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Before the Vatican II, The church followed the traditional latin mass which
is the Tridentine Mass
The most widely used Mass liturgy in the world and considered as an
extraordinary form of mass. It was in response to a decision of the Council of Trent
that Pope Pius V promulgated the1570 Roman Missal, making it mandatory
throughout the Western Church, excepting those regions and religious orders whose
existing missals dated from before 1370.

2. Many vocations to the religious life

Men and women dedicate their lives to serve in Orders or movements as
priests, brothers, monks, nuns, sisters and consecrated virgins. Some
commit to a life of prayer, others to education or health care.
3. All women covered their heads with veil
The wearing of the veil, or mantilla, is a tradition that has its beginning in the
early Church. It is important for a woman to wear a veil as a s ymbol of chastity and

4. A lot of Catholic schools taught by priests and nuns

Nuns and priests contribute to the evangelization and formation of children in the
Catholic faith and catholic values in the teaching of other disciplines.
5. Kneeling to receive communion directly upon the tounge.

Some would refuse to receive even from deacons, who, before the reforms of Pope
Paul VI, were allowed to give Holy Communion only if there were a serious reason for
permitting them to do so. Receiving the Holy Communion directly upon the tounge is
much more suited to the sacrament itself.

6. The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist

Catholics give adoration to Christ, whom they believe to be really present, in
body and blood, soul and divinity, in sacramental bread whose reality has been
changed into that of his body.

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