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Smoking is a big phenomenon that is spreading around the


.It destroys the lives of many people, especially young people

:There are several causes that cause young people to smoke

lack of parental control, family problems, imitation of others,

.bad attendance

While smoking, young people destroy their health and can have
serious diseases such as lung cancer because each cigarette is a
.poison poison for the body

So we have to appeal to young smokers to stop them from

.falling victim to deadly cancer

Smoking,, the slow killer

We all wonder of those people who refuse to live happy and

healthy life, they choose to live miserable life intentionally!
They want to commit slow suicide, you may ask your self whom
.are they, they are the smokers

As we know that our age is full of experiments and discoveries,

these experiments may become one day a bad or fatal habits
that lead people to death. Smoking is considered one of those

Unfortunately, that most smokers know that this unpleasant

habit causes many diseases to them. Perhaps you would care to
know that it has an adverse effect on lymph nodes, pituitary
glands, nerves centers, heart, blood pressure and lungs,
.regardless of its fiscal disadvan***es

?How to quit smoking

:These are practical steps, but we need deeds not words

Delay the usual time of smoking, e.g. if you are smoking every *
day at morning, try to delay it to the afternoon, then try again
to delay it to the night. The desire of smoking will reduce

Try to avoid the places or attitudes that remind you with *

smoking. Most likely, you will be longing for smoking but you
.have to hold your horses

learn new hobbies and sports to fill your time as a trial to *

.distraction from smoking

In fact, they are more and more ways to quit smoking, but we
want to notice that you have to put in your consideration the
appropriate time and place, not to mention the praying and ask
Allah to help you. If you do it, you will be obedient to Allah and
.held in respect from all people

Finally, we hope that all smokers quit smoking and choose to

live the happy and healthy life both now and in the hereafter.
.May the grace and peace of Allah be with you
‫ القاتل البطيء‬،‫التدخين‬

‫ واختاروا أن‬،‫نتساءل كل من هؤالء الناس الذين يرفضون ان يعيشوا حياة سعيدة وصحية‬
‫ هم من‬،‫ قد تسأل نفسك منهم هم‬،‫يعيشوا حياة بائسة عمدا! انهم يريدون االنتحار البطيء‬
‫كما نعلم أن عصرنا هو كامل من التجارب واالكتشافات‪ ،‬قد تصبح هذه التجارب يوم واحد في‬
‫العادات السيئة التي تؤدي إلى الوفاة أو الناس حتى الموت‪ .‬ويعتبر التدخين واحدة من تلك‬

‫لسوء الحظ‪ ،‬أن معظم المدخنين يعرفون أن هذه العادة غير سارة يسبب الكثير من األمراض‬
‫لهم‪ .‬ربما لن يهمك أن تعرف أن لديها أثر سلبي على الغدد الليمفاوية والغدد النخامية‪ ،‬ومراكز‬
‫االعصاب والقلب وضغط الدم والرئتين‪ ،‬وبغض النظر عن المالية العامة وفاق ***‬

‫كيف تقلع عن التدخين؟‬

‫هذه هي الخطوات العملية‪ ،‬لكننا بحاجة افعال ال اقوال‪:‬‬

‫* تأخير في الوقت المعتاد للتدخين‪ ،‬على سبيل المثال إذا كنت التدخين كل يوم في الصباح‪ ،‬في‬
‫محاولة لتأخير لفترة ما بعد الظهر‪ ،‬ثم حاول مرة أخرى لتأخيرها إلى الليل‪ .‬والرغبة في‬
‫التدخين تقلل تدريجيا‪.‬‬

‫* في محاولة لتجنب األماكن أو المواقف التي تذكرك مع التدخين‪ .‬على األرجح‪ ،‬سوف يتوقون‬
‫للتدخين ولكن عليك أن عقد الخيول الخاصة بك‪.‬‬

‫* تعلم هوايات جديدة والرياضة لملء وقتك بمثابة محاكمة لتشتيت االنتباه عن التدخين‪.‬‬

‫في الواقع‪ ،‬فهي وسائل أكثر وأكثر في اإلقالع عن التدخين‪ ،‬لكننا نريد أن نالحظ أن عليك ان‬
‫تضع في االعتبار الخاص في الوقت المناسب والمكان‪ ،‬ناهيك عن الصالة وأسأل هللا أن‬
‫تساعدك‪ .‬اذا كنت تفعل ذلك‪ ،‬سوف يكون مطيعا هلل‪ ،‬والذي عقد في االحترام من جميع الناس‪.‬‬

‫أخيرا‪ ،‬نأمل أن جميع المدخنين االقالع عن التدخين ويختارون العيش حياة سعيدة وصحية على‬
‫حد سواء اآلن أو في اآلخرة‪ .‬قد النعمة والسالم من هللا يكون معك‪.‬‬

‫‪Smoking,, the slow killer‬‬

‫‪We all wonder of those people who refuse to live happy and‬‬
‫!‪healthy life, they choose to live miserable life intentionally‬‬
‫‪They want to commit slow suicide, you may ask your self whom‬‬
‫‪.are they, they are the smokers‬‬

‫‪As we know that our age is full of experiments and discoveries,‬‬

‫‪these experiments may become one day a bad or fatal habits‬‬
‫‪that lead people to death. Smoking is considered one of those‬‬
Unfortunately, that most smokers know that this unpleasant
habit causes many diseases to them. Perhaps you would care to
know that it has an adverse effect on lymph nodes, pituitary
glands, nerves centers, heart, blood pressure and lungs,
.regardless of its fiscal disadvan***es

?How to quit smoking

:These are practical steps, but we need deeds not words

Delay the usual time of smoking, e.g. if you are smoking every *
day at morning, try to delay it to the afternoon, then try again
to delay it to the night. The desire of smoking will reduce

Try to avoid the places or attitudes that remind you with *

smoking. Most likely, you will be longing for smoking but you
.have to hold your horses

learn new hobbies and sports to fill your time as a trial to *

.distraction from smoking

In fact, they are more and more ways to quit smoking, but we
want to notice that you have to put in your consideration the
appropriate time and place, not to mention the praying and ask
Allah to help you. If you do it, you will be obedient to Allah and
.held in respect from all people

Finally, we hope that all smokers quit smoking and choose to

live the happy and healthy life both now and in the hereafter.
.May the grace and peace of Allah be with you

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