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General Information
Pt.’s Name: V.C.
Age: 19
Sex: M
Address: Tabok, San Juan, La Union
Civil Status: Single
Handedness: Right
Occupation: N/A
Religion: Roman Catholic
Referring Unit: IPD
Referring MD: Dr. O
Rehab MD: Dr. T
Date of Consultation: May 21, 2016
Date of Referral: May 31, 2016
Date of IE: March 2, 2017
Dx: Intraspinal, Intradural, Intramedullary tumor, incomplete traumatic SCI at C7-T1

S: (Informant/Reliability: Patient/Good)
C/C: Pt c/o inability to move B legs

Present condition started last May 13, 2016 when pt. felt sudden decrease in sensation (80%)
and intermittent numbness from trunk at the level of the last rib to B legs as well as difficulty in moving B
legs. During this time, pt. can stand (~ 45’) and walk (~20’ on a leveled surface) but with difficulty and
needs some assistance from pt’s father, aunt and helper. Pt observed his condition while staying at home
for a week. And pt observed that the symptoms worsen within a week of observation. The pt’s sensation
continued to gradually decrease up to 50% and the duration on how long the patient can stand (~30’)
and walk (~10’) has decreased since the onset of symptoms and is assisted by his father and a house

May 21, 2016, the pt was brought to LMC by his father via a car for ~20’ of traveling time. Upon
arrival at the hospital, pt was given w/c and directly went to Dr. O in the OPD department. Dr. O
requested an MRI procedure for the patient (see Ancillary Procedure). After finding out that the pt has
tumor on the spine, Dr. O adviced the pt to undergo surgical procedure to remove the tumor p a week.

Within the week ā the surgery, the symptoms noted does not improve nor worsen as stated by
the by the pt.

May 28, 2016, Pt undergone surgical procedure by Dr. O to remove the tumor on his spine
(duration of procedure unrecalled). Pt woke up 4 hrs p surgery in a supine position. Pt noted that the
sensation he felt was the same as compared to the sensation felt ā the surgery. Pt cannot stand nor walk.
Although pt. can move within his bed but needs assistance. Pt was confined in a private room and was
given IV administration and a catheter (type of catheter unrecalled) within the week of stay.

May 31, 2016, while pt is still under observation as an in-pt, Dr. O assessed the pt’s reflexes,
sensation and m strength. Dr. O noted that pt’s reflexes are abnormal, pt has m weakness and decreased
sensation. Subsequently, pt was advised to undergo PT treatment as an in-pt.

Within the week inside the hospital, the pt had 2 tx session but there were no changes noted by
the pt.
The PT POC are as follows:
ES on B LE x 20’
PROMES on B LE x 10 reps x 1 set  AAROME
AROMEs on B UE x 10 reps x 1set
PREs on B UE x 10 reps x 1 set

June 4, 2016, pt was discharged. Pt was advised to use manual w/c. Pt is completely indep and is
assisted by pt’s father and house helper.

June 5, 2016, pt started using manual w/c (type of w/c unrecalled) as prescribed by Dr. O. Pt can
self-propell his own w/c but needs some assistance when transferring.

June 6, 2016, PT tx sessions was resumed as an out-pt at LMC PT Rehab Center.

July 2016, pt noted that the m strength on B legs increased.

August 2016, pt stated that he can transfer from bed to chair indep.

November 2016, pt can assume quadruped position for ~10 mins

January 2017, pt can stand for inside the parallel bar for ~ 15’

At present, pt cannot still move his B legs and cannot walk on his own. Pt’s ADL has vastly
improved ever since, the pt is able to move around the house, self-care and transfer c mod difficulty.
However the pt is still not able to move his B feet as well as the sensation on B LE is still not recovered.


(+) intraspinal, intradural,

MRI May 21, 2016/ LMC intramedullary tumor in C7-
T1 level

(+) Surgeries (see table below)
(+) Meningitis (2015)
(-) Htn
(-) Heart Dse
(-) Pulmonary Dse
(-) Allergies/ sensitivities

Date/Place Procedure
2011 (exact date unrecalled)/LMC Cyst resection on spine (exact name of procedure
2015 (exact date unrecalled)/LMC Cyst resection on spine, spinal shunt implantation
(exact name of procedures unrecalled)
2015 (exact date unrecalled)/LMC Spinal shunt removal (exact name of procedure
May 2016(exact date unrecalled)/LMC Cyst resection on spine (exact name of procedure

Mother Father
Breast CA (+) (-)
Ovarian CA (+) (-)
HTN (-) (-)
Heart Dse. (-) (-)

Note: Pt mother died d/t breast and ovarian CA

Pt was a smoker 0.45 pack/year and social alcohol drinker when he was 14 y/o until the onset of
the symptoms of his present condition.

Pt. has an active lifestyle. Pt regularly perform exercises by himself to strengthen his upper body
such as sit-ups and self-stretching which varies in duration. Pt moves around their house on his own via
wheelchair. Pt has a type B personality and has a very hopeful perception in life who enjoys watching
television and surfing the internet. Pt lives in a bungalow type of house c his father, aunt and a helper.
Pt’ primary care giver is his father and a helper. Pt has good financial status and is supported by his
father. Pt sleeps on a firm mattress.

Home Dimensions
Main door  bedroom: ~15m
Bedroom  toilet: ~ 3 m
bedroom to dining area/ kitchen: ~11m
bedroom to toilet: ~5m
bed ht: ~1.5 ft

Goals: Pt’s goal is to stand and walk indep


VS: Note: VS was taken p the tx session c 5’ rest

BP= 100/80 mmHg

PR= 78 bpm
RR= 17 cpm
T°= 36.6 ° C

OI: Manner of arrival: w/c bound

Mental status: Alert / Coherent / Cooperative
Physique: Mesomorph
(+) surgical scar on upper back area (see scar assessment)
(+) Bony deformities: (-) C7 spinous process
(+) Abdominal Binder
(+) Postural Deviation (see PA)
(-)Trophic skin changes
(-) Facial Asymmetry
(-) Swelling
(-) Atrophy
(-) Pressure Sore
(-) Braces
(-) Catheter
Thermal assessment: normothermic on all exposed body parts
Tone assessment: normotonic on B UE/LE m except hypertonic bilat gastrocnemius m and bilat upper
(+) m spasm on B upper trapezius
(-) subluxation
(-) edema

Breathing Pattern
Findings: Diaphragmatic Breathing
Significance: Expansive and Efficient Breathing

Findings: Functional
Significance: intact phrenic n

Chest Expansion Measurement

Full Inspiration Full Expiration Difference

Level of Axilla 89.5 cm 88.9 cm 1.4 cm
Level of Xiphoid Process 67.4 cm 66.6 cm 1.2 cm

Findings: Normal Chest Expansion

Significance: To rule out accessory muscle breathing

Tone Assessment: Normotonic on (B) UE/LE c grade 2 m tone except for bilat gastrocnemius and bilat
upper trapezius m c grade 3 m tone
Significance: Hypertonic on gastrocnemius 2 to spasticity and hypertonic on upper trapezius 2 to m

1- No Response
2- Decrease Response
3- Normal Response
4- Exaggerated Response
5- Sustained Response

` Findings:
Shape: Irregular
Size: 20 cm
Depth: 1.5 cm
Sig: for baseline data
Modified Ashworth Scale
1- No increase in muscle tone
2- Slight increase in muscle tone manifested by catch and release or by minimal resistance at
the end range of ROM when the affected part is moved in flexion or extension
1+- Slight increase in muscle tone manifested by catch followed by minimal resistance
throughout the remainder (less than half) of ROM
3- More marked increase in muscle tone through most of the ROM but affected parts are easily
4- Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement is difficult
5- Affected part is rigid in flexion or extension

Findings: Grade 3 spasticity on B gastrocnemius

Significance: 2 to UMNL



(R) (L)
C5 5 5
C6 5 5
C7 5 5
C8 5 5
T1 5 5
L2 1 1
L3 1 1
L4 1 1
L5 1 1
S1 1 1
TOTAL 30 30


(R) (L) (R) (L)
C2 2 2 2 2
C3 2 2 2 2
C4 2 2 2 2
C5 2 2 2 2
C6 2 2 2 2
C7 2 2 2 2
C8 2 2 2 2
T1 2 2 2 2
T2 2 2 2 2
T3 1 1 1 1
T4 1 1 1 1
T5 1 1 1 1
T6 1 1 1 1
T7 1 1 1 1
T8 1 1 1 1
T9 1 1 1 1
T10 1 1 1 1
T11 1 1 1 1
T12 1 1 1 1
L1 1 1 1 1
L2 1 1 1 1
L3 1 1 1 1
L4 1 1 1 1
L5 1 1 1 1
S1 1 1 1 1
S2 1 1 1 1
S3 2 2 2 2
S4-5 2 2 2 2
TOTAL 38 38 38 38

PIN PRICK: 76/112


Findings: Paraplegia 2 to incomplete SCI, ASIA C c T1motor level and sensory level for pin prick and light
touch T2
Significance: 2 to incomplete traumatic SCI at C7-T1

STD Used: pin for pain, brush for light touch and thumb for deep P
Findings: intact sensation on bilat C2-T2 dermatomal distribution and 50% decreased sensation
for pain, light touch and deep pressure on T3-S2 dermatomal level on B sides
Significance: Sensory deficit 2 to spinothalamic tract affectation

Findings: Intact proprioception and kinesthesia on B UE/LE
Significance: intact dorsal column lemniscal pathway

Findings: Intact stereognosis, barognosis, graphesthesia, and 2-pt discrimination
Significance: intact dorsal column lemniscal pathway

Findings: Normoreflexive on B UE, hypereflexive on B patellar reflex and B Achilles reflex
+++ +++
++ ++ 0 areflexia
+++ +++
+ hyporeflexia
++ ++ ++ normoreflexia
+++ hyperreflexia
Significance: 2 to UMNL
++++ clonus
(+) Babinski
(-) Chaddock
(-) Schaeffers
(-) Oppenhiem
(-) Gordons
(-) Gondas/Stransky
Significance: 2 to UMNL

All major joints of (B) UE are WNL actively and passively done, pain free c N end-feel
All major joints of (B) LE are WNL passively done, pain free c N end-feel


Ankle 0-20
0 0 0-9 0-10 0-10 0-11 Firm
Ankle 0-50
0 0 0-36 0-44 0-14 0-6 Firm

Note: Absent PROM on all major jts. of B LE and trunk

Sig: LOM 2 to spasticity on B heel cords

Findings: All major m of B UE are assessed and grossly graded 5/5 except for the major m of B LE which
are grossly graded 1/5 and trunk which is graded 3/5
Significance: 2 to UMNL

Special Tests

(-) Galleazi

(-) Silfverskiold

(-) Thomas test

(-) Popliteal angle test

(-) Ely’s test

(-) Phelp’s gracilis test

(-) Staheli’s test

Sig: for baseline data

Sitting Standing Balance-Tolerance

Findings: Note: Pt was assessed in standing inside the parallel

Balance Tolerance Legend: Assume Maintain Weight- Challenge

Sitting G 27 ‘ 0 - - - -
Standing 0 15 ‘ P + - - -
F + + - -
G + + + -
N + + + +

Sig: 2 weak LE m

Postural Analysis
Findings: Postural landmarks are assessed in ant., post., and lat. views in standing position inside the //
bars and are found to be N except for:
Lateral View: increased lumbar lordosis
Sig: compensatory posture d/t LE m weakness

Gait Assessment:
Note: Pt is non- amb

Functional Assessment:

Self- Care
Eating 7 No Helper
Grooming 7
7 - Complete Ind.
Bathing 7
Upper Garment Dressing 7 6 - Mod Ind.
Lower Garment Dressing 6
5 - Min Ind. (subject 100%)
Toileting 7
Sphincter Control 4 - Modified Dep, Min. Asst (75%)
Bladder Mx 7 3 - Modified Dep, Mod. Asst (50%)
Bowel Mx 7
Mobility 2 - Complete Dep, Max Asst (25%)
Bed Mobility 6 1 - Complete Dep, Total Asst (<25%)
Chair Mobility 6
Findings: Pt has mod indep on lower garment
Toilet 5
dressing, bed mob and chair mob. And is completely
Shower 2
dependent in shower mobility and locomotion.
Sig: 2 to LE m weakness
Walk 1
Stairs 1
Communication PT Impression: Pt is completely dep on
Comprehension 7 locomotion and has modifiable indep on
Expression 7 lower garment dressing, bed mob and chair
Social Cognition
Social Interaction 7
Memory 7
mob d/t Brown Sequard Syndrome c ASIA classification of Paraplegia 2 to Incomplete SCI, ASIA C c
motor level T1 and sensory level for pin prick and light touch T2 2 to intramedullary tumor on C6-T1 and
post-op complication. Pt has (+) spasticity, (+) pathologic reflex and is hypereflexive. Pt also has lordotic
posture and m spasm on B upper trapezius.

Rehab Potential &Prognosis: The pt.’s potential to achieve goals set is fair. Pt is young, cooperative and
motivated to reach the goals. There is no complication noted and pt started early on rehab. Although,
the level of lesion is high.

Procedural Intervention: The interventions that will be used on the rehabilitation of the pt are
compensatory and preventative measure. The pt’s condition cannot be completely resolved through PT
rehab. The management that will be done will serve as compensation to the problem caused by the
spinal cord injury. Preventative measures will also apply to the pt’s case to prevent any complications
since the patient is still young. The management will be performed 3x a week.

Problem List STG LTG

1. Pt. has m weakness on 1. Pt will demonstrate an increase in 1. Pt will demonstrate an optimum m
B LE and trunk m strength on B LE from grade strength on LE by tolerating 5 min
1/5 to 2/5 and trunk from grade standing in a parallel bar within 1
3/5 to 3+/5 in MMT grading year
within 6 months.
2. Pt has cannot perform 2. Pt will demonstrate AROM on LE 2. Pt will demonstrate an optimum
AROM on all motion on from 0 to 5 within 6 months ROM within 1 yr
LE, LOM on Ankle DF
and PF
3. Pt has G sitting balance 3. Pt will demonstrate an optimum 3. Pt will demonstrate an optimum
and 27’ tolerance sitting tolerance p 6 months sitting balance p a year
4. Pt cannot assume 4. Pt will demonstrate an increase in 4. Pt wil demonstrate an optimum
standing position and grading of standing balance- standing balance-tolerance p a year
tolerates 15’ tolerance from 0 to P and an
increase in standing tolerance
from 15’ to 1 hr for 6 months
5. Pt has mod indep on 5. Pt will demonstrate an increase in 5. Pt will demonstrate an optimum
lower garment dressing, indep from complete inep in ADLs p a year
bed mob and chair mob. dependence, total assist to
And is completely complete dep, max assist in
dependent in locomotion. locomotion within 6 months
6. Pt has Grade 3 6. Pt will demonstrate a decrease in 6. Pt will demonstrate eliminated or a
Spasticity on B spasticity on B gastrocnemius negative spasticity on B knee flexion
gastrocnemius m from Grade 3 to Grade 1 in the manifested during PROME of knee
modified ashwort scale exhibited flex within 1 year.
during PROME of ankle
dorsiflexion within 6 months
7. Pt has a decreased 7. Pt will demonstrate an increase in 7. Pt will demonstrate optimum
sensation on the level of sensation p 6 months sensation p 1 year
8. Pt has m spasm on B 8. Pt will demonstrate a decrease in 8. Pt will demonstrate absent m spasm
upper trapezius m spasm on B upper trapezius p 3 on B upper trapezius p a month
tx sessions
9. Pt has lordotic posture 9. Pt will demonstrate an 9. Pt will demonstrate optimum
improvement in posture p 6 posture p a year


1. ES on the quadriceps m x 20’

2. Physiologic Standing as tolerated x5”
3. PRE x 20 reps on B UE, AP c grey thera tube
4. PROME x 10 reps on B LE
5. Sitting push-ups x 25 reps
6. GPS x 30 SH x 3 reps on B heel cords
7. US x 1.5 w/cm2 x 5’ on B heel cords, B upper trapezius
8. Quadruped x as tolerated x 5 reps c jt approximation
9. UE ergobike x 20’

Suggested PT Mx
1. Pt. & family education
2. Bed mob
3. Proper positioning and transfer
4. PBM
5. Home modifications
6. Rood’s Technique
7. PNF on B LE, AP x 10 reps x 2sets
8. TM on WBS

1. Autonomic Dysreflexia
2. Orthostatic Hypotension
3. Electrical Shock

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