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Perth Amboy Evening News Buying “Bait” After July First

PnbNehed éatly except Sunday by the PKHTH AMRO y EVKNIXQ OTCWS
COMPANY, 314 fltste St. Pert Amboy. Row Jersey. Phore 4M.
X LOGAN CLEVENGER - • • Editor. D P. OLM8TEAD ... Bari new M<t ■OH
Subscription Price—By mall. Incladtag wwtago and war tai. 1 month
• tent»; 1 year >7 50. Fighting Cannibals In 1919
Branch Office»—New fork: f. R Northrop. 143 Fifth Are Chicago: Suit*
Mie Aaaoclatlon Building. PREPARED AND ISSUED BY
THE EVENING NEWS Is a member of the Amorteen Rewsaapor Pabllsbere'
Association and Audit Bureau of Clrrolhtfoa. THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY
Thia newspaper la a member of The Associated Press. Newt
herein and oo fieri rr . I *r- Aeenciotefi Pre* nlepstchoa which m*y
t be lawfully reprinted except oy mercbers^fTbo As.*» I ted Press. l<o u
peers of spontaneous
origin herein nrlnted ts eufctect to the same res rictlou »
to republication. WASHINGTON. D. C., April 35.— arrow, and as inveterate a clubman as
Entered at the Perth Amboy Post Office a* Class Matter. "Cannibals!” you may have exclaimed a wealthy American bachelor. In
Wfien you read recently of a naval many islands of the New Hebrides
force sent to Malekula Island, of the each village has its club house, and
New Hebrides, to quell attacks of the upon his stand lug among, his club fel­
man-eaters upon «bite planters, “I lows, depends his rank in the com­
thought cannibals had disappeared munity.
long ago." "Moreover there is a combination
I'- TROUBLE WITH THE TROLLEY • Contrary to general belief the community forum, public dance hall,
cannibal still is with us,” says a bul­ and children's playground under tho
letin from the National Geographic banyan tree of nearly every native
The Trenton Times cannot understand why the trolley company Hociaty. “And oasmibalism In prac­ village.
ticed regularly by some tribes of the “There are many differences be­
operating the street railway in that city cannot make the system pay numerous South 9ea Island» In tween the Malekulan and the natives
■other places it is recurrent. Mission­ of other islands, though most of them
« a fire cent fare when the trolley lines of San Francisco are so pros­ aries and agents report it stamped
■out, and they speak truly, save for I are ©bvlonsly Melanesian, from their
thick, woolly hair, coal black akin,
occasional lapses into barbarism of noses and heavy ltps. The Male-
perous on a nickel ride. The Times says: these primative peoples Just emerg­ I flirt are accorded the palm for fer­
ing into the kindergarten stags of kulansocity and cruelty by many traveler»
uIf San Francisco, with a municipally-operated street their civilisation. though they are not unique among
railway system can pay expenses, make extensions, provide I "Of all the peoples of the vast the Hebrides natives in these re­
Booth Pacific expanse 'Vvhere the white specta islands the women
for interest on bonds as they mature, give pood service, and man’s influence has keen felt at all expect toOnbesome buried alWe with their
earn a large profit for the public treasury and all on a five- the Malokula islanders perhaps are
the most murderous, treacherous and husband's bodies.
cant fw1©—surely the city of Trenton can do as well. At any savage. Not many years ago ethnol­ "A redeeming feature of the Maie-
rate, the Trenton and Mercer County Traction Company, ogists who saw «orne egg shaped kulong is their scrupulous honesty. A
skulls brought from the island hold traveller’s life may not be worth much
properly managed, should be able to carry passengers for not h ”h hopes that there, at last, might If he irritates a native, but his prop­
exceeding a nickel fare and earn dividends on the money ac­ i the missing link which erty is absolutely safe. Another
the evolutionary step from Malekula distinction Inheres In the
tually paid in. to man. wooden ancestor images found there.
The trouble here is, and it is common to ail the street * xnv ^ligation soon disproved any These effigies display a resemblance
such theory. For the cone shaped to human beings and attest a latent
railway corporations that have been unable to pay expenses, heads of many Malekula islanders is nrftatir taste In their crude coloring.
even with higher fares, that its capitalization lias been so over­ a deformity deliberately produced by "Trouble In the New Hebrides is
v rapping cord about the heads of nothing new. In 1904 an Anglo-
watered that the earnings cannot be made to cover dividends, b&Mea. If the ohUd survives the treat­ French expedition was needed to
•4rentals, ” decent service, and pay for repair, paving and tho ment its egg shaped head points up­ check a native uprising and nearly
legitimate expenses. The Publie Utility Commission several ward. is a Matekulan distinction akin two decades earlier the French inter­
to the tiny fswt of a Chinese wo­ vened to sui press a vtgortous out­
months ago intimated that it intended to investigate trolley man. break. _ ___
“Another custom of Malokula seems "The Now Hebrides were discover­
capitalization. equally harrowing. If a woman dis­ ed by a Portuguese sailor early in the
With the new* blood recently injected into the commis­ closes a gap In the rows of her seventeenth cwfhiryt explored some­
sion, this should be a good time to begin the investigation.” gleaming teeth it means that khe Is what and named by Oapt. Cook a cen­
married, and that the older wvmen tury and a half later, and were de­
have performed this operation in semo clared neutral by France and Great
Perhaps it is not so much the over-capitalization of the companies thing of the playful spirit In which Britain In 1871. Later agreements
(Oopyrignt, 19IS, by tbe Wheeler Syndicate. Ino.) rice throwing sometimes is indulged provided Jolfit control and adminls-
Mg it is failure to give service that will induce people to ride. in at an American ceremony. ^•Tho New Hebrides Ito about 1.M0
"The male Malekulan is a crack
A person who recently came east from Los Angeles said that the marksman with the bow and poisoned miles northeast of Sydney, Australia,

thing that impressed him most here was the awful trolley service. Los Bits o/ By-Play
Copyright, 1919, the Cincinnati
Angelea^ he said, has a trolley line which gives a service of twenty Inquirer. H7alt Masons Rippling Rhymes
miles in twenty minutes. It has six tracks. The two middle tracks No Joke.
While you may be great runners, men, BOLSHEVIK
•re for express service. A mile a minute is maintained and the fare is And quick to duck and double;
Your skill won’t help you any when I Indorso the good old plan of the brotherhood of man, and I
You’ro trying to dodge trouble. hate anointed kings, thrones and sceptres and such things. There­
only five cents. What is more, the cars are large, steel cars correspond­ fore let me have a gun, and amuck I’ll gladly run, shooting people
Olli as I go, causing streams of blood to flow. Oh, for victims I will N,
ing to the regular standard passenger coaches used here on our steam "Why do you argue with your search, and I’ll burn the village church, and I’ll blow up all the
wife?” asked Mr. Naybor. Dont’ j ou schools with my bombs and kindred tools. For I love my fellow mon,
railroads. Most impressive of all, they are scrupulously clean. know that it is a waste of time?” and I’d see them free again, as they were before the flood, ere the
“Sure I do,” replied Mr. Gabb.
“But I have to allow her a little pleas­ race’s name was Mud. I’d destroy the tyrant’s works; so I’ll shoot Rented In
What a farce the so-called “fast line” operating between here ure once in a while." a dozen clerks, and I'll pillage, slay and rob, till I weary of the job.
There will be a brighter day when old things are done away, when
and Newark becomes in comparison. Different. there are no laws in force, and red murder takes Its course, when
tho courthouse Is a dive for the toughest bums alive, and the bats
4 Days
It’s easy enough to take things as
What a comedy the so-called service between this city and New they come, and ravens perch In the old dismantled church. It will be a splendid Have one reserved
This is the right spirit, we know; time when we’re free to wade in crime, scalping people every day,
somehow or other, it makes us with no cop to cry, “Nay, nay!” Let me have my rough on rats,
Brunswick is, taking anywhere from an hour and ten minutes to an But, feel glum, and my trusty pair of gats, for I wish to go down street slaying every
When we part with things as they one I meet; thus I’ll help to speed the day when old things are done
hour and a half to travel the twelve miles—and that in dirty, filthy go. away.

cars that are hardly fit for cattle to ride in. Haw, Haw!
“Don't you find it lonely since your Where Will You Keep
These high grade trolley lines on the Pacific coast pay handsome­ husband died?" asked the Friend.
"Not a bit," replied the Widow. "I
have this old lamp for company."
ly on a five cent fare. Why must the trolley lines in the East get six "But that old lamp can’t take the
place of a husband," said the Friend. DR. STELZLE SAYS:
Your Victory Note? \
and seven cents for a greatly inferior service? "Why can’t it?” demanded the) * > ‘n
Widow. “It tries to be brilliant and ” * * Bv
can’t get away with it; It requires a
is that the trolley companies in the West en­ good deal of attention; it is unsteady Why not keep it and the bonds in that great vault? -
on its legs; it flares up occasionally; It
courage the people to use their lines, whereas here the trolley com­ is bound to smoke, and it is always out The other day the Central Labor Union In a western city expressed, by
at bedtime.” vote, Its disapproval of a philanthropic endeavor to furnish homes for Rid your mind of those little petty anxieties, that cause
working girls.
pany, by its indifference and neglect—by its actual defiance of the peo­ So Could I. On the face of It this looks like ingratitude and pure cussedness, but you to flinch every’ time the fire bell rings or the fire
The hungry dog looked old and stiff, the real reason was that these workingmen and women disliked the pater­
ple-drives the people away from their lines and makes the jitney and And then I heard him moon; nalism that Is usually prominent in such enterprises. *whistle blows. y*
“I know I’d get some supper if Full-grown, rospectable working girls like "homes ” but they don ’t want
the private automobile a necessity. I only had a bone.” to be trailed and disciplined and constantly told what to do an.d what not
to do—-girls run away from homes that have these elements even when The devils of pillage and destruction arc outmatched
If the trip between this city and Newark, a distance of about lorded over by fine ladies who want to “help tho poor.”
c * Gosh! "homes" have fathers and mothers to them, and they -aren’t goii^r to be by this great vault. Even the remotest possibility of
"You should love your neighbor as "Working-girls homes” should be run on a purely business bams, and
eighteen miles, could be made in up to date, clean, easy riding cars in yourself,” observed the Old Fogy. those who live in them should have all the freedom they enjoy in a regular loss may be dismissed from the mind.
"But suppose your neighbor is an hotel or boarding house. ...................
thirty minutes, who would bothcT about jitneys, steam railroads or amateur cornet player?” demanded There’s a great need for such places—more than most of us know—and
the Grouch. big-hearted men and women who wish to do a bit of real social service The rent of a safety deposit box is simply insurance
even private automobile! engage in no worthier enterprise.
Be. don’t let them forget that working-girts are just as human as their against probable loss and breach of privacy. Five-
There are some moments In our lives own But daughters—and that their self-respect should be honored just as much.
If real express servie© were Inaugurated between this city and When wo hate company ; sixth of a cent per day is a reasonable rate, for there is
So, if a fellow has the hives,
New Brunswick, covering the twelve miles in fifteen or twenty min­ My friend, just let him be. L and announcing the disbanding of In Just a few months Mother will human service goes along with this offering.
-------- TT the Providence Police and Fire Depart get up on Monday morning expecting
utes, and with heavy, steel cars kept scrupulously clean to ride in, ments on that date, os prohibition is to do her washing and Will discover
Lucky. ”7^ expected to make Jails and Courts un­ that Father has spent Sunday in the Call, "phone 100, or write and have a safety deposit
We have Just ieu. ..ed that the new necessary. The bulletin tells of the cellar making a mess of some-brew
there would not be so many people taking the round about route by chef at the Hotel Sin tin in Cincin­ Joys of public lemonade fountains and
and he has her washtubs filled with
box reserved for you. ■
nati is Fortunat Mann. the benefits of cheaper clovea Only foamy stuff.
Rahway, using the steam railroad; the jitney would be put out of Wr Prefer a Pink Sommer Girl.
one cloud appears to mar the perfect Perhaps it is just as well that girls
sky. Owing to prohibition, the tax wear such tight shoes. A corn or a
buainess ami the private automobile would be abandoned to a large
(Ad. in Lexington (Ky.) Herald.) rate in Providence is to be increased blister on the heoi soon make a Prin­
LOST—Blue winter girl’s coat. Re­ 42.15 on eaech 4100 of property. cess forget ail about her Broken
The Perth Amboy Trust Co.
ward. Eva Beck, 390 Oldham avenue. Heart.
extent. The result would be a greatly increased travel by trolley and Atta Boy! When you make a mistake nobody
Oh. Joy! Trains may come and train may go. pays any attention to it But five min­ PERTH AMBOY, N. J.
tlte fare could easily be maintained at five cents, the same as it is at Owen Moore went through bank­ But Pullman Palace Cars stay In utes after a newspaper makes a
ruptcy Court in Louisville last week. Ashland, Ky., helping the Chamber
He went in as Owen Noel Moore and of Commerce double the industrial take tho whole town knows it.
Los Angeles, where they ride for fifteen miles on a five cent fare. the court just knocked the L out of pay roll. jjjjjjjgjm
Instead of whimpering and going to the Public Utility Commis­
Owen, and he camo out Owen Noe
Daily Hoioscope
Ho, Hum!
Prohibition is certainly tough, The stars incline, but do not compel.*»
sion for permission to raise fare when the jitney comes in and takes Ouch! It deprives men of beer and hard
The boy stood on the burning deck, stough. Friday, April 25, lfil©.
He stood to dodge the heat; And if these Antts can, (Copyright, 1919, by the McClure
aw ay a large share of the passengers, the trolley company should plan He knew if he sat down, by heck, They will soon put a ban - Newspaper Syndicate.)
That he would burn his seat. On tobacco and even on snough. Until the evening hours the plane­
to meet the competition by trying to learn why people prefer the jit­ —Luke McLuke. —Luke McLuke. tary influences are not fottuna.»^
cording to astrology. Jupiter, Mer­
The boy plunged from the burning On sbme folks this sets mighty rough cury and Uranus are all In evil as­
ney to the trolley and then improve the service so as to put the compe­
deck, And they feel it should have rebough, pect After nightfall, the Sun is In
tition out of business» The flames around did roar;
He grabbed a cake of soap by heck,
Since the Antis all hope
To hang on to their "dope”
friendly sway. LIBERTY LOAN”
And washed himself ashore. Business is subject to fluctuations
This can be done by making the trolley service so attractive that And Insist that for all that’s enough. owing to rumors, whispered and print­
—Nashville Kiwanis Club. —Cedartown (Ga.) Standard. ed, and many of these aie due to en­ We recommend our clients to subscribe to
Cheer Upl Names Is Names. emy propaganda.
the people will ride in nothing elso. Will Shoots lives on Rural Route B, The stock market is likely to he ex­ s the full extent of their ability.
The Providence (R. I.) Chamber of
Commerce issues a bulletin announc­ Americus, Ga. --- . - ceedingly uncertain during the next
It is apparent that there is something radically wrong with the ing the closing of all jails and correc­ few daya Speculation will be more More than patriotism, it is sound business
tional institutions In the state on July Or Daily Special. than usually risky.
Street transportation in eastern cities. The root of the whole trouble A Man Con Always Win an Argu­ Under this planetary government It nt to buy these short term Government
ment With His Conscience. is held to be easy to deceive, and false :o return 3} or which mature in three
seems to be a failure to render real service so as to induce people to reports more easily command atten­
Luke McLuke Says. tion than at other times. or four years.
It is also our humble opinion that Sensations of national interest aro
ride. It seems like an imposition to ask people here to pay six cents if wives would fry more nwsh in skel- prognosticated^ hut behind them all We shall be glad to arrange for your sub­
lets and read less of it in magazines are indications of great advantages to
and seven cents fare for such inferior service when the people of other there would be fewer divorces. this country. scription without charge as we did in the four
We know that the other fellow has Travel is not well directed while preceeding loans. **
parts of the country are getting such high class service for a nickel. bis faults. But you should remember Uranus is menacing. It is particular­
that the Lord didn’t appoint you to ly perilous to go up in airplanes or to
advertise them to the world. journey in vehicles propelled by elec­
After a man has been over the tricity.
jumps for seme time he realizes that
the grdDkr"5bhuua... .flshrdlu
the friendship of some men depends stars toject
Love letters are believed to be sub­
malign Influences while the
posited as they are today and
Rariwj Trust Company
Observations on how much you pay for it .
If every husband was as economical wise men will be careful In all their
writings^ even in business communi­
hi the evening as he is In the morn- cations.
350-352 S S .P
tate t erth mboy A . NJ.
tg when he first gets up both he and During this configuration the seers
If collective bargaining is a good way to settle the price of labor, his wife wpuld have more money! declare that race consciousness is em­
How a man does like to work over­
why isu’t it a good way to settle the price of eats ?
• • •
Confirmation Suits time on the job when he is making a phasized and sensitiveness accentu­
fool of himself! v
Every other week a housewife re­
ated. The idea of universal brother-1
hood should be nourished.
Lloyd George told the House of Commons that the allies had de­
Of all wool, blue serge, made solves that she will never buy another The evening of this day Should he
in the very latest model; ages 8 week thing from an agent And every other an auspicious time for entertaining
Builders’ and Contractors’ Directory 1
cided for non-intervention in Russia, but that they would continue to she breaks her resolution. persons in places of the Sun. It Is al­
to 17 ; regular price $15.00. The tight wad may not be the most so a lucky night for conferences with
aid friendly elements that are fighting Bolshevism. It is all clear popular fellow in the world. But yqu eminent men. Plaster, Lehigh Coai.
enough, except that we can’t understand the difference between in­ will seldom fluff one in the poorhouse. Financial troubles will reach a des­ SayreI Are. Trt.4S7S-W IRA R. CROUSE
tervention and intervention.
• • •
Special At S12.50 The man who has never seen a sun­ perate crisis in Russia before the
rise is always willing to criticise the summer quarter, astrologers forecast,
Sweeeesor to BtewarS Korea
8tT^M°^e^1<A“boy. N. 3
iwork of the artist who has painted but conditions will continue to grow Mason ’s Materials Cement, Stone. Jobbing Promptly Attended Ta .
Just Arrived—75 dozen of our ‘one. worse as the spring advances. BkUeen’s Portland Cement Higginson’s I* D Phone S44. . .Perth Amhe:
The charge against General Graves is that he refused to help the Famous Grey Foot Half Hose Another good bet is that no man’s The Moon in the tenth house In
Japs in an attack on people with whom the United States is uot at war. ;n?afl ever comes up to his expecta­ square to Mercury Jupiter denotes
for men. tion» serious diplomatic blunders in the CARL C. CHRISTENSEN Marble and Granite Ifnimiaintd
a ■ • • No matter how bossy a woman may summer quarter and the United States BIASON sod CONTRACTOR
New Brunswick Ave,
The allies have decided to feed the Russians, provided they will 25c a Pair be, it takes her a long time to get her may meet now problems.
husband so he is house broke. Persons whose birthdate It is have
Ever notice that a deaf man can the forecast of success in business af­
AH kinds of Cement Work a Specialty
Telephone HS
Oorner State and Paterson Sts
Headstones Lot Endows
atop fighting long enough to eat. 4 usually hear the things that you do fairs, but they should make a©
• • • not want him to hear? changes and should not risk money. HANS KROGH FRED CHRISTENSEN
GANNON & SHEEHY Every man expects to b» bluffed Children bom on this day may be CONSTRUCTION CO,
After Helgoland is stripped of its fortifications, there will be no once in a white. Bat if you show a erratic and strongly individual.. These mason and buildeb
88 Satth Start man y»w hand after yon have subjects of Taurus one usually fill
need of the first syllable. him he will never forghe you. lor and very snccessfnl. tu. 1M. BmMmm. n»

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