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Mathematical literacy includes learning to read and write different types of mathematical texts as part of
purposeful mathematical meaning making. Thus in this article, we describe how learning to read and
write mathematical texts (proof text, algorithmic text, algebraic/symbolic text, and visual text) supports
the development of students' mathematical literacy. Explicit instruction about how to engage with each
text type helps to build students' awareness of the function of mathematical texts and of how to
leverage them to support the doing of mathematics. Teachers and leaders can use this discussion of
mathematical text types to organize and conceptualize instruction within a disciplinary literacy

For example,
the fourth root, , is expressed as \sqrt[4]{1024} . Often in a
mathematical equation you will want to use symbols instead
other standard italicized letters for variable names. ... For
example, in the formula `` ,'' the word ``log'' is not italicized like
the variables x and y.
-Mathematics is easily recognizable because of its unique
language features.
Cause and effect
-is a way to organize text so it tells how or why one thing leads to
another .

- a cause is the reason to something happens and an effect is the

result of the cause .

Example: My mother comes from a big family ,so it's difficult to get
everyone in the same place at the same time .BECAUSE they like to
still stay in touch, each year they plan a big family reunion picnic
.SINCE everyone attends,we always have a huge group at the picnic.

Main Idea: My mother comes from a big

Signal Words:Because,Since
1.My mother comes from a big family.
A.they like to still stay in touch
I.each year they plan a big family reunion picnic .
B.We always have a huge group at the picnic

-a chronological pattern of organization arranges information according
to a progression of time, either forward or backward.

-describes the sequence in which events occur in time.


There are many ways to create an online portfolio, and I will outline
some of the steps below. First of all, choose a platform and create an
account. Second, choose the layout, a title and an appropriate design.
Finally, enter the information in each of the categories and remember
to update your worksheets on a regular basis. In sum, these are some of
the steps to follow if you need to create an online portfolio.

Main Idea:
Ways to create an online portfolio
Signal Words:
First of all, Second, Finally
I. Ways to create an online portfolio
A. Steps
a. choose a platform
b. create an account
c. choose a layout
d. a title
e. an appropriate design
f. enter the information in each categories
g. update your worksheets
DEFINITON is a method of identifying a given term and making its
meaning clear.

Love means a great interest and pleasure in something. It’s defined as a

special feeling you can favor to something or someone. People may
express their love in different ways. Some can express through words by
talking too sweet. While, others can express by their actions showing
that they care for someone. Love involves sincerity, loyalty and
commitment. The real love shows your pure intention, your purpose
and your readiness and willingness to commit.
Main Idea:

The meaning of love.

Signal Words:
 Is/are
 Involves
 Is defined as
 means
I. Defining Love
A. Great interest
B. Pleasure in something
II. Different ways in expressing love
A. by actions
B. by words
III. Love involvements/ involvement of Loves
A. sincerity
B. loyalty
C. commitment

Descriptive is a way to organize a text where the writer describes a

person, place or thing.

My bedroom is the most comfortable area of our house. It looks simple

and organize . the curtain mostly light color. I spend my time alone
inside my bedroom. I used to study here with along table beside my
Main Idea:
My bedroom
Signal Word:
 Light color
 Long (size)
 Beside (position)
I. Bedroom’s area is the most comfortable
A. looks simple and organize
B. mostly light color
II. Spending time in bedroom
A. take time to study

-shows a sequence of events in the order they occurred

-it deals with history

-information is organized in order of time.


The Life of a Star

“The life and death of a star begins somewhere in space. Astronomers claim that a star
begins as a cloud of hydrogen and helium. As the cloud moves about it collects bits of dust
and more floating gases. Then the cloud begins to warm as more dust and gases are pulled
into it. After a long period of time as the cloud becomes denser, heat and friction cause the
atoms to explode. That is how a star is born. The star will burn for about ten billion years as
it radiates heat and energy. When the hydrogen begins to burn out the star becomes even
larger. At this stage, it gives off a lot of light but not much energy. The star may continue to
burn brightly but dies when it runs out of hydrogen. “This is the life cycle of a star”

Main Idea:

Life cycle of a star

Signal Words:

 Then

 After a long period of time

 At this stage


I. The beginning of Star

A. Star begins as a cloud

II. Cloud becomes denser

A. atoms explode

a. Star will born

III. Star may burn but dies when it runs out of hydrogen

- to contrast something is to look for differences among two or more elements,

but compares is to do opposite, to look for similarities. Its easy to tell the
difference if you remember that contrast comes from the latin root contra, and
means “against”

Solid and liquid

Solid has definite shape and it does not take the shape of it’s container, while
the liquid has not definite shape and it takes the shape of it’s container. It’s
similar because both can takes up space and it made of molecules and both of
them has a definite size.
Main Idea:

Differences and Similarities of solid and liquid

Signal Words:

 While

 Similar

I. Solid differences

A. Can’t take shape

II. Liquid Differences

A. Can take shape

III. Similarities of Liquid & Solid

A. take up space

B. made up of molecules

C. has definite size

Business Text

Has special vocabulary (jargon) like loan, collateral, interest and stocks.

The goal of this study is to understand how the design thinking tool helps the
identification of opportunities, creation and development of new products or
services developed by academics. Therefore, the stages of identification,
inspiration, ideation and implementation of the development of products and
services were studied through observation, interviews and questionnaires
applied to the kam of academic who developed product as a curricular activity.
Main Idea:

Goal of the Study

Signal Words:

 Products - goods

 Services - manpower

I. Goal of the study

A. the helps of design thinking tool.

II. Development or products and service

A. through study

a. observation

b. interviews

c. questionnaire

- is a way to organize text where the writer presents the topic in the form of a problem that
needs to be solved.


School is a perfect place to practice who we are someday. This is where you’ll see the phase
of our future’s decendants. But what if students treating their school as their trashing area.
Because, whenever we looked around wastes are always spotted. Unfortunately, this
problem correspond with its difficult solution. As a solution tapering this student’s culture is
discipline besides our Principal told us to bring our owntrash that’s so simple but it’s hard to
follow still we are being “trashy”. so, discipline should start within by this practicing you can
be an exemplary student and you’ll become tomorrow’s discipline leader.

Signal Words:

 Because

 As a solution

Main Idea:

School Garbages


I. School is a perfect place.

A. future’s decendants found

II. Students way in treating their school

A. wastes always spotted

III. Way to tapering these student’s culture

A. discipline

B. bring your owntrash

Literature and The Arts
Definition :
Have content and specific ,it uses connatative
language and figures of speech

Example; POETRY
Annabel Lee
It was many and many a year ago ,
In a kingdom by the sea ,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of Annabel Lee ,
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be love by me.
Main idea:
Annabel Lee
Signal word:

Created by: Group 6


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