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Answer 1

Morality has a strong connection with religion. The connection is so strong that
most panels on ethics contain Ministers of God. This scenario therefore creates
a natural question, “Does morality depend solely on religion?” The first point to
understand in this scenario is the fact that God and religion are not the same.
For instance, Christianity and Christ are not the same. The existence of God is
independent of us just as the planets of Jupiter and Saturn are independent of
human existence. The independence of God from us makes him prone to human
weaknesses. Is religion necessary for being moral. Many people across the globe
believe so. People have always been extremely apprehensive of atheist and this
concern is mostly because they are doubtful about atheists’ rectitude. The
virtue of morality has always been associated with religion; it has always been
believed that it is religion which helps curb nature’s vices. But, there is an
underlying assumption here that only a predetermined, objective, definite
standard can help us guide through ethical issues and that atheistic morality
cannot provide a good structure to a person’s life. her more, religious promises
of forgiveness of sin and absolution are an encouragement to morally
irresponsible behaviour. For a mature and morally healthy world to emerge,
Freud concluded, men and women of good will must meet together on the
common ground of reason and atheism.Not surprisingly, criticisms of this sort
engendered a reaction. Often accepting the claim that religion and morality
were only problematically linked.

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