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Answer the following questions 5x2=10

1. Give an example of Affirmative sentence

2. Write a negative sentence.
3. Write an Interrogative Sentence
4. Give an example of exclamatory sentence.
5. What is a sentence?


Answer the following questions 4x5=20

6 a) i) Nobody was absent (Affirmative)

ii) He did not live many years in India (Affirmative) (or)

b) i) No man could have done better (Affirmative)

ii) No one could deny that she was pretty (Affirmative)

7 a. i) is this the kind of dress to war in school (Affirmative)

ii) Everyman makes mistakes sometime (Negative) (or)

b) i) Everybody will admit that he did his best. (Negative)

ii) How beautiful is night! (Affirmative)

8 a i) It is horrible right (Exclamatory)

ii) it is a beautiful flower ( Exclamatory) (or)

b i) Explain the use of Article ‘the’

ii) Fill the blank spaces with the correct article

a) Honest men speak -------- truth.

b) The world is ----------- happy place
c) Yesterday ------ called me in the office
d) Which is ------- longest river in India?
e) He returned after ----- hour.

9 a) what are use of an Give an example of each in a sentence. (Or)

b) What are the uses of grammar in English language?

PART-C. 2x10=20

10. Explain the proverb “prevention is better than cure”

11. Fill in the blanks using the right choice given in brackets.

a) Nobody can -------- what I tell (hear/here)

b) get up my ----- ( sun/son).

c) I did not have the ----- (hart/heart).

d) He told me the ------- (tail/tale) of a fox)

e) The travellers had a terrible journey through the ----- (torturous/ tortuous) road.

12. Explain the types of sentences.

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