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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

Master; Mayra Jácome

Clase; Ingles IV

Alumno; David Fernando Arias Cisneros

Número de cuenta; 2015 100 50121

Santa Bárbara, Santa Bárbara 4 octubre de 2018

Homework #1: Write a conversation describing food containers that
your family use.

Mom Delmy: Katya, we're ready to cook today.

Daughter Katya: Yes, mom, we're ready! What will we need?

Mom: we will need, to the jug of water, a bottle of milk, a can of coconut milk, a kilo
of guts, a bar of margarine, a bowl of salt, a basket of vegetables.

Daughter Katya: perfect mom, something else?

Mom Delmy: yes, please turn on the stove and place a pot with the water jug. and
the other ingredients.

Son Fernando: Mom, is the soup ready?

Mom Delmy: yes son, in 15 minutes it will be ready, if you like you can help to
order the table to your sister Katya.

Son Fernando: it's fine, perfect mom.

Daughter Katya: you can put the plates, the spoons and forks, I will put the cups
and basins.

Son Fernando: ready sister.

Daughter Katya: the mother table is ready.

mom Delmy: perfect children, thank you can call papa to enjoy our food.

Son Fernando: it's okay

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