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Soran University

Faculty of Education-School of Basic Education

Department: English


Name: …………………………
Instructor: --------------------------

Academic Year: 2019-2020

Submitted In: 2020/7/3

Firstly I decided to write about Pragmatics because it is a social communication and it
is important in order to be able to build social relationships with other people. It is also important
academically, as many curriculum based activities rely on working in groups and communication
between is also a main study of linguistics that defines the hidden meanings of a speaker
or writer towards the conjoining effort of linguistic form. Pragmatics deals with study of form and
its user that uses the given forms into different orders for involving within conversational field. In
pragmatics, the people are engaging themselves to understand the given in-tended meaning, along
with their different goals, purpose and the action of the speaker. It is stated along with its user.
Within pragmatics the importance is usually given to a appropriate meaning, where every
other meaning of given context is referred to speaker as well as writer that wishes to state
something. Therefore, the field of pragmatics helps to deal with speaker’s intended meaning. It is
the scope of pragmatics that shows some of linguistic relating terms. They are often stated as
utterances, which are informative contribution through physical or real utterance of the
meaning, uses of word, structure and setting of the conversations. The second is a speech act
that focuses on what the writer and the speaker wants to say to someone. So in this way, the major
purpose of pragmatics is engaged with addressor’s intended words to communicate with the
Thus, we can say pragmatics is a really fun and interesting topic to study! If you have never
studied it before, you will learn that it has the ability to re-shape your understanding of everyday
phrases, sentences, expressions, statements and questions!
So in order to know more about this significant topic I suggest you read my report and use it as a
kind of source about pragmatics.

List of Contents

Abstract: ….…………………………………………………….. 2

List of Contents: ………………………………………………………………………..3

Introduction: …………………………………………………………………………4

Main body: …………………………………………………………………………….5-6

Conclusion: ……………………………………………………………………………7

References: …………………………………………………………………………..8

To let you know about Pragmatics simply I can say that, the part of language that embraces
the functional use of language in social contexts is called pragmatics. Pragmatics refers to the
foundations of conversation: how something is said, the intentions of the speaker, the relationship
between the participants, and the cultural expectations of the exchange. It is, by its nature, a
complicated and elusive part of communication. It also can be viewed as a branch of linguistics
and its significant role in English as a second language. In pragmatics, meaning in communication
has an important role and it can be considered into two elements such as verbal and nonverbal. It
depends on various contexts, relationship between utterers, and social factors.
Pragmatics can be defined from different views in different ways. As indicated by Roever (2010),
in applied linguistics, Pragmatics research is mostly concerned with the interrelationship between
language use and the social and interpersonal context of interaction. Morris (1938) recommends
the modern usage of pragmatics firstly. He defines the term pragmatics as “the study of the
relation of signs to interpreters”, whereas he defines syntax as “the formal relation of signs to one
another” and semantics as “the relation of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable.”
He provides the scope of pragmatics in accordance with his particular behavioristic theory of
semiotics. According to Levinson (1983), “It is a sufficiently accurate characterization of
pragmatics to say that it deals with the biotic aspects of semiotics, that is, with all the
psychological, biological, and sociological phenomena which occur in the functioning of signs.”
Crystal (1997) believes pragmatics as “the study of language from the point of view of users,
especially of the choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using language in social
interaction and the effects their use of language has on their participants in the act of
communication." Thus, it is said that pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning.

Main body

As I mentioned above, Pragmatics is a branch of linguistics, which is the study of language.

Pragmatics focuses on conversational associate, which is a process in which the speaker implies
and a listener infers. Simply put pragmatics studies language that is not directly spoken. Instead,
the speaker hints at or suggests a meaning, and the listener assumes the correct intention.
Consequently, pragmatic elements have noticeable roles in communication between speakers
because such elements can delay mistakenness and misunderstandings during communication.
Teachers should teach pragmatic competence in second language English classes through different
activities and tasks, because, the study of pragmatics is concerned mainly with meaning and its
definition of role variation with different communicative tasks that are provided by speaker in a
way to interpret by a reader or listener.
In fact, many pedagogies of teaching pragmatics have been provided and discussed; the
importance of pragmatics has not been emphasized in a level that it needs to be emphasized.
According to Kasper (2001), pragmatics has played a considerable role in first and second
language classroom research, but classroom research has played only a minor role in inter
language pragmatics thus far. From my viewpoints, I believe that the pragmatics needs to be
taught from the very first year that language learners study a target language. Especially, the
issues of politeness and appropriateness need to be taught. My reason is that the language learners
need not only to learn the language itself, but also need to notice the importance of politeness and
appropriateness. That is, learning both the “language” and the nice “attitude” of communication
should benefit the language learners, because language learners can achieve their communicative
goal and fulfill their plan in international occasion only when they are able to interact in an
appropriate manner and apply understandable language.

Truly, people in different cultures have a need of accomplishing the appropriateness and
politeness in English as an International/ English as a Foreign Language (EIL/EFL)
communication. Therefore, in order to speak to people from different areas around the world
effectively and politely, English native and non-native speakers have to be trained with
pragmatics that involves diverse cultures and languages. I believe that English speakers need to be
not only proficient in linguistic competence, but also in pragmatics knowledge. They need to be
informed with issues of cultural disagreements, which include issues of politeness,
appropriateness, and speech act strategies in communication. In a word, the teachers should
educate students to learn pragmatics in order to integrate themselves into different international
environments and interact with foreigners.

Many scholars explore the close relation between pragmatics competence and English proficiency
in their researches and studies. For example, Crystal (1997) emphasizes that the pragmatics
knowledge is necessary and useful in second language learning. He proposes that pragmatics is
the study of language form and the point of view of users, especially of the choices they make, the
constraints they encounter in using language in social interaction, and the effects their use of
language has on other participants in the act of communication.

The main objective of this report is to analyses pragmatics and as it is well assumed that the
above brief information of English pragmatics have not only concerned their scope towards
specific purposes; however it can be connected with other aspects of human practical wishes to
convey their thoughts. The study is narrowly linked to arrange a model for one to speak and write
in order to fulfill required criteria towards conveying message within prioritized situation base.

Nowadays the education of pragmatics is necessary and important in our globalized world. The
reason is that English is currently used by people in the world for interaction and communication
with each other in order to do international trade or participate in the academic conferences
(McKay, 2002). For avoiding miscommunication caused by cultural difference, being familiar
with diverse cultures and pragmatics is essential. Studies of Pragmatics emphasize the
appropriateness in inter-cultural discourses. Through learning pragmatics, the English speakers’
intercultural communication competence should be raised. Their Pragmatic Competence would be
better because of knowing cultural differences and being aware of the significance in appropriate
languages. In other words, the teaching and learning of pragmatics would release the difficulties
of international communications for both native and non-native speakers.

At the end I reached the point that the study of pragmatics helps future researchers to govern in
their studies about factors of speaker’s choice. Furthermore, these will also provide knowledge of
language in a provided social interaction that affects choice of personal race in thoughts within
words that is taken to others.

 “The principle features of English Pragmatics in applied linguistics". By: Ali Siddiqui
 The Handbook of Pragmatics. By: Laurence R. Horn and Gregory Ward
 Pragmatic Language Assessment Guidelines: by: Kendra Marasco & Carol O’Rourke
 The Significance of Pragmatics in English Language Teaching. By: Amin Alinezhad
 Linguistics. by: Detmar Meurers
 The Significance of Pragmatics. By : Grace Hui Chin Lin
 PRAGMATICS. By: Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward

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