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Election Prediction

1. Background

1.1. Existing System

The existing system of election prediction is opinion poll and exit poll. An election
exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. An
exit poll asks for whom the voter actually voted. Pollsters- usually private companies
working for newspapers or broadcasters conduct exit polls to gain an early indication as to
how an election has turned out, as in many elections the actual result may take hours or even
days to count.

1.2. Definition of problem

• Not online process.

• Separate system required for an opinion poll and exit poll.
• Voters are reluctant to speak up

1.3. Proposed System

The proposed system overcomes the problems of existing system. The proposed
system is a mobile application and web application. It is single system for opinion poll and
exit poll. Everyone voter can be write their own opinion without any hesitation. They can rate
candidates and attend survey. The system has to predict which candidate will win the
election. The prediction is conducted using three methods. They are survey, rating calculation
and sentiment analysis of voter comment.

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2. Project Overview

2.1. Objective of the Project

The main objective of this project is predicting the election. Mainly three
criteria used for predicting the result. The criteria are voter comment, survey, and voter

The benefits of this system are:

The political parties can change their strategy mind-set according to

feedback of peoples or users. The system can be used for determining the popularity and mob

2.2. Stakeholders

The main Stakeholders of this application are:

• Admin
• Candidate
• Voter

Admin can calculate rating score of each post. Voter comment used to perform
sentimental analysis and calculate a score. Survey score is calculated. Three criteria used to
calculate total score of each candidate and compare the candidates and predict who win the

The candidate can upload video, audio, text. View the analysis details after the

The voter can view the candidate post and give rating and comment. The voter
can attend the online survey. The voter can view the prediction details after the election.

2.3. Scope of the Project

The proposed system meets the objectives specified above. Mainly three
criteria used for predicting the result. The criteria are voter comment, survey, and voter
rating. The candidate upload his/her post to site, the user give the comment and rating to each

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post. Voter can also attend survey. Admin can calculate score of each criteria. Then plot the
graph of each candidate. Admin calculate total score and percentage of each candidate. The
percentage of each candidate is compared and to predict who win.

The prediction details are used by political parties to change their mind set.
The comments are used to determine the popularity and mob psychology.

The application will work only if there is a network connection.

2.4. Feasibility Analysis

After the problem is clearly understood and solutions are proposed, the next
step is to conduct the feasibility study, which is the part of system analysis. The main
objective of this study is to determine whether the proposed system is feasible or not. There
are various types of feasibility to be determined. They are,

• Technical Feasibility

• Operational Feasibility
• Schedule Feasibility
• Economic Feasibility

2.4.1. Technical Feasibility

• Project can be done using minimum hardware

• A Laptop, Mobile and an 8GB RAM are the main hardware requirements
• Hardware and software requirement for implementation is minimum

2.4.2. Operational Feasibility

• User friendly, attractive website and mobile application

• Pie chart is used for comparison of candidate.

• Easy to find who win the election using bar diagram

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2.4.3. Schedule Feasibility

The schedule feasibility means that whether the project can be completed within a
specified time period or not. Each process will take a specific time to complete it.

As per the schedule for this project a time schedule is build as follows:

07/06/2018 to 15/06/2018 : Study the problem

16/06/2018 to 26/06/2018 : Study the existing system

27/06/2018 to 5/07/2018 : Table Design

6/07/2018 to 26/07/2018 : Form design

27/07/2018 to 27/09/2018 : Web and application development

08/10/2018 : Submission of document

So it satisfies schedule feasibility.

2.4.4. Economic Feasibility

• Work with Android mobile or Tablet

• Cost effective and saves time
It can be developed under optimal expenses with the available hardware and
software. The computerized system provides easy and fast information retrieval and saves lot
of time and manpower.

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3. Overall Project Planning

3.1. Development Environment

The project is planned to develop on the following environment :

• IDE : DreamViewer
• Back End : MySQL
• Front End : PHP

3.2. Constraint

There are some constraints specified with related to this project.They are :

• Time Constraints
➢ Project should complete, tested and implemented within
the 5 months.
• Hardware Constraints
➢ Needs 8GB RAM to implement an Android version
➢ RAM should be extended
➢ Mobile and laptop needed

3.3. Deliverables

Every project should contain a set of deliverables. This project also has a set
of deliverables as follows:

• The Application software.

• The user manual
• Installation manual

3.4. Risks

Every project should meet some risks at certain points. This project also has to
meet some risks.

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• It is impossible to store large number of user comments.

• Every user may not be using this app so the original results and predicted
results may antithetical.

3.5. Process Model

Unified process (UP) is a popular iterative and incremental software development

process framework. It is extensible framework which can be customized for specific
organization or project. The UP when used in the software development the project lifecycle
can be divided in to 4 phases.

• Inception
• Elaboration
• Construction
• Transition

General idea is to develop a system through iteration (repeated cycles) and

incrementally (in small portion of time). Through them team members or stakeholders can
learn from their mistakes and apply that knowledge on the next iteration.
Working through iteration means that the development of application is split into
smaller chunks. In iteration features are defined, designed, developed and tested. Iteration
cycles are repeated until fully functional software is ready to deliver. The process doesn’t try
to start with the full set of requirements and design. Instead, team tries to prepare just what is
needed for the successful delivery of next iteration.

3.6. Test Strategy

• Unit testing
• Integration testing
• System testing
• Validation testing

3.7. Testing Environment and Tool

• Testing on developers site

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• To check whether the mobile application and web site working

• Check whether the site produce correct output for each test case
• Testing on users site
• Test to get feedback from users
• To check whether the mobile application and web site running
perfectly at users site

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4. Iteration Planning

4.1 Schedule

8-6-2018 to 15-6-2018 Study of problem

16-6-2018 to 23-6-2018 Study of existing system.

24-6-2018 to 10-7-2018 System Analysis

11-7-2018 to 18-7-2018 Table Design

19-7-2018 to 23-7-2018 SRS preparation

24-7-2018 to 15-8-2018 Web development

16-8-2018 to 26-9-2018 Android app development

28-9-2018 to 8-10-2018 Document preparation and submission

4.2 Risk

• Delay from scheduled date affect whole project development

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5. High level system Analysis

5.1. User characteristics

Election prediction system has mainly 3 users. They are admin, user and candidate.


• Should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing.

• Must have basic knowledge of English.
• Must be aware of network security and must handle the password carefully.


• Should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing.

• Must have basic knowledge of English


• Should be comfortable of working with computer and net browsing.

• Must have basic knowledge of English

5.2. Summary of system features/Functional requirements

• Web application and mobile application are user friendly and easy to operate.
• Candidate can upload their post to the system.
• User can attend the survey by online
• User can give rating and comment to each post.
• Sentiment analysis based on the user comment is used for prediction.
• Total score calculation of each candidate based on survey, rating, and sentiment
• Compare candidates score and predict who win the election.

This section gives a functional requirement that applicable to the Election Prediction system.
There are three sub modules in this phase.

• Candidate module.

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• Administrator module.

• User module

The functionality of each module is as follows

✓ Candidate module: The candidate will log on to the software and take publish his/her
post. He can also view the user rating comments of each post. He can get feedback or
suggestions from voters. The candidate will get result immediately before or after the

✓ Administrator module: The database is prepared & loaded into the software. Admin
add the survey questions. Admin can view rating and comment of voters. The comment used
to perform sentiment analysis. The results will be displayed immediately before or after the

✓ Voter module: The voter login to the system. They can view the candidate post. They
can give rating and comment to each post and also attend survey. The voter can give
suggestions or feedback.

The features that are available to the Administrator are:

➢ The administrator has the full-fledged rights over the Election prediction System.

✓ Can create/delete an account.

✓ Can view the accounts.

✓ Can change the password.

✓ Can add/delete questions and option score

✓ Can hide any kind of features from the both of users.

✓ Insert/delete/edit the information of available on election prediction system

✓ Can view the different categories of candidate post.

✓ View the comment and rating of candidate post.

✓ Comments are used to perform sentiment analysis.

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✓ Score calculation of survey, rating and sentiment analysis

✓ Total score and percentage calculation of each candidate.

✓ Plot graph of each candidate based on the three criteria.

✓ Compare the percentage of candidate and predict the result before or after the election

The features available to the Voter are:

✓ Can view the survey questions and attend the survey.

✓ Can change password.

✓ Can view the candidate post

✓ Can attend the survey.

✓ Can give rating and comment of each post

✓ Can view prediction details after the election.

✓ Can view and modify its profile but can modify it to some limited range.

The features available to the Candidate are:

✓ Upload his/her post such as video, photo, text, audio

✓ Can change password.

✓ Can view the user comment and rating

✓ Can view prediction details before or after the election.

✓ Can view and modify its profile but can modify it to some limited range.

5.3. Non Functional Requirements / Supplementary Specification

Performance Requirements

Some Performance requirements identified is listed below:

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➢ The database shall be able to accommodate a minimum of 10,000 records

➢ The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.

➢ There are no other specific performance requirements that will affect


Security Requirements

The username and password used for the system security. This system is
provided with authentication without which no user can pass. So only the legitimate users are
allowed to use the application. If the legitimate users share the authentication information
then the system is open to outsiders.

5.4. Use cases

Use case 1

UC1: Registration

Primary Actor: Candidate, Voter

Stakeholders and interests: Candidate, voter, admin

Candidate: want to register in the system.

Voter: want to register in the system.

Admin: want to view registered candidate and voter.

Main success scenario:

• Voter or candidates can register in the system.

• Data are stored in database.
• After the registration they can login to the system

Use case 2

UC2: UploadPost

Primary Actor: Candidate

Stakeholders and interests: Admin, voter, candidate

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Admin: want to view candidate post and delete post.

Voter: want to view candidate post and give rating and comment.

Candidate: view their post and comments of each user.

Main success scenario:

• Candidate login to the system.

• Candidate uploads his/her post.
• Admin and user can view the post of candidate.
• Admin can delete the post.
• Candidate can edit and delete his post
• Voter can view the post and give to rating and comment.
• The comment and rating stored in database.

Use case 3

UC3: RatingAndComment

Primary Actor: voter

Stakeholders: Admin, voter, candidate

Voter: want to give rating and comment to candidate post.

Candidate: view voter comment and rating.

Admin: want to view comments and rating of each post and this data used to

Predict the election result.

Main success scenario:

• The voter login to the system.

• View candidate post.
• Give rating and comment of each candidate post.

Use case 4

UC4: AttendSurvey

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Primary Actor: voter

Stakeholders: Admin, voter

Voter: want to attend the survey.

Admin: want to view the survey details and this used to predict the election.

Main success scenario:

• View the questions of survey.

• Attend the survey.
• Survey details are stored in database.
• Admin can view survey
• After the survey admin calculate the score.

Use case 5

UC5: TotalScoreCalculation

Primary Actor: admin

Stakeholders: Admin, candidate, Voter

Admin: want to calculate rating score, survey score and sentiment score.

These scores are used to calculate total score and predict the election.

Candidate: want to view the prediction details.

Voter: want to view the prediction details.

Main success scenario:

• Admin view the rating and comments of each post.

• Calculate rating score based on the voter rating.
• Voter comments used to perform sentiment analysis and
calculate score of each candidate.
• Admin can view the survey details.
• Admin calculate survey score of each candidate.

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• These three score used to plot pie chart and calculate total
• The total score used to predict the election.
• Bar diagram used to represent each candidate score.

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The most important aspect is to capture the dynamic behaviour when

modelling a system. Dynamic behaviour means the behaviour of the system when it is
operating. Use case diagram is one of the diagrams that describe the dynamic behaviour of
the system. Use case diagrams are used to gather the requirements of a system including
internal and external influences. These requirements are mostly design requirements. Hence,
when a system is analysed to gather its functionalities, use cases are prepared and actors are
identified. When the initial task is complete, use case diagrams are modelled to present the
outside view.

The purposes of use case diagrams are:

• Used to gather the requirements of a system.

• Used to get an outside view of a system.

• Identify the external and internal factors influencing the system.

• Show the interaction among the requirements is actors.

Use case diagrams specify the events of a system and their flows. But use case diagram never
describes how they are implemented. Use case diagram can be imagined as a black box where
only the input, output, and the function of the black box is known. These diagrams are used at
a very high level of design. This high level design is refined again and again to get a
complete and practical picture of the system. A well-structured use case also describes the
pre-condition, post condition, and exceptions. These extra elements are used to make test
cases when performing the testing.
Basic use case symbols

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An actor represents a coherent set of roles that users of a system play when interacting with
the use cases of the system. Actors can be anything - humans, devices, other systems .One
physical object can play several roles and so can be modelled by several actors.

Use cases describe what a system does, not how it does it. A use case contains multiple
scenarios, each of which describes a specific flow of events through the use case. Use case
behavior is specified by describing the scenarios clearly enough for outsiders to understand.

Connection symbol represent the connection between Actor and Use Case

Include symbol include the relationship between Use Cases. One use case (base) includes the
functionality of another (inclusion case).

Extend symbol shows the relationship between Use Cases. One use case (extension) extends
the behaviour of another (base)

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6.1 Usecase diagram

6.2 System sequence diagram

System sequence diagram displays the interaction between the objects focusing on the
exchange of messages between the sender and recipient. The exchange of message is
represented by horizontal arrows and receiving order is indicated using vertical axis.

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Symbols in Sequence Diagram

➢ Life lines & life line boxes: - Active objects can be an object which is an
instance of a class and can be drawn with rectangular box called the life line
box with its name is specified within the box. The long dashed line tailing the
object is called life lines.

Active object name

➢ Message: -It is used to illustrate the communication between different active

objects. Each message between object is represented with a message
expressions and filled arrow solid lines from the calling active objects life line
to the recipient life lines.
➢ Synchronous: - This type of message is used when it is important that a
message is received & completed before execution of control flow begins.

➢ Return: -Return message shows that the control flow has return into the
calling active objects and the synchronous messages are completed its

➢ Asynchronous: - This type of message is send from an active object and

waits for a responds. This type of message is used when control flow doesn’t
lead to interrupted before complete the operation.

➢ Flat: -This type of message is used when there is no distinction between

asynchronous and synchronous messages

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6.3 Operation Contract


Operation: Registration (id: integer)

Cross reference: UseCase: Registration

Precondition: None

Post condition: The registration instance pr is created. Data saved and response message

received. Pr associated with a registration of candidate and voter.


Operation: Enterquestion (id: integer)

Cross reference: UseCase :AttendSurvey

Precondition: None

Post condition: The instance q is created. Data saved. q associated current scenario. User can

attend the survey.


Operation: candidate upload (id: integer,file)

Cross reference: UseCase :UploadPost

Precondition: Candidate Registration.

Post condition: The candidate upload instance cu is created. Data saved. Cu associated with



Operation: Givecmntrating (id: integer,comment,rating)

Cross reference: UseCase :RatingAndComment

Precondition: Voter Registration

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Post condition: The instance r is created. Data saved. r associated with

Candidate upload post (association formed)


Operation: attend survey (id: integer,question)

Cross reference: UseCase :AttendSurvey

Precondition: Voter Registration.

Post condition: The instance a is created. Attend the survey.Data saved. a associated with



Operation: end survey

Cross reference: UseCase : AttendSurvey

Precondition: Attend the survey.

Post condition: survey is complete became true(attribute modification)


Operation: ratingcalculation (id: integer,candidatepost)

Cross reference:UseCase: TotalScoreCalculation

Precondition: There is a voter rating details of each candidate.

Post condition: The rating calculation rc is created. Data saved. rc associated with

voter rating of each post (association formed).


Operation: surveyCalculation (id: integer,survey)

Cross reference: UseCase :TotalScoreCalculation.

Precondition: Voter attend the survey.

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Post condition: The survey calculation sc is created. Data saved. sc associated with

Attend survey by voter (association formed).


Operation: sentimentalAnalysis (id: integer,comment)

Cross reference: UseCase :TotalScoreCalculation

Precondition: There is a comment of voter.

Post condition: The sentimental sa is created. Data saved. sa associated with

Comments of voter (association formed).


Operation: totalScoreCalculation (id: integer)

Cross reference: UseCase :TotalScoreCalculation.

Precondition: There is a survey score, rating score, sentimental analysis score.

Post condition: The total calculation tc is created. Data saved. tc associated with

Sentimental analysis score (association formed). Tc is associated with rating

Score(association formed). Tc is associated with survey score.(association



Operation: prediction (id: integer)

Cross reference: UseCase :TotalScoreCalculation

Precondition: There is a total score of each candidate is generated.

Post condition: The prediction p is created. Compare candidates. p associated with

Total score of candidate (association formed).

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7.1. Class Diagrams
Class diagram is an important UML diagram used in the Designing phase. Class
Diagrams are the blueprints of the system or subsystem. Class diagrams can be used to model
the objects that make up the system, to display the relationship between the objects and to
describe what those objects do and the services they provide .Class diagrams are useful in
many stages of system design. Class diagram is a static diagram. It describes the attributes
and operations of a class and also the constraints imposed on the system. Class diagram
shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations and constraints. It is also
known as a structural diagram. UML diagrams like activity diagram and sequence diagram
can only give the sequence flow of applications.
Class diagram is created to perform the following functions:
▪ Capture and define the structure of classes and other classifiers.
▪ Define relationship between classes and classifiers.
▪ Illustrate the structure of a model by using attributes,operations and

▪ Show the common classifier roles and responsibilities that define the
behaviour of the system.
▪ Show the structure and behaviour of one or more classes.

A class notation consists of 3 parts:

1. Class Name
The name of the class appers in the first partition.
2. Class Attributes
Attributes are shown in the second partition.Attributes map on to
member variables.
3. Class Operations
Operations are shown in the third partition.They are services the class

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Class Diagram
7.2. Activity Diagrams
Activity diagrams are graphical representation of workflows of stepwise activities
and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the UML, activity diagrams
are intended to model both computational and organizational processes. It shows the overall
flow of control.

Symbols in Activity Diagram

Action State: - It is an automatic state once it started execution. It will come to

completion without any interruption at the middle of execution.

Transition: - When the action or activity state completes the flow of control
passes immediately to the next action or activity state. This is represented by using the solid

Branching: - It specifies the alternative paths that are taken based on some
Boolean expressions.

Initial node: - The initial node is a control node from where the activity is invoked.
An activity may have more than one initial node.

Final node: - The final node shows the end of the activity. An activity can have
more than one final node but the first one reached will stop the activity.

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Join:-A join represents multiple incoming transitions and provide only one outgoing

Fork:-A Fork represents only one incoming transitions and provide multiple outgoing

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7.3. User Interface Design

Design 1

Design 2

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Design 3

Design 4

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Design 5

Design 6

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7.4. Theoretical Background

PHP Hypertext Pre-processor, commonly known as PHP is one of the
revolutionary scripting language which has enabled us to have a much better web
presentation today. This has fast become one of the widely used scripting language which are
used for web development. One of the key feature of this language it’s own open source
which will enable anybody to use the platform it provides. PHP is used to design dynamic
web pages. Here you can find the starting origination of PHP and few basics of scripting
PHP is a server side scripting language which is used for generating dynamic page
which can be used for transferring on the web. The main plus point of PHP is that it is an
open source product and it can be freely downloaded from the web. The various advantages
of PHP include speed of execution by using only a little system resources. This will increase
the stability of the system, its simplicity which allows anyone to learn it very easily. PHP is
also extensible that it allows interfacing different libraries such as encryption, XML etc. the
PHP parser engine is identical irrespective of the operating system, so PHP page need not be
changed to run on different platform.


Android Studio is the official integrated development environment(IDE) for

Google’s Android Operating system designed specially for Android development.Android
Studio was announced on may16,2013.It was in early access preview stage starting from
version 0.1 then entered the beta stage starting from version 0.8.The first stable build was
released in December 2014,starting from version 1.0.The current stable version is 3.2.1,which
was released in October 2018.


MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) in

July 2013, it was the world's second most widely used RDBMS, and the most widely used
open-source client–server model RDBMS. It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius's. The
SQL acronym stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has
made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as
under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-

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profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation For proprietary
use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality.The IDE used for
MySql is HeidiSql

7.5 Table Design

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to

serve many users quickly and effectively. The general objective is to make information
access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for the users. The general theme behind a
database is to integrate all information. Database design is recognized as a standard of
management information system and is available virtually for every computer system. In
database design several specific objectives are considered.

• Ease of learning and use

• Controlled redundancy
• Data independency
• More information at low cost
• Accuracy and integrity
• Recovery and failure
• Privacy and security

A database is an integrated collection of data and provides centralized access to the

data. Usually the centralized data managing the software is called RDBMS. The main
significant difference between RDBMS and other DBMS is the separation of data as seen by
the program and data has in direct access to store device . This is the difference between
logical and physical data.

Table Structure

A database is a collection of related data. The organization of data in a database has to

represent the underlying meaning or semantics of the data correctly and effectively. During
table design the nature and content of the record type, data items that are to be included in the
record and the characteristics of each data items that are to be included in the record and the
characteristics of each data item such as its name, type and width have to be considered.
Various factors are considered during the table design phase of system analysis. Some of
them are listed below.

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• Purpose of the table

• Availability of the hardware
• Method of access
• File activity
• File size
• Output requirements
• Input requirements
• File organization

Table design also deals with the design of physical database. A key field determines
how the access is to be implemented. Suitable key fields are identified various tables and are
coded appropriately. The type, width and size of the fields are identified. Techniques of file
organization are studied so that the most appropriate storage device can be selected and an
efficient database design can be achieved. Specifying the data between them identifies the
interface between system databases and other databases.

The designing of the tables in the database is done according to the rules specified for
database as described above. In the proposed project 22 tables are used and some of them
connected using foreign keys. Insertion and retrieval of values is easy by designing the
database in this way.

Table Design

Table design is a collection of complete details about a particular subject. These data are
saved in rows and columns. The data of each row are different units. Hence, rows are called
records and columns of each row are called fields. Data is stored in tables, which is available
in the backend. The items and data, which are entered in the input, form id directly stored in
this table using linking of database. We can link more than one table to input forms

Table 1

Table Name: Tbl_admin

Table Description: To store admin username and password

Fields Data Type size Description

Admin_user Varchar 20 Username of admin

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Admin_pwd Varchar 20 Password of admin

Table 2

Table Name: tbl_state

Primary key: state t_id

Table Description: store details of state

Fields Data Type size Description

state _id Varchar 20 Identification of state
state _name Varchar 50 state name

Table 3

Table Name: tbl_district

Primary key: district_id

Foreign key:state_id(tbl_state)

Table Description: store details of district

Fields Data Type size Description

district_id Varchar 20 Identification of district
State_id Varchar 20 Identification of state
Dis_name Varchar 50 District name

Table 4

Table Name :Tbl_place

Primary key :place_id

Foreign key : district_id

Table Description: store details of place

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Fields Data Type size Description

place_id Varchar 20 Identification of place
Dis_id Varchar 20 Identification of district
Place_name Varchar 50 Name of the place

Table 5

Table Name: tbl_party

Primary key : party_id

Table Description: store details of party

Field Data type size Description

Party_id Varchar 20 Identification of party
Party_name Varchar 50 Name of the party
Party_fullname Varchar 50 fullname of the party
Party_description Varchar 200 Description of party
Party_date Date Establish date
Party_founder Varchar 50 Founder of party
Party_secretary Varchar 50 Secretary of party
Party_headquarters Varchar 50 Headquarters name
Logo Varchar 500 Logo of party

Table 6

Table Name : tbl_idcategory

Primary key :idcategory_id

Table Description: store details of IDcard types(election card, pan card etc.)

Fields Data type Size Description

Idcategory_id Varchar 20
Idcategory_name Varchar 50 Id proof name

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Table 7

Table Name :Election type

Primary key: election_typeid

Table Description: store details of election type

Fields Data type Size Description

election_typeid Varchar 20 Identification of election type
Election_type Varchar 50 Type of the election

Table 8

Table Name: tbl_electionDeclaration

Primary key : electionDeclrn_id

Foreign key: election_typeid

Table Description: store the details of election declaration

Fields Data type Size Description

electionDeclrn_id Varchar 20 Identification election declaration
election_typeid Varchar 20 Identification of election type
Election_date Varchar 50 date of the election
Election_anowndate Varchar 50 Result announce date
Table 9

Table Name: tbl_candidate

Primary key: candidate_id

Foreign key :idcategory_id

Table Description: store candidate details

Fields Data type Size Description

Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Candidate_name Varchar 50 Name of the candidate

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Election Prediction

Candidate_address Varchar 50 Address of the candidate

Candidate_gender Varchar 50 Gender of the candidate
Candidate_contact Varchar 50 Contact of Candidate
Candidate_dob Varchar 50 Date of birth of candidate
Candidate_email Varchar 50 Email of Candidate
Idcategory_id Varchar 20 Id card name
Id_number varchar 50 Number of ID card
Id_upload varchar 500 Upload ID card
Candidate_photo varchar 500 Candidate photo
Username varchar 50 User name of candidate
Password varchar 50 Password of candidate

Table 10

Table Name:Tbl_candidateelectiondetails

Primary key:canele_id

Foreign key:party_id(tbl_party),place_id(tbl_palce), election_typeid(tbl_electiontype)

Table Description: store the details of candidate details.

Fileds Data type Size Description

Canele_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate election details
Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Party_id Varchar 20 Identification of party
Place_id Varchar 20 Identication of place
election_typeid Varchar 20 Identification of election type
Candidate_type varchar 50 Type of the candidate
Date date Date

Table 11

Table Name: tbl_candidatepost

Primary Key:candidatepost_id

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Foregin Key: candidate_id

Table Description: store the details of upload post of each candidate

Fileds Data type Size Description

candidatepost_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate post
Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Category varchar 50 Category of file
File _upload varchar 500 Upload file
Upload_date date Upload date

Table 12

Table Name:tbl_voter

Primary key: voter _id

Foreign key : Idcategory_id

Table Description: store the details of user

Fields Data type Size Description

voter _id Varchar 20 Identification of voter
voter _name varchar 50 Name of the voter
voter _address varchar 50 Address of the voter
voter _gender varchar 50 Gender of the voter
voter _dob varchar 50 Date of birth of voter
voter _contact varchar 50 Contact of voter
voter _email varchar 50 Email of voter
Idcategory_id Varchar 20 Id card name
Id_number varchar 50 Number of ID card
Id_upload varchar 500 Upload ID card
Username varchar 50 User name of voter
Password varchar 50 Password of voter

Table 13

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Table Name: tbl_ voter comment

Primary Key:ucmnt_id

Foreign key: voter _id(tbl_ voter) candidatepost_id (tbl_candidatepost)

Table Description: store the details of comments

Fields Data type Size Description

Ucmnt_id Varchar 20 Identification of user comment
voter _id Varchar 20 Identification of voter
candidatepost_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate post
Date Varchar 20 System Date of comment
Comment varchar 50 Comment of each post

Table 14

Table Name: tbl_Userrating

Primary Key:urate_id

Foreign key: voter _id(tbl_user)adminpost_id(tbl_adminpost)

Table Description: store the details of rating.

Fields Data type Size Description

urate_id Varchar 20 Identification of user rating
User_id Varchar 20 Identification of user
candidatepost_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate post
Date date System Date of rate
Rating varchar 50 rate of each post

Table: 15

Table Name : tbl_ratingResult

Primary key : ratingresult_id

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Foreign key: urate_id( tbl_Userrating)

Table Description: store the details of rating calculation score

Fields Data type Size Description

ratingresult_id Varchar 20 Identification of Rating result
urate_id varchar 30 Identification of user rating
Nousers Varchar 20 Total numbers of users give rating.
Nouserrating_five Int No of users give rating 5
Nouserrating_four Int No of users give rating 4
Score Total score of rating
Prntage Int Percentage of score

Table 16

Table name: tbl_surveyquestion

Primary key:qustn_id

Table Description: store the details of survey questions

Fields Data type Size Description

Qustn_id Varchar 20 Identification of survey question
Qustn Varchar 50 Survey question

Table 17

Table Name : tbl_qustnoption

Primary key : qustnoption_id

Foreign key : qustn_id

Table Description: store the details of options and values.

Fields Data type Size Description

qustnoption_id Varchar 20 Identification of question option
Qustn_id Varchar 20 Identification of survey question

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Option varchar 50 Option of question

Value int Value of option

Table 18

Table Name : tbl_suveyhead

Primary key :surveyhead_id

Foreign key:user_id(tbl_user),candidate_id(tbl_candidate

Table Description: store the details of survey head.

Fields Data type Size Description

surveyhead_id Varchar 20 Identification of Suvey head
User_id Varchar 20 Identification of user
Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
date Varchar 20 Date
Total_mark int Total mark

Table 19

Table Name : tbl_suveydetails

Primary key :surveydetails_id

Foreign key: surveyhead_id , qustn_id(tbl_surveyquestion), qustnoptionid(tbl_qustnoption)

Table Description: store the details of survey results.

Fields Data type Size Description

surveydetails_id Varchar 20 Identification of Suvey details
surveyhead_id Varchar 20 Identification of survey head
Qustn_id Varchar 20 Identification of question
qustnoption_id Varchar 20 Identification of question option

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Table 20

Table Name : tbl_sentiment

Primary key :sentiment_id

Foreign key: candidate_id(tbl_candidate) ,

Fields Data type Size Description

Sentiment_id Varchar 20 Identification of sentimental analysis
Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Date date Date
Score int Score of sentimental analysis

Table 21

Table Name : tbl_totalcalculation

Foreignkey:candidate_id(tbl_candidate) ,

Table Description: store the details of each candidate total score.

Fields Data type Size Description

Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Date date Date
Surveyresult_id Varchar 20 Identification of survey result
Ratingresult_id Varchar 20 Identification of rating
Sentiment_id Varchar 20 Identification of sentimental analysis
Totalprntage int Presentage of total calculation

Table 22

Table name :tbl_feedback

Primary key: feedback_id

Foreignkey :user_id(tbl_user),candidate_id(tbl_candidate)

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Table Description: store the details of feedback of user or candidate

Fields Data type Size Description

Feedback_id Varchar 20 Identification of feedback
Feedback varchar 50 Feedback of candidate or user
User_id Varchar 20 Identification of user
Candidate_id Varchar 20 Identification of candidate
Date date Date of feedback

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8.1. Test Cases

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design,
the module. This is also known as module testing. The modules are tested separately. These
testing are carried out during programming stage itself. Modules are tested separately in the
unit testing stage. It is carried out during programming stage. In this project modules to be
test are registration, add place, state and district, add post, post updates, rating, attend survey.
Each module should execute error free.

Integration Testing
Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program
structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with
interfacing. In this testing, all the individual modules were combined and the module wise
shifting was verified to be alright.
Integration testing is testing in which a group of components are combined to
produce output. Also, the interaction between software and hardware is tested in integration
testing if software and hardware components have any relation.
Modules are integrated and tested. The attend survey is integrated with adding
of questions and options, conduct survey of each candidate are integrated and tested ,rating is
integrated with candidate registration and candidate uploads are integrated and tested for
finding errors in any interfaces.

System Testing
The behaviour of whole system is tested as defined by the scope of project. It
includes test based on risk, requirement specification, use cases and other high level
description of the system. It is the final test that will be used to verify the system to be
delivered the specifications. All modules are completely tested when there is no error.
Whole system is tested after combined together. Test all the requirements
satisfied or not. Final test for website and mobile application to check the reliability of the
operations implemented. All modules are completely tested to confirm there is no error and

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then integrate. Finally the integrated modules are combined together and tested. Modules like
registration, upload post, rating and comment, attend survey, score calculation are combined
and tested. The testing is also done after the data migration at users’ site.

User Acceptance Testing

After system test has corrected the system is delivered to users for user
acceptance testing. This is done by users or stakeholders. So, this application is tested by
users when it is delivered to them. The user of the application checks all the functionalities
are working perfectly. The user check whether the attend survey, rating, comment, upload
posts are executed error free. All user needs are satisfied to build it.
The website and mobile application delivered to users to run in their
platform. User check if the modules work correctly or not and give feedback. Registration,
rating, comment, survey, upload post should execute error free and securely.

8.2. Test Report

Test report of JANADESH is error free and successful result got after
testing. JANADESH software is 99% successful. JANADESH is a fully automated system
and online website for public library. It is easy to use for librarian and members. The
software is filled with simple and attractive interfaces. It is easy to understand it.

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9.1. System Implementation

Implementation is the process of converting a new or a revised system design into an

operational one. Conversion means changing from one system to another. The objective is to
put the system into operation while holding costs, risks and personnel irritation to minimum.
It involves:
Creating computer compatible files.

Training the operating staff.

Installing terminals and hardware.

Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the
old system to new system. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual
or automated system or it may be a major modification to an existing system. Proper
implementation is essential to provide a reliable system to meet the organization
Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization
using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it. The method of
implementation and the time scale to be adopted are found out initially. Next the system is
tested properly and the same time users are trained in the new procedures.


Implementation of software refers to the final installation of the package in its

real environment, to the satisfaction of the intended users and the operation of the system. In
the initial stage they doubt about the software but we have to ensure that the resistance does
not built up as one has to make sure that
The active user must be aware of using the system.

Their confidence in the software is built up.

Proper guidance is imparted to the user so that he is comfortable in using the application.

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Before going ahead and viewing the system, the user must know that for
viewing the result, the server program should be running in the server. If the server object is
not up running on the server, the actual processes won’t take place.


The final step of the systems approach recognizes that implemented solution can
fail to solve the problem for which it was developed. The results of implementing a solution
should be monitored and evaluated. This is called post implementation review process, since
the success of a solution is reviewed after it is implemented.

“Janadesh” software is implemented for candidates. Training is provided for the candidates
on how to use the system. The mobile application is implemented on to voters’s smart phone .

9.2. System Maintenance

This phase occurs as a result of deploying the whole system at the end users
organization. They will perform the beta testing at the end users and inform to the developers
about any needed modification to the application. The customer records all the problems that
are encountered during the beta testing and reports these to the developer at regular intervals.
Maintenance has not yet been performed and is a part of future plans.

• Corrective Maintenance
Even with the best quality assurance activities, it is likely that the customer will
uncover defects in the software. Corrective maintenance changes the software to correct the

• Adaptive Maintenance

Over time, the original environment (CPU, operating system, business rules, external
product characteristics) for which the software was developed is likely to change. Adaptive
maintenance results in modification to the software to accommodate changes to its external

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• Enhancement Maintenance
As software is used, the customer/user will recognize additional functions that will
provide the benefit. Perfect maintenance extends the software beyond its original functional

• Preventive Maintenance

Computer software deteriorates due to change, and because of this preventive

maintenance often called software engineering, must be conducted to enable the software to
serve the needs of its end users. Preventive maintenance makes changes to computer
programs so that they can be more easily corrected, adapted and enhanced.

9.3 User/Operational Manual

The existing system of election prediction is opinion poll and exit poll. An election
exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. An
exit poll asks for whom the voter actually voted. Pollsters- usually private companies
working for newspapers or broadcasters conduct exit polls to gain an early indication as to
how an election has turned out, as in many elections the actual result may take hours or even
days to count.

The proposed system overcomes the problems of existing system. The proposed
system is a mobile application and web application. It is single system for opinion poll and
exit poll. Everyone voter can be write their own opinion without any hesitation. They can rate
candidates and attend survey. The system has to predict which candidate will win the
election. The prediction is conducted using three methods. They are survey, rating calculation
and sentiment analysis of voter comment.
Admin can calculate rating score of each post. Voter comment used to perform
sentimental analysis and calculate a score. Survey score is calculated. Three criteria used to
calculate total score of each candidate and compare the candidates and predict who win the

The candidate can upload video, audio, text. View the analysis details after the

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The voter can view the candidate post and give rating and comment. The voter
can attend the online survey. The voter can view the prediction details after the election.

The proposed system meets the objectives specified above. Mainly three
criteria used for predicting the result. The criteria are voter comment, survey, and voter
rating. The candidate upload his/her post to site, the user give the comment and rating to each
post. Voter can also attend survey. Admin can calculate score of each criteria. Then plot the
graph of each candidate. Admin calculate total score and percentage of each candidate. The
percentage of each candidate is compared and to predict who win.

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10.1. Organization Profile

Progressive Education is a major international force in IT consulting and

services. Utilizing our broad range of Web-based solutions, we address and resolve
the integration & solutions needs of today's IT users for both hardware and software.
Our integrated quality information system helps us manage all aspects of high quality
software production in our organization. Internal quality assessments are done twice a
year with the intention of identifying quality issues and areas of improvement. The
assessment focuses on customer feedback on product quality, our service levels as
well as the effectiveness of the quality system.


Professional web site design is critical for success in the modern Internet
Business World. Offering an attractive, intuitive interface with a logical and easy to
use navigation layout will make the difference between a happy visitor (and potential
client) and a frustrated web surfer at your website. A successful site begins by
carefully planning a rewarding user experience.

Progressive expert creative services team delivers the following services:

❖ User Interface Design

❖ Site Layout Design

❖ Site Re-Design

❖ Site Flow And Navigation

❖ HTML Integration With Backend Technologies

❖ Logo Designing

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E-business Applications develops custom applications that are built to meet

specific needs within your business. Our solutions are business focused to help
improve your bottom line by increasing productivity, increasing information and
business process transparency and improving business systems efficiency. Not only
are our solutions business driven, but they are focused on leading edge and industry
standard technologies that will be able to evolve with your needs over the long term.


At Progressive, we view our customer relationships as partnerships and are

committed to being accountable to ensure that the development, integration and
implementation of solutions are performed in a professional and timely manner. We
unite this accountability with our dedication to applying the most appropriate
methodologies & technologies, and we dispatch our 'best-of-breed' technology
professionals to make it all happen. The result is satisfied customers who consistently
give us high marks for our expansive offerings of precise engineering.


Our combination of business knowledge and IT services provide our customers

with high-quality, end-to-end solutions. Our success is based on a clear vision of the
business and technology solutions for your needs and the ability to deliver results that
help you establish an edge over your competitors. We focus on establishing long-term
partnerships with our customers. We have the talent, knowledge and experience to
understand your industries, business processes and IT requirements, and to identify
solutions that meet your specific needs. Business process outsourcing to maximize
business efficiency, all processes that are not competitive edge to the enterprise should
be outsourced. As an integrated tech and ops company with global services delivery,
Progressive is driving this emerging business model.

Through a combination of intelligent process management, proprietary

outsourcing management technology, and a dedicated, shared service or transaction-

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based model, Progressive offers the best ROI in this space. We offer services in two

BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING: here we operate the process on

behalf of the client on the client's process and technology. Business Services
Provisioning (BSP): here we take end-to-end responsibility for the process and run it
on the gold-standard process and technology, and provide the output in the required
format to the clients on a pay-per-drink basis. This enables clients to variables their
costs, maximize efficiency and manage for spikes in business.


Progressive Education
ll nd Floor, Koyas Tower
PO Junction Muvattupuzha -686661
Kerala, India.

Phone Contact

+91 9072488881,0485-2834881

Email Contact

10.2. Document Glossary, Figures, Tables


IDE -- Integrated Development Environment

PCPL -- Progressive Cybernetics Private Limited

TA -- Travelling Allowance

JSP -- Java Server Pages

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SQL -- Structured Query Language

UI -- User Interface

PK -- Primary Key

FK -- Foreign Key

UML -- Unified Modelling Language

10.3. References

1. Database Management Systems – Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Third

Edition, McGraw Hill, 2003
2. Applying UML and Patterns, an Introduction to Object Oriented Analysis – Larman
Craig, Third Edition, Pearson Education,2004

10.4. Sample Project Code

Election Declaration

<!DOCTYPE html>



<meta charset="utf-8" />

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="76x76" href="../assets/img/apple-icon.png">

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="../assets/img/favicon.png">

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />


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Election Declaration


<meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-

scalable=0, shrink-to-fit=no' name='viewport' />

<link href="../assets/iconfont/material-icons.css" rel="stylesheet" />






//Insert and Update





$insert="insert into


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echo "<script>alert('Inserted Successfully!')</script>";






<div class="wrapper ">




<div class="main-panel" style="background-image: url('../assets1/img/bg3.jpg');

background-size: cover; background-position: top center">



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<div class="content">

<!-- main content -->

<div class="container-fluid">

<!-- main container -->

<div class="row">

<!-- row for grid -->

<div class="col-md-5">

<!-- grid -->

<div class="card" id="about">

<!-- form card -->

<div class="card-header card-header-primary">

<h4 class="card-title">Election Declaration</h4>

<p class="card-category">Enter election declaration details</p>


<div class="card-body">

<!-- form card-body -->

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">

<div class="form-group">

<label class="bmd-label-floating">Election Type</label>

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<select name="seltype" id="seltype" class="form-control selectpicker"


<option value="">--Select--</option>


$select="select *from tbl_electiontype";




<option value="<?php echo $data['electiontype_id'];?>">

<?php echo $data['election_type'];?>






<div class="form-group">

<label class="bmd-label-floating">Election Date</label>

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<input type="date" name="txtdate" id="txtdate" class="form-control"

required value=""/>


<div class="form-group">

<label class="bmd-label-floating">Result Publish Date</label>

<input type="date" name="txtresult" id="txtresult" class="form-control"

required value=""/>


<div class="form-group">

<input type="submit" name="btnsubmit" id="btnsubmit" value="Submit"

class=" btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-round" />

<input type="reset" name="btncancel" id="btncancel" value="Cancel"

class=" btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-round" />




<!-- form-card-body closed -->


<!-- form card closed -->


<!-- grid closed -->

<div class="col-md-7">

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<!-- second grid -->

<div class="card">

<!-- table card -->

<!-- display content in a table-->

<div class="card-header card-header-primary">

<h4 class="card-title ">Election Declaration</h4>

<p class="card-category">Details of Every Election Declaration</p>


<div class="card-body">

<!-- card-body -->

<div class="table-responsive">

<!-- responsive table -->

<table class="table">

<thead class="text-primary">

<th>Election Type</th>

<th>Election Date</th>

<th>Result Date</th>

<th colspan="2" class="text-center">Edit data</th>



$selDistrict="select * from tbl_electiondeclaration d inner join tbl_electiontype s on



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<!-- Delete and Edit display in table -->



<?php echo $type;?>



<?php echo $disname;?>



<?php echo $statename;?>


<td><a href="EditElectionDeclaration.php?del=1&delid=<?php echo

$disid;?>"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a></td>

<td><a href="editElectionDeclaration.php?ed=1&edid=<?php echo

$disid;?>"><i class="material-icons">edit</i></a></td>


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<!-- closing responsive table -->


<!-- closing table card body -->


<!-- closing table card -->


<!-- closing second grid -->


<!-- closing row -->


<!-- closing main container -->


<!-- closing main content -->


<!-- closing main panel -->


<!-- closing wrapper -->


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.material-icons.orange600 {

color: #ffffff;




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