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How I got Into Vaping

Vaping is very popular today. It Is not only used by adults but also by teenagers. It is an emerging hobby
among people. Most of these people are past smokers that have switch to vaping, like me.

I used to be a smoker. I can consider myself as a heavy smoker. I can consume about a pack of cigarette
in one day. My smoking was so severe that nothing can stop me from smoking. I could smoke anytime,
anywhere, as long as I feel smoking.

I know that smoking can be very harmful to my health. I know that it can’t only harm me but also my
family. I know that secondhand smoke from a cigarette is more deadly that the one I puff.

Because of this I have been searching for an alternative to smoking and that is where I found vaping.
Actually, it was recommended by a friend. He said that doing vaping than smoking is more “healthier”.

So, I tried it out, but before that I gathered information using the internet. I stumbled upon a website
called Vaporizer Friend. It is a cool website; it has everything you need to know about vaporizers. It has
reviews about the latest and the hippest vaporizers in the market. To top it all up the website has versus
& compare articles on different vaporizers.

One thing I like about vaping is that how customizable it is. You can mix and match different accessories.
The possibilities are endless you can even buy other mods and different flavors of vapors depending on
what you prefer.

By the way for my first ever vaporizer I bought a crafty, the crafty is smaller than the mighty. Mighty is
another vaporizer. I like the crafty because of the design and its convenience.

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