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Deandre’ Brown

Professor Madden

English 1201


Research Proposal Preparations

The topic I am going to be researching on is the question, Do American Rights Apply to

everyone? I chose this as my topic because as a young African American, I have seen and

understood that not everyone is treated fair and equal, even if we are supposed to under

American law. I want to do further research to see if our natural rights are truly fair and apply to

everyone. Based on what I see in movies, TV, and books, I have inferred that a lot of races are

not treated as right as they should be. Maybe there is a chance that this research can change the

American world and how everyone treats each other. I know that it is not as big as it was back in

older times, but there is still racism and not everybody is treated right. Many people can infer

that black people are not treated as good as they should be and cop violence can prove that

easily. However, there are a lot of other races that are not treated right as well. Throughout many

decades of American history, American rights have not applied to everyone. Even females have

not gotten recognition until later times and there is probably a lot of facts to prove this. That is

why I am going to research this, to see if American rights truly apply to everyone or if they were

only saying that.

In my opinion, I feel that the other races are treated unfairly, which is something that is

not supposed to happen in America. Many people came to America to have the freedom and so

that they could be treated right. It may not seem to be that big of an issue, but today there is still
signs of racism for many races who may not be allowed to do things or is wrongly accused and

judged harshly just because of who they are. Before doing the research, I think that there is a big

sign of improvement but things are still unjust, it is just more undercover than from what it used

to be. I believe that there should be a way to end all of this unfair treatment and finally do what

should have been done many decades ago about the situation. I believe people should fight for

their rights that they should already have instead of getting bad treatment. I already know that

there are a lot of arguments about the situation and many people are putting the problem aside

like it is not happening, but it is and it should be more recognizable. I know it has been going on

for years and it could keep going because no one has done anything about it.

I still need to know many things about the topic in which I will research. I need to know

how the police have a big role in the situation and how it has been going on for years without

anyone doing about it. I need to know what other races have to go through and deal with as well.

I need to know how some races are treated and compare that to how others are and go from there.

There are many things I need to know about this topic and I hope I find all of my answers in my

research about it. I may start finding answers around the history that goes with how bad people

have been treated in America and see if there are truly any rights and freedoms that can be found

for people that should already have it, (University). African Americans are not treated in a fair


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