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Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, 2012, 12, 281-285 281

Chronic Streptococcal and Non-Streptococcal Pharyngitis

R.C. Murray1,2 and S.K. Chennupati2,3,*

Department of Otolaryngology, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2Division of Otolaryn-
gology, Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA; 3Division of Otolaryngology, Saint Christopher’s
Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Abstract: Pharyngitis is a common medical problem in the outpatient medical setting, resulting in more than seven mil-
lion pediatric visits each year. Most types of pharyngitis are caused by infectious etiologies. The most common cause of
pharyngitis is viral infection; however, some of the more serious types of pharyngitis are attributed to bacterial etiologies,
such as group A -hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS). Complications from GAS pharyngitis include rheumatic
fever, deep space abscesses, and toxic shock. Although most episodes of pharyngitis are acute in nature, a small percent-
age becomes recurrent or chronic. With regards to chronic pharyngitis, non-infectious etiologies, such as laryngopharyn-
geal reflux and periodic fever, aphthous ulcers, pharyngitis, and adenitis syndrome also need to be considered. Both medi-
cal and surgical therapies are effective in managing pharyngitis. First-line medical therapy includes antibiotic therapy. For
certain indications, surgical management via adenotonsillectomy is recommended. Adenotonsillectomy has been shown to
be effective in reducing disease burden and improving disease-specific and global quality of life. Several techniques for
adenotonsillectomy exist, including traditional and intracapsular tonsillectomies.
Keywords: Chronic pharyngitis, group A -hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS), intracapsular tonsillectomy, quality of
life (QOL), tonsillitis, Waldeyer’s ring.

INTRODUCTION material is presented to the surface reticular cell epithelium

of Waldeyer’s ring and subsequently transported to special-
Sore throat is the third most common chief complaint in
ized germinal centers leading to the proliferation of antigen
outpatient healthcare appointments [1], accounting for an
sensitive B-cells [6]. During the ages of 4 to 10 years, the
estimated 7.3 million pediatric visits each year [2]. In the
tissue of Waldeyer’s ring is at its most immunologically ac-
pediatric population, most cases of pharyngitis are infectious
tive with a resultant increase in tissue size and recurrent pha-
in origin. Viruses are responsible for most cases, but bacteria
ryngeal symptoms.
are blamed for 30-40% of pharyngitis [3]. Group A -
hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes (GAS) is of particular The primary species responsible for colonizing the upper
diagnostic importance because of the risk of potentially seri- respiratory tract is group A -hemolytic Streptococcus pyo-
ous complications. Most pharyngitis occurs as an acute epi- genes (GAS) but also includes Prevotella, Peptostreptococ-
sode that is generally short lived. An estimated 1-2% of cus, and Viridians Streptococcus species [7, 8]. These com-
acute pharyngitis progresses to recurrent or chronic disease mensal bacterial species act as a barrier to infection by
[4]. Although an exact definition of chronic or recurrent pathogenic species. Bacterial interference is thought to assist
pharyngitis escapes consensus, most otolaryngologists con- in infection prevention and is mediated by organisms form-
sider three or more recurrent infections per year to constitute ing a direct blockade of epithelial binding sites, alteration of
a chronic state. Unlike acute pharyngitis, which is almost the bacterial microenvironment and competition for nutri-
universally infectious in etiology, chronic pharyngitis can be tional substances [7]. Disruption of these mechanisms to
attributed to some important non-infectious causes. Here we control the microenvironment allows for localized pharyn-
review chronic pharyngitis. gitis.


The lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, collectively known Group A -Hemolytic Streptococcus
as Waldeyer’s ring, is classically distinguished into three
Group A -hemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes is a gram-
distinct structures: the palatine tonsils, the pharyngeal tonsils
positive aerobic organism that is the most frequent bacteria
(or adenoids), and the lingual tonsils. The mucosa of
implicated in infectious pharyngitis. Globally, 616 million
Waldeyer’s ring contains secondary lymphoid tissue similar new cases of GAS streptococcus are estimated to occur each
to Peyer’s patches in the bowel and is thought to assist in
year [9]. In the pediatric population, approximately 15-36%
regulating secretory immunoglobulin production [5]. Be-
of acute pharyngitis cases are attributable to GAS [2].
cause Waldeyer’s ring is situated at the opening to the
Transmission of disease occurs through droplet spread, with
aerodigestive tract, the developing immune system is ex-
an incubation period of aproximately1-4 days. Classic symp-
posed to both airborne and food-borne antigens. Antigenic
toms include acute onset of pharyngeal pain, dysphagia, and
fever [1]. Associated symptoms of rhinorrhea, cough,
*Address correspondence to this author at the Division of Otolaryngology, hoarseness, or conjunctivitis are not typically associated with
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, 3601 A St. Suite 2205, Philadelphia, GAS and may indicate a viral etiology [10].
PA 19134, USA; Tel: 215-427-8915; Fax: 215-427-4603;
E-mail: sri.chennupati@tenethealth.com

2212-3989/12 $58.00+.00 © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers

282 Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, 2012, Vol. 12, No. 4 Murray and Chennupati

Individual GAS serotypes are classified based on the Treatment with antibiotics is not always effective, especially
Lancefield classification and also according to differences in in toxic shock syndrome where mortality can approach 50%
their M protein. Both host factors and bacterial factors ap- [22]. Suppurative complications of bacterial pharyngitis in-
pear to play a role in determining the severity of an individ- clude the secondary development of deep neck infections
ual infection [11]. Both group C and G streptococcal spp. are and cervical abscesses. Abscess formation results from tissue
also associated with pharyngitis and can be distinguished necrosis and super infection. Deep space neck infections
based on culture. The majority of GAS disease occurs as leading to mediastinitis can have significant consequences,
self-limiting acute infection that resolves spontaneously including mortality rates approaching 40% [23]. Pediatric
within 3-5 days. Persistent colonization by GAS can also autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with
occur but does not appear to frequently result in recurrent streptococcal infections (PANDAS) is a recently described
infection or transmission of disease to contacts [12,13]. A entity that links pediatric neuropsychiatric conditions such as
number of theories have been put forth to explain coloniza- obsessive compulsive disorder and Tourette’s syndrome to
tion by GAS resistant to antibiotic treatment. These include previous GAS infection [24].
antibiotic resistance [14], biofilm formation [15,16], and
intracellular bacterial reservoirs [17]. Non-Strep Bacterial Pharyngitis
In chronic tonsillitis, tonsillar-core biopsies have shown
Complications of GAS
that bacterial infection consists of a polymicrobial flora [25].
Treatment of GAS is predicated on the control of serious There is evidence that the types of bacterial infection seen in
complications, notably rheumatic fever and suppurative children differ from those seen in adults and that they may
complications (i.e., deep neck space infections, peritonsillar be affected by recurrent antibiotic treatment [26]. Non-GAS
abscess, and cervical adenitis with abscess). Additional organisms associated with pharyngitis include Neisseiria
complications, such as post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis gonorrhoeae, Corynebacterium diptheriae, Arcanobacterium
(PSGN), toxic shock, scarlet fever, and autoimmune neuro- haemolyticum, Chlamydia pneumonia Haemophilus influen-
psychiatric disorder, are also seen [18]. Despite the de- zae type B (Hib), additional Streptoccal species, Myco-
creased incidence of some serious complications, the global plasma pneumoniae and many viral pathogens [3,27].
burden of these sequellae remains high. Worldwide, an esti-
C. diptheriae, N. gonorrhoeae, and C. pneumoniae lead
mated 517,000 deaths are attributed to GAS, primarily as a
primarily to the self-limited acute infections of diphtheria,
result of rheumatic fever and invasive GAS disease [19].
gonnococcal, and chlamydial pharyngitis, respectively, and
Acute rheumatic fever (RF) is a type II autoimmune hy- rarely become chronic conditions. The introduction of the
persensitivity reaction that affects multiple organ systems conjugate vaccine in the late 1980s has significantly reduced
and involves the interplay of both host- and pathogen- re- the incidence of Hib in pharyngitis, although Hib carriage
lated factors. Diagnosis is clinical and based on the presence and acute infection may be on the rise in certain areas [28].
of two major manifestations, or one major and two minor Chronic pharyngitis associated with mycoplasma infection is
manifestations, as defined by the modified Jones criteria typically seen in the context of more systemic illness but has
published in 1992 [20]. Morbidity is attributed to carditis been described to occur as an isolated phenomenon. Up to a
manifesting as aortic or mitral regurgitation with frequently quarter of non-strep pharyngitis may be attributable to M.
associated myocarditis or pericarditis [9]. In the modern de- pneumoniae [29]. Treatment for M. pneumoniae pharyngitis
veloped world, most of the serious complications of RF have is macrolide-, tetracycline-, or quinolone-class antibiotics,
largely been minimized due to a combination of effective and failure to recognize M. pneumoniae as a cause of
antibiotic therapies and improvements in sanitation, nutri- pharyngitis will necessarily lead to under treatment [30].
tion, and access to medical care [21]. Because the mecha-
nism of action of RF is mediated by a type II hypersensitiv- VIRAL CAUSES
ity reaction, no effective acute treatment exits. Treatment of
GAS has been shown to decrease the incidence of subse- Viral pharyngitis is thought to be the largest etiology of
quent RF and it is for this reason that early screening and acute pharyngitis leading to recurrent symptoms. The most
therapy remain important [9]. commonly associated agents implicated include herpes sim-
plex virus (HSV), influenza sp. rubeola, Epstein-Barr virus
While RF is the most morbid complication of GAS, the (EBV), cytomegalovirus, and human immunodeficiency vi-
most common complication of GAS remains PSGN. Symp- rus type 1 (HIV). Viral pharyngitis tends to mimic bacterial
toms include edema, hypertension, hematuria, urinary sedi- infection in clinical presentation. Mucopurulent drainage or
ment abnormalities, and decreased serum complement levels, exudates are not typically associated with viral infection, but
with minimal fever. PSGN can occur after skin infection EBV may be associated with up to one third of purulent exu-
caused by GAS but tends to occur more quickly and with dates [31]. Concurrent bacterial and viral infection has also
worsening symptomotology in patients with pharyngitis [22]. been described and may lead to diagnostic inaccuracies [32].
Unlike the decreased incidence of RF seen following antibi-
otic therapy, early treatment of GAS has not been shown to Herpes simplex virus can cause an acute pharyngitis that
decrease the incidence of PSGN. Instead, treatment is largely presents with pharyngeal vesicular lesions, tonsilar ulcera-
palliative and supportive, with only 1% of children progress- tions, and gray exudates. While HSV infections typically are
ing to severe or irreversible renal failure. self limiting and resolve within 7–10 days, latent HSV resid-
ing in sensory neural ganglion can result in recurrent infec-
Scarlet fever and toxic shock syndrome are also associ- tion. HSV-2 pharyngitis seen in adolescent or college age
ated with GAS and result from specific exotoxin production. children is associated with oral-genital transmission [31].
Chronic Pharyngitis Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, 2012, Vol. 12, No. 4 283

Treatment is with viral nucleic acid inhibitors, such as acy- ond recurrent episode of GAS, positive pharyngitis should also
clovir. Epstein-Barr virus, which is responsible for the ma- be treated with first-line therapy; however, further recurrent
jority of cases of mononucleosis, initially presents with episodes may require different treatment options.
pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, and fever. Diagnosis is con-
Failure to complete the full 10-day recommended course
firmed with the heterophile antibody test; however, this test of treatment may lead to treatment failure and should be first
is not sensitive in children under the age of 10 and may need
considered in children with recurrent infections [43]. These
to be repeated. Patients treated with amoxicillin exhibit a
patients can be treated with parenteral doses of antibiotics if
characteristic pruritic maculopapular rash in 90% of cases
difficulty with compliance is suspected. Patients who fail to
that is considered pathognomonic for EBV [18].
respond to repeated first line treatments should be targeted
with antibiotics effective in eradicating the carrier state [33].
DIAGNOSIS The preferred oral agents include a 10-day course of either
Because of the associated morbidities, GAS is the only clindamycin or amoxicillin-clauvulanic acid, and the pre-
commonly occurring cause of infectious pharyngitis in ferred intramuscular agents are penicillin G with or without a
which treatment is necessary. As a result, accurate diagnosis four-day course of oral rifampin [33].
of pharyngitis focuses on distinguishing GAS from all other The cause of recurrent infectious pharyngitis may be
causes [33]. Clinical judgment alone does not appear to be multifactorial. Although penicillin resistant GAS has not
an effective means of diagnosis, with clinician accuracy been identified in the laboratory, clinically, up to one third of
found to be no greater than chance in distinguishing GAS patients fail to respond to penicillin antibiotics [44]. Eryth-
from other causes [34]. A number of different diagnostic romycin-resistant GAS has also now been isolated in chil-
algorithms have been developed to distinguish GAS from dren [45]. Patients who suffer one antibiotic failure for GAS
other causes; however, none have been shown to have a suf- have a higher likelihood of subsequent treatment failures.
ficiently reliable specificity to supplant clinical testing with While no clear mechanisms explain penicillin treatment fail-
rapid antigen detection testing or throat culture. Currently, ures, a number of theories have been postulated, including
the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends testing all internalization of GAS into tonsillar tissue, bacterial copa-
patients with suspected pharyngitis with a rapid strep test thogenicity, GAS biofilm formation, and antibiotic activity
and treating those who are found to be positive. Patients who on commensal organisms [44]. An additional consideration
are found to have a negative rapid strep test should undergo in patients who experience recurrent infections despite ap-
throat culture, and antibiotic treatment should be withheld propriate medical management is the possibility of intercur-
for 48 hours until the results of the culture are finalized [35]. rent viral infections in the context of a GAS-carrier state
This strategy has been shown to be cost effective with an [33]. This is difficult to determine clinically, and recom-
acceptably low morbidity when compared to other treatment mended treatment of these patients is to follow guidelines for
approaches [36]. While this approach has led to a decrease in treatment of recurrent GAS.
the overall antibiotic treatment of pharyngitis, it is still un-
derutilized, and empiric treatment is still commonly prac- SURGICAL MANAGEMENT: ADENOTONSILLEC-
ticed [2]. TOMY
BURDEN OF CHRONIC PHARYNGITIS Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical pro-
cedures in the United States [46]. Although it is not without
Societal costs of chronic pharyngitis are significant. rare but potentially significant risks [47] and occasional dif-
Medical costs likely exceed $539 million per year, and there ficult post-operative recovery, it is generally well tolerated as
are large non-monetary impacts, such as work missed, trans- an outpatient procedure in the pediatric population. Current
portation, and childcare expenditures [37-39]. Children with American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Sur-
chronic pharyngitis have quality of life impairments similar gery (AAO-HNS) indications for tonsillectomy and adenoi-
to other children with diseases thought to be much more de- dectomy for recurrent or chronic pharyngitis are the follow-
bilitating, such as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and chronic ing [48]:
asthma [39]. Poor quality of life in these children includes
both disease-specific and global health measures [39]. Re- • Tonsillar hypertrophy resulting in airway obstruction or
duction in episodes of pharyngitis through tonsillectomy or orofacial growth restriction
medical therapy can reverse much of the quality of life dis- • Chronic or recurrent tonsillitis in a streptococcal carrier
parity seen in these patients [40]. not responding to beta-lactamase-resistant antibiotics
• Three or more tonsil infections per year
• Peritonsillar abscess unresponsive to medical therapy
First-line standard medical therapy of acute GAS is a 10-
• Tonsillitis resulting in febrile convulsions
day course of penicillin-class antibiotics with return to
school generally permitted within two days of antibiotic • Chronic tonsillitis resulting in halitosis
therapy initiation [8]. Amoxicillin is often used in place of • Tonsillar enlargement requiring biopsy to define tissue
penicillin due to a chewable formulation and better taste [41]. pathology
Penicillin-allergic patients can be treated with macrolide- or
cephalosporin-class antibiotics. Erythromycin along with sec- Most otolaryngologists use the number of recurrent infec-
ond-generation azithromycin and clarithromycin all have tions a child has per year as the guidelines for tonsillectomy.
demonstrated efficacy in 10-day courses [42]. A single, sec- In this model recurrent or chronic tonsillitis necessitating
284 Infectious Disorders – Drug Targets, 2012, Vol. 12, No. 4 Murray and Chennupati

tonsillectomy is defined as follows: 7 episodes in one year, 5 aphthous ulcers prior to being diagnosed. Medical therapies,
episodes per year for two consecutive years, or 3 episodes including corticosteroid administration, are primarily pallia-
per year for three consecutive years [18]. Current practice tive and do not decrease symptom duration. Importantly, oral
indicators for tonsillectomy published by the American antibiotics do not appear to be effective. Adenotonsillectomy
Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO), however, require a may be an effective management tool; a recent study demon-
minimum of only three infections per year for surgical inter- strated complete resolution of symptoms in up to 96% of
vention [48]. patients [56].
Tonsillectomy performed for recurrent or chronic infec- Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pemphigus, and epidermoly-
tion constitutes almost 40% of all tonsillectomy procedures sis bullosa are all diseases that affect epithelial surfaces with
[49]. Historical prospective studies demonstrating an overall a predilection to the mucous membranes that can present
decrease in the number of recurrent infection in children with pharyngeal symptoms. Epidermolysis bullosa typically
undergoing adenotonsillectomy questioned the need in these presents in early childhood and can present with almost ex-
cases [50, 51]; however, recent studies looking at additional clusively oropharyngeal symptoms.
outcome measures, including cost of care and both disease-
specific and global quality of life, have further supported CONCLUSION
adenotonsillectomy in patients with recurrent or chronic
pharyngitis [40]. Chronic pharyngitis is a common diagnosis in the pediat-
ric population. While most cases of chronic and recurrent
Multiple operative techniques for adenotonsillectomy pharyngitis are related to GAS, it is important to consider
have been described [52]. Practically speaking tonsillectomy alternative diagnoses. In patients with a classic presentation
can be divided into those performed via an intracapsullar for GAS, adenotonsillectomy has been shown to improve
technique versus those performed using traditional tonsillec- rates of re-infection and to improve quality of life and de-
tomy. Although multiple instruments may be employed in crease overall healthcare expenditures.
the removal of the adenoid pad, there is less of an anatomical
distinction to how this is accomplished. Traditional tonsillec- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
tomy consists of removal the entire tonsillar tissue including
None declared.
its surrounding fibrous capsule. Intracapsular tonsillectomy
refers to removing at least 90% of the tonsillar tissue but ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sparing the capsule and a small amount of lymphoid tissue
[53]. This latter technique, while initially used for patients None declared.
with obstructive sleep apnea, has recently gained wider ac-
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Received: November 08, 2010 Revised: January 24, 2012 Accepted: January 25, 2012

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