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My experience: (2 mins at most)

o Me: Good morning Officer, cute kid han. (A kid who she just spoke to)
o VO- Yes very. May I have your passport please ? (Given). So you are going to ?
o Me: xxx
o VO: And how's it related to yourindiancompany ?
o Me: It's an affiliate of ours.
o VO: So you'll be working at a client location ? (This is a trick question, since I
just mentioned I'll be working with an affiliate)
o Me: No(hell no),it's an affiliate
o VO: What will your designation be ? (told)
o VO: And why do you think it is a special skill ? (Told. Make sure you have a
fancy answer)
o VO: Can you give an example why you think it's special ? (Told. Keep.another
fancy answer ready)

1. To which company you work for

 You should tell your employer and not the client.

2. Who is your client

3. What is your designation and annual salary?

4. Who is your supervisor/manager (this again is your direct supervisor/manager from your
employer, not the Client lead/manager)

5. What is your specialization?

 Be more specific about your specialization and explain it in layman terms, so the VO can
follow what you are explaining.
 Do not get too technical or give generalized statements.
 Talk about what you tools/technologies have developed/created or customized. These
tools/technologies should belong to your employer.
 Make sure your answers match with the job duties documentation submitted with the
 What tasks you perform daily
 Explain about the tasks you perform in the project using the specialized knowledge you
 Make sure your answers match with the job duties documentation submitted with the

7. Why were you selected for this role instead of your peers.

 You need to talk about the years of experience you have in the domain you work
combined with the specialized skills you have developed which is rare among your peers.
8. How long do you plan to stay in the US.

 The timespan you can stay in US in a L1B is 5years. So give a time within that.


 Be confident
 Dress appropriately
 Think and talk slowly

1. Officer requested my passport. I handed over new and old passport

2. Asked me the following questions:

 Have you ever been to the US?

 Who's your petitioner ?
 What's your job title?
 What are your specialized skills?
 Have you developed this product? If yes, from ground zero you did or any specific
module you developed?
 What will be your US salary?
 What's the team size?
 Where you will be working in the US?
 How long you are working with your current firm?

Finally he said I am sorry I cannot approve your application this time. Asked to contact HR and
apply for some other visa. Remarks made in my application is ‘Not clearly approvable'. Not sure
what went wrong. :(

In my first L1B Blanket interview, the consular officer just asked one question (or at least that
only one I can remember) and that was “Can someone else do your job?”. I hesitated and said
Yes (In my mind give my colleagues some time and they’ll eventually be able to do the things
that I do). She asked the same question and I answered the same. She then explained that since
someone else can do my job and she repeated the question and I answered the same, my skills
and the job are not specialized and does not warrant me an L1B visa. She advised I apply for an
L1B Individual or an H1B. I offered to show her my documents and she shrugged the invitation.

Looking back I think the officer was already convinced that I was also not convinced that my job
is specialized, and no documents can refute that.

I tried again a few months later and was more prepared. This time, it was a different officer and
he asked me why I was still applying for L1B Blanket instead of L1B Individual or H1B as
previously advised. I then answered the question truthfully and I strategically handed him the
affidavit from both my then current supervisor and petitioning supervisor. He read them and
asked me a few more questions about my credentials and for every question, I handed him the
documents that support my answer, all whilst I was explaining.
Basically I brought the documents through the conversation.

So to answer your question, if you could bring in your documents into the conversation, the
officer may accept and read them. But If you just have them and wait for them to ask for them,
then the chances of them reading you documents goes all the way to 0.

- If your VISA is rejected?

Without traveling to US, there will be delivery impact, it cause company monetary loss
followed by impact to the customers
- Why can’t other team members perform these duties?
A new resource need training minimum 8-12 months along with working experience for
getting this level of experience, other team members new to our team don’t have SME
knowledge to perform these duties.
- Why can’t US resource to perform these duties?

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