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Follower to Leader


- Have you seen this signed…

“Don't follow me I’m lost too”

- Once when I was driving and don’t know the direction to get to my destination I followed
someone thinking that he is also going to where I will go only to find out that he is not and
he was far away from my destination.
- Have you’ve been following people your entire life? You felt that people are controlling
you and you cannot set yourself free from them?
- I am not saying that being a follower is bad, but I am saying this in a negative way.
- You’ve been a follower because you really don’t know where to go or who to follow.
- You’ve been a follower because you are so dependent to that person or to that company.
- If you are following someone because you don’t have any choice or options and you are
not doing it because that is what you really want to do then you are following the wrong
person or company.

Being a follower is not bad but if you are following someone toward a direction you don’t
want then you are a blind follower.

- The reality is all of us are following someone or something.

- The truth is some of us is lost not because you don’t know your direction in life but you
actually followed someone or something and then find out you don’t want to follow him
or it anymore, then don’t know which direction to take and now you are lost.

- Today we want you to follow your right path and become a leader.
- So we want to ask you…

“Do you want to know your destiny and become a leader?”

- Lots of people today are lost and they don’t know it.
- Most of us are following the wrong path or person that takes us away from our true
- The truth is…

“Successful people are following the right path and becomes a leader”

- I never seen people who is successful being a follower, all of them are leaders!
- Today we will look on how from being a follower and become a great leader.
- So before we become a leader we need to understand that…

A. We are following the wrong things and wrong person.

- Remember if you are following the wrong person or wrong things you will not only get
lost but end up just following them without reaching your destiny.

Ephesians 2:1-3 NIV

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, [2] in which you used to live
when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the
spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. [3] All of us also lived among them
at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like
the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath.

- Remember that before you get lost you first follow someone or something. The bible
already describes to us what most people follows.
- By carefully dissecting this verses we can draw out the things people are following today.

1. What is trending and current fashion

2. The lifestyle and values of the majority
3. Satan or evil spirit
4. Money or wealth
5. Your cravings and selfish desires
6. Whatever comes to your mind without thinking if it is right or wrong

- The problem is as we grow and mature int his world we have never been taught us to ask
for God to right way to live our life.
- Most of us were taught to follow the dictates of our family, relatives, community, society,
the educational system and the media.
- We were never taught to filter and carefully think and ask God what is really right and
- We never ask the one - God who created and design us according to his plans and purpose.
- By following these things we found ourselves…

B. We are lost in life

Luke 19:10 NIV

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

- If you don’t know your destiny and don’t know your purpose in life you are lost.
- If you are not leading you are following, if you follow things or someone you really don’t
want then you are lost.
- The problem is if you keep following those things because you don’t know who to follow
or what to follow then you are totally lost.
- Now let us discover how to become a leader…

Deuteronomy 28:13 NIV

The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of
the LORD your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be
at the top, never at the bottom.

- So the key in becoming a leader is to follow the right person and the right thing and you
will be a great leader.
- Let us carefully look into this verses, God promise us…

The Lord will make you the head and not the tail,…
you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.

- That is leadership!
- It is clear that God wants us to be the head, that means he wants us to be a leader.
- To be head means to be the mastermind, the one who who gave the idea, the concept, and
also the one who will implement it so that people will follow.
- It is also the same as trendsetter, instead of following what nonbelievers fashion or trends
we should be the one who make trends and create fashion worthy of following.
- Dapat tayo ang head ng organization, ng companies, group, ng movement and different
kind of groups! Not because we are children of God, but God is always giving us the
idea, the solution, the concept, the wisdom and knowledge to lead them.

- So how can be the head and not the tail? How can I be the leader?

Deuteronomy 28:13 NIV

If you pay attention to the commands of the LORD your God that I give you this day
and carefully follow them,

- So the key if to follow and obey God commands!

- God’s commands and all of his ways are not just moral values on its highest standard but
it is the greatest wisdom of all!
- His words is the manual of Life!
- Every commands and ways of God is true and right way of life.
- I have never seen anyone who follow the Lord and failed in their life!
- I also seen those who disobey it and failed miserably in their life!
- The logic is simple… “if God is the creator of heaven and earth and the giver of life,
therefore he alone knows and controls everything for us to succeed In Life”
- Don’t think God is suppressing your happiness when you follow his commands, the truth
he wants you to become a successful leader so that we can have the fullness of life!

- Nakakapagod ang maging failure, ang maging at lost, ang maging sunud sunuran sa mga
bagay na ayaw mo naman talaga!
- You want to succeed but always ends up failing and remain a follower of someone who is
not really a follower of God.
- You may not see yourself as a leader, or as a head, but God wants you to be the leader,
the head not the tail, always on the top not on the bottom!
- If God wants that for you, please stop saying you cannot be a leader!
- The only problem is if you are not obeying his words and commands!
- God assured us that we carefully follow his commands we will be the leader!
- Today let us come and agree with God and commit to follow his commands and start to
live a life of being a leader and the head!

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