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Apps for development

❖ Xampp
With php 7.2 and MySQL 5.7 or greater

❖ Node js command prompt

❖ Composer
❖ Visual studio code
Install given extensions on visual studio code
➢ Auto close tag (Jun Han)
➢ Auto import (steoates)
➢ Beautify (HookyQR)
➢ Bootstrap 3 snippet (William Whitehead)
➢ Bootstrap 4 snippet (Zakzero)
➢ Better commands
➢ Code Runner(Jun Han)
➢ Debugger for chrome
➢ DotENV (mikestead)
➢ EditorConfig for VS Code (EditorConfig)
➢ Es lint (Dirk Baeumer)
➢ Git history (Don Jayamanne)
➢ Git Project manager (Felip Caputo)
➢ HTML class Suggestions(Anders Ellen...)
➢ HTML css support(ecmel)
➢ HTML snippet(Mohamed Abusaid)
➢ IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML(Zigand)
➢ VS Code JavaScript (ES6) snippets
➢ JavaScript standardjs styled snippets(capaj)
➢ jQuery Code Snippets(Don Jayamanne)
➢ Jshint (Dirk Baeumer)
➢ Laravel 5 snippets(Sachit Tandukar)
➢ Laravel artisan(Ryan Naddy)
➢ Laravel blade snippets(Winnie Lin)
➢ Laravel Blade Spacer
➢ Laravel Docs
➢ Laravel Easy Blade Snippets
➢ Laravel Extension Pack
➢ Laravel goto view
➢ Laravel Theme
➢ Laravel helpers
➢ Npm
➢ Php debug
➢ Php intellisense
➢ Php intelephense
➢ Php intellisense crane

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