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1) Who is a fullstack developer

2) What does a fullstack developer do

3) Different verticals in a fullstack developement
4) Why is fullstack dev important
5) Beginner roadmap to frontend dev
6) Beginner roadmap to backend dev
7) Easiest way to be a fullstack dev
8) Advanced frontend dev technologies
9) Advanced backend dev technologies
10) Interviews for these roles (For all the roles)
11) Package in these roles

Who is a full stack developer

What happens when you hit

1) There would be a call from your browser to some place

2) Website would be available on a server
3) Server must have an IP address
4) DNS address of all the websites
5) Server is a machine that accpets requests and responds to
6) TCP protocol (Infra/Devops team)
7) Server(Backend) would connect with DB and get data and then
send that data back to client (Database engineer)
8) If it is HTML page (Frontend Engineer)
9) Server would respond with that
10) HTML would be rendered on to the screen
11) It would be styled with css and added logic with JS


Types of fullstack developer

50fe 50be
75fe 25be
25fe 75be

Basic roadmap of a frontend Development


● W3Schools: Learn HTML

● All HTML elements at a glance
● HTML For Beginners The Easy Way
● Web Development Basics
● Codecademy - Learn HTML
● Interactive HTML Course
● HTML Full Course for Beginners | Complete All-in-One Tutorial
● HTML Full Course - Build a Website Tutorial
● HTML Tutorial for Beginners: HTML Crash Course


● The Odin Project

● What The Flexbox!
● Learn CSS | Codecademy
● Learn Intermediate CSS | Codecademy
● CSS Complete Course
● CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
● HTML and CSS Tutorial
● CSS Masterclass - Tutorial & Course for Beginners
● W3Schools — Learn CSS
● All CSS properties at a glance
● by Google — Learn CSS
● freeCodeCamp — Responsive Web Design
● Learn to Code HTML & CSS
● Joshw Comeaus CSS Hack Blog Posts
● 100 Days CSS Challenge
● CSS Tutorial | Scaler

If you are aiming to be a 75-25 be fe then learn some framework

like tailwind bootstrap etc
Else learn css properly


1) Very very important learn js to land good jobs

2) Events
3) Hoisting
4) Callabcks
5) Asyn/await
6) Promises
7) CLosures
8) Objects
9) Arrays
10) Inheritance
11) Prototypes
12) DOM Manipulation
13) ES6

Where to learn all of this

● Visit Dedicated JavaScript Roadmap

● W3Schools – JavaScript Tutorial
● The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
● Learn JavaScript: Covered many topics
● Eloquent JavaScript textbook
● You Dont Know JS Yet (book series)
● JavaScript Crash Course for Beginners
● Build a Netflix Landing Page Clone with HTML, CSS & JS
● Build 30 Javascript projects in 30 days
● Learn the basics of JavaScript
● JavaScript for Beginners

Version control is very very important

● Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners

● Learn Git with Tutorials, News and Tips - Atlassian
● Git Cheat Sheet
● Tutorial: Git for Absolutely Everyone

Choose a framework

React (My suggestion)


Learn some testing apps


Learn how to do a TDD(test driver development) approach to


Why is this tdd important

Because it is less prone to errors
And Multiple companies ask you about testing frameworks

Land jobs outside by learning this

1) Two types of companies
a) DSA heavy (Data structure and algorithms) (FAANG)
b) Dev heavy (Startups)

1) DSA/Javascript round
2) Framework round(React/Vue/Angular)
3) Basic frontend knowledge round (CSS,HTML,JS)
4) Machine coding round (You would be asked to develop something)
5) Frontend LLD(Low level design) if you are senior dev if you are
junior dev then probably framework+basic frontend again

5-10 LPA as a fresher

20LPA-1crore LPA

1) DO as many projects as you can

2) Tic tac toe game
3) Chat application
4) Clone to netflix
5) Clone to amazon
6) Search Engine
7) Hotel management system
8) Comment of comment of fb
React js css html

Easiest way to becoming a fullstack developer

MERN stack or MEAN stack

Mongo/ Express / React/ Node (JS)

Mongo/ Express / Angular/ Node(JS)
Yes you would land a job with these skills these skills are right now very
very hot in the market and you will get a good job

For someone who is already a backend developer

Beginner roadmap to frontend is enough for you to be 75 -25 be fe

Backend developer roadmap (

How internet works is absolutely necessary for you as a web developer

Pick one of the backend languages

1) Java(OG)
2) Ruby on rails
3) PHP (It is now little old) freelance
4) Nodejs
5) C#
6) GO
7) Rust
8) Python
9) .net (Banking companies)
10) C++

Learn only one pick only one and become a master of it

OS (Operating systems)

NO sql

Sql is used to keep the data in a relational database


75-25 be fe

75 fe 25 be

25 be should pick one backend write basic apis

Get data manage basic dbs
And thats mostly it for you

Then learn all the concepts that I have told till now

What are the interviews rounds

1) DSA
2) API round in which they would ask you to build API’s
3) MAchine coding round
4) LLD round (Low level design)
5) Senior developer (HLD)
6) Junior dev (API/LLD)
DSA only on dSa in faang

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