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Paragraph Correction Exercise

Tomorrow I 1) is going to sing a solo. I’m so 2) nervouse! There are so many things that could
go wrong. I’m worried that my voice will shake. 3) Maybe I going to open my mouth and no sound will
4) comes out. What if I can’t sing the high 5) notes What if I 6) trip and fell down? What if I fall off the
stage? What if I sound 7) terible? I hope I can 8) do. I think I can.

Susanna came home 1) from a work. She 2) putted the key in the lock of the 3) apartament door.
She opened the door. She clearly heard a 4) voise talking inside her apartment. Was it the TV? Was it
the radio? Was it her neighbor? 5) She not know if she should 6) go in or run away! She couldn’t move.
She 7) couldnt think. She heard the soft sound of footsteps. She couldn’t breathe. The door slowly
opened. “Mom! What are you doing 8) here” Susanna said, when she caught her breath. “Hi Honey!
Dad and I are cooking dinner for you!”

My stepmother is the 1) jenealogist of the family. She maintains records of births, deaths,
marriages, and divorces. She takes the job 2) real serious. She sends missives to the family 3) whoever
something noteworthy occurs. We recently had a bulletin about 4) the demise of the relative during the
Civil War– which transpired a century-and-a-half ago. This ancestor apparently bequeathed his old
earthly possessions (some 5) beautiful and antique furniture) to his progeny, who in turn bequeathed
their goods to their descendants. My husband’s great-grandfather, 6) his mother’s father, has recently
inherited some of this 7) beautiful antique furniture. My husband wonders if he will one day pass
heirlooms on to his progeny. 8) If yes, we may inherit some new furniture, and my stepmother will
have even more to keep track of!

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