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1. According to Erikson, identity and role confusion occurs during
A. Elementary Years C. College years
B. High school years D. Pre school years
2. According to Jerome Bruner, learning is a simultaneous process of acquisition, transformation and_______________.
A. Evaluation C. Metacognition
B. Question D. Education
3. Who among the following developed the Social Learning Theory?
A. Bandura C. Bruner
B. Kohlberg D. Skinner
4. When a teacher present a morally ambiguous situation to his students and ask them what to do, the teacher’s technique is
based on the theory of
A. Bandura C. Kohlberg
B. Piaget D. Bruner
5. According to Maslow, the highest of the need in the Hierarchy of Needs theory is
A. Psychological need C. belongingness
B. Self actualization D. Safety
6. Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when a person is in the height of anger?
A. Ego C. Id and ego
B. Superego D. Id
7. Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by
A. Connecting facts and concepts
B. Fostering conducive learning environment
C. Using reinforcement
D. Using manipulative devices
8. “Women should not study since they will be marrying soon”. If a father tells his daughter this, can we consider his premise
morally right?
A. Depends on the family social status
B. Yes, women are mean for the home
C. No, women can perform just like men
D. No, there is gender equality in education
9. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, teacher Maritel should provide_______________.
A. Activities of hypothesis formulation
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order
C. Activities for evaluation purposes
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with
10. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the counselor was able to find out
that the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have
caused the student’s reading disability?
A. Emotional Factors C. Neurological factors
B. Poor teaching D. Immaturity
11. A child was punished for cheating in an exam. For sure the child wont cheat again in short span of time, but this does not
guarantee that the child won’t cheat ever again Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that
A. Punishment strengthens a response
B. Punishment removes response
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
D. Punishment weakens a response
12. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in this stage of the child’s, the
child is_______________.
A. Considering the views of others
B. Distinguishing sex references
C. Socializing
D. Distinguishing right from wrong
13. According to Sigmund Freud, the main proponent of Psychoanalytic Theory, the superego is mainly concerned with
A. The resolution of conflict within the self
B. The finding of greater satisfaction
C. The idea of right and wrong
D. The development of healthy psyche
14. Modeling is a teaching rooted on______________________ learning theory.
A. Bandura C. Thorndike
B. Skinner D. Bruner
15. Teacher Marissa would like to employ Operant Conditioning on her students to increase the probabilities of greater
participation during discussion. It is highly possible that teacher Marissa will
A. Put more emphasis on sharing and consistently guide them to new ideas
B. Allow them to think about thinking
C. Give a star token to those who will participate
D. Let them exercise metacognitive approaches to better understand the topic
16. One of the traits of many students is putting more emphasis on “porma” over substance. This is likely to be shown when
A. A written report was submitted by a student with shabby cover but comprehensive content
B. A written report was submitted by a student using “perfumed” stationary but poor content
C. A written report was submitted by a student two days ahead of time
D. A written report was submitted by a student two days late
17. Providing variety of learning activities to students is a characteristic of a teacher who understand the principle of
A. Reward as a potential means of increasing the participation
B. Proactive teaching as a modern technique of teaching
C. Facilitating learning with emphasis on individual differences
D. Allowing the student to be exposed to various teaching techniques
18. The best example of Operant Conditioning among the following is
A. Connecting facts and concepts
B. Fostering conducive learning environment
C. Using reinforcement
D. Using manipulative devices
19. A child receives a STAR STAMP after correctly completing his task. The child always tries to complete all tasks correctly
for him to have a stamp once again. What is being shown in the situation?
A. Associative learning C. Operant Conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. Pavlovian conditioning
20. A child submitted a poor written report but packaged with brightly colored paper cover. This
A. Art over academics C. art over science
B. Substance over “porma” D. “porma” over substance
21. He is considered as the first special education student.
A. Victor of Aveyron C.Sigmund Freud
B. Tarzan of the Jungle D. Alfred Binet
22. The Father of modern psychology
A. Carl Jung C. Sigmund Freud
B. Aristotle D. Alfred Binet
23. He is postulated that man psyche is composed of animus and the anima
A. Karen Horney C. Willism James
B. Carl Jung D. Cattell
24. He pioneered in NON-Directive Counseling?
A. Thomas Gordon C. Carl Rogers
B. Erik Erikson D. Rousseau
25. This educator proposed 3 modes of representation, enactive, iconic and symbolic
A. Bandura C. Kounin
B. Kohler D. Bruner
26. This premier behaviorist once said: Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed and my own specified world to bring them
up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one of random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor,
lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes even beggar-man and chief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities,
vacations, and race of his ancestors”
A. Bandura C. Rogers
B. Watson D. Erikson
27. His best contribution to the world of education is the 3 laws (law of effect, law or readiness and law of exercise)
A. Rousseau C. Thorndike
B. Pavlov D. Bandura
28. The teachers’ widely accepted view of giving rewards to students is the legacy of
A. Dewey C. kounin
B. Bruner D. Skinner
29. He believes that learning is based on Adhesive principle
A. Dewey C. Kounin
B. Bruner D. Koffka
30. One of main proponent of Gestalt and who believes that the whole is more than the sum of all its parts
A. Bruner C. Wertheimer
B. Thorndike D. Lewin
31. “the child learns from what he sees in the environment” is the main thesis of this famous educational psychologist
A. Skinner C. Bandura
B. Locke D. Koffka
32. According to this theorist, our behavior at a particular time is a product of the interaction of two factors, internal and external
A. Lewin C. Locke
B. Wertheimer D. Jung
33. According to this developmental psychologist, children’s thinking skills move from simplicity to complexity
A. Bandura C. Piaget
B. Thorndike D. Freud
34. The inventor of the first usable intelligence test
A. Freud C. Skinner
B. Piaget D. Binet
35. This particular theorist believes that the mind is blank at birth
A. Allport C. Loche
B. Skinner D. Binet
36. He is generally considered as the father of modern education
A. Collin C. Aristotle
B. Comenius D. hagel
37. Kindergarten movement is the legacy of this man who is considered the father of kindergarten
A. Pestalozzi C. Montessori
B. Froebel D. Collins
38. He once said: “education is not a preparation for life…it is life”
A. Montessori C. Havighurst
B. Dewey D. Skinner
39. He proposed that every child is born with a unique potential, his individuality, but that potential remained unfulfilled until it
was analyzed and transformed by education
A. Lewin C. Herbart
B. Kohler D. Havighurst
40. He pioneered in coming up with a list of development task as individuals pass through the developmental stages
A. Havigburst C. Anastasi
B. Hurlock D. Herbart
41. This educator is famous for applying classical education to impoverished children of Chicago Illinois.
A. Collins C. Froebel
B. Montessori D. Piaget
42. This educator opposes the traditional notion that students are empty vessels. He call this traditional technique as banking
A. Herbart C. Freire
B. Locke D. Rousseau
43. He pioneered in the study of language acquisition of children
A. Rousseau C. Chomsky
B. Freire D. Rubenstein
44. He introduced the notion of zone of proximal development and “scaffolding”
A. Vygotsky C. Chomsky
B. Tyler D. Rubenstein
45. This condition is also known as trisomy 21
A. Turner Syndrome C. Down Syndrome
B. Patau Syndrome D. Autism
46. This condition is characterized by poor spelling and pervasive difficulty in reading
A. Mental retardation C. Savant
B. autism D. dyslexia
47. Certain injury to the language area of the brain can cause the total loss of the ability to produce and/ or understand language,
this condition is known as
A. Mutism C. aspergers
B. Aphasia D. dyslexia
48. ___________is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communicatio9n and by
restricted and repetitive behavior.
A. Mental retardation C. ADHD
B. Autism D. Physical Disabilities
49. __________ refers to quantitative changes in an individual as he progresses in chronological age.
A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
B. Growth D. Proximodistal
50. __________ refers to progressive series of changes of an orderly coherent type leading to the individual’s maturation.
A. Development C. Cephalocaudal
B. Growth D. Proximodistal
1. Teacher Liah wants to allow her class a magnified picture of Taal Volcano fixed on a bond paper. Which among the
following should she utilize to accomplish her goal?
A. Video tape C. LCD Projector
B. Slides D. Opaque projector
2. Which of the computer-based system instructional tool can help you revise written work susch as short stories and essays?
A. Word Processing C. Spreadsheet
B. Database D. Desktop publishing
3. It refers to the lowest level of involvement using computer technology.
A. ICT C. E-learning
B. IT D. Web-browsing
4. Teacher Kylie monitors, evaluate and facilitate student’s use of tools and applications to collaborate, access information, and
communicate to analyze and solve problems. Herb competency in ICT is considered as
A. Basic C. advanced
B. proficient D. none of the above
5. The following are roles of information technology in Education, which is supposed to REMOVED:
A. Mobile devices that utilize information and communication technology give students and teachers more sources of
information, which makes learning nearly anything more accessible
B. Staff members can find a send transcript information and other records quickly by accessing a digital filing system,
saving time and paper.
C. Information and communication technology opens the doors for better distance learning programs, allowing those in
disadvantaged areas to have access to the same education as the privileged.
D. Teachers can enter grades and assignment in their class records saving electricity from computers.
6. Which of the following activity integrates technology to education?
A. Technology is mostly being used by the instructor.
B. Technology id mostly being used by the students.
C. Technology is used purely for the sake of using technology.
D. Technology is used to complete lower-order thinking class.
7. What is the initial stage in educational technology?
A. Coupled with the use of aids like charts, maps, symbols, models, specimens and concrete materials.
B. Associated with the ‘electronic revolution’ with the introduction and establishment of sophisticated hardware and
C. Linked with the development of mass media which in turn led to ‘communication revolution’ for instructional purposes.
D. Discernible by the individual process of instruction. The invention of programmed learning and programmed instruction
provided a new dimension to educational technology.
8. Which rationale of the use of technology is attributed to engagement?
A. Using technology transforms the teacher from authority-expert to facilitator when the students are guided to use
technology to find answer online.
B. Students are transformed from passive recipients of the teacher’s knowledge to active participants in knowledge-seeking
and knowledge-seeking and knowledge-construction.
C. Students using technology become active in the learning process instead of passive listeners.
D. The internet provides access to an incredible array of information sources, media, and communications.
9. Which of the following best gives life to the subject matter?
A. Instructional materials C. Individualized Learning
B. Computer Technology D. Mass Instruction
10. Teacher Angel want to supplement learning for her SPED class, which of the following may she utilized as a supplemental
A. Magazine articles C. Use LCD projectors
B. Mass Instruction D. Use slides
11. Teacher Mira will borrow audiovisual aids from the library, which of the following should be REMOVED from her
requisition form?
A. Motion Pictures C. Videotapo
B. Television D. Specimens
12. If teacher Leo wants his students to see exhibits, which place should he arranged for a tour?
A. Library C. Clinic
B. Museum D. school Storage Room
13. Field trips fall under the_______________.
A. Demonstrations C. Programmed Instruction
B. Graphic Materials D. Community Resources
14. Ms. Reyes asks her students to bring graphic materials for tomorrows lessons. Which of the following should her students
A. Maps and Globes C. Bulletin Board
B. Television D. phonograph
15. Of which mode of technology teaching should Sandy participate should she wants to give emphasis much on the approach or
technique rather than a reliance on specific type of hardware?
A. Mass Instruction C. Group learning
B. Individualized learning D. None of the Above
16. State the best reason as not to bring snakes when the topic to be discussed is about reptiles?
A. Affordable C. Extreme
B. Interesting D. Feasible
17. It is mentioned that the “teacher is the visual aid”, why is this so?
A. The teacher is always expected to prepare the best visual aids.
B. The teacher acts as a medium in the teaching-learning process.
C. The teacher is able to utilize visual aid expertly.
D. The teacher is a source of mastery.
18. Teacher Biance was absent for 2 days because of flu. Which is the fastest way to send her lectures to her students so they
could read them?
A. Email the lectures to her students
B. Send the lectures through their group in a social networking site.
C. Blog the message
D. Send it through the courier
19. Sir Joey is a Grade 4 and 5 teacher in Polilo, Quezon. The place has a ration of electricity which is switched on only from
2pm until 6am the following day. The topic he has for his lesson this week is all about the different bodies of water. Which
audio visual material should he use for the lesson?
A. Powerpoint presentation C. transparencies and projector
B. Video film D. Pictures
20. The following are different teaching methods that Ms. Cindy is utilizing. Which method should she use if she is going to
utilize computers?
A. cooperative learning C. Individualized instruction
B. role play D. Distance Learning
21. What will happen to your files if you compress them?
A. The file size will be smaller
B. The file size will be bigger
C. The file size will be deleted
D. The file will be infected by viruses.
22. Technology like the internet can be used so that students may visit museums, listen to or watch great performances, and have
their own music practice supported and analyzed. This is known as_______.
A. Virtual Interaction C. Virtual Communication
B. Virtual Performance D. Virtual tour
23. Teacher Dora aims at developing deep competency using the problem solving environment provided by the computer. Which
rationale of using technology is she using?
A. Reflection of current practice
B. Problem solving and project-based Learning
C. Archiving
D. Cooperative grouping
24. The following are the contribution of ICT in the classroom EXCEPT
A. Provision of individual resources
B. Shared learning spaces
C. The promotion of collaborative learning
D. The move towards autonomous learning
25. “An act to integrate information technology into the public elementary and secondary curricula and appropriating funds
therefore” can be found in
A. House Bill 845 C. RA 7610
B. BP 232 D. RA 90210


1. Teacher Lorraine wants to test her students’ ability to organize ideas. Which of the following she will use?
A. Matching type C. True or false
B. Multiple-choice D. Essay
2. Emil Renz obtained a score of 89 out of 100 in multiple choice tests in Geometry.
A. He answered 89 items in the test correctly.
B. He obtained a rating of 89.
C. His performance is 11% better than the group.
D. He answered 89% of the test item correctly.
3. Teacher Marivic wants to develop periodic test in her English classes, what is the first thing she will accomplish?
A. Develop table of specification.
B. Go back to the instructional objectives.
C. Select the type of test items to use.
D. Decide on the length of the test.
4. Marie obtained a percentile rank of 94 in National Assessment Test. This means that ________.
A. She answered 94 items correctly.
B. She surpassed in performance 6% of his fellow examinees.
C. She surpassed in performance 94% of his fellow examinees.
D. She got a score of 94.
5. Which of the following objectives is the highest level in Bloom’s taxonomy?
A. List the parts of a tree
B. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem.
C. Rate three different methods of controlling tree growth.
D. Explain how trees receive nutrients.
6. Which measure of central tendency easily affected by extreme scores?
A. Mean and mode C. Mode
B. Mean D. Median
7. Palma Scholarship Foundation conducted examinations for scholarship for three batches. The results are the following: Batch
I: average = 89.75 with 15 takers. Batch II: average = 94.25 with 10 takers. Batch III: average = 96.75 with 25 takers. What is
the overall average of the test takers?
A. 93.58 C. 95.15
B. 94.15 D. 95.58
8. Teacher jenny is taking about ”grading on the curve” in a teacher’s conference at the First District of Cagayan. This means
that she’s referring to what type of grading system?
A. Criterion-referenced grading C. norm-referenced grading
B. Cumulative grading system D. averaging method
9. Julie’s scores in Biology quizzes are as follows: 92, 87, 72, 67, 99, 80. What is the meaning of these scores?
A. 81.83 C. 83.17
B. 82.83 D. 84.17
10. Which of the following statements is COORECT about standard deviation?
A. The smaller the standard deviation the more spreads the scores are.
B. The larger the standard deviation the less spread the scores are.
C. It is a measure of central tendency
D. The larger the deviation the more spread the scores are.
11. Teacher Mod conducted a quiz after discussing his topic “ Normal Distribution” to test whether his students learned the
lesson and not for grading purposes. Which type of test he conducted?
A. Placement C. Diagnostic
B. Formative D. Summative
12. In a normal curve distribution, about how many percent of the scores fall between-1SD to + 1SD?
A. 68.26% C. 3.4.13%
B. 58.75% D. 30.86%
13. Teacher Renz conducted a chapter test in Algebra. In which competency did his students find the greatest difficulty? In the
item with difficulty index of___________.
A. 0.50 C. 0.75
B. 0.45 D. 0.88
14. Which of the following statement is TRUE about normal curve distribution?
A. There are more high scores that low scores
B. The scores are normally distributed
C. Most of the scores are low.
D. There are more low scores than high scores.
15. Teachers Dominic gave a 100 item test in Biology where the mean performance of the class is 75 with a standard deviation of
4. Joseph got score of 87. What description rating should teacher Dominic give to Joseph?
A. Poor C. Average
B. Outstanding D. Above Average
16. The graphical presentation of the scores of Teacher Ace in TLE is represented by positively skewed distribution. This means
A. The mean is less than the median.
B. The mean is greater that median.
C. The mean is equal to median.
D. The scores are normally distributed.
17. In the parlance of test construction, what does TOS mean?
A. Test of Specifics C. Table of Specification
B. Team of Specifications D. Table of Specific Item test
18. Given two sets of data:
Distribution A 8 12 15 16 18 19 23 25
Distribution B 12 13 15 17 18 20 21 25

Which statement best described both distribution of data?

A. The range of distribution A is 17.
B. The range of distribution B is 14.
C. The scores of distribution A is more spread out than the scores of distribution B.
D. The scores of distribution B is more spread out than the scores of distribution A.
19. Which of the following measures of variation easily affected by the extreme scores?
A. Range C. Variance
B. Inter-quartile range D. Standard Deviation
20. Teacher Roland gave a test in Chemistry. The facility index of item No. 10 is 82%. The best way to describes item number 10
is ____________.
A. Moderately difficult item C. Very Difficult Item
B. Difficult item D. Very easy item
21. Teacher Daryl gave a test in Physics Item number 5 has a difficulty index of 0.85 and discrimination index of -0.10. What
should teacher Daryl do?
A. Retain the item
B. Make the item bonus
C. Reject the item
D. Reject it and make the item bonus
22. Paul John is one-half standard deviation below mean of his group in Science and one standard deviation below English. What
does this mean?
A. He did not excel both in Science and in English
B. He is better in Science than in English.
C. He does not excel in English nor in Science.
D. He is better in English than in Science
23. Which of the following statement is/are important in developing rubrics?
I. Description of each criteria to serve as standard
II. Very clear descriptions of performance in each level
III. Rating scale
IV. Mastery levels of achievement
A. I only C. I and II
24. What error committed by the teacher if he overate the performance of his students?
A. Ogical error C. Generosity error
B. Severity error D. central tendency error
25. Which of the following can measure awareness of values?
A. Rating scales C. Role Playing
B. Projective technique D. Moral dilemma
26. Teacher Manny conducted examination in his Filipino class. The difficulty index of a test tem number 15 is 1. What does this
A. The test is very difficult C. the test item is quality item
B. The test is very easy D. Nobody got the item correctly
27. In his second item analysis. Teacher Vince found out that more from the upper group got the test item #12 correctly. This
means that the test item ________.
A. Has a negative discriminating power
B. Has a lower validity
C. Has a positive discriminating power
D. Has a high reliability
28. Which is the most reliable tool for seeking the development in your pupil’s ability to write?
A. Interview of pupils C. Scoring rubric
B. Self-assessment D. Portfolio assessment
29. The score distribution of the students of Teacher Ruel in Statistics test is a positively skewed distribution. This means
A. The mean, the median and the mode are equal
B. Most of the scores are high
C. The mode is high
D. Most of the scores are below the mean
30. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group when we wre talking about projective personality test?
A. Sentence completion C. Interview
B. Word association test D. Thematic Apperception Test
31. Teacher Kae wrote of Jiro: When Jiro came to class this afternoon, he seemed very tired and slouched into his seat. He took
no part in his class discussion and seemed to have no interest in what was being discussed. This was very unusual for he has
been eager to participate and often monopolizes the class discussion. What teacher Kae wrote is an example of a/an_____.
A. Incidence report C. Personality report
B. Observation report D. Anecdotal Report
32. Counselor Gary shows the secrets of his counselee with other members of the faculty.
The counselor violates the principle of?
A. Secrecy C. Ethics
B. Confidentiality D. Promise
33. This is the pre-panned collection of sample of student works, assessed results and other output produced by the students.
A. Diary C. Portfolio
B. Observation report d. Anecdotal Report
34. Teacher Crystal conducted a pretest before she will discuss chapter about “Liner equation” and most of her students passed
the pretest, what should teacher Crystal do?
A. Go on to the next unit
B. Go through the lesson quickly in order not to skip any.
C. Go through the unit as usual because it is part of the syllabus
D. Administer the post test.
35. Which much go with self-assessment for it to be effective?
A. Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and student
B. Scoring Rubric
C. External Monitor
D. Public Display of results o self-evaluation
36. Which of the following statement is NOT included in developing table of specification?
A. Decide the number of test item per content.
B. Decide the content areas to be included.
C. Decide the number of answer sheet needed.
D. Decide the competencies to measure in each content.
37. The main objective of testing in teaching is ______________.
A. To assess the effectiveness of the teaching method.
B. To assess the effectiveness of instruction and students learning.
C. To evaluate the performance to the teacher
D. To evaluate the instructional materials
38. The instructional objectives is very important in the test construction when they are stated in terms of____________.
A. Learning activities C. student performance
B. Teacher activities D. general terms
39. Why should negative words be avoided in constructing multiple-choice test?
A. More difficult to construct C. it makes the stem longer
B. Increase the difficulty of the item D. it might be overlooked
40. Which of the following statement is an advantage of multiple-choice test items over essay questions?
A. Provides more extensive sampling of the content area.
B. Provides assessment of more complex learning outcomes.
C. It emphasizes more on the higher level of thinking skills.
D. Requires less time in preparing test items.
41. Teacher Emely wants establish the reliability of her test in English. Which of the following he will do?
I. Construct an easy test
II. Administer a parallel test
III. Split the test
IV. Develop a difficult test
A. I only C. IV only
B. II and III D. III and IV
42. Teacher JM gives 40-item test in Mathematics where the mean performance of the group is 35 and the standard deviation is
4. Christopher obtained a score of 37. Which of the following best described his performance?
A. Below average C. Above average
B. Average D. excellent
43. Teacher Mae conducted a test in Science, in her item 1 it is to be non discriminating. What can be said about this item?
I. Teaching and learning is very effective
II. The item is very easy, all students got the correct answer.
III. The item is very difficult, only 4% go the correct answer.

A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. II and III
44. All of the statements below are the best practices of preparing multiple choice test items EXCEPT.
A. Use the stem as short as possible.
B. Shorten the stem so that alternatives can be written longer.
C. Stem should be stated in positive form
D. Underline words or phrase in the stem that give emphasis.

Situation A. Study this group of test which was administered to a class to whom Ian belongs, then answer the questions (45-47):

Subject Ian’s Score Mean Score Standard Deviation


Math 90 86 1.5
Science 85 84 1.25
English 90 88 2.0
PEMH 92 91 0.75

45. In which subject did Ian performed most poorly?

A. Math C. English
B. Science D. PEHM
46. What type of learner is Ian?
A. Logical and bodily kinesthetic C. Liguistic
B. Logical D. Bodily kinesthetic
47. In which group of scores most spread?
A. Math and PEHM C. English
B. Math D. PEHM
48. The computed r for scores in Filipino and English is 0.65. What does this mean?
A. Filipino scores is positively related to English scores
B. The higher the Filipino Scores, the lower the English scores.
C. Filipino scores is not in any way related to English scores
D. English scores is slightly related to Filipino scores.

Situation B. Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based on the results of a try-out
test in Science. The letter marked with an asterisk is the correct answer. (49-50)

Item No.1 A B* C D
Upper 27% 2 6 4 3
Lower 27% 5 4 2 4

49. The table shows that the test item analyzed______________.

A. Has a positive discrimination index
B. Has a negative discrimination index
C. Is easy
D. Is difficult
50. Based on the table, which is most effective distracter?
A. Option A C. Option C
B. Option B D. Option D

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