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Lo = 185.54
Lf = 186.2
To = 32
Tf = ?
a1 = 0.0000112 carbon Steel

(Lf-Lo)/Lo = a1(Tf-To)
0.003557 = a1(Tf-To)
317.61 = (Tf-To)
Tf = 349.61 oC

a 0.0000112
L 185.54
Tf 350 oC
To 32

186.195 186.2 0.66

= 0.6608193 185.54 0.33
Calculation For Shrink Fitting


- Length
Lo = 186.05 mm Nominal length of part being heated (the diameter for a cylinder) (in or mm)
Lf = 186.20 mm Nominal length of part after heated (the diameter for a cylinder) (in or mm)
δ= 0.15 mm

- Temperature
Tf = 300 oC Temperature of part after heated (oF or oC)
To = 32 oC Temperature of part being heated (oF or oC)
∆T = 268 oC Temperature Difference (oF or oC)

- Coefficient of thermal expansion

α = 0.000011 mm/mmoC Coefficient of thermal expansion (in/in oF or mm/mmoC)
Material : AISI 4140

- Deformation
δ = 0.349112 mm Total Deformation Desired (in or mm)


δ = α*L (Tf-To)
= 0.548

Tf = (δ/(α L))+To
= 202.589 oC


Calculation For Shrink Fitting


- Length
Lo = 584.18 mm Nominal length of part being heated (the diameter for a cylinder) (in or mm)
Lf = 186.60 mm Nominal length of part after heated (the diameter for a cylinder) (in or mm)
δ= -397.58 mm Total Deformation Desired (in or mm)

- Temperature
Tf = ? oC Final Tempearture (oF or oC) 302
To = 32 C
Temperature of part being heated ( F or C)
o o

- Coefficient of thermal expansion

α = 0.000011 mm/mmoC Coefficient of thermal expansion (in/in oF or mm/mmoC)
Material : Carbon Steel


- Final Tempearture (Tf)

Tf = (δ/(α L))+To
= ### oC


1.577286 mm
Calculation For Shrink Fitting


- Length
Lo = 186.05 mm Nominal diameter for a wheel being heated
Lf = 186.60 mm Nominal diameter for a wheel after heated
δ= 0.55 mm Total Deformation Desired

- Temperature
Tf = ? oC Final Tempearture (oF or oC)
To = 32 oC Temperature of wheel being heated (oF or oC)

- Coefficient of thermal expansion

α = 0.000011 mm/mmoC Coefficient of thermal expansion (in/in oF or mm/mmoC)
Material : Carbon Steel
Lo = ø 186,046
Calculation: Lf = ø 186,600

- Final Tempearture (Tf)

Tf = (δ/(α L))+To
= 302.705 oC
Calculation For Shrink Fitting
0.6 mm

- Length
Lo = 240.00 mm Nominal diameter for a wheel being heated
Lf = 239.69 mm Nominal diameter for a wheel after heated

- Temperature
Tf = -35 oC Final Tempearture (oF or oC)
To = 34 oC Temperature of wheel being heated (oF or oC)
∆T = -69 oC Temperature Difference (oF or oC)

- Coefficient of thermal expansion

α = 0.000019 mm/mmoC Coefficient of thermal expansion (in/in oF or mm/mmoC)
Material : Cooper


- Final Tempearture (Tf)

δ = α*L (Tf-To)
= -0.315 mm

Lf = ø 279,70

Lo = ø 280,00

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