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Oppositional Defiant Negative hostile and defiant behavior - persist for 6 months 18 years old - Often losses temper
towards authority such as parents or - behavior causes - often argues with adults
Disorder (ODD) teachers. impairment in social, - actively defies or refuses to
academic or occupational comply with adults request or
functions rules
- does not occur only - deliberately annoys other
during the course of a people
psychotic mood disorder - blames others for his or her
mistakes or misbehavior
- often touchy or easily annoyed
by others
- often angry and resentful
- often spiteful or vindictive
- has low frustration tolerance
- low sense of confidence

Conduct Disorder (CD) - more serious than ODD Behavior causes impairment in - on or - aggression to people and
- person is showing aggression, social, academic or occupational before age animal
destruction and violation of functions. 10 - destruction of property
basic human rights of others - adolescence - deceitfulness or theft
without fear or concern about - serious violation of rules
the result
- symptoms can be mild,
moderate or sever
- categorized for solitary, group
and undifferentiated type



Passive- A power developed by Pervasive pattern of negativistic Childhood mostly seen Behavior ranges from diff. levels:
children to gain control over attitude and passive resistance to - temporary compliance
Aggressive their parents, teachers and demands for adequate - intentional inefficiency
Personality significant adult by resisting performance in social and - letting the problem escalate
Disorder them. occupational situation. - conscious revenge
- self-depreciation

Antisocial Aggressive behavior against Long term pattern of disregard As young as 4 years old - temper tantrums
siblings, peers, parents, for, or violation of the rights of - bullying, hitting, lying, use of profanity
Personality teachers and other adult. others. - drug and alcohol abuse is often associated
Disorder - shows symptoms of CD before the age of 15

Separation An individual experience If disturbance continues after 4 Usually peaks between - clinging to parents
excessive anxiety regarding weeks indicates that there is 9-13 months of age - extreme and sever crying
Anxiety Disorder separation from home or from problem that should be - refusal to do things that requires separation
people to whom the individual addressed. - physical illness such headache and vomiting
has a strong emotional - violent, emotional tantrums
attachment such as parent, - refusal to go to school
caregiver, significant other - poor school performance
and siblings. - failure to act in healthy manner
- refusing to sleep alone

Avoidant - It is marked by The fear of rejection is so strong Generally begins in - Oversensitive and easily hurt by criticism or
feelings of that they choose isolation rather infancy and childhood disapproval.
Disorder of nervousness and fear than risk being rejected in a and continues into - Few, if any, close friends and are reluctant to
Childhood of and have poor self- relationship. The pattern of adulthood but not become involved with others unless certain of
Adolescence esteem. behavior in people with this diagnosed below 18 being liked.
years old
- Triggered by disorder can vary from mild to - Tend to be shy, awkward, and self-conscious in
environmental extreme. social situations due to a fear of doing something
influences such as wrong or being embarrassed.
parental or peer - Exaggerate potential problems.
rejection, which can - Seldom try anything new or take chances.
impact a person’s self- - Poor self-image, seeing themselves as inadequate
esteem and sense of and unappealing.
Selective Mutism Child’s inability to speak and This behavior lasts for at least 1 Between 3 and 8 years - Shyness, social anxiety, fear of social
communicate effectively in month. If a child remains mute for old embarrassment, and/or social isolation and
select social settings, such as many years, his/her behavior can withdrawal
school. become a conditioned response - Difficulty maintaining eye contact
where the child literally gets used - Blank expression and reluctance to smile or
to non-verbalizing. incessant smiling
- Difficulty expressing feelings, even to family
- Tendency to worry more than most people of the
same age
- Sensitivity to noise and crowds

Elimination  Encopresis - The Frequency of the events will vary, - typically over 4 years - Secretive bowel movement behavior
voluntary or but in general if it occurs more old - Constipation
Disorder involuntary passage of than twice a month, it may be a - in children over the - Inability to retain feces (incontinence)
1. Encopresis stools in a child who sign of an elimination disorder. age of 5 years old - Hard stools
2. Enuresis has been toilet - Involuntary urination at least twice a month
 Enuresis - Bedwetting
- involuntary

Eating Disorder  Anorexia Abnormal eating habits that Adolescence - Chronic dieting despite being hazardously
nervosa where people negatively affect a underweight
1. Anorexia eat very little and thus person's physical or mental health. - Constant weight fluctuations
Nervosa - Obsession with calories and fat contents of food
2. Bulimia have a low body - Engaging in ritualistic eating patterns, such as
weight cutting food into tiny pieces, eating alone, and/or
Nervosa  Bulimia hiding food
nervosa where people - Continued fixation with food, recipes, or cooking;
eat a lot and then try the individual may cook intricate meals for others
to rid themselves of but refrain from partaking
the food - Depression or lethargic stage
- Avoidance of social functions, family, and friends.
May become isolated and withdrawn
- Switching between periods of overeating and

Dysthymic A mood disorder consisting of Persistent depressive disorder 21 years of age are - Loss of interest in daily activities
the same cognitive and symptoms usually come and go diagnosed as “early - Sadness, emptiness or feeling down
Disorder physical problems over a period of years, and their onset,” while - Hopelessness
as depression, with less severe intensity can change over time. symptoms beginning - Tiredness and lack of energy
but longer-lasting symptoms. But typically symptoms don't after age 21 are - Low self-esteem, self-criticism or feeling incapable
disappear for more than two diagnosed as “late - Trouble concentrating and trouble making
months at a time. In addition, onset.” decisions
major depression episodes may Persistent depressive - Irritability or excessive anger
occur before or during persistent disorder appears to be - Decreased activity, effectiveness and productivity
depressive disorder — this is more common in - Avoidance of social activities
sometimes called double females than in males. - Feelings of guilt and worries over the past
depression. - Poor appetite or overeating
- Sleep problems

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