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#16 Tandang Sora Ave. Sangandaan Novaliches, Quezon City, Philippines


1. Attire: Students must wear proper, decent and comfortable clothing such as P.E. shirt, Jogging pants and Rubber
shoes. Wearing of jeans, ripped jeans, shorts, leggings are strictly prohibited
Things to bring: Towel to show proper hygiene, water bottle to stay hydrated.
Things suggested NOT to bring: Important and valuable things such as cellphone, jewelries, money etc.
2. Instructions: Follow teacher’s visual and verbal instructions all the time e.g. line-up, sit down. Class must be
ORGANIZED. No one should roam around, talking with classmates, using phone etc.
3. Time and Management: Students must arrive at Annex building 8th floor Gym on time. If the student’s room are
located at the Main building, they should be dismissed by their subject teacher 5 minutes before their official
Presidents Role: President assisted by the Leaders should manage the class to line-up, forming two lines, one for
boys and one for the girls separating each other. The President should count the students BEFORE leaving the
classroom and gate. Upon arrival, the president should advice the teacher regarding their attendance and status.
Leaders Role: Shall check the attendance at the back of index card of his/her members every meeting. Following
the format. Date, P (Present), L (Late), E (Excuse), A (Absent) and signature. For example 06/29/19 – P and
signature. For assessment follow this format date, W.W. (Written works), P.T. (Performance Task), P.E. (Periodical
Exam), Points and signature. Example 06/30/19 – W.W. 20 points and signature. Check the assignments and
requirements of members.

NOTE: Being late for three (3) consecutive meetings equivalent to one (1) absent, three (3) absences results to
DROP status.

4. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ELEVATOR: Due to limited time and space. The students shall use the stairs
for their warm up exercise.
5. Absent for a reason: Students shall write a formal letter addressed to teachers name (Kervin G. Aballe, LPT) upon
coming back to class. Especially when the student’s missed the assessment/s. The letter should be signed by
Student, Parent or Guardian and Adviser. If the reason is concerning about health. Letter should attached any of
the following, medical certificate, recommendation of doctor, receipt of medicine. If the reason is for travel
emergency purpose, the letter should attached photocopy of plane ticket/receipt, bus ticket/receipt or any proof
of travelling.

Prepared by:

Kervin G. Aballe, LPT

HOPE Teacher
#16 Tandang Sora Ave. Sangandaan Novaliches, Quezon City, Philippines

Lesson 1

1. Fundamental Skills in Dancing

Arm and Feet Position
Performance task

 Leaders should carry index card every meeting
 Each group are given 5 minutes to practice Fundamental Skills in Dancing
 Students should count while practicing and performing to memorize the steps
 After given time to practice, students will perform by group but individual grade

Lesson 2

2. Basic steps in Cariñosa

Arm movements - Saludo, Kumintang, Bilao

Leg movements - Touch Step, Blekking Step, Waltz Step



 Leaders should carry index card every meeting

 Each group are given 10 minutes to practice
 Students should count while practicing and performing to memorize the Basic Steps
 After given time to practice, students will perform by group

Lesson 3-5

A. Warm-up (10-15 minutes)

1. Lateral Step + Pulls (Lead by Group 1)

2. Slow Rocking Butt Kickers (Lead by Group 2)
3. High Knee Pulls (Lead by Group 3)
4. Arm Swings + Lateral Steps (Lead by Group 4)
5. Four Torso Twists + Knees (Lead by Group 5)

B. Figures of Carinosa
1. 1st figure
The “Three steps and Point.” It starts with the right foot, take three steps sideward right. Point left foot in front.
Right hand in reverse “T” position and left hand on skirt/waist. Kumintang right hand when pointing left foot.
2. 2nd figure
The “Pointing.” It starts with the right foot, take three steps forward and meet at the center. Take four touch
steps in front, right and left alternately. Take four steps forward to partner’s place, passing each other by right shoulder.
Turn right about to face each other and close right to left.
3. 3rd figure
The “Back-to-back,” The partners meet at the center as in figure II. Turn right about to be in back-to-back
position, slightly to right of partner. Girl holds skirt; boy places hand on waist. Point right foot in front and shake right
index finger at partner over right shoulder by left shoulder; left hand on waist. Step right sideward to be side by side
with partner by left shoulder; place right hand on waist.
4. 4th figure
The “Hide-and-Seek with Fan.” The girl hold and open fan with right hand. Point right foot in front and cover
face with fan. The boy point right right and left foot alternately in front and look at partner from underneath the fan,
hands on waist.
5. 5th figure
The “Kneeling and Fanning.” Take three steps forward to the center. Girl kneels while boy passes around on
right of girl to stand behind her and faces the same direction as girl. Boy points right and left foot four times alternately
in front, looking at girl over her right and left shoulder alternately. Girl looks at partner over her right and left shoulder
6. 6th figure
The “Hide-and-Seek with Handkerchief.” Partners meet at the center as in figure II. Boy takes handkerchief at
corners in a perpendicular position between their faces with boy’s hands on top at face level.
7. 7th figure
The “Flirting with Handkerchief.” Partners turn right shoulders toward each other. Starting with right foot, take
eight waltz steps forward, moving around clockwise. Girl holds handkerchief at one corner and place it over her right
and left shoulder alternately at every measure, looking back at the same time. Boy, in the meantime, follows behind girl,
stretching out right and left hand alternately, though they were trying to catch the free end of the handkerchief.
8. 8th and final figure
The “Flirting.” Start by taking two waltz steps to meet at the center. With girl leading in front, partners take six
waltz steps forward moving around clockwise.


1. Smile and project like a dancer

2. Stretch your arms and your legs in doing these figures to improve performance

3. Bring Handkerchief and Fan

4. Select your comfortable partner

Physical Education and Health 3 for senior high school pages 13-15


EXCELLENT (5 points) ACCEPTABLE (3 points) MINIMAL (2 points)

MASTERY Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates knowledge Remembers a few of the
knowledge of the of choreography in hand steps/ movements and
choreography in hand and and leg movements. tries, but looks lost and
leg movements. Showing Keeps up with group. out of sync with others.
mastery Some errors (2-3 errors)

PERFORMANCE Shows excellent level The dancer communicates The dancer is not very
energy in performance, with audience through focused on making eye
proper projection of eye contact and facial and contact, concentrated or
steps, smiling and body expression. committed to
performs well with Occasionally loses focus. performance.

RHYTHM/TEMPO Shows a complete Generally accurate in Attempts to keep a

understanding of tempo beat, tempo, rhythms of rhythm, but gets off beat
and beat and stays on dance sequences most of and speeds up or falls
rhythm throughout the the time. behind often. Doesn't
performance. follow beat in music

Prepared by:

Kervin G. Aballe, LPT

HOPE Teacher

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