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To create nice curved velocity vectors that are chained end-to-end in Paraview:

1) Create a "Point" source to produce an initial seed set of source points, setting
"Number of Points" to a sensible number (50-100).
2) Apply "Stream Tracer with Custom Source" using the point source as the "Seed
Source", and set "Integration Step Unit" to "Length".
3) Use "Contour" on the stream tracer with custom source, setting "Vectors" to
"Velocity" and "Contour By" to "IntegrationTime". The number of "Steps" will change
the finished glyph density.
4) Create "Stream Tracer with Custom Source" using the contours as "Seed Source".
Set "Vectors" to "Velocity", "Integration Direction" to "BACKWARD" and "Integration
Step Unit" to "Length".
5) Apply the "Tube" filter. (This will form the body of the vector arrows).
6) Clip the "Tube" filter by "IntegrationTime", clipping to a negative number (e.g.
-0.2; integration of the Stream Tracer from step 4 was backwards, hence negative).
This value will affect the length of the curved vector glyphs.
7) Apply a Glyph to the Contour filter created in step 3, setting "Glyph Type" to
"Arrow" and "Tip Length" to 1, "Scale Mode" to "Off" and "Scale Factor" to 1. This
creates the "heads" of the arrows.

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