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Devin Perea

Professor Beadle


9 July 19

The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis is a novella written by Franz Kafka and it is a captivating story about

spontaneous and significant changes that can happen to someone. The surprising change in the

story is about Gregor Samsa, a salesman, who wakes up one morning and turns into a giant

cockroach. Although Gregor’s transformation into a cockroach was fictional, individuals can go

through their own unexpected “metamorphosis” and these events can physically and emotionally

burden a person. In today’s society, people who are seen with special conditions or disabilities

are treated terribly and are seen as demoralizing to the general public, similar to the condition of

Gregor after his metamorphosis. Gregor’s metamorphosis reflects the negative aspect of disabled

people in society because they are both seen as burdens in their respective communities.

To begin with, the novel charts the basis of transformation and adjustment through its

protagonist Gregor Samsa, who wakes up one day and is transformed into a cockroach. Gregor is

shocked by this change and could not go to work or tell his family about his change of events.

Eventually, his family discovered his transformation into a giant cockroach and they were

astonished because they relied on Gregor for the family’s main source of income in the family

household. This transformation led Gregor to complete isolation, which prevented him from

making money for his family. Gregor’s transformation did not only change his life negatively but
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also affected his family’s economical condition from fair to dependent on wealth fare. For

example, the family used to have personal cooks and house cleaning maids for household labor

but now the workers are gone and left due to the lack of pay. This cause the family to rent their

house to suitors, they had people living in their house who paid them monthly rents. Their

economical condition had become significantly worse because of Gregor’s uncontrollable

transformation. In comparison, Gregor’s fictional condition affected him and his family

tremendously, but how does someone with a real life disability affect their environment. Similar

to Gregor, someone with a disability restricts them from performing their everyday deeds at a

high level and can prevent human interaction. Gregor’s issue was not being able to support his

family because of his condition, he felt worthless. However, an individual with a real disability

most likely faces more barriers such as attitudinal, communication, or physical struggles. Factors

in a person’s environment that, through their absence or presence, limit functioning and create

disability. These include aspects such as a physical environment that is not accessible or negative

attitudes of people towards disability. According to (, one in three disabled people

still feel that there’s a lot of prejudice against disabled people. But only one in five non-disabled

people think the same. The article states, “For many disabled people, this will sound all too

familiar. Whether it’s outright hostility, or seemingly minor incidents that add up to a hostile

atmosphere, prejudice remains a common occurrence. Negative attitudes from others can be one

of the biggest barrier to disabled people living life the way they want, and more needs to be done

to tackle them.” It is safe to say, the average disabled person and Gregor deal with prejudice and

feel alienated.
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Next off, How is Gregor’s transformation throughout The Metamorphosis symbolic of a

larger issue? The symbolic themes of The Metamorphosis are alienation, transformation, and

dehumanization. Gregor struggles and battles with these three themes, Gregor is isolated for the

majority of the novel, his transformation was spontaneous and does not allow him to thrive, and

he is constantly hazed by his family and the suitors. This transformation symbolizes a bigger

issue outside of the novel, this can be compared to the adversity of disabled individuals. A

disabled persons transformation is when they first encounter their disability, how they learn to

deal and prosper with the disability. Disabled individuals feel dehumanized when they are

alienated, feeling like a burden to society amongst people who target and label disabled people as

a waste of space and having no use for their community. After Gregor had his metamorphosis,

his peers were drawn away from him and wanted no part of him. Rude individuals in public have

the same attitude towards disabled folks.

To continue, How does The Metamorphosis show an accurate display of society? Views

of existentialism are exposed in Kafka's Metamorphosis. One of these main views is alienation or

estrangement which is shown by Gregor's relationship with his family, his outside life, and the

way he lives his life after his transformation. Gregor should be treated in accordance to his

actions and should be deeply loved by his family regardless of his physical state. This idea is

displayed in three separate themes. First, Gregor's family is only concerned with the effect

Gregor's change will have on them, specifically the effect it will have on their finances and

reputation. They are more than willing to completely take advantage of Gregor; he works to pay

their debt and they are happy to indulge themselves with luxury. Gregor is the soul employed
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member of his family and this is their primary interest when Gregor is transformed. Secondly,

Gregor is penalized for his efforts to be a good son, and a good worker; his toils are completely

taken for granted by his family. The Samsa family is not interested in Gregor beyond their own

needs, outsiders are treated. Thirdly, it is displayed by the positive changes that occur in the

Samsa family as Gregor descends into tragedy and insignificance. As Gregor's life becomes more

painful, isolated, and worthless the Samsa family becomes more functional and self-reliant.

In conclusion, Gregor and the disabled community have a lot of in common. They have

similar ideals and somewhat physical and mental characteristics. Moreover, Franz Kafka does a

great job using symbolism to show an accurate view of society and using Gregor’s

transformation as a larger issue. Kafka’s novel shows a bigger portrayal of isolation, feeling

alienated by those you love to be around most. People want their family to love and support them

during times of need, but if they are unable to develop this bond with their family members, they

tend to feel alone and depressed.

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Works Cited

“Disability and Health Disability Barriers | CDC.” Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

“Disabled People Still Face Negative Attitudes: Disability Charity Scope

UK.” Scope,

“People With Disabilities .” Disabilities Service Commission,

Government of Western Australia,

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