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At A Glance Resource

Obstacle Solution Support Person/ Ideas to Reduce

Materials Recurrence

Student Misuse Removal of Classroom teacher Continued reminders

priviledges, parent guidance, referral to or lessons of
notification. principal if needed. appropriate use.

Student Access Issues BYOD policies are Instructors can help Continued support to
set in place so guide students to the students from
students can access connect their devices faculty members in
the internet from their to the network. order to connect to
own devices. The the network.
system allows for
multiple users at once
so everyone has equal

Hardware/ Software Instructor has list of Instructor, passwords Encourage students to

Issues login information to to programs other utilize the resources
assist students with than chromebook are at hand like the
access listed in a document password sheet, also
on the chromebook. encouraging the
students to set a
password that is easy
for them to remember
like a special pet or

Access to Materials Plan ahead, request Administrator, Ensure that you are
access from supervisor, or planning ahead. Find
Administrator or superintendant. alternative sources
supervisor. that do not need to be

Support Try to troubleshoot, if IT Department. Troubleshoot basic

that fails, contact the problems such as
IT department. ensuring the
computer is logged
onto the WIFI, trying
to restart to solve the

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