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Nama : Idham Lazwardi,S.

Sekolah Asal : SLB Insan Mulia Payakumbuh
LPTK : Universitas Negeri Padang
Angkatan : V (Lima)
No Peserta PPG: 19086515710034

In this activity, I have learned To construct an announcement according to the

good context of situation, social function, text structure, and lexico-grammatical. I have learned to
compare the social function of a number of announcement regarding the context of situation, the
target readers, and the points of interests or importance. To compare the structure of each of the
announcement including the general structure and detail descriptions. To compare the lexico-
grammatical features of announcement by determining the choice of words and expressions, the use of
direct and indirect sentences, the tenses, the fonts, the punctuation
marks.To construct an announcement according to the context of situation, social function, text
structure, and lexico-grammatical features, and I also have learned to compare between written
annoucement and oral announcement.

The key features of announcements include Social Function, Generic Structure, and Significant
lexico-Grammatical Features.

What I like most about this activity are, 1. I like to construct the good written announcement
acoording to what I have learned. 2. I like to compare the social function of a number personal
letters regarding the context of situation, the target receiver, and the points of interest or
importance. 3. I like to compare between written annoucement and oral annoucement.

What I need to improve/learn more are to construct an announcement that have learned and
finding more about the good phrase,word, and style that can make the reader interest in reading
the annoucement and easy to understand the announcement.

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