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SinflP I ltfi'fs


Mata Pelqaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Han I tanggal : Rabu, 21 Februari 2018
Waktu : Pukul 07.00 - 09.00 WIB (120 menit)

1. Tulis nomorAnda pada lembar jawaban komputer (LJK)!
2. Periksalah dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum menjawab!
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yangAnda ar,ggap mudah!
4. Kerjakan pada LJK yang disediakan!
5. Hitamkanlah bulatan pada hurufjawaban yangAnda anggap benar dengan menggunakan pensil 28!
6. Apabila ada jawaban yangAnda anggap salah maka hapuslah jawaban yang salah tersebut sampai bersih,
kemudian hitamkan bulatan pada hurufjawaban lain yang Anda anggap benar!
a. sebelum di jawab A B C D
b. sesudah duawab A B C D
O O (D O
c. sesudah diperbaiki A B C D
O (D O O
Hitamkanlah salah satu bulatan pada huruf A, B, C, atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada Iembar jawaban komputer!

Read the text to answer questions I and,2. Read the text to answer questions 3 to 5!


Fia, I am sory I have to tell you that the meeting related to
the tour that we have planned before can't be carried out. GCIFIEHALLY thltfrrE$ yot.r T0 g p6$T-
The representative of the tour agent is still out of town. I SECHE}hI ETAFBY (}PTI OI\XIS ETfE hI I !\CG
can't say when we will meet. Can you tell others? I will
contact you later. Nino. YtfEDhr EsEAy, NO\fEHEIES! !E)-nt, ztl-I €i
T=reg=m t"-ilt* :

l. The message is written to

A. inform the cancellation of a meeting ErrE:hrr' lrlnr E+ffir_flffir# r,* -rFrE *lfr-rs
B. let Fia know that there will be tour meeting
C. tell about the plan to reschedule of a meeting
Ttais rnrill tee a unique opportr-rnitSr for t^rHS
D. report the absence of the personnel of the tour agent Secorrciar3r lW arrud V Farents and Strrcte,nts
to rrreet rellrese rttati:ves of post-seconc*ar1r
2. What will probably Fia do on receiving the message? institutiotns (IGEGEPs, \focatienal Ed-, etc -)
vvlrictr are of irrterest ts rmarl!/ tttHS
A. Meet Nino as soon as possible. strrcle,nts- Yst-r rruill ber a,]rle tla fi,ncil out rfiore
B. Ask for sure the exact time of the next meeting. a'trrrr-rt the \rarietSr rnf mrosrarrrs r*lrl-ric,l-* are
C. Wait for the representative of the tour agent to beirrp! crffi=l-ecI, the adurrissirclr"rs,pelricisso t,lre
prere rtrL^tis ites allc* ilTt{s re -
contact her.
D. Forward the message to other members of the tour
committee. 3. The text is written to ask WHS Secondary IV and V
Parents and Students .. ..
A. to join a celebration event to welcome the
representative of the post-second ary institutions
B. to know the variety of programs which are being
offered by the school
C. to attend a meeting with the representatives of post
secondary institution
D. to learn the admissions policies of second ary
4. The message of the announcement is that by attending 10. What will the candidate of the competitors do after
the event you will get .. . . reading the text?
A. a chance to know the representatives of post A. Enrol in the competition.
secondary institution B. Start designing a T:shirt.
B. detailed information related to programs offered by C. Submit their T-shirt design.
post second ary institution D. Confirm not to join the competition.
C. explanation of the post secondary admission policies
D. free access to study in the post secondary institution 1 1. The participants must be ready with their designs by 20
May 2015 ... it is the deadline fbr submitting them.
5. ". . . the variety of programs which are being offered ,. . ." A. so
The underlined word is closest in meaning to . . .. B. if
A. awarded C. when
B. granted D. because
C. provided
D. presented Read the text to answer questions 12 to 13!

Read the text to answer questions 6 to 8!

Dear Meta, I planned to pick up aunt Bella at the airport
this afternoon but it seems I couldn't make it. My boss asks
me to meet an important client. Would you like to pick her
up? Her flight will arrive at 4 p.m. Tell me soon. Y*u nrq spe'*inlh,ixvited t* *etr*brate Tanrrxn)rl & Taffii$ha"r #th ffiirthdey st
T-KH FS$-L.{1Erf"}#$l ilqrn^re jerin x* f',*r x fiall-fii}od tircr* *fjlimlBing* arx.wli.reg*
clinlu*ing and nt**y $1*r* rxrprisr.r*
Fxrty llafet ls'e &{x;* #*3 t {Sarmday}
Far(y'[irxl*r tll
6. What does Resti do? Fart3" liet:alsr
]-.$Spxsr *"{*#Fffir
3*** frast C*sst Farkwat, #*t**s $in6xp*r,* *+ss?s
A. A student. iH*xt tt tlurger King. ixhi*ri tr\'xrirhri &.trrtuurr_rrtii

B. A secretaty. t* RS&'"F L*y So* &fay g{t*

C. A teacher. Flxm** text Apar*u at #$?3$s?S 3

D. A director.
La:*k Sprlvard trr xeeirrg y*ru tleerel
7 . What will Meta probably do on receiving the message
A. Call aunt Bella to ask her position. 12. What is the purpose of writing the text above?
B. Check aunt Bella's flight schedule. A. To make people learn fun activity at birthday
C. Contact Resti's boss to cancel the meeting. celebration.
D. Confirm Resti whether or not she can do the B. To tell about Tanmayi and Tanisha 6'h birthday.
message. C. To make people attend a birthday party.
D. To invite people to come to Polliwogs.
8. "Would you like to pick her up?"
The underlined word refers to 13. What will someone probably do on receiving the
A. Resti's boss invitation above?
B. Aunt Bella A. Buy socks for all adults and children.
C. Resti B. Confirm his/her coming to Aparna.
D. Meta C. Call Tanmayi and Tanisha soon.
D. Check the party location.
Read the text to answer questions 9 to 11!
Read the text to answer questions 14 to 16!

T-S}|IB.T Design Ccrrtpetition THE NEW J-82 You'll like the smart
appearance of this new Buco jacket. Made
ffisa e ffiffi #mw*#Sd'ffi6gr- #ffie$w# #gomwd36'm.***# tr*S&S'sq' of garment quality steerhide, it is decorated
tlesign rfiLr,st have a rnaxirnurrr *rf 3 colours arrrl with highly polished, nickel plated high
neerls to be subrnitted hy 2(} May 2()15
ttr eorrr petiti ons @drn,rcworld .sorrr dome bars throughout. Among its many
other features are a genuine Satendure
quilted lining, full action back, weather tight
zippered sleeves, and a new improved
completely redesigned belt.

No. J-82 $28s0

14. What does the writer write the text for?

A. To introduce a new jacket.
9. Where is this kind of announcement usually found? B. To describe a high quality jacket.
A. On the billboard. C. To persuade people to buy a jacket.
B. In the ncwspaper. D. To make people to wear this new Buco jacket.
C. In the student textbook.
D. On the school announcement board.
15. Something catches our attention to this jacket is its .... Read the text to answer questions 20 to 22!
A. colour
B. appearance
C. strong zipper
D. redesigned belt
16. "Made of garment quality steerhide ..."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. a piece of clothing
B. a clothirrg ornament
C. a fashion rnodel
D. a kind of outflt
flt*utsCIia,rtt,* faln,tm { ndir* Ptyr*m iqu,B

Read the text to answer questions 17 to l9I ',Sjs{## ffi l$*'rls Sfs.r*sr

Award winning Euro-

style hotel with 24
unique guest roorns

Enjoy charming history

with modern luxuries in
the heart of Pittsburgh
Close to new
convention center,
stadiums, Cultural
District, Aviary, The
Warhol, Science
Center, river trails and
illtxtriti*m ila:rts
U*leur ffiiltrltiue
Fie,r 1 ul[:l+:lg]rji;'tr il Srrr:l]

t7. The text is directed to F*:r i, ruili*e* ,i l#hl,* it * ill,lJ

A. travelers who want to enjoy a city life .-s, S*if;t Safu:'*

The naturally sweet, mild flavor of our Sap is an
B. families who want to have peaceful atmosphere '$ ua h*er * urttr:rl:i+lenmt
ideal sweetener for use on pancakes, waffles,
toastes, cereal, and all your favorite dessert
C. tourists who want to enjoy a beautiful scenery ffii*ries I f;aHmrfres
itipidier *
recipes. Coconut Sap can be used as a healthy

D. students who want to have outdoor activities Fai

l,+iitttutl*':t i'

ilririti'l ii $
sweetner in coffees and teas.

,irl::.1 i:: 'i,irr*
'lt 3;

18. To attract the customers' attention, the hotel is described

f;hu$rstrnt I f,h*l :rt*ru{il g When the coconut tree is tapped it produces a nutrient Ii:

as .... $*dierml $rdiulrq f* r:ng rich "sap" that exudes from the coconul Uesssrns. ::i

A. a building with high quality material

furfunhfdr*tesifrfrurides l3q'tr'4%
This sap is very low glycemic (Gl of only 35), is
an abundant source of minerals, 17 amino acids,
B. an easy access to many parts ofthe heart of Pittsburg l.:Btr iL,Br.r,: !'ls
vitamin C, broad-spectrum B vitamins, and has a

C. an area with complete facilities for fun outdoor

f ii;(

iiJ,q.lrl i'

nearly neutral pH.

activity Frsti*n I Fr*t*rrter $,9

D. the blend of traditional and modern building in the llt:t,itlt',i;ir;ir ii,rti'f '#-rllitr ,lti* lt-tl;,*r.i ilti rt i',rt'Ji)
middle of a city i*1,: ri* ijiti 'r'*iE *t* il rtit,irii:if l:tl*i *.* trxi;,ri*tt* l1*
:;;iiI *iir:r r.ui riir rq"qjr:rrIi: i,ir, ;:ili;iii;,i,i rl,+:i

-- -- *w.e
19. "Award winning Euro-style hotel with 24 umque guest ffiffiiil$iffi-- ,ilr

The underlined word is closest in meaning to
A. usual
B. unusual
20. It is important to read the label because we will know
C. remarkable
that the product . . ..
D. ordinary
A. has many functions for our health
B. is more nutritious than agave
C. contains 14% carbohydrates
D. has sweet taste

2l . What does the product contain most?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Cholesterol
C. Sodium
D. Fibre
22. "This very low gl),cemic is abundant source ofminerals."
The underlined word is closest in meaning to .. ..
A. rich
B. poor
C. lack
D. simple
Read the text to ans\ryer questions 23 to 25! 26. The pu{pose of the text is to describe the Great Pyramid
of Gizz....
A. to make people visit it
B. to make people preserve it
C. to highlight its attractions and functions
D. to give guidance to those who want to visit it
2l . The height of the Great Pyramid of Grza is decrease
because of ....
A. human being
B. the nafural phenomenon
C. the development of technology
D. the increasing number of population

28. On getting information of the Great Pyramid of Grza,

the readers will kno'w ....
23. The text is written to .. . . A. why the pyramid should be visited
A. give support to someone B. what to do when visiting the pyramid
B. encourage someone to be a winner C. the best time to visit the pyramid
C. make someone achieve something great D. how to keep the pyramid in good condition
D. show appreciation to someone's achievement
29. "It weighed about 20 tonnes and could easily be pushed
24. The rewards of your hard work and dedicated efforts open from the inside."
have been outstanding." The underlined word refers to ....
The sender wants to say that . . .. A. the Great Pyramid of Grza
A. something good is waiting B. Khufu's father's pyramid
B. it is important to work hard C. grandfather's pyramid
C. all the hard work has been repaid D. a swivel door
D. working hard is needed to achieve something
Read the text to answer questions 30 to 32!
25. "Congratulation on your brilliant success".
I was on a tour bus with my classmates. We were on
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
our way back to school after a long day visiting museums
A. usual and an amusement park. No wonder we left very thirsty. So
B. unique we gave a big hurrah when two of our friends distributed
C. important
soft drinks. Soon the bus was noisy with gulping sounds.
D. remarkable
Everyone was enjoying his lher own drink. Everyone?
Well, no ... I found the taste of the soft drink kind of funny.
Read the text to answer questions 26 to 291
It was sour. I felt suspicious and quickly looked for the
The Great Pyramid of Gtzawas built as a tomb for the expiry date printed on the back of the cartoon. May 20!
Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It took approximately 20 years Gosh ...that was nearly two months ago. I stood uP, cleared
to build and has three burial chambers inside. When it was my throat and said, "Stop drinking! These soft drinks are
originally built (in approximately 2550 BC) it was almost already expired. The expiry date is last May.
147 meters tall. Today, because of erosion, it is only about "At once almost everyone stop drinking. Some of my
139 meters tall. If you visit Egypt today you can enter the friends even threw their half empty drinks into the garbage
Great Pyramid through the Robbers'Tunnetr. bins along the bus aisle. Then I heard a voice shoutin5,
The Great Pyramid of Gtza is the oldest of all Seven "you fool, that's May next yea\ not May this year!" Now
Wonders of the World. This pyramid is the largest of all everybody gave me a dark look. I felt terrible because I
three pyramids that border El Grza, Egypt and it is also knew that we were still thirsty. I found out later that the
the largest pyramid ever built. The pyramid was built with drinks tasted sour because they had a new lime flavour.
about 2.3 million stone blocks and it is thought to weigh
5 .9 million tonnes. The ancient name of the Great Pyramid
30. After the incident above, the writer may ....
of Giza was Khufu's Horizon. This pyramid is the only A. be hated by his friends
one in Egypt known to have passages inside that go up and B. be careful in consuming soft drink
go down. If you wanted to visit the king's chamber you C. check the truth before saying something
would have to walk down, all the way bent over. The Great D. not check the expired date of the soft drink anymore
Pyramid of Gtza once had a swivel door atthe entrance. It 31. The writer thought the soft drink has been expired
weighed about2} tonnes and could easily be pushed open because of its ....
fiom the inside. On the outside it was very hard to find A. srze
because it fit perfectly. There are only two other pyramids B. taste
known to have had swivel doors. One was Khufu's father's C. texture
pyramid and the other was his grandfather's pyramid. D. colour
The mortar that was used to build the pyramid cannot be
reproduced today. Even though it has been analyzed they 32. The writer would not reahze his mistake ... one of his
still can'tmake it. It is stronger than the stone that was used friends read the coffect expired date on the label.
to build the pyramid and is still in place today. There has A. although
been no writing or hieroglyphics found inside the Great B. because
Pyramid of Gtza. C. unless
D. when
Read the text to answer questions 33 to 36! 37 . What is the best title for the text above?
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the A. Pandora box.
cellphone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow: B. A magic box.
. First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then C. The mighty Zeus.
lift it off the phone. D. Pandora and Epimetheus.
o ffter that, push two catches in the oppcsite directions and
remove the battery.
38. Why did The mighty Zeus warn the couple not to open
o \ext, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure
the box?
that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of A. A11 the bad things inside would fly away.
the phone.
B. There would no more hope for them.
. Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place. C. There were valuable goods inside.
. Finally, insert the two catches ofthe back cover corresponding
D. It contained magic things.
slot in the phone and slide the cover forward button of the
phone until locks into place. 39. The second paragraph is about . . ..
r pon't forget to switch on the cellphone. A. Pandora who was shocked to see and found the box
B. Pandora who regretted to keep the box and let it
33 . The text is written to .... unlock
A. show how to turn on a cellphone C. Pandora who wanted to check the box and let 'the
B. explain the steps to maintain the SIM Card hope'went out
C. give guidance to insert the SIM Card to cellphone D. Pandora who broke the promise and made bad thing
D. tell about the importance of inserting the SIM Card spread in the world
to cellphone
40. The story teaches us to .. ..

34. What will happen if the golden connect arson are not A. trust anyone
facing to the connector of the phone? B. control yourself
A. The cellphone won't be on. C. obey your parents
B. The card will not function. D. believe in God
C. The card will be broken.
D. The cellphone will be broken. Read the text to answer questions 4l to 441
The word tsunami comes from the Japane se: tsu means
35. If we don't remove the battery,we won't be able to .... harbour and nami means waves. A tsunami is a series of
A. connect arson to the connector of the phone ocean waves that can travel over hundreds of kilometres
B. make the cellphone snap into its place at a very high speed. They are hardly seen in the open
C. cover the forward button of the phone ocean, but when they reach the shallow water near the
D. put the SIM Card in the slot coast they get taller and taller up to 30 metres. The waves
are so powerful that they can destroy everything that gets
36. "Put the battery and align it until snaps into its place". in their way.
(the 4th steps) Tsunamis are created by earthquakes on the ocean
The underlined word refers to .... floor. The earth's crustis made up of many plates that
A. the connector always move. Where such plates meet one of them may
B. the SIM Card move on top of the other. When a plate moves upward it
C. the battery pushes the water above norrnal sea level. That is when a
D. the slot tsunami is born.
The energy ofthe earthquake creates waves thatspread
Read the text to answer questions 37 to 40! into all directions very quickly. In the open ocean tsunamis
According to old Greek legends, the mighty Zeus went can reach a speed of up to 900 kilometres an hour. When a
to see Hephaestus and ordered him to make a woman out of
tsunami approaches the coastline it slow,s down to maybe
clay.They named the woman Pandora and made her alive. Then 50 km an hour. The water has nowhere to go so it piles
Zeus gave the woman to a young man named Epimetheus, up in some cases it gets taller than a ten-storybuilding. It
as hiswife. Zeus gave the couple a box with a key with one crashes onto the coast and destroys houses, beaches, roads
condition that they must never look inside. The young couple without difficulty.
One duy,Pandora became curious to know what it was in 4l . What is the text about?
the box. So when her husband slept, she quietly crept took the A. The appearance and the strength of tsunami.
key. She unlocked and opened the box. Pandora was shocked B. The danger and the steps to handle tsunami.
to know that the box held many bad things and all of them C. The formation and the height of tsunami.
could fly. But it was too late and all of them flew when she D. The cause and the effect of tsunami.
opened the box. And the first to escape was anger, followed
by pain, then jealousy, disappointment, greed and old age. 42. The water is very high along the coastline when tsunami
Out flew measles, mumps, rubella, Bubonic plague, chicken happens because ....
poX, Leprosy, hepatitus B, A11 escaped from Pandora's box. A. it is trapped
Pandora was horrified. What on earth had she done? Soon all B. its speed increases
of the things had escaped, ... all, that is, except one. As she C. it spreads into all direction
peered into the box, she slowly became aware. A little thing D. it crashes onto the coast
called <hope>) was still trapped in there. Pandora sighed and
let it go. She knew, if there was hope, then no matter what
else happened. The human race could cope.
43. What happens when the plates of the crust's earth bump Read the text to answer questions 48 to 501
into each other?
There was once a crow who did not like his feathers. "I
A. The water piles up and runs at speed of up to 900 wish I were a peacock!" he would say. "You are beautiful
as you are!" the other crows insisted. "How plain and dull
B. The water is pushed up and creates tsunami.
you seem to me!" he complained and flew off to admire
C. The coastline will be full of waves.
D. They will be destroyed into pieces.
The peacocks walked around with their colourful tail
feathers outstretched. To the delight of the crow, some of
44. Who will be interested to read the article above? the peacock feathers lay on the ground when the peacocks
A. Life guards who has to save swimmer in the beach. left. Crow flew down to the ground and stuck the feathers
B. Students who like to learn natural phenomenon.
into his wings and tail. He attached a few sticking up
C. People who like to go to the beach.
from his head. "Now I am as beautiful as a peacock," he
D. Scientist who like to learn sea life.
said. But, when he went to join them in their walking, the
peacocks punched him and hit him. What a fuss !
Read the text to answer questions 45 to 471
"You are not apeacock," they said, "Don't imitate us !"
Iguana is a type of hzard that lives in tropical areas of Bruised and still dragging some broken peacock feathers
Central and South Ameri ca and the Caribbean. They were in his tatl, he returned home.
first described by Austrian naturalist Josephus Nicolaus After all his insults, oo one wanted his company! As
Laurenti in 17 68. he sat alone, the other crows said, "It's foolish to try and
There are two different species of hzard: the Green be what you're not. Learn to love the feathers you've got.
Iguana and the Lesser Antillean Iguana. The two species
of lizard both have a dewl dp, zrow of spines runnirg down 48. The story is written to make the readers ....
their back to their tail, and a third eye on their head. This A. fell happy
eye is known as the Parietal eye, which looks just like apale B. learn something
scale on the top of their head. Behind their neck are small C. careful with their life
scales which look like spikes, and are called tuberculate D. think of the animals' life
scales. They also have a large round scale on their cheek
called a subtympanic shield. 49. In the story the crow was described as ... bird.
Iguanas have excellent vision and can see long A. an over confidence
distances, shapes, shadows, color and movement. An iguana B. a less confldence
uses its eyes to navigate through trees and forests, &s well C. an irresponsible
as to find food. They also use their eyes to communicate D. a careless
with members ofthe same species. An iguana's ear is called
a tympanum. It is the iguana's ear drum and is found right 50. (( ... when he went to join them in their walking
above the subtympanic shield and behind the eye. This is a (par. 2 Line 7)
very thin, delicate part of the iguana, and is very important What does the word in bold refer to?
to its hearing. A. The peacocks.
B. The beautiful peacocks.
45. The text is written to
C. The other crows.
.. .. D. The peacocks and the crows.
A. explain how an iguana lives
B. tell about special parts of iguana's body
C. describe the survival ability of an igu ana
D. give detailed physical description of igu ana \

46. What is the function of the iguana's eyes?

A. To surviv.r and to communicate.
B. To communic ate and to reproduce.
C. To look at the enemy and find food.
D. To run away and to flnd partners.

4J . "They also use their eyes to communicate with members

of the same species".
From this statement we can say that when an iguana
communicate with others, it will . . ..
A. make noise sound
B. move around fast
C. activate its body
D. keep silent

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