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Julia Kropinova
(Call me Miss. K)

Preferred method of contact is email at

California Teachers Association Social Justice Definition

Social justice means that we work actively to eradicate structural and institutional forms
of oppression such as racism, sexism, classism, linguicism, ableism, ageism, heterosexism,
gender bias, religious bias, xenophobia, and other “isms” and biases.

Course Description

A year course designed to instruct beginning art students in drawing, painting, and printmaking.
Students will become familiar with the principles and elements of design while completing a
variety of assigned projects and experimenting with different media and processes. In addition to
art production, students will be introduced to art history, art criticism and aesthetics.

Course Objectives*
Students will be able to:
1. examine the relationship between art, society, language, and culture.
2. learn major concepts and principles regarding the historical and contemporary
purposes, roles, and functions of art.
3. understand the common traits and individual differences that characterize the different
styles of art work.
4. learn major concepts, and principles associated with art history.
5. learn and develop technical skills in various artistic mediums.
6. utilize visual communication as a means of self-expression.
7. develop rendering and compositional skills through a series of assignments.
8. incorporate research and written personal reflection into projects.
9. develop the ability to analyze and speak about art using the conventions of Art
Course Requirements

Course Expectations Students are responsible for in-class studio work, participation during in-
class activities, studio preparation and clean-up, artist/artwork research, writing assignments,
homework and weekly sketchbook assignments. Students are expected to come to class on time
and be prepared for every class. Students are expected to plan artwork, put forth good effort in
creating that work, manage their studio/working time appropriately, complete the assignment,
turn assignment in on time, and complete the written analysis or reflection.

The following are the required assignments and percentage weights distribution:
Assignments Weight %
● Studio Projects 65%
● Participation 15%
● Art Cretique 10%
● Reflections and Reports 10%
TOTAL 100%

Grading Policies/Scoring
The grade for this course is based on studio projects, planning, participation, critiques,
sketchbook work, gallery reports, research, art criticism, presentations, and written reflections.
Studio projects are graded according to rubrics that include areas of assessment such as: effort,
demonstrated knowledge of concept, classroom working habits, composition, and use of media.
Late assignments will be marked down 5 points for every day that they are late.

 Late assignments will be due to instructor 1 week after original due date. Excused
(with appropriate doctor’s documentation) late assignments, also are due 1 week after
original due date.

 The final grade will be averaged using assignment grades and attendance record.
Incomplete assignments must be negotiated with instructor by last two weeks of the

A = 90% or better This grade is for the student that consistently demonstrates excellent effort,
good quality work, originality, thoughtfulness, participation, good behavior and working habits
as well as excellent written work. You do not have to be an amazing artist to earn an “A” grade,
on the other hand, you may be an amazing artist and not earn an “A” grade due due to lack of
written work, missed deadlines or working habits. 93.1-100%=A and 90.0-93.0%=A

B = 80% to 89% This is a good grade for a student demonstrating good quality work, timely
completion of assignments, fairly consistent effort, good written work, and class participation.
87.0-89.9%=B+, 83.1-86.9%=B, 80.0-83.0%=B

C = 70% to 79% This grade shows that the student has completed most assignments at an
average level without showing much effort, quality of work, proficiency or participation. 77.0-
79.9%=C+, 73.1-76.9%=C, 70.0-73.0%=C

D = 60 to 69% This grade shows little effort or quality of work and needs improvement. This
grade is usually due to missing and/or late assignments and little class participation. 67.0-
69.9%=D+, 63.1-66.9%=D, 60.0-63.0%=D

F = 0 to 59% This is a failing grade and shows little to no effort on behalf of the student.

Classroom Procedures
The amount of time you will have to complete each project is planned to coincide with the
amount of class time given before the due date. Generally speaking, you should have enough
studio time to complete each project in class. However, it is expected that you also complete
work at home in order to meet the deadlines. The following is our usual class routine.

Start of Class Studio Time End of Class

Be on Time As soon as you If you need clarification or The last 5 minutes are for
enter the classroom, you have questions about the cleaning up. Put all materials
should find any projects or day’s activity, ask questions. away. Wash anything that
materials needed for the day, Follow instructions for how needs it. Put your project
be seated and start working. the studio time is utilized. away. Make sure you know
If there is a presentation or Utilize time management. about any homework or what
demonstration, sit quietly and Instructor will be circulating is needed to prepare for the
take out your sketchbook to the room to assist, if not next class. Take project home
take notes. readily available to help you, if needed.
ask a peer for help.

Classroom Rules:

It should be everyone’s goal to see that each student has the opportunity to work in an
environment that is free of any disruptive or negative behaviors and attitudes. Failure to work
together toward this goal will not be tolerated. There is always cleaning that is necessary and all
students are expected to participate in the cleaning process for at least the last 5 minutes of class.
Disciplinary actions will be taken for excessive messes, refusal to clean up, or disruptive or
negative behavior. If needed administration and parent will be notified.

 Do not leave the classroom for any reason without permission.

 Respect all people, projects, materials and the studio.
 Act in a mature and responsible way. No horseplay or swearing.
 Come to class prepared, pay attention, follow directions and stay on task.
 No cell phones in class. Turn it off. Points will be taken away if cell phone is out.
 We will listen to the radio, but music is subject to teacher’s censure.
 Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated.
This pertains, but is not limited, to gender, race, sexual orientation, political views,
religion, remarks about intelligence, appearance, disability, learning styles, or
artistic ability.

Attendance Policy

 Attendance will be taken daily.This is a studio course, attendance is crucial to success

in this class. Excessive tardies or absences can negatively affect academic grade. This is
an activity based course; lack of presence in class directly impacts understanding of
course content as well as quality of artwork. If you know in advance that you will be
missing class, it is student responsibility to be aware of and get coursework in advance.
 Additionally, students are responsible for putting away their Cell Phones,
participation points will be taken away if students are on their phones.
 Tardies: Being tardy disrupts class and gives you less time to do your studio work. If
you are tardy during a presentation, you will have to come back on your own time to get
that information. If you miss an activity due to a tardy you will not be allowed to make it
up for credit. After 3 tardies, you will have to write a plan of action for how you will
avoid being tardy in the future signed by a parent. More than 5 tardies will be reported to
the office and result in an Unsatisfactory citizenship grade.
 Excused Absences: Students are responsible for making up missing work outside of
class time within 1 week of the absence.
 Unexcused Absences: 3 unexcused absences will result in an Unsatisfactory citizenship
grade that quarter. A student leaving before the end of class, will receive an Unexcused
Absence for that class.

Technological Devices Policy

Laptops, notebooks, and cell phones are not to be used in this classroom! Students will be
required to power down all technological devices when these are deemed a distraction,
disruption, or impediment to the learning and instructional experience.

Required Materials

Spiral Bound Sketchbook - pages no smaller than 9”x12”

Pencils - Regular 2B pencils will suffice.
Portfolio - Not Required, but useful for transporting artwork. Blick Art Supply 14”x20” ~ $5
Students may purchase their own materials, such as Color Pencils, if they wish.

Academic Honesty & Plagiarism

Students are expected to be familiar with plagiarism. For plagiarism specifically, review the
Library’s Plagiarism.

Students are expected to do their own work, unless working on a group activity. Reference
images may be used, but students should be dependent upon their own reference images when at
all possible.

Recommended Resources:

National Gallery of Art (

Thesaurus (

Playful Learning Experience (


The Syllabus Contract

Course Requirements
Course Expectations Students are responsible for in-class studio work, participation during in-
class activities, studio preparation and clean-up, artist/artwork research, writing assignments,
homework and weekly sketchbook assignments. Students are expected to come to class on time
and be prepared for every class. Students are expected to plan artwork, put forth good effort in
creating that work, manage their studio/working time appropriately, complete the assignment,
turn assignment in on time, and complete the written analysis or reflection.

Classroom Rules:
 Do not leave the classroom for any reason without permission.
 Respect all people, projects, materials and the studio.
 Act in a mature and responsible way. No horseplay or swearing.
 Come to class prepared, pay attention, follow directions and stay on task.
 No cell phones in class. Turn it off. Points will be taken away if cell phone is out.
 We will listen to the radio, but music is subject to teacher’s censure.
 Discrimination or any hateful/negative language or actions will not be tolerated.

Attendance Policy
 Attendance will be taken daily.
 Tardies: If you miss an activity due to a tardy you will not be allowed to make it up for
credit. After 3 tardies, you will have to write a plan of action for how you will avoid
being tardy in the future signed by a parent. More than 5 tardies will be reported to the
office and result in an Unsatisfactory citizenship grade.
 Excused Absences: Students are responsible for making up missing work outside of
class time within 1 week of the absence.

Technological Devices Policy

Laptops, notebooks, and cell phones are not to be used in this classroom! Students will be
required to power down all technological devices when these are deemed a distraction,
disruption, or impediment to the learning and instructional experience.

Required Materials

Spiral Bound Sketchbook - pages no smaller than 9”x12”

Pencils - Regular 2B pencils will suffice.
Your own canvases to use (Miss. K will only provide some)

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