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Customer perspective Enhancement and defect logged:

 Defect logged for third-party software removal and log enhancement no dependency on third
party software version during removal by SEP.
 SEP Client UI should change with respect to latest technology (i.e.AdvML/SDS/MEM, HID etc.).
 SEP component crash report must be sent to SEPM admin/Symantec

Find Product and Cloud Design

 Logged design defect issues in Cloud Example, Sha value file import-export,
 Design Defect of in cloud for Alert and Event also give Enhancement to display with user-friendly
 Negotiate to dev in many defects to change design

Security Defects
 Logged security defect in cloud

Involvement within other SEP and out of SEP Team:

SEP Client and Server Team:
 Helping system client and server team to LU server setup on https, ATP Server, and triaging LU
and security package. Helping them in feature understanding and motivating them quality work.

 Helping automation team Implementing Product feature, coverage and cloud API automation.
 Helping another team in terms of product feature, environment setup to CRT, Dev and out of
SEP and got appreciation email and Wow Award.

Identifying Feature GAP:

 Identify feature gap in system team testing prospect and customer prospect.

Test Case Assignment :

 Identifying critical and high importance test cases which give coverage and get defect around it
to team in area of IMDP, Protech and EDR.

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