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Aksara Murda

Aksara Murda is used to start a word which expresses proper name, such as name of person, city,
place etc. Its function is just the same as capital letter in Latin alphabet, but the different is it is in
the form of letter-syllable and only has limited number of letter-syllable, eight letter-syllables
exactly: Na Ka Ta Sa Pa Nya Ga Ba as displayed in the above table.


Note: Aksara Murda is used to represent the italic letters.

Aksara Swara

Just the same as Aksara Murda, Aksara Swara is also used to begin proper name. ifaksara
murda is used to express proper name which starts with consonant letter-syllables that belongs
to aksara murda, as explained previously, Aksara Swara is used to start proper name which
starts with vocal letters, a i u e o. here are the examples:
Note: Aksara Swara is used to represent the italic letters.

Aksara Rekan

Along with the settlement of Moslem traders from Gujarat to Javanese Island who has Arabic as
their native language, the Javanese Alphabet system committed modifications. In the Arabic,
there are many sounds that are alien in Javanese ears, such as kha, fa, dza, gha, and za. To adapt
this sound Javanese people also made modification in their alphabet letter system; this
modification is known as Aksara Rekan, as it is displayed in the above table. The example of the
usage is as follows:


Here is the form of numbers in Javanese alphabet system. The use is just the same as
numbers in Latin alphabet, but with colon in its group of number to separate it from
letters. Such as:

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