supporting Staff
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Total: 11
Total = 07 Total = 07 Supporting Staff LAO (BS-16) =02
Supporting Staff ALCO (BS-14) =02
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Inspector (BS-16) =02
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
Summary of posts: Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Qanoongo (BS-9) =04
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-20 =01 BS-12=09 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01
Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Patwari (BS-5) =08
BS-19 =03 BS-11=07 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA
LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
BS-18 =10 BS-09=10 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Karachi will deal all matters of
Driver (BS-4) =01 Total: 20
BS-17 =17 BS-07=10 Lab Tech (BS-11) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 LM&IS relating to GM (Sindh-
BS-16 =18 BS-05=10 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 North) & GM (Sindh-South)
BS-15 =03 BS-04=10 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 11
Driver (BS-4) =01 including Motorways in the limit of
BS-14 =19 BS-02=02 Total: 11
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Sindh Province.
BS-01=21 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total =150 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) Sindh-North BS-20 Sukkur
GM (Maint) Sindh-North BS-20
Supporting Staff
GM (Maint) Sindh-North).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total: 04 Director Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17
AD (Afforestation)
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 DD (Maint) BS-18 BS-17
AD (Engr) BS-17 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Sukkur
Driver (BS-4) =01 Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Total: 04 DD (Maint) BS-18
Driver l(BS-4) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Sehwan
Total: 06 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
Moro C/Operator (BS-14 =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Total: 03
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) JAC (BS-7) =01
Larkana Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
BS-18 BS-18 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 07
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff LDC (BS-7) =01
Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
Electrician (BS-5) =01
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02
Driver (BS-4) =02 Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01
Mali (BS-2) =01 Inspector
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Monitoring BS-17 =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
Sweeper (BS-1) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Total: 16 Total = 07
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Total: 11 Total: 11
Total = 07 Total = 07
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02
Summary of posts: Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Karachi
BS-20 =01 BS-12=08 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 will deal all matters of LM&IS relating
BS-19 =02 BS-11=07 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 to GM (Sindh-North) & GM (Sindh-
BS-18 =08 BS-09=03 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 South) including Motorways in the limit
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 of Sindh Province.
BS-17 =16 BS-07=10
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-16 =16 BS-05=02 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
BS-15 =02 BS-04=09 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-14 =14 BS-02=01 Total: 11 Total: 11
Total = 118
Organization chart of the office of GM (Maint) Balochistan-North BS-20 Quetta under Member (Operations) NHA

GM (Maint) Balochistan-North BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Bal-North).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 02
Total: 05
Director Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) DD (Legal) Director (LM&IS)
(Construction & Monitoring) BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-18 BS-19
Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Supporting Staff
AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 DD (Maint) BS-18 UDC (BS-9) =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 Quetta N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Total: 04
UDC (BS-9) =01
Driver (BS-4) =01 DD (Maint) BS-18 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17=01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Sibbi AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16=01
Total: 04
Total: 06 Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01 DD (LM&IS)
Qila Saifullah Office Asstt (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 BS-18 AD (Afforestation)
JAC (BS-7) =01
Store Keeper (BS-14) =01 BS-17
N/Q (BS-1) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 Care Taker (BS-14) =01 Total: 07
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) Noshki Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-18 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-18 Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01 BS-17
DD (Maint) BS-18
Electrician (BS-5) =01
Driver (BS-4) =02
Cook (BS-2) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Mali (BS-2) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Inspector
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Sweeper (BS-1) =01 AD (Legal) BS-17 =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 AD (Monitoring) BS-17 =01 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 Office Asstt (BS-14 =01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 C/Operator (BS-14) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 18 LDC (BS-7) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 N/Q (BS-1) =01 Total = 07
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Surveyor (BS-11) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 Total: 05
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Total = 07 Total = 07 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Supporting Staff
Total: 11 Total: 11 LAO (BS-16) =02
ALCO (BS-14) =02
Summary of posts: Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-20 =01 BS-12=10
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02
Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Quetta will Qanoongo (BS-9) =04
BS-19 =03 BS-11=08 deal all matters of LM&IS relating to GM LDC (BS-7) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01
BS-18 =11 BS-09=10 (Bal-N), GM (Bal-S) and Motorways in Patwari (BS-5) =08
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-17 =19 BS-07=10 the limit of Balochistan Province. N/Q (BS-1) =01
Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01
BS-16 =20 BS-05=10 Total: 20
LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-15 =03 BS-04=11
Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-14 =20 BS-02=02
Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
Total = 161 Total: 11 Total: 11 Total: 11
Organization chart of the office of GM (Balochistan-South) BS-20 Khuzdar under Member (Operations) NHA

GM (Maint) Balochistan-South) BS-20

Supporting Staff
GM (Bal-South).
PA (BS-16) = 01
LDC (BS-7) = 01
Driver (BS-4) = 01
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01 Director
Total: 04 Director (Maint) DD (Admn) DD (Accounts) AD (Legal)
(Construction & Monitoring)
BS-19 BS-18 BS-18 BS-17

AD (Afforestation)
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
Stenographer (BS-15)=01 BS-17
AD (Engr) BS-17 =01 DD (Maint) BS-18
LDC (BS-7) =01 Stenographer (BS-15)=01
Driver (BS-4) =01 Unit-1
Sub Engineer (BS-11) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Total: 04 DD (Maint) BS-18
Driver (BS-4) =01 Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Unit-2 Supporting Staff
Total: 06 AD (Admn) BS-17 =01 AD (Accounts) BS-17 =01
Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
DD (Maint) BS-18 AD(MIS/Computer)BS-17 =01 Stupdt (Accounts)BS-16 =01
LDC (BS-7) =01
Unit-3 Stupdt (Admn) BS-16 =01 C/Operator (BS-14 =01
Accts Asstt (BS-14) =01 N/Q (BS-1) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 03
DD (Maint) BS-18 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
DD (Construction) DD (Monitoring) Store Keeper (BS-14) =01
JAC (BS-7) =01
Unit-4 N/Q (BS-1) =01
BS-18 BS-18 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Total: 07
LDC (BS-7) =01
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Photocopier Optr (BS-5) =01
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 Electrician (BS-5) =01
Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 Driver (BS-4) =02 Supporting Staff
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Inspector
Mali (BS-2) =01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 (Afforestation)BS-16=04
AD (Construction) BS-17 =01 Sweeper (BS-1) =01
AD (Monitoring) BS-17 =01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Office Asstt (BS-14) =01
Sr.Lab Tech (BS-16) =01 Naib Qasid (BS-1) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
C/Operator (BS-14) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
Office Assistant (BS-14) =01 Draftsman (BS-11) =01 Total: 16 Total = 07
Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
Surveyor (BS-11) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
UDC (BS-9) =01 UDC (BS-9) =01
N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 Total: 11 Total: 11
N/Qasid (BS-1) = 01
Total = 07 Total = 07
Note: The Director (LM&IS) NHA Quetta will deal
Supporting Staff Supporting Staff
all matters of LM&IS relating to whole
AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 AD (Maint) BS-17 =02 province of Balochistan and Motorways in the
Summary of posts: Inspector (BS-16) =02 Inspector (BS-16) =02 limit of Balochistan province.
Office Assistant (BS-14)=01 Office Assistant (BS-14)=01
BS-20 =01 BS-12=08 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01 Stenotypist (BS-12) =01
BS-19 =02 BS-11=07 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01 Lab Tech (BS-11)=01
BS-18 =08 BS-09=03 LDC (BS-7) =01 LDC (BS-7) =01
BS-17 =16 BS-07=10 Driver (BS-4) =01 Driver (BS-4) =01
BS-16 =16 BS-05=02 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01 Chowkidar (BS-1) =01
BS-15 =02 BS-04=09 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01 N/Qasid (BS-1) =01
BS-14 =14 BS-02=01 Total: 11 Total: 11
Total = 118

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