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Name: Ahmed Al-Harbi Academic No.

: 3900032 Extended Essay Writing

smoking should be banned at public places

Have you ever known that smoking causes 87% of lung cancer? Smoking is a very
common habit in our community; especially between teenagers. Why do not they stop this bad
habit despite they know its drawbacks and how it harms the health; not only theirs, but the health
of everybody around them. That is why I suggest that smoking should be prohibited at public

On a personal level, smokers are more likely to have some diseases, strokes, and cancers.
It is an extremely dangerous habit that leads to destruction. It is known as the slow death.
Because according to CDC, smoking causes the death of 90% of lung cancer cases. However,
lungs are not the only parts affected by smoking; the brain is a heavily influenced part of the
human’s body. We use it for a lot of tasks such as thinking, memorization, and learning. Over
time, all these tasks will be weak more and more. The bad thing is that non-smokers or passive
smokers can be affected by the smoke of the smokers’ cigarettes. This risk increases every year,
and the number of smokers grows abnormally in a way threatens the whole society.

At places such as gardens, cafes, and restaurants; there are a huge mix of people.
Absolutely, some of them are not smokers. Usually, non-smokers hate even the smell of
smoking. They cannot try a cigarette for many reasons. Some of them may well know the
harmful effects of it. Others may have some health troubles and they must not be exposed to
cigarettes smoke. But how should they protect themselves while they live, walk, or eat at
smoking places. In such situations; the non-smokers who exposed to smoking around them are in
danger more than smokers themselves. The public places are for everyone. So, smokers cannot
do anything they want, which is smoking, at such places. They have to respect non-smokers and
prepare private areas for smokers.

However, some smokers say that it is their right and freedom to smoke anywhere they
want. I agree that it is a personal issue and one of their rights to smoke. But I oppose them in
which they think that they have the freedom to smoke anywhere regardless the bad side effects
they may cause for people around them. To refute smokers that smoking must be banned at
public places, I ask them to put themselves in the other side and try to feel how non-smokers feel
when they smell smoking. Then, I think their point of view will be changed.
In conclusion, in my opinion; I think that smoking should be banned at public places. or,
I suggest these places’ owners to prepare a closed areas for smokers. This solution will be
satisfactory to both sides. Smokers will smoke anytime and anywhere they want, and at the same
time they will not harm the non-smokers.

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