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Hey learners have you ever
thought of what’s the
difference between a smart
person and an intelligent
person? I know your answer
will be yes because that’s why
you have searched for it! Just
kidding!!! In this blog post you
will going to read about who
are the intelligent peoples and
who are the smart ones ,..and
what are the different
qualities they have also how
can you identify them?/???
Well!!!!! After redaing this you
will also get to understand
that what type of person you
are??? In the end there is a
small short story based on two
intelligent boys!
thinking in
people who
What is
e and
Intelligence : Intelligence is
nothing but the ability to
understand things in a logical
manner and the emotional touch
with the knowledge and some
creativeness can be called as
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to
Albert Einstein (Nobel Laureate; Theoretical Physics)

Intelligent people don’t just do the right things, they also

refuse to do the wrong things.

“Are you ready to be a West Point cadet!?” For weeks,

different military captains had been calling me at 5:30AM
and yelling this question in my ear. Actually they had been
calling my Mom who then woke me up and gave me the
house phone – one of those wireless landline phones with a
“find me” button that only hotels have now. But I wasn’t
ready. I wasn’t even ready to get out of bed. It was
my senior year of high school – the second semester
– and senioritis was firmly in place. I really liked the
idea of going to West Point though. A lot of presidents went
to West Point. And it was cool to have a college chasing me
for a change.

The screening process was intense. Military personal

contacted everyone that I ever used to know, including a
burnt out guy at the Daily Bee who taught me how to throw
newspapers when I was in the 6th grade. I also had to go
into a military base and perform a variety of tests, some of
which made no sense to me. I had to get dental X-rays, run
shuttle-sprints, throw a basketball from my knees, go
through a psychological exam, and sit in a soundproof
booth and click a red button in response to different
frequencies. They also lathered, poked, and prodded
my unmentionables (which was mostly
unpleasant). The last thing I had to do was get a
recommendation from a state senator or house member.
Not really. That was the second to last thing. The last thing
was signing the 23-year contract to go to West Point. And I
almost did too.

Four years for the undergraduate program, 5 years of

service to pay for the undergraduate program, 4 years of
military medical school, and 10 years of service to pay for
medical school. Twenty-three years of my life to be decided
at the age of 18. A billion life options annihilated in a
single pen stroke. But I refused. Barely.
Smartness : Smartness can be
defined as clever in himself and
are confident in them with their
Knowledge satisfaction.

” A Smart person will give you

smart answers and an
Intelligent person will ask you
intelligent questions”

Did you understand the above

quote? Off course I think you
understood it, but one thing you
didn’t understand is that the
intelligent person will ask you
intelligent questions which a
smart person cannot think but
he will answer those questions
in a smart way which intelligent
person can’t think.

For example: Suppose teacher

asks “shiny” that define the
term catenation. Shiny knows
the answer she will answer it in
a practical manner because
shiny is an intelligent girl. Shiny
Answers catenation is a
property of carbon which allows
carbon to form bonds with other
atoms. But shiny was refused by
her teacher because she has not
defined the term; she just told
the answer of what is
catenation? Rather than
answering define catenation.
Teacher asks another boy to
answer the same question at the
same time he answered the
question’s answer in a different
manner because the boy was
smart. He answered carbon has
a unique ability to form bonds
with other atoms of carbon,
giving rise to large molecules.
This property of carbon is called
In the above example shiny is a
intelligent girl and there is an
smart boy who answers the
question in a smart way...

What is the
between an
person and
a smart

Intelligent people
Smart people
1)Intelligent 1)They are
people spend friendly.
considerable time
in educating
themselves in
various topics.
They are not
2)They are aware 2)They are
of their aware of their
weaknesess and abilities and
stay humble to have confident
learn more. in them.
3)They take more 3)They acquire
time to digest and apply
knowledge but knowledge very
understand it quickly.
4)They accept the 4)They may
differnce between impose thier
others and thoughts on
themselves. others
5)They are 5)They are
sensitive to the sensitive to the
subtle thing in latest trends .
their life
6)They rely on 6)They rely on
their judgement thier knowledge
and initiative to to solve
solve problems. problems.
7)They like 7)They like
listening to others talking to
thoughts and add express thier
comments ideas and
occasionally. opinions.
8)They process 8)They process
information information in a
logically and systematic and
emotionally. logical manner.
Must think off...
How to
identify them

T o identify them you need to know

them and observe them carefully. The
following are the ways to identify them
very quickly:
There are huge differences between intelligent and
average people. Intelligent people are straight opposite to
the average people; Through the following you can
understand the difference between them.
1. Intelligent people talk about ideas and
innovations, Average people always talk about
things (mobile, bike car and etc), events and funs.
2. Intelligent people spend their time to educate
themselves; Average people spend their time to
entertain like watching TV, playing video games.
3. Intelligent people read lot of books like
motivational, inspiring books for increasing their
knowledge, Average people read books like cinema
4. Intelligent people always try to find new things,
they never stop to search new things, Average
people stick with what they know already.
5. Intelligent people often get disappointed because
they set goals and aims that cannot be achieved
easily, but they never leave that, Average people
always be happy because their goals and aims are
not hard to achieve.
6. Intelligent people often get angry, Average people
seldom get angry.
7. For Intelligent people, It is very hard to have
friendship with everybody, they always try to have
friendship with the same level of mindset. Average
people normally they don’t face any problems with
friendship. they can easily mingle with everybody.
8. Intelligent people create a separate path for them,
Average people follow some others.
9. Intelligent people work to make their dreams
real, Average people work to fulfil someone else
10. Intelligent people are not excited when they
achieve small things; Average people are excited
when they achieve small things.
11. Most of the intelligent people try to come out
from their comfort zone for achieving their goals;
Average people never try to come out from the
comfort zone.
12. Intelligent people have a ton of dreams about the
future; Average people have fear about the future.
13. Intelligent people never hesitate to do new things;
Average people think too much to do new things.

“Did you know, there are some

people who are both
intelligent and smart? These
types of people have higher
opportunities to achieve
success in their life.”

Here’s a small short story

based on two intelligent boys,

Once upon a time there were two incredibly intelligent and

capable boys. Their wonderful talents were obvious from an

early age, and they easily outdid everyone around. They

had always known they were special, and they

harboured inside them a desire that, in the future,

everyone would come to admit how exceptional they were.

Each of them developed in a different way. The first used

all his talent and intelligence to have a successful

career and show everyone his superiority. He took

part in all kinds of competitions, visited all the most

important people and places, and was great at making

friends in high places. Even when still very young, no one

doubted that some day he would be the wisest and

most important person in the land.

The second boy, equally aware of his own capabilities,

never stopped feeling a heavy responsibility. He would do

almost any task better than those around him, and he

would feel obliged to help them. This didn't leave him

enough time to follow his own dreams of greatness. He was

always busy looking for ways to more effectively help

others. As a result, he was a much-loved and well-known

person, but only in his own small circle.

Destiny was such that a great disaster struck that land,

spreading problems and misery far and wide. The first of

those brilliant young men had never come across anything

like this, but his brilliant ideas worked successfully

throughout the land, and they managed to slightly improve

the situation. But the second young man was so used

to solving all kinds of problems, and had such useful

know-how in certain subjects, that the disaster hardly

affected the people in his region at all. His admirable

methods were then adopted across the land, and the fame

of this good and wise man spread even more than had that

of the first young man. Indeed, he was soon elected

governor of the whole nation.

The first young man then understood that the greatest

fame and wisdom is that which is born from the very things

we do in life, from the impact they have on others, and

from the need to improve ourselves every day. He never

again took part in competitions or vain shows, and

from then on, whenever he travelled, he took his books

along with him, so he would be ready always to offer a

helping hand to all.

The above story is a very good example of

intelligence of a person how you should use your

intelligence if you have!!!

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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