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Nama: Naufal Rahmat Muzakky

Kelas: IX.G No. Absen: 27

The Wolf and the Stork

A wolf had been partying too greedily, and a bone caught

across his throat. He can not swallow or vomit it, and
because of that bone he could not eat anything. Sure, it was
a terrible thing for the Greedy Wolf.
So he rushed to meet the Stork. The Wolve believed that the
Stork could help him. With his long neck and long beak, the
Stork would have easily reached the bone and pulled him
out, the wolf thought.
“Hi, stork, can you help me to.” Asked the Wolf
“What do I gain for helping you.” Said the stork.
“I will reward you with a gift, if you can pull this bone from
my neck.” Said the wolf.
Stork was very uncomfortable to put his head into the wolf’s
throat. But the Stork wanted the reward from the Wolve, so
he did what the Wolf had asked. When the wolf felt the bone
was gone, he began to walk away.
“Hey, where are you going? What about the reward for me?”
Asked the Stork.
“What! Don’t you understand? The reward is that I let your
head out of my mouth. Isn’t it a good gift?”
The moral of the story is do not expect a reward from a
person who has no honor

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