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ROYAL College


1. AYMEN YARED ------------------------ 0675/14

2. BETHELHEM GOSSAYE ---------------- 0247/14
3. KALEAB GETACHEW ------------------- 0260/14
4. NAHOM BIZUAYEHU ------------------- 0257/14
5. REDIET BELISTI ------------------------- 0242/14
6. YABSERA FEKERE ---------------------- 0265/14
1. Describe Advertisements?
Advertisements are promotional messages or materials that are created to communicate information
about a product, service, or brand to a target audience. They are designed to capture the attention of
consumers and persuade them to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or visiting a
website. Advertisements can take various forms, including print ads, television commercials, radio
spots, online banners, social media posts, and billboards. They often incorporate visual elements,
such as images or videos, as well as written or spoken content to convey the desired message. The
goal of advertisements is to raise awareness, generate interest, and ultimately drive consumer
behavior in favor of the advertised product or brand.

2. Explain Characteristics of Advertising

1. Communication: Advertising is a form of communication that aims to convey a message to a target audience.
2. Persuasion: The primary goal of advertising is to persuade and influence the audience to take a desired action,
such as purchasing a product or service.
3. Creativity: Advertising often involves creative and innovative approaches to capture the attention of the audience
and make the message memorable.
4. Paid Promotion: Advertising typically involves a paid promotion, where businesses or organizations pay for the
placement of their message in various media channels.
5. Targeting: Advertising is targeted towards specific demographics or market segments to reach the intended
audience effectively.
6. Branding: Advertising plays a crucial role in building and enhancing brand awareness, identity, and reputation.
7. Mass Reach: Advertising has the potential to reach a large number of people through various media channels,
such as television, radio, print, and digital platforms.
8. Measurable Results: Advertising campaigns can be measured and evaluated based on their effectiveness in
achieving the desired objectives, such as increased sales or brand recognition.
9. Integration: Advertising is often integrated with other marketing strategies and activities to create a cohesive and
comprehensive promotional approach.
10. Regulation: Advertising is subject to legal and ethical regulations to ensure fairness, truthfulness, and protection
of consumers.
3. describe Significant of Advertisements?
1. Promoting Products or Services: Advertisements are used to create awareness and generate interest in products
or services offered by businesses. They highlight the features, benefits, and unique selling points of the offerings.
2. Increasing Sales and Revenue: By reaching out to a wide audience, advertisements aim to attract potential
customers and persuade them to make a purchase. This ultimately leads to increased sales and revenue for
3. Building Brand Awareness and Recognition: Advertisements help in building brand awareness by familiarizing
consumers with a company's name, logo, and overall brand identity. They create a positive image and reputation
for the brand, making it recognizable and memorable
4. Explain the five. Categories of advertisements?
The five categories of advertisements are: -
1. Product advertisements: These ads promote a specific product or service. They aim to inform potential
customers about the features, benefits, and advantages of the product or service.
2. Institutional advertisements: These ads promote a company or organization as a whole. They aim to
create a positive image of the company in the minds of potential customers and stakeholders.

3. Advocacy advertisements: These ads promote a particular issue or cause. They aim to raise awareness
and encourage people to take action on a social, political, or environmental issue.

4. Public service advertisements: These ads promote public welfare and social causes. They aim to
educate and inform people about important issues such as health, safety, and the environment.

5. Recruitment advertisements: These ads promote job vacancies and career opportunities. They aim to
attract qualified candidates to apply for job openings in a company or organization. why not this

5. The following are the Criticisms limitation of

advertising. Describe each?
A. less forceful being impersonal medium of communication it is less for fuel when compared
to personal selling advertising is a common message and you are no compared to personal
selling advertising compered to pay attention to the message conveyed.

B. lack of feedback. It is not possible to study the efficiency of advertising message as it is

not Possible to gather immediate and precise feedback of the communicated.

C. Inflexibility. Advertising is not very fflexing cause of non - Stabilization and is not Custom
made to meet the necessities of the various groups of customers

D. low effectiveness. Because of the growth in volume of advertising is become impossible to

make advertising message learned by prospective group of Consume this Ultimately
influences the efficient of advertising,

6.Describe advertising ethics?

Advertising ethics refers to the principles and standards that govern the behavior of advertisers in their
communication with consumers and other stakeholders. These ethical principles include honesty,
transparency, respect for privacy, fairness, and responsibility.

7. Mention Examples of good Ethics?

1. Honesty and Truthfulness: Advertisements should be truthful and not contain any false or misleading
information. Claims made in advertisements should be supported by evidence.
2. Transparency: Advertisements should clearly disclose any sponsored or paid content. This helps consumers make
informed decisions and prevents deception.
3. Respect for Privacy: Advertisers should respect the privacy of individuals and adhere to data protection laws.
Personal information should not be collected or used without consent.
4. Social Responsibility: Advertisements should promote positive values and contribute to the well-being of society.
They should not promote harmful or offensive content.
5. Diversity and Inclusion: Advertisements should reflect the diversity of society and avoid stereotypes or
discriminatory portrayals. They should be inclusive and respectful of all individuals.
6. Environmental Consciousness: Advertisers should consider the environmental impact of their campaigns and
strive to minimize waste and promote sustainable practices.

8. Mention Examples of bad Ethics?

1. Deceptive Advertising: This involves making false or misleading claims about a product or service in order to
deceive consumers. This can include exaggerating the benefits of a product, omitting important information, or
using deceptive visuals or testimonials.
2. Unfair Competition: This refers to unethical practices aimed at gaining an unfair advantage over competitors.
This can include spreading false rumors about competitors, sabotaging their advertising campaigns, or engaging
in price-fixing or collusion.
3. Targeting Vulnerable Groups: Advertising that targets vulnerable groups, such as children or the elderly, in a
manipulative or exploitative manner is considered unethical. This can involve using persuasive techniques to
encourage impulse buying or promoting unhealthy products to children.
4. Offensive or Offensive Content: Advertising that contains offensive or discriminatory content, such as sexist,
racist, or derogatory language or imagery, is considered unethical. This type of advertising can perpetuate
harmful stereotypes and contribute to social inequality.
9. Describe Marketing?
marketing is a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that encompasses various strategies and activities
aimed at understanding, attracting, and satisfying customer needs in a way that creates value for both the
customer and the business.

10. Mention any 5 of the printing Specifications with are Confirmed for
pre-production activities?
1. Art reproduction, including halftones, line art, photography, and screens.
2. Binding/finishing specifications.
3. Color reproduction, including color register/s, color separation, digital color reproduction, process color, and spot
4. Composition specifications.
5. Typesetting specifications.

11. Mention any 5 of the preproduction Specifications with are

Confirmed for pre-production activities?
1. Printing specifications, including art reproduction, binding/finishing, color reproduction, composition, and
2. Print production specifications, such as computer software programs, desktop publishing, flexography, inkjet
printing, offset lithography, pre-print production processes, rotogravure, and silk screen.
3. Electronic production specifications, including film, live recording, sound recording, video, and website involving
sound, graphics, animation.
4. Artwork and graphics specifications.
5. Receipt and review of advertising copy, visual elements, layout, rehearsals, scripts, and set construction.

12. Mention any 5 of the electronic Production Specification activities

1. Film
2. Live recording
3. Sound recording
4. Video
5. Website involving sound, graphics, animation

13. write any 5 of the pre-production activities that are monitored against
scheduling and budgetary requirement
1. Printing specifications, including art reproduction, binding/finishing, color reproduction, composition, and
2. Print production specifications, such as computer software programs, desktop publishing, flexography, inkjet
printing, letterpress, offset lithography, pre-print production processes, rotogravure, and silk screen.
3. Electronic production specifications, including film, live recording, sound recording, video, and website involving
sound, graphics, and animation.
4. Receipt and review of advertising copy, visual elements, and layout.
5. Rehearsals, scripts, storyboards, set construction, artwork, graphics, imposition, and music.

14. write any 5 of the production schedules in with budget, Suppliers and
resource requirements are confirmed
1. Film or video shooting schedule: This schedule outlines the budget, suppliers, and resource requirements for the
production of a film or video, including equipment, crew, and locations.
2. Print production schedule: This schedule confirms the budget, suppliers, and resource requirements for the
printing of advertisements, including specifications for art reproduction, binding/finishing, and color
3. Sound recording schedule: This schedule outlines the budget, suppliers, and resource requirements for recording
sound for advertisements, including equipment, studio time, and any additional sound effects or music.
4. Website development schedule: This schedule confirms the budget, suppliers, and resource requirements for the
development of a website for advertising purposes, including graphic design, animation, and programming.
5. Set construction schedule: This schedule outlines the budget, suppliers, and resource requirements for the
construction of sets for advertisements, including materials, labor, and any special effects or props needed.

15. Write any 5 of the production activities that are monitored against
scheduling and budgetary requirements and Variations are reported
likely for action & approval in accordance with Organizational Policies &

Five production activities that are monitored against scheduling and budgetary requirements are:
1. Film or video shooting
2. Pre-production, production, and post-production work
3. Print production
4. Sound recording
5. Website development
Variations in these activities are reported for action and approval in accordance with organizational policies and
procedures by following these steps:
1. Monitoring progress: The progress of production activities is continuously monitored against the established
schedule and budget. Any variations or deviations from the planned timeline or budget are identified.
2. Reporting variations: Once variations are identified, they are reported to the relevant individuals or departments
responsible for approving and taking action. This could include project managers, supervisors, or finance
3. Recommendations for action: Along with reporting the variations, recommendations are made on how to address
the variations and bring the production activities back on track. These recommendations may include adjusting
the schedule, reallocating resources, or revising the budget.
4. Approval process: The recommendations for addressing variations in scheduling and budgetary requirements are
submitted for approval. The approval process involves obtaining the necessary authorization from relevant
personnel or departments, ensuring that any changes made align with organizational policies and procedures.
5. Implementation of approved changes: Once the variations are approved, the necessary actions are taken to
implement the recommended changes. This could involve rescheduling activities, reallocating resources, or
revising the budget to ensure that the production activities align with the approved schedule and budgetary
16. Write performance Criteria for learning out come over Sea
Production Work?
1. Confirming specifications, production schedule, budget, supplier/s, and resource requirements.
2. Monitoring progress against the production schedule and identifying likely variations.
3. Gaining approvals for schedule variations and production budget allocations, if required.
4. Confirming specifications, schedule, budget, supplier/s, and resource requirements for post-production activities.
5. Monitoring post-production activities against scheduling and budgetary requirements.
6. Reporting and taking action on variations in post-production activities.
7. Monitoring pre-production activities against scheduling and budgetary requirements.
8. Reporting and taking action on likely overruns in pre-production activities.

17. Demonstrate how you can monitor advertising & production?

1. Confirming Specifications: Ensure that all the specifications for printing, print production, electronic production,
schedule, budget, supplier/s, and resource requirements are confirmed before starting the production process.
2. Monitoring Pre-Production Activities: Keep a close eye on pre-production activities such as art reproduction,
printing, binding/finishing, color reproduction, composition, typesetting, and other relevant tasks. Monitor these
activities against the schedule and budgetary requirements and report any potential overruns for necessary
action and approval.
3. Estimating Delays: In case of any delays in pre-production, estimate the impact of the delay and make
recommendations to reschedule activities to meet the pre-production schedule. This should be done in
accordance with organizational policies and procedures.
4. Confirming Production Requirements: Once pre-production is complete, confirm the specifications, production
schedule, budget, supplier/s, and resource requirements for the production process. This includes activities such
as film or video shooting, sound recording, print production, and website development.
5. Monitoring Production Progress: Monitor the progress of production activities against the production schedule.
Identify any variations or deviations from the schedule and report them in accordance with organizational
policies and procedures.
6. Seeking Approvals: If there are any schedule variations that require additional budget allocations, seek approvals
from relevant persons in accordance with organizational policies and procedures.
7. Confirming Post-Production Requirements: Before starting post-production activities, confirm the specifications,
schedule, budget, supplier/s, and resource requirements. This includes activities such as assembling scenes,
dialogue synchronization, editing, sound mixing, and special effects.
8. Monitoring Post-Production Activities: Monitor post-production activities against the schedule and budgetary
requirements. Report any variations or deviations for necessary action and approval in accordance with
organizational policies and procedures.

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