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Instructor Luong Duy Hieu – Contact:


Question 2: Permissions and chmod

This question covers basic file manipulation. To begin this question use the first button to set up a
small file and directory tree in /home/caine. The resulting tree looks like:

+--- home
+--- caine
+--- test1
| +--- file1
| +--- file2
| +--- file3
| +--- file4
+--- mydir1
| +--- info1
| +--- info2
+--- data
| +--- data1
| +--- data2
+--- lines
+--- words
+--- info
1. What is the current symbolic permissions on "info" in /home/caine? Use the format "-

2. What is this permission if it was encoded in numeric (octal) notation? Use the form 0666.

3. Change the permissions on info so that user caine can read, write, and execute, group caine can
read and execute, and other can write and execute.?

4. Assume you now have to set the file info using numeric notation. Preserving all permissions
except group, what would be the numeric notation for giving group just execute permissions?
Again use the format 0777.

5. Take away write permissions for other on the info file.?

6. Change the permissions again of info so that anyone in group caine is only allowed to read the

7. Given a file owned by "gordon" in group "users", and a numeric permission code of 0654, what
would user "caine" of group "caine" be allowed to do ?

8. Given a file owned by "gordon" in group "caine", and a numeric permission code of 0654, what
would user "caine" of group "caine" be allowed to do ?

9. Given a file owned by "caine" in group "users", and a symbolic permission code of "-rw-rwx--
x, what would user "caine" of group "caine" be allowed to do?

04.02e-BM/DH/HDCV/FU 1/2 1/1

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