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Main Variable

Effectiveness of Radio Advertising

 Advertisement providing


 Entertaining Advertising

 Promotional Advertising

 Advertisements having shames

and offers


 Age

 Sex

 Status

Moderating Variablee

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study

Significance of the study

The outcome of study would beneficially of the following:

Effectiveness of Advertising. creates a personal and efficient method of

reaching a particular audience. It also allows a business to establish and maintain a

unique personality, as well as strengthen their reputation which encourages customers

to support the business. Customer loyalty is also a major factor in maintaining the

success of a business. Advertising reminds customers of benefits from the business’s

products and services.

Future Researchers. This study can provide information as their references

on their study. also will give a clear understanding on the effectiveness

of using radio.

Marketing Student. This study can supply knowledge, information in terms of

strategy and at the same awareness for strategy to use. also will serve as guide for the

researchers to undertake more study of any aspect.

Definition of Terms

in this section were defined operationally to give the reader better


Advertising. To call the public's attention to your business, usually for the

purpose of selling products or services, through the use of various forms of media, such

as print or broadcast notices

Radio. sound communication by radio waves, usually through the transmission

of music, news, and other types of programs from single broadcast stations to

multitudes of individual listeners equipped with radio receivers.

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