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Sandhi Traya: The three conjuncture

If Guru is in debilitation or occupies one of kuja houses and the

child is born in sandhi traya he will die within a month. [Chapter-10;
Arist; stanza-40; Sarvarth Chjintamani Khemraj Edition, Mumbai]
[Translation of the treaty is given by B S Rao]

First of all sandhi is 1degree radius of ending and beginning part of

rasi and in case of constellation quarter [nakstra pada] it will be
1/9th part of 200 kalas i.e. 22.22 kala radius. Some classic authors
take .30 degree as rasi sandi. And I think that is the correct one.

The sandhi traya are nakstra sandhi, dasa sandhi and lagna

Nakstra Sandhi is the juncture of ending part of 4th pada and

beginning part of 1st pada and this will automatically cause Rasi
Sandhi in the case of Moon. Planet in this nakstra sandi is an arist
to that extent.

Here also sandhi of nakstra is envisaged for gandat sandhi and if

nakstra sandhi is there then dasa sandhi is automatically derived
so both nakstra sandhi and dasa sandhi is one condition. This is
more apt as nakstra sandhi of gandat is also indicating rashi
sandhi of Chandra.

Another condition is for lagna sandhi.

And third sandhi in my view is surya sandhi. Some take tithi sandhi
or day-night sandhi kala.

The other condition is guru debilitation or posited in the house of


Ascendant, Moon and Sun are very vital for physical and mental
health of the native and any arist may come from these factors if
they are melice or in conjuncture. And if guru is also debilitated
then it bereft of benefice element and if posited in kuja’s house is
not good for long life and will add arist to the above.

I am giving the chart of a native who is having all this sandhi and is
having guru in mehsa but there is no arist produced. There are
standard rule of cancellation of arista one has to keep on finger
Does this mean that the daivgna Vyanktes talking about all sandhi
of gandata? i.e. nakstra gandat, lagna gandat and surya gandat?
With guru debilitated or occupied the houses of kuja?

Details of chart
14-06-1964 ; 19.18 PM; 20N45/72E57.
Lagna Dhan 00.38.20 (mul-1)
Surya Mithun 00.09.19 (Mrigsir-3)
Chandra Simha 00.31.24 (Maga-1)
Guru in mehsa

Ascendant conjuncture is to be counted from 29 0 to 300 and from 0

to 10 as explained by classic texts.
Birth star of Moon conjuncture and Dasa sandhi is applicable
together if we take sandhi of gandat (janma nakstra) as determined
in degree specified above for janma rasi 4-8-12 (29 to 30 degree)
and 1-5-9 (0 to 1 degree). This is because nakstra sandhi of
gandat is having dasa sandhi as well as rasi sandhi and is one of
the arists, a well known factor.
Surya Sandhi is the third sandhi to be counted from 29 0 to 300 and
from 0 to 1 as explained by your respected good self.

All these three are (Ascendant, Moon and Sun) vital for the native
and may impact the longevity and physical and mental health in
general. And if all they fall together in any chart it becomes arist
and may impact longevity, physical and mental health; provided
always that there are other factors to be considered and a prudent
approach is a pre requisite.
Is my concept right? Please give your insight.
As we determined janma nakstra sandhi of gandat in degree in
janma rasi from 29 to 30 and from 0 to 1 dasa sandhi of beginning
or ending is automatically arrived.
Dasa Sandhi and Dasa Chidra are same or not that I don’t know
as sifting from last part of ending dasa and beginning part of next
dasa may be known as dasa sandhi and/or dasa chhidra. Of
course, dasa of chhidra planet generally known as chhidra dasa is
different factor and this is more important in arist matters.
Is dasa sandhi and dasa chhidra are same? Kindly give your
valued insights.

Basically, eclipses involved Sun-Moon-Rahu-Ketu and it is treated

as transit and result according to rasi-lagna-nakstra is attributed is
general is well known. But how we could evaluate this to the dasa
and bhukti as is running at the time of eclipses. As we know that
sani vart rahu and kuj vart ketu and eclipses may be deemed to
add intensity of their adverse result does it indicate calamities in
natives life or dehakasta or dehakshya or physical danger like
kidnapping, assault, jail boarding etc? When an eclipse involves in
it the following factors jointly or severely with dasa-bhukti planets,
what are the impacts on native’s life?

Janma Rasi in nakstra sandhi of gandat rasi (4-8-12 and 1-5-

9) (eclipses in janma rasi-nakstra)
 Lagna sandhi (eclipses in natal 1-7 axis)
 Surya Sandhi (eclipses in natal surya rasi or nakstra)
 Any sign with multi planets where rahu-ketu are also
 Either or Dasa-bhukti is that of rahu or ketu or the planet
involved in eclipses.
 Either or Dasa-bhukti is that of chhidra or badhaka planet.
Sandhi traya cases….

Chart-1 HrsKLad
14-06-1964 ; 19.18 PM; 20N46/72E58. bilimora, Gujarat

Lagna Dhan 00.38.20 (mul-1)

Surya Mithun 00.09.19 (Mrigsir-3)
Chandra Simha 00.31.24 (Maga-1)
Guru in mehsa

Chart-2 AndPrksKnsra
11.35AM ; 02-08-1991; 20N37/72E54 valsad, Gujarat

Lagna kanya 29.05.25 (chitra-2)

Surya Karka 15.43..38 (pushya-4)
Chandra 00.27.35 (aswini-1)
Guru in karka but Chandra in mehsa

If time allowed me, will discuss this in next part.

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