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Complete List of Supernatural Abilities:

From the Monster Manual: (Compiled by TaisharMalkier)

Aboleth (Aberration) [8 HD] {pp. 8} - Dominate Person 3 / Day
Allip (Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 10} - babble 60' burst hypnotism 2d4 rounds constant,
madness d4 wis dmg to any who telepathy/thought detection/mind control, wisdom
drain touch D4 wis (you gain 5 temp hits per drain).
Astral Deva (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 11} - stun (strike an opponent twice in a ro
und, save or stun for D6 rounds)
Archons (Outsider) [1-12 HD] {pp. 16} - constant magic circle against evil, aura
of menace 20' constant -2 to attacks/ac/saves, greater teleport at will self
only, constant tongues
Trumpet Archon (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 18} - trumpet 100' paralyzed d4 rounds at
will, can change trumpet to +4 greatsword at will
Arrowhawks (Outsider) [3-15 HD] {pp. 19} - electricity ray 1/round 50' 2D6 or 2D
8 electrical
Assassin Vine (Plant) [4 HD] {pp. 20} - Entangle at will
Barghest (Outsider) [6 HD] {pp. 22} - feed upon 3 humanoid creatures with your H
D or greater and gain +1 HD/Str/Con/Natural Armor at will
Abyssal Greater Basilisk (Outsider) [18 HD] {pp. 24} - stone gaze 30' at will, s
mite good 1/day
Basilisk (Magical Beast) [6 HD] {pp. 24} - stone gaze, 30' at will
Belker (Elemental) [7 HD] {pp. 27} - smoke form (gaseous form) (free) 50' fly pe
rfect at will
Behir (Magical Beast) [9 HD] {pp. 25} - Breath 7D6 elec, 1/10 rounds
Bodak (Undead) [9 HD] {pp. 28} - death gaze 30' at will
Gauth (Aberration) [6 HD] {pp. 26} - Eye Rays (sleep, inflict mod wounds, dispel
magic, scorching ray, paralysis, exhaustion) at will, stunning gaze - 1 round s
tun, 30' at will
Beholder (Aberration) [11 HD] {pp. 26} - Eye Rays (charm onster, charm person, d
istinegrate, fear, finger of death, flesh to stone, inflict moderate wounds, sle
ep, slow, telekenisis) at will, Antimagic Cone at will
Blink Dog (Magical Beast) [4 HD] {pp. 28} - Blink (free) at will, Dimension Door
(free) self only at will
Chaos Beast (Outsider) [8 HD] {pp. 33} - upon hit save or -4 dex, -10 feet or 25
% (whatever is less) movement, can't cast spells or use items, -4 to attacks, 50
% miss chance attacking anything, 1 point of wisdom drain a round, Cha check per
round to cure
Chimera (Magical Beast) [9 HD] {pp. 34} - Breath shape/element varies, 3D8 damag
e 1 / D4 rounds
Choker (Aberration) [3 HD] {pp. 34} - quickness (extra standard or move action e
ach round) [potentially broken]
Cloaker (Aberration) [6 HD] {pp. 36} - Shadow Shift (20% miss chance for D4 roun
ds, or Mirror Image, or Silent Image) [Only place you can find mirror image and
illusion, in mm at least]
Cockatrice (Magical Beast) [5 HD] {pp. 37} - petrification bite
Couatl (Outsider) [9 HD] {pp. 37} - ethereal jaunt, telepathy 90' any language
Darkmantle (Magical Beast) [1 HD] {pp. 38} - Darkness 1/day
Demons (Outsider) [2-20 HD] {pp. 40} - see in any darkness, even magical
Babau (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 40} - protective slime weapons that hit you take D8
damage if fail save, creatures wielding natural weapons as well
Balor (Outsider) [20 HD] {pp. 40} - +1 vorpal longsword, anyone grappling takes
6d6 fire, true seeing constant
Beblith (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 42} - plane shift at will
Dretch (Outsider) [2 HD] {pp. 42} - 100' telepathy
Glaberzu (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 43} - true seeing constant
Marilith (Outsider) [16 HD] {pp. 44} - true seeing constant
Nalfenshee (Outsider) [14 HD] {pp. 45} - true seeing constant, 60' radius dazed
for d10 rounds at will
Retriever (Construct) [10 HD] {pp. 46} - eye rays (free) 1/round rotation 12D6 f
ire, electricity, cold, petrification [fairly nice for free actions =D]
Succubus (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 47} - kiss bestow negative level and suggests to
kiss again, constant tongues
Vrock (Outsider) [10 HD] {pp. 48} - dance of ruin 100' 20D6 (requires 3 vrock),
30' stun for 1 round 1/hour
Barbed Devil (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 51} - barbed defense any that strike you ta
ke D8+6 piercing/slashing damage constant, hit causes fear as spell
Bearded Devil (Outsider) [6 HD] {pp. 52} - infernal wound 2 additional damage ev
ery round after strike till cure with a CL check of 16+
Bone Devil (Outsider) [10 HD] {pp. 52} - fear aura (free) all within 5' as spell
at will
Chain Devil (Outsider) [8 HD] {pp. 53} - dancing chains (animate 4 chains), 30'
gaze -2 attack for D3 rounds at will
Erinyes (Outsider) [9 HD] {pp. 54} - continuous true seeing
Horned Devil (Outsider) [15 HD] {pp. 55} - 5' fear aura at will, on hit save or
stun for d4 rounds, infernal wound 2 additional damage every round after strike
till cure with a CL check of 24+
Ice Devil (Outsider) [14 HD] {pp. 56} - 10' fear aura at will, slow on hit d6 ro
Pit Fiend (Outsider) [18 HD] {pp. 57} - disease d4 strength, 20' fear aura at wi
Destrachan (Aberration) [8 HD] {pp. 49} - 80' cone or 30' burst, 4D6 sonic, 6D6
nonlethal, or objects make fortitude save or shatter
Devourer (Undead) [12 HD] {pp. 58} - negative energy drain on hit or spectral ha
nd, death attack absorb creature, spell deflection - absorbed creature gives you
immunity to some spells
Displacer Beast (Magical Beast) [6 HD] {pp. 66} - displacement 50% miss chance,
+2 save against ranged attacks
Doppelganger (Monstrous Humanoid) [4 HD] {pp. 67} - Detect thoughts at will
Dragons (Dragon) [3-41 HD] {pp. 68} - breath weapons, type / damage varies
Silver Dragon (Dragon) [7-40 HD] {pp. 87} - walk on clouds
Dragon Turtle (Dragon) [12 HD] {pp. 88} - Breath 12D6 fire, 1/ D4 rounds, usable
Dragonne (Magical Beast) [9 HD] {pp. 89} - roar 1/ d4 rounds, within 120' save o
r be fatigued, 30' save or be exhausted
Ethereal Filcher (Aberration) [5 HD] {pp. 104} - detect magic at will, ethereal
jaunt at will
Ethereal Marauder (Magical Beast) [2 HD] {pp. 105} - ethereal jaunt at will
Frost Worm (Magical Beast) [14 HD] {pp. 111} - trill 100' burst stun (concentrat
ion + D4 rounds) at will, Breath 30' cone 15D6 cold 1/hour
Djinni (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 114} - whirlwind form at will
Ghaele (Outsider) [10 HD] {pp. 94} - tongues continuous, gaze - death against ev
il creatures with under 5 HD, fear 2d10 rounds if saved, save against fear if no
t evil or more then 5HD, magic circle against evil, lesser glove of invulnerabil
ity, +4 deflection AC and +4 saves to allies within 20'
Bralini (Outsider) [6 HD] {pp. 93} - tongues constant, whirlwind form, line 3d6
damage in WW form 20'
Air Elemental (Elemental) [2-24 HD] {pp. 96} - whirlwind form
Water Elemental (Elemental) [2-24 HD] {pp. 100} - vortex (underwater whirlwind f
Formian Worker (Outsider) [1 HD] {pp. 109} - cure serious wounds (requires 8)
Formian Taskmaster (Outsider) [6 HD] {pp. 109} - dominate monster, usable on any
type up to size large, control up to 4 subjects at once
Formian Queen (Outsider) [20 HD] {pp. 110} - 50 mile telepathy with any intellig
ent creature [go telephone!]
Ghoul (Undead) [2 HD] {pp. 119} - disease d3 con/dex
Ghast (Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 119} - disease d3 con/dex
Clay Golem (Construct) [11 HD] {pp. 134} - after 1 round of combat Haste (free)
3 rounds, 1/day
Iron Golem (Construct) [18 HD] {pp. 136} - breath 10' cube (free) 1/d4+1 rounds
d4 con
damage secondary 3d4 con damage
Stone Golem (Construct) [14 HD] {pp. 136} - slow (free) 1/2 rounds 10' for 7 rou
Avoral (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 141} - Fear aura 20' 1/day, true seeing at will (c
oncentration), lay on hands equal to hit points, speak with animals as the spell
Leonal (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 142} - roar 3/day 60' cone holy word spell + 2d6
sonic, continual magic circle against evil, lesser globe of invulnerability, +4
deflection AC and saves 20', lay on hands equal to hit points, speak with animal
s as the spell (free)
Storm Giant (Giant) [19 HD] {pp. 125} - continuos freedom of movement
Gibbering Mouther (Aberration) [4 HD] {pp. 126} - Ground Manipulation (adjacent
squares must take move equivalent action or become pinned) at will
Svifneblin (Humanoid) [1 HD] {pp. 132} - continuos non detection
Gorgon (Magical Beast) [8 HD] {pp. 137} - breath 60' cone 1 / d4 rounds, petrifi
Green Hag (Monstrous Humanoid) [9 HD] {pp. 143} - weakness touch attack, 2d4 str
damage at will
Sea Hag (Monstrous Humanoid) [3 HD] {pp. 144} - appearance 2D6 str damage 3/day,
Evil eye fail will save dazed for 3 days, fail fort as well and die 1/day
Harpy (Monstrous Humanoid) [7 HD] {pp. 150} - captivating song 300' charm (charm
ed creatures come to you by fastest route, stand next to you) concentration + 1
round, at will
Hell Hound (Outsider) [4 HD] {pp. 152} - breath 10' cone 1/2d4 rounds 2d6 fire,
+1d6 fire on bites
Nessian Warhound (Outsider) [12 HD] {pp. 152} - breath 10' cone 1/2d4 rounds 3d6
fire, +1d8 fire on bites
Cryo-Pyro Hydra (Magical Beast) [5-12 HD] {pp. 156} - breath 3D6 per head cold/f
ire 1 / d4 rounds [!!! 36D6 with 12 headed hydra]
Kolyarut (Construct) [13 HD] {pp. 159} - enervation ray 200' at will (CL13th), V
ampiric Touch as the spell at will (CL13th)
Marut (Construct) [15 HD] {pp. 159} - fists of thunder and lightning, left first
deals 3d6 sonic and save or be deafened 2d6 rounds, right first deals 3d6 elect
ricity save or be blinded 2d6 rounds
Invisible Stalker (Elemental) [8 HD] {pp. 160} - always invisible, even when att
acking, not subject to invisibility purge or dispel
Krenshar (Magical Beast) [2 HD] {pp. 163} - scare at will
Kuoton (Monstrous Humanoid) [2 HD] {pp. 163} - lightning bolt 1 / d4 rounds, nee
d 2+, D6 damage per whip
Lamia (Magical Beast) [9 HD] {pp. 165} - touch wisdom drain D4, at will
Lammasu (Magical Beast) [7 HD] {pp. 166} - continuous magic circle against evil,
breath 30' cone 6d8 fire 1 /day
Medusa (Monstrous Humanoid) [6 HD] {pp. 180} - petrifying gaze 30', at will
Mephits (Outsider) [3 HD] {pp. 181} - breath cones, varying effects
Mohrg (Undead) [14 HD] {pp. 189} - on tongue hit save or paralyzed for d4 minute
s, creatures killed become zombies under mohrg's control
Mummy (Undead) [8 HD] {pp. 190} - despair on sight save or paralyzed for d4 roun
ds, diseaes d6 con and d6 cha, continutes untill cured or dies
Dark Naga (Aberration) [9 HD] {pp. 191} - detect thoughts at will
Spirit Naga (Aberration) [9 HD] {pp. 192} - charm person at will
Night Hag (Outsider) [8 HD] {pp. 193} - dream haunting [unusable]
Nightmare (Outsider) [6 HD] {pp. 194} - blows from hooves set flamable materials
alight, breath 15' cone save or -2 penalty on attack/damage rolls for 1d6 minut
es (free) at will - you gain concealment from creatures 5' away, total concealme
nt from creatures 10' away, astral projection at will, etherealness at will
Nightcrawler (Undead) [25 HD] {pp. 195} - 20' undead +2 attacks/damage/saves/+2h
p per HD constant, energy drain (inside stomach gain negative level each round +
5 temp hits), Summon undead 1/night (9-16 shadows or 3-6 greater shadows, or 2-4
dread wraiths) arrive in d10 rounds, serve for 1 hour
Nightwalker (Undead) [21 HD] {pp. 196} - 20' undead +2 attacks/damage/saves/+2hp
per HD constant, crush item destroy any weapon or item of large size or smaller
by crushing it, gaze 30' paralyzed d8 rounds, summon undead (7-12 shadows, 2-5
greater shadows, or 1-2 dread wraiths) arrive in d10 rounds, serve for 1 hour
Nightwing (Undead) [17 HD] {pp. 197} - 20' undead +2 attacks/damage/saves/+2hp p
er HD constant, magic drain touch to drain point of enhancement of a magic armor
/ewapon/shield, summon undead (5-12 shadows, or 2-4 greater shaodws, or 1 dread
wraith) arrive in d10 rounds, serve for 1 hour
Nymph (Fey) [6 HD] {pp. 197} - 30' blind humanoid at will, stun gaze 30' 2d4 rou
nds at will, cha bonus to saves and cha bonus of deflection
Ogre Mage (Giant) [5 HD] {pp. 200} - flight at will (free)
Phantom Fungus (Plant) [2 HD] {pp. 207} - continuous greater invisibility
Phase Spider (Magical Beast) [5 HD] {pp. 207} - ethereal jaunt at will
Psuedodragon (Dragon) [2 HD] {pp. 210} - 60' telepathy
Rakshaka (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 211} - detect thoughts continuous (free)
Rast (Outsider) [4 HD] {pp. 213} - 30' gaze paralyze d6 rounds, flight (free)
Ravid (Outsider) [3 HD] {pp. 213} - touch attacks 2d10 damage to undead, animate
object 1/round (CL20), Flight (free)
Shadow (Undead) [3 HD] {pp. 221} - d6 str damage touch attack (dies at 0 str), c
reates shadow from any slain under control
Greater Shadow (Undead) [9 HD] {pp. 221} - d8 str damage touch attack (dies at 0
str), creates shadow from any slain under control
Shadow Mastiff (Outsider) [4 HD] {pp. 222} - bay 300' panick 2d4 rounds, in anyt
hing besides full daylight blend into shadows for total concealment at will
Shield Guardian (Construct) [15 HD] {pp. 223} - find master if on same plane [un
Shocker Lizard (Magical Beast) [2 HD] {pp. 224} - 2D8 nonlethal targeted, lethal
shock 2D8 lightning per lizard, 2+ lizards
Red Slaad (Outsider) [7 HD] {pp. 229} - 1/day 20' stun d3 rounds
Blue Slaad (Outsider) [8 HD] {pp. 229} - disease d3 dex/cha damage (die at 0 cha
), becomes red/green slaad at death
Spectre (Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 232} - energy drain on hit 2 negative levels +5 tem
p hitpoints, creature spawn from any creatures slain under control, animals don'
t want to approach within 30' and panic if have to
Androsphinx (Magical Beast) [12 HD] {pp. 232} - 3/day roar 1st Roar: 500' fear 2
nd Roar: 250' paralyzed/ 90' deafened 3rd Roar: 250' 2d4 str damage, 90' size me
dium or smaller save or fall prone and take 2d8 damage, 50 damage to stone and c
rystals within 50'
Spider Eater (Magical Beast) [4 HD] {pp. 234} - continuous freedom of movement
Grig (Fey) [1/2 HD] {pp. 235} - fiddle (otto's irresistable dance 30' burst save
or dance = to concentration)
Pixie (Fey) [1 HD] {pp. 236} - continuous greater invisibility
Umber Hulk (Aberration) [8 HD] {pp. 249} - confusing gaze 30', confusion
Unicorn (Magical Beast) [4 HD] {pp. 250} - continous magic circle against evil
Vampire Spawn (Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 253} - dominate person 30', energy drain 1 ne
gative levle on hit +5 temp hit, gaseous form at will indefinately fly speed 20'
Vargouille (Outsider) [1 HD] {pp. 254} - shriek 60' paralyze 2d4 rounds, Kiss me
lee touch on paralyzed opponent save or change into vargouille
Wight (Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 255} - any slain become spawn under control of wight,
on hit energy drain one negative level +5 temp hit
Winter Wolf (Magical Beast) [6 HD] {pp. 256} - breath 15' cone 1/d4 rounds 4d6 c
Wraith (Undead) [5 HD] {pp. 258} - con drain d6 on touch +5 temp hit, animals do
n't want to approach within 30' and panic if have to, create spawn under control
from any slain
Dread Wraith (Undead) [16 HD] {pp. 258} - animals don't want to approach within
30' and panic if have to, Lifesense 60' works as blindsight and deathwatch, cons
titution drain d6 on touch +5 temp hit, create spawn from any slain under contro
Xill (Outsider) [5 HD] {pp. 259} - Planewalk cross to etheral plane
Yeth Hound (Outsider) [3 HD] {pp. 260} - bay 300' panic 2d4 rounds, flight (free
Yrthak (Magical Beast) [12 HD] {pp. 262} - sonic lance 1/2 rounds, 60' ray, 6D6
sonic, or explosion targeted at an object 2d6 in 10' radius

[b]From the Fiend Folio: (Compiled by TaisharMalkier)

Abrian - 20' daze 1 round at will
Abyssal Ghoul - wisdom drain 1d6 on pin
Ahuizotl - voice mimicry (successful bluff check immitate voice)
Bacchae - debauch any who party with bacchae must make save or stay, 2nd save be
comes bacchae
Bhut - 30' constant save or 1d6 str damage, possess dead humanoid body - as zomb
ie of correct size with special rules
Blackstone Gigant - Petrification on hit, animate object CL20th on any petrified
creature at will
Haraknin - breath 30' 1/2d4 rounds 1d4+1 fire ignites objects
Shadurakul - 300' panic 2d4 rounds at will (can only be effected once), 40% miss
chance in anything other then full daylight
Vulvitor - shadow form walk on any surface undead immunities DR and 1/2 damage f
rom fire/acid, shadow dimensional door at will (up to 160 feet traveled /day)
Caryatid Column - on striking you, weapons save or break
Chronotryn - 2x round structure (2x standard actions, 2x move actions) continuou
s, 8D6 sonic burst 1/day, detect magic at will
Crawling Head - 60' save or cower in fear (no actions) constant per round, swall
ow heads of vorpaled opponents, constant true seeing
Crypt Thing - 1/day enemies teleport 10d10x10 feet in random direction 30' burst
Dark One - 40% miss chance in darkness, 20% miss chance in light, continuous
Dark Weaver - shadow strands (AE grant concealment, opponents must check to move
away) at will, 2d4 str damage at will, dimentsion door (shadow) at will, shadow
armor continuous (+4 deflection AC, +10 to hide)
Farastu - constant freedom of movement
Kelubar - constant freedom of movement
Shator - constant freedom of movement, permanent see invisibility
Alkilith - on hit save or d6 acid for next d6 rounds (roll 1 objects in danger a
la spell), cloudkill form as the spell as FRA at will
Blood Fiend - on bite d4 con drain, 30' dominate monster at will, on claw negati
ve level (+5 temp hits), creates spawn when kill with energy drain, gaseous form
at will with infinite duration and 20' fly perfect
Klurichir - fear aura 30' (free), can vorpal pincers a grappled opponent 1/round
, constant see invisibility
Myrmyxicus - breath 40' cone nauseated (good take 10d6 as well, and 5d6 per roun
d in vapor - vapor lasts d6 rounds), on tail hit save or 1d6 charisma loss, any
scythe wielded is +3 unholy, anyone striking you saves or becomes nauseated for
d4 rounds (good creatures take 2d6 as well) [potentially broken from permanent c
harisma loss]
Skulvyn - slow aura 30' 4 rounds
Wastrilith - breath 60' cone 3d10 1/d4 rounds, 100' telepathy with anyone who ca
n speak a language
Monadic Deva - double strength magic circle against evil minor glove of invulner
ability 20' constant (free)
Movanic Deva - double strength magic circle against evil minor glove of invulner
ability 20' constant (free), 1/round (Free) deflect ranged attacks and single ta
rget spells
Paeliryon - telepathy 100' anyone with a language, see in any darkness even magi
cal, on fingernail hit save or d4 cha damage, 30' save or mind fog as the spell
(duration infinite within 30', 2d6 rounds after leaving), constant see invisibil
ity, constant tongues
Xerfilstyx - telepathy 100' anyone with a language, see in any darkness even mag
ical, on tail hit d4 con drain, breath 1/con drain does D8 x con points drained
(typically have d6+9 stored) save or suffer modify memory that erases all memory
of creature, 30' fear aura (free), anyone attache to tail save or suffer modify
memory that erases all memory of creature
Disenchanter - detect magic, disenchant (permanent dispel weapons that hit you),
drain magic (permanently drain magic items)
Ethereal Ooze - bring creatures into the ethereal plane that you engulf at will,
manifest to the material plane at will
Ethergaunts - enslave (dominate monster), Gaze at will d4 int/wis/cha dmg, Immun
e to arcane spells (2nd or lower, 4th or lower, 6th or lower).
Rakka - dying curse (geas/quest) [upon death, which makes it essentially worthle
Flame Snake - magma spit 3d6 fire ranged touch catch on fire, 1/d4 rounds
Great Flame Snake - Breath 12D6 fire, half fire, half negative energy 1/d4 round
s, deal negative energy damage with attacks
Formian Observer - 250' telepathy with any creature with a language
Shadow Giant - hide in plain sight at will
Blood Golem - suck blood from helpless creature (heals 5 points, fill reervoirs)
Brain Golem - mind blast 60' stun 3d4 rounds 1/min, constant inertial armor +4 a
rmor AC force
Demonflesh Golem - gaze 30' fear d4 rounds, constant see invisibility
Hullathoin - on pin save or d6 cha damage, attack with a swarm of bloodfiend loc
usts, rebuke/command undead as 20th level cleric [only way I've seen to get cler
ic turning abilities]
Imps - see in darkness even magical
Bloodbag Imp - 3/day 30' save or all wounds taken treated as wounding (1 additio
nal damage a round per wound) till cure, can drink your blood creature heals 1 h
p per round of full transfusion (both creatures must be willing)
Filth Imp - 3/day 20' cloud of gas save or nauseated for d6 rounds
Iron Cobra - can detect any creature ordered to stalk down (as if locate creatur
e spell at CL12th)
Jackal Lord - 1/day gaze permanent polymorph jackal, dominate animal at will
Jackalwere - sleep gaze, 5 minute duration, at will
Kaorti - change creature into a kaorti (requires 8 hours, victim must be helples
Keeper - switch location with any other living keeper within 500'
Kulduruth - burst 2d6 elec 30' 3/day (free), share defenses (gain DR, energy res
istances, and personal spells of rider) at will
Living Holocaust - control winds CL 10th at will (all creatures within also take
3d6 fire damage), whirlwind form 1/10 mins duration 1 round/2 HD (creatures als
o take 3d6 fire damage when in whirlwind)
Maelephant - breath 3/day cloud 10'x30' save or suffer memory loss of all skills
feats and class abilities including spellcasting
Maug - 3/day touch object negate hardness for d4 rounds (up to 10' cube)
Necrophidius - 30' save or be dazed for concentration, on bite save or paralyze
for 10 minutes
Nerra - dimension door 1 mile through mirrors
Kalareem - 3/day spray of mirror shards d4 damage per level up to 5d4 bleeds for
2 damage a round for every round after till cure
Sillit - 3/day spray of mirror shards d6 damage per level up to 5d4 bleeds for 2
damage a round for every round after till cure
Ocularan - prying eyes at will, throw eyes ranged touch 3d6 damage + poison, # o
f eyes avail
Ophidian - serpentine curse (enemy bitten becomes an ophidian) at will
Maeluth - grant melee weapon unholy ability for 1 minute 1/day
Quth-Maren - command undead as 5th level cleric, 30' gaze cower in fear (duratio
n not listed)
Airimach - antithesis on hit creatures take opposite alignment 2d6 damage (stack
s, completely non neutral take 4d6), automatically summons +4 full plate wheneve
r attacked, summon huge +3 halbred (free)
Cuprilach - hide in plain sight
Ferrumach - fear aura 10' (free)
Rukangr - sundering roar 1/d4 rounds 60' burst deafen, targeted creature or obje
ct takes 12d6 sonic damage
Spelleater - Greater Dispel Magic at 20th caster level upon ranged touch (target
ed) at will
Thane - antimagic field 1/day (con mod = duration)
Senmurv - smite evil 1/day
Shadarkai - hide in plain sight at will
Shadow Asp - incorporeal form 1 hour a day, create spawn
Shedu - astral projection 1/week self only, etheral jaunt at will, continuous ma
gic circle against evil
Skulk - continous non-detection
Skybleeder - acid rain 2d4 round to creatures under
continuous, mist +10 to hide 30% miss chance at will
Mud Slaad - you can cower in fear anyone that attempts to strike you must save o
r be unable to attack you at will, 1/day 30' save or 5d6 sonic damage
Spectral Lurker - ghost touch attacks, any creature grappled takes d6 dex drain,
creature pinned must save or become incorporeal as long as grappled
Spirit of the Air - whirlwind form at will
Sporebat - enervation ray (12th level) 1/2 rounds [nice!]
Spriggen - enlarge to large
Steel Predator - 1/d4 rounds 30' cone 12d6 sonic damage and deafned (save negate
s deaf and halves damage), can sense any metal magical item within 120'
Sunwyrm - breath 15d8 line (living matter only) 1/d4 rounds, brilliant aura - bl
ind 3d6 minutes, continuous, brilliant energy weapons at will, energy form (inco
rporeal) at will
Tunnel Terror - spot check to notice in tunnel continuous [=p]
Ulgurstasta - breath 1/day 60' cone 3d6 con drain (on save 1d6 con damage) any k
illed creatures become skeletons, on swallow whole take d8 con drain each round
on death become skeleton, can regurgitate stored skeletons from stomach
Arcanist Varrangan - immune to spells/Sp 3rd level or under continuous
Rager Varrangan - extra move or attack action continuous
Vorr - shadow form for up to 10 minutes walk on any surface +15 to hide undead i
mmunity 50% damage from fire/acid, shadow dimension door
Skeroloth - you can cower in fear anyone that attempts to strike you must save o
r be unable to attack you at will
Yuanti Abomination - attach yuan-ti grafts
Zodar - wish 1/year [broken]

[b]From MM 2: (Compiled by ksbsnowowl)

Abeil Soldier - 40' burst of 6d6 sonic damage 1/ 1d4 rounds (full-round action;
Ref DC 16), 60' spread Sleep with no hit die limit (full-round action; Will DC 1
Abeil Queen - 60' spread Sleep with no hit die limit (full-round action; Will DC
Asperi - Feather Fall 4/day; Air Walk at 60' speed (aided, but not hampered by s
trong winds): 60' telepathy w/ any creature w/ Int 1+
Avolakia - Immune to cold, disease, energy drain, and paralysis
Blood Ape - can affect itself and other male blood apes with Animal Growth
Boggle - Grease with a range of touch
Bone Naga - Continuous Detect Thoughts; 250' Telepathy (any language)
Braxat - 3d8 cone of cold breath weapon 1/ 1d4 rounds; one mile range telepathy
(any language)
Breathdrinker - 30' Paralyzing gaze; 1d6 Con Drain (Fort DC 16) (full-round acti
on), heals 5 hp/ point of Con drained; Invisibility
Bronze Serpent - Bite attack deals 1d8 +16 bonus electricity damage
Catoblepas - 160' Death ray, 1/ 1d4 rounds
Celestial (Cervidal) - Neutralize poison, remove disease, targeted dispel magic
(vs illusions only, but automatically succeeds), dismissal, all at will, with a
range of touch
Corollax - Color spray once per round
Demon (Jovoc) - 30' spread Aura of Retribution (all non-tanar'ri in area take eq
ual damage as the Jovoc, save for half, but no resistances or DR apply) [note, t
he Jovoc also has fast healing 5]
Demon (Zovvuts) - level-draining gaze attack, 30' range; anyone slain by the lev
el-draining becomes a wight under control of the Zovvuts
Demon (Kelvezu) - always active detect magic and see invisibility
Desmodu - 30' ray of 5d6 sonic damage or 30' spread that stuns for 1d4 rounds, u
sable 1/day; 30' spread that gives allies +2 bonus to rolls; 30' spread that giv
es foes -2 penalty to rolls, both at will
Devil (Amnizu) - touch range feeblemind
Devil (Malebrache) - 15' radius Fear
Amethyst Dragon - Breath weapon-line of concussive force (maxes out at 14d8 for
24 HD) can be made subdual; Stomp (PsiHB) 3/day
Crystal Dragon - breath weapon-cone of light (maxes out at 14d6 dmg +blindness f
or 1d4 rounds)
Emerald Dragon - BW-cone of sonic energy (14d6 and deafened)
Sapphire Dragon - BW-cone of sonic energy (14d4 and panicked); can sense the use
of any type of teleportation, movement-affecting, or psychoportative power/spel
Topaz Dragon - BW-cone of dehydration (14d8)
Dune Stalker - touch attack sonic death effect
Effigy - touch attack deals two negative levels, effigy heals 5 hp/neg level inf
licted; Magic Jar-like effect
Elemental weird - can control elementals within 100'; tied to a pool that connec
ts to its corresponding elemental plane through a portal, can travel to this pla
ne through the portal; 3/day can summon 2d4 huge elementals, 1d2 greater element
als, or 1 elder elemental; Analyze dweomer, clairaudience/clairvoyance, contact
other plane, detect thoughts, discern location, find the path, foresight, greate
r scrying, legend lore, locate creature, locate object, tongues, true seeing, vi
sion, all at will
Ether Scarab - can create a portal between any two planes that accomodates large
or smaller creatures for 1d4+1 rounds
Ethereal Doppelganger - can absorb, replicate, and use all the memories and abil
ities of another creature including spellcasting (except paladin abilities, cler
ic spells of 2nd level or higher, or other deity-gifted abilities); Brain Lock (
PsiHB); can wipe memory of itself from others with a touch attack
Ethereal Slayer - Detect Magic at will; dimensional anchor at will; plane shift(
self only) 2/day
Fiendwurm - 'summon' forth 1d4 demons, 3/day; granted, you don't want to die, bu
t if you do while in this form everyone within 5 ft must save or be pulled into
the Abyss; also, anyone you swallow has to save each round or pass into the Abys
Gambol - 100' radius panick effect; similar to a choker, a gambol can take an ex
tra action every round, as per 3.0 haste, and I'm sure this has better stats.
Glimmerskin - touch range heal 5 hp per round; bond with host and grants bonuses
; 100' telepathy (any language)
Gravecrawler - 30' aura that deals 1d2 Con dmg/round, turning those affected int
o stone; bite deals 1d4 perm Con drain; speak with dead at will (but only one co
rpse per week)
Greenvise - produces an 60' radius acid fog-like effect 2/day
Hellfire Wyrm - Breath Weapon-14d10 (half fire damage, half infernal damage) 1/
1d4 rounds; anything within 5 ft takes 5d4 fire damage each round
Vampiric Ixitxachitl - has an energy drain attack that also heals the Ixitxachit
Jahi - Touch attack deals 1d4 Cha dmg, and the jahi heals 5 hp when so doing; pe
rmanent 1d3 Cha drain once per day
Julajimus - 20' radius continuous fear aura; 60' radius deafening and subdual da
maging roar; Critical hits stun opponent
Kopru - Dominate Person once per day
Linnorm (gray) - Breath weapon-Acidic cone or line (6d8 dmg) that also harms wea
Linnorm (dread) - Two simultaneous breath weapons, cold and/or fire (12d6 dmg ea
ch), as a cone or line; bite deals a negative level, linnorm heals 5 hp
Meenlock - 30' burst fear effect; can transform other creatures into meenlocks;
can inflict 1d4 Wis dmg within 300 ft; Dimension Door (self only), 60' range, ev
ery other round
Moonbeast - 60' radius paralyzing fear aura
Morkoth - 20' radius hypnosis effect; Spell Resistance that reflects spells back
at the caster
Myconid (Sovereign) - can brew potions of bull's strength, cure light wounds, cu
re moderate wounds, cure serious wounds, delay poison, (bear's) endurance, endur
e elements, greater magic fang, invisibility to animals, lesser restoration, mag
ic fang, negative energy protection, neutralize poison, protection from elements
, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, remove paralysis,and resist element
Neogi (adult) - dominate monster, 30' range, 3/day, long duration
Nethersight Mastiff - continuous True Seeing; teeth act as ghost touch weapons a
nd allow it to bite ethereal creatures; can pull bitten ethereal foes to the mat
erial plane
Nightmare beast - A nightmare-like effect on all who sleep within 10 miles
Pheonix - Immolation (15' radius spread, 40d6 fire/divine damage), Kills pheonix
but produces a new adult from the ashes [great when used in conjunction with Ma
gic Jar]; can enter and travel through Astral and Ethereal planes; 60' telepathy
with non-avians
Psurlon - 250' telepathy
Raggamoffyn - Dominate Monster-like effect
Reason Stealer - Kill a foe and gain its memories, Int score, other ability scor
es, skill ranks, BAB, Base Save Bonuses, feats, and prepared arcane spells for 2
4 hours, also heals the Reason Stealer 5 hp/point of Int gained; can assume the
form of any creature whos mind it has devoured.
Rogue Eidolon - Can force target w/in 30' to attack its allies for 3d6 rounds
Rukarazyli - infect targets with a fungal disease that hampers attacks and Ref s
aves and deals Cha dmg; spits forth a Gray Ooze as a grenade attack; ability tha
t allows it to take 10 on balance, escape artist, and tumble checks in any circu
Shadow Spider - 100 sq ft grease
Sirine - touch attack deals 1d4 Int dmg; Cha mod as a deflection bonus to AC; to
uch can restore sirine-inflicted Int damage
Spawn of Kyuss - attack can create other Spawn of Kyuss; 40' radius fear effect;
slam attacks inflict a Con and Wis damaging disease
Spellweaver - 1000 mile telepathy with other spellweavers; possible use of Chrom
atic Disc [untyped - DM call] - grants ten extra spell levels
Spellgaunt - bite attack inflicts a Mord's Disjunction-like effect on magic item
s and casters; an entangling web attack that is a force effect; 120' detect magi
Spirit of the Land - can become an elemental manifestation; always invisible, ev
en when attacking; 5 mile telepathy
Tempest - Can become a whirlwind (or vortex) once every 10 minutes, deals 4d6 dm
g per round
Vaporighu - those within 30' become frightened
Windghost - Windsong ability imposes concentration and Dex penalties to those wi
thin 120', requires two windghosts; continuous true seeing
Yak Folk - Can summon and command any evil Janni
Yugoloth (Marraenoloth) - gaze attack causes target to become shaken
Yugoloth (Yagnoloth) - 5' breath weapon, deals 2d6 acid dmg and stuns for 2d6 ro
unds; attack deals 1d4 negative levels

[B]From the Monsters of Faerun 3.0 (Compiled by Necrosnoop)

Aarakocra (Medium-Monstrous Humanoid) [1 HD] {p. 11} - Summon large earth elemen
tal (need 5 aarakocra s and one of them must be a cleric) takes 3 rounds (unlimite
Aballin (Large-Ooze) [3 HD] {pp. 11-12} - In passive state immune to all attacks t
hat would not affect normal water
Abishai (Medium-Outsider, LE) [4-8 HD] {pp. 12-14} - See in any magical or munda
ne darkness (constant); Telepathy 100 anyone with language (at will)
Asabi, Stingtail (Large-Humanoid, Reptilian) [7 HD] {pp.15-16} - Immune to all s
pells of the Enchantment school (constant)
Banedead (Medium-Undead) [6 HD] {pp. 16-17} - Successful claw strike deals 1 poi
nt of permanent Dexterity damage (unlimited)
Bonebat, Deep (Medium-Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 18-20} - Paralysis bite save Fortitude
or paralyzed 1D6+2 min.; See invisibility 60 (at will)
Sinisterbat, Deep (Medium-Undead) [4 HD] {pp. 18-20} -Missile deflection 5 radius
(constant) which grants +4 deflection bonus to AC and stops/absorbs all missile
s or missile like spells and effects
Coldriths (Large-Aberration) [4 HD] {p. 27} - Web (at will), 10 area, 50 range, im
pedes all movement Escape Artist (DC 26) Strength check (DC 32)
Cloaker Lord (Huge-Aberration) [9 HD] {pp. 28-29} - Shadow Shift gain concealmen
t 1d4/rounds, mirror image & silent image as 9th level Sorcerer (at will)
Demon, Ghour (Huge-Outsider, CE) [12 HD] {pp. 33-34} - Breath weapon, gas 10 x10 x30 ,
Reflex save (DC 21) or 1d6 temporary strength damage, (1/min.); Telepathy 100 an
yone with language (at will)
Demon, Yochlol (Medium-Outsider, CE) [6 HD] {pp. 34-35) - Telepathy 100 anyone wi
th language (at will)
Dopelganger, Greater (Medium-Shapechanger) [9 HD] {pp. 35-36} - Detect thoughts
as spell, as 18th level Sorcerer (DC 15), (unlimited duration, on/off as free ac
tion); Alter Self as spell, as 18th level Sorcerer, can assume new form or origi
nal as standard action (unlimited duration); Consume Identity after eating victi
ms brain can assume victims memories, abilities, and alignment with 100% accurac
y, (up to Hit Dice in victims), cannot assume divine casting above 2nd, paladins
abilities, and other powers granted by deities (unlimited)
Dragon, Brown (Med to Colossal-Dragon, Earth) [6-39 HD] {pp. 36-39 - Breath weap
on, line of acid, 2d6 to 24d6 (DC 15-40), (once/ 1d4 rounds)
Dragon, Deep (Tiny to Gargantuan-Dragon, Earth) [6-39 HD] {pp. 36-41} - Breath w
eapon, cone of flesh-corrosive gas, 2d8-24d8 (DC 14-37), (once/ 1d4 rounds); Tru
e seeing, as spell, (constant); Assume Snake form, (up to 4/day), free grapple c
hecks; Assume Humanoid form, (up to 4/day)
Dragon, Fang (Tiny to Gargantuan-Dragon, Air) [3-36 HD] {pp. 36-42} - Ability Dr
ain Bite, 1d2-2d6 permanent constitution drain (DC 10-33), (at will & on success
ful bite)
Dragon, Shadow (Tiny to Gargantuan-Dragon, Shadow) [4-37 HD] {pp. 36-44} - Breat
h Weapon, Energy Drain shadow cone, 1-8 negative levels (DC 14-39), (once/ 1d4 r
ounds); Shadow Blend, in anything less than full daylight can blend onto shadows
, (at will); Create Shadow, 100 yard radius shadow, all light sources negated, 5
0% miss chance, considered invisible, (3/ day)
Dragon, Song (Tiny to Gargantuan-Dragon, Electricity) [5-38 HD] {pp. 36-45} - Br
eath Weapon, electrical gas cone, 2d6-24d6 (DC 13-36), (once/ 1d4 rounds); Alter
nate human female form, change takes up to 2 rounds, the change rends all known
bonds, clothing, or other confinements, without harm (at will); True Seeing 15 ra
dius, as spell, (constant); Tongues, any language, (constant)
Dragonkin (Large-Humanoid, Reptilian) [7 HD] {pp. 45-46} - Detect Magic, as spel
l, as free action, (at will)
Ghaunadan (Medium-Shapechanger) [5 HD] {p. 49} - Charming Gaze, In humanoid form
, gaze Will save (DC 15), use social skills as if Charisma was 2d6 points higher
, last as long as within sight of victim(s), (at will)
Golem, Diamond (Large-Construct) [14 HD] {pp. 53-56} - Targeted Dispel, on succe
ssful strike of fist victim is subject to a targeted Dispel Magic, as 16th level
Wizard, (Unlimited)
Myrlochar (Medium-Outsider, CE) [6 HD] {pp. 66-67} - Hit point Drain, each bite
has 1 in 6 chance to permanently transfer 1 hit point from victim to biter (No S
ave), also bite can Hold Person or Reverse Gravity on victim for 4 rounds Will s
ave (DC 13)
Nishruu (Large-Outsider, Chaotic) [9 HD] {pp. 67-68} - Absorb magic, absorb dama
ging and non-damaging spells to gain hit points, on contact drain 1d4 charges fr
om charged magical items every other round, on contact render non-charged magica
l items inert for 1d4 rounds, on contact render Artifacts inert for 1 round, on
contact spellcaster loses one spell per round (NO Save), upon each lost spell ch
ance to suffer feeblemind as spell on failed Will save (DC 15), (Unlimited uses)

Nyth (Small-Aberration) [7 HD] {pp. 68-69} - Magic Missile (1/round, unlimited);

Invisibility (2d4 rounds, unlimited/day); Absorb fire & lighting damage as hit
point gain, after 60 hp absorb fissure into two Nyths; Reflect Magic Missiles;
Spectral Panther (Large-Magical Beast, Incorporeal) [3 HD] {p. 79} - Fear Aura 3
0 , Will save (DC 13) or shaken, (1/minute); Spectral Form, incorporeal 10 min. (u
nlimited/ day); Ghost Touch (constant)
Unicorn, Black (Large-Magical Beast) [4 HD] {pp. 83-84} - Teleport without error
as spell, self and one rider, (1/ day)

From the Draconomican (Compiled by ksbsnowowl)

Abyssal Drake - Breath Weapon-half fire, half unholy, 1/ 1d4 rounds
Dragonkin - Detect Magic as a free action
Air Drake - Gaseous Form once per day
Earth Drake - 60' tremor effect knocks opponents down
Ice Drake - claw attack deals additional cold dmg and 1 point Str dmg
Smoke Drake - 30' concealment from smoke; 30' cloud of cinders (2d6 fire dmg/rou
nd) 1/day
Faerie Dragon - dazing euphoric breath weapon
Fang Dragon - Bite drains up to 1d8 Con
Battle Dragon - Breath weapon (14d6 sonic cone); aura grants +2 and +1 bonuses t
o some saves and attacks/damage
Chaos Dragon - BW-(14d4 untyped energy); Confusion
Ethereal Dragon - BW-(16d6 cone of force); can see ethereal creatures
Howling Dragon - BW-(12d10 sonic or up to 6 Wis dmg)
Oceanus Dragon - BW-(14d8 electricity or dazing effect); can smite evil for extr
a dmg equal to hit dice 1/day
Pyroclastic Dragon - BW-(14d6 half fire/half sonic or desintegrating line)
Radiant Dragon - BW-(12d10 force, or blinding light); dispel darkness, 60' range
Rust Dragon - BW-(14d4 acid or corrosion)
Styx Dragon - BW-(7d6 acid that persists for 3 rounds, or up to 7 Int dmg)
Tarterian Dragon - BW-(12d8 force or crushing despair); Freedom of Movement
Shadow Dragon - BW-(5 negative levels); total concealment in all but full daylig
Dragonbone Golem - 60' burst causes victims to become shaken
Squamous Spewer - BW-(3d6 acid, cold, electricity, or fire)
Underdark Landwyrm - Obscuring Mist 3/day

From the 3.0 Epic Level Handbook (Compiled by ksbsnowowl)

Very Young Force Dragon [20 or 25 HD] - Breath Weapon-(10d12 cone of force); Cha
bonus to AC (deflection, force effect)
Wyrmling Prismatic Dragon [23 HD] - Breath Weapon-(cone of prismatic spray); Cha
to AC (deflection, similar to cloak of chaos)
Gloom [25 HD] - Gaze attack inflicts fear; +20 racial bonus to Move Silently che
cks [note also that it gains +13d6 sneak attack as an Ex ability]
Ha-naga [20 HD] - Fly, 120', perfect; 90' Mass Charm
Hoary Steed [12 HD] - continuous Air Walk; Astral Projection; Etherealness; Magi
c Circle Against Good; constant Obscuring Mist
Mercane [7 HD] - 100' telepathy
White Slaad [24 HD] - Alter Self; 100' telepathy [also has seveal interesting Ex

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