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Case Study 4

Creating a Simple R Dashboard

1. Case Background
You are to create a simple Web-Based dashboard composed of a Tree Map that depicts the
Appraised Value and Age of the different artworks from the Art Database with a real time filter based on
its Category. A sample screenshot of the dashboard is shown as follows:

2. Preliminaries
2.1.1. Create a new folder in your “My Documents\ BIModule1 Cases” Folder and name it: “art-
2.1.2. Copy the art.csv file and paste it in the “art-app” folder.

3. R Studio

3.1. Setting Working Directory

3.1.1. Open R Studio.

3.1.2. In the middle right corner of the R Studio window click on the three dots “…”
3.1.3. Search for My Documents then select the BIModule1 Cases Folder then select the art-
app folder. Click on Ok.
3.1.4. Click on More -> Set Working Directory

3.2. Creating UI and Server Files.
3.2.1. Click on File->New File – R Script >

3.2.2. Type the following lines of code:

3.2.1. Click on File -> Save. Name the file “server.R” . Save it inside the art-app folder.
3.2.2. Click on File->New File – R Script >

3.2.3. Type the following lines of code:

3.2.4. Click on File -> Save. Name the file “ui.R”. Save it inside the art-app folder.
3.2.5. Click on to view the Dashboard.

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