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Muscular Demands

Initial post:

First, you will tell us what sport you are presenting information on. Next you will explain
the demands of your sport of choice in terms of flexibility, strength, endurance, speed
and power. You will explain the importance of each on your sport. Why is it important
to train all of these areas? Explain why there are these demands for your sport and
what may happen if a coach or an athlete has not placed enough importance on these

The sport I will be presenting information on is basketball. In basketball fitness

components such as flexibility, strength, endurance, speed and power are important to
be successful. Flexibility and strength allows players to perform a variety of skills and
drills. Endurance ,speed and power can be used for sprinting and jumps. It is important
to train these components so athletes can be physically prepare for every aspect of
basketball. If an athlete does not place an importance in the aspects and athlete can fall
short and not reach his/her full potential.

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