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1. What Linux systems your team are managing?

We have F5 devices which are running on Centos as

base OS

- What are the common tasks? One common tasks would be the checking of logs

- How does its designed for HA? We have multiple F5 devices across the globe and some has a virtual F5

2. What is the name and path of the main system log? /var/log/messages

3. How to write the output of a command to a file? To write an output of a command to a file, just use
“>” or the greater than sign; ls > output.txt

4. How to send the output of one command as input of another command? To send the output of one
command as input of another command, we can use “|” or grep; ls | wc -l

5. How do you determine the current system resource usage? To determine the current system resource
usage, use TOP

6. Explain the 3 kinds of file permissions under Linux? The 3 kinds of file permissions are Read, Write,

- How permissions are granted? Use binary references to set permission; r= 4, w= 2, x= 1

- How to change owner of a file? Use chown to change file ownership; chown abegailt file

7. Suppose you try to delete a file using the rm command and the deletion fails. What could be the
possible reason? 1. You don’t have enough permission; 2. File is immutable

8. Suppose there is a Linux server running postfix for a service.

- How to start or stop the postfix service? Service postfix [start][stop]

- How to ensure postfix started during system boot? Systemctl enable postfix.service

- How to determine postfix process is listening on the TCP port 25? Netstat –tunap | grep 25

- How to terminate a running process if the service crashed and unable to stop with standard method?
Kill -9 [pid]
9. Have you ever write or maintain scripts in Linux? If so, what is the purpose? NO

10. How would you schedule a task in Linux? To schedule a task, this should be in crontab; To edit,
crontab -e

11. If you have Linux Server but unable to login with any credential available. Luckily, you have access to
the console. What would you do? I’d go for run level 1, I think run level 1 is something equivalent to safe
mode of windows

12. SSH Fingerprint – Per observation, I see this whenever I ssh to a new server/ device


1. Explain Linux File System hierarchy standard

- Where to find apache, nginx, php, mysql configurations /etc

/bin – this is where you can find user executable binaries

/sbin – same as /bin but for super user

/boot – contains files that is needed to boot the machine

/etc – contains system configurations

/root – this is the home directory of super user

/home – each linux user has a folder with their names inside this directory

/lib – contains libraries used to execute binary files

2. Share your familiarity of automation of linux admin with bash scripting.

3. Rsync – used for copying and synchronizing files between the remote server and the local server

4. How to replace all entries of "root user" to "patchuser" in a specific file. Can you make a bash script to
do that? Or just some command line to do that? Sed “s/root user/patchuser/gi” file
5. Network troubleshooting tool. Compare traceroute and mtr. What are the differences? Under what
scenario which one you will use for network troubleshooting in linux.

Traceroute is used to check the path taken from the source machine to the destination machine.

MTR is a combination of ping and traceroute. If you see ??? in a traceroute it means that ICMP is
blocked for whatever reason it maybe.

6. Interpret the output of iostat -x 2. What does the output tell you?

Idle, wait, util are the important thing to check here. If wait time is high, meaning most of the resources
are utilized

7. What situation do we use swap off?

This is use to substitute memory space for RAM when more space is needed

8. Explain df -m output. df –m displays details of disk spaces for file systems in Megabytes

9. How to find which location takes up the most disk space? Or how to show each directory's space/size
utilization status?

To find which location takes up the most disk space, use df –h

To show each directory’s space utilization status, use du –m

10. How to search/find the location of a specific file named "php.ini"? find / -name filename

11. What is Linux Kernel module? How to show all the currently loaded modules? How to manually load
a module? NO IDEA

12. \cp file1 file2. Why do we put backslash? Under what situation do we need it?

If there’s backslash in the command, it will run the command without any confirmation

13. How to change a file's modification time?

touch –t “time” filename

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