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Storm Surge Overview

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 Introduction
 Storm Surge vs. Storm Tide
 Factors Impacting Surge
 Notable Surge Events
 Surge Vulnerability Facts


Along the coast, storm surge is often the greatest threat to life and property
from a hurricane. In the past, large death tolls have resulted from the rise of the
ocean associated with many of the major hurricanes that have made landfall.
Hurricane Katrina (2005) is a prime example of the damage and devastation that
can be caused by surge. At least 1500 persons lost their lives during Katrina and
many of those deaths occurred directly, or indirectly, as a result of storm surge.

Storm Surge vs. Storm Tide

Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water generated by a storm, over and above the
predicted astronomical tides. Storm surge should not be confused with storm tide,
which is defined as the water level rise due to the combination of storm surge and
the astronomical tide. This rise in water level can cause extreme flooding in coastal
areas particularly when storm surge coincides with normal high tide, resulting in
storm tides reaching up to 20 feet or more in some cases.
Storm Surge vs. Storm Tide

Factors Impacting Surge

Storm surge is produced by water being pushed toward the shore by the force of
the winds moving cyclonically around the storm. The impact on surge of the low
pressure associated with intense storms is minimal in comparison to the water
being forced toward the shore by the wind.

Wind and Pressure Components of Hurricane Storm Surge

The maximum potential storm surge for a particular location depends on a number
of different factors. Storm surge is a very complex phenomenon because it is
sensitive to the slightest changes in storm intensity, forward speed, size (radius of
maximum winds-RMW), angle of approach to the coast, central pressure (minimal
contribution in comparison to the wind), and the shape and characteristics of
coastal features such as bays and estuaries.

Click on Image to Play Video

Other factors which can impact storm surge are the width and slope of the
continental shelf. A shallow slope will potentially produce a greater storm surge
than a steep shelf. For example, a Category 4 storm hitting the Louisiana coastline,
which has a very wide and shallow continental shelf, may produce a 20-foot storm
surge, while the same hurricane in a place like Miami Beach, Florida, where the
continental shelf drops off very quickly, might see an 8 or 9-foot surge. More
information regarding storm surge impacts and their associated generalizations can
be found in the FAQ section.

Surge animation with shallow continental shelf (Click on Image to Play Video)
Surge animation with steep continental shelf (Click on Image to Play Video)

Adding to the destructive power of surge, battering waves may increase damage to
buildings directly along the coast. Water weighs approximately 1,700 pounds per
cubic yard; extended pounding by frequent waves can demolish any structure not
specifically designed to withstand such forces. The two elements work together to
increase the impact on land because the surge makes it possible for waves to
extend inland.

Although elevated, this house in North Carolina could not withstand the 15 ft (4.5
m) of storm surge that came with Hurricane Floyd (1999)

Additionally, currents created by tides combine with the waves to severely erode
beaches and coastal highways. Buildings that survive hurricane winds can be
damaged if their foundations are undermined and weakened by erosion.
Beachfront road and boardwalk damaged by Hurricane Jeanne (2004)

In confined harbors, the combination of storm tides, waves, and currents can also
severely damage marinas and boats. In estuaries and bayous, salt water intrusion
endangers the public health, kills vegetation, and can send animals, such as snakes
and alligators,�fleeing from flooded areas.

Damaged boats in a marina

Notable Surge Events

 Ike 2008 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Hurricane Ike made landfall near the north end of Galveston Island as a
Category 2 hurricane. Storm surges of 15-20 feet above normal tide levels
occurred along the Bolivar Peninsula of Texas and in much of the Galveston
Bay area. Property damage from Ike is estimated at $24.9 billion. More...

 Katrina 2005 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Katrina was one of the most devastating hurricanes in the history of the
United States. It produced catastrophic damage - estimated at $75 billion
in the New Orleans area and along the Mississippi coast - and is the costliest
U. S. hurricane on record. Storm surge flooding of 25 to 28 feet above
normal tide levels was associated with Katrina. More...

 Dennis 2005 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Dennis affected much of Florida, and its effects extended well inland over
portions of the southeastern United States with the maximum amount
rainfall of 12.80 inches occuring near Camden, Alabama. Storm surge
flooding of 7-9 ft produced considerable storm surge-related damage near
St. Marks, Florida, well to the east of the landfall location. The damage
associated with Dennis in the United States is estimated at $2.23
billion. More...

 Isabel 2003 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Isabel was the worst hurricane to affect the Chesapeake Bay region since
1933. Storm surge values of more than 8 feet flooded rivers that flowed
into the bay across Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C.
Isabel was the most intense hurricane of the 2003 season and directly
resulted in 17 deaths and more than $3 billion in damages. More...

 Opal 1995 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Hurricane Opal made landfall near Pensacola Beach, Florida as a Category 3

hurricane. The storm caused extensive storm surge damage from Pensacola
Beach to Mexico Beach (a span of 120 miles) with a maximum storm tide of
24 feet, recorded near Fort Walton Beach. Damage estimates for Opal were
near $3 billion. More...

 Hugo 1989 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Hugo impacted the southeastern United States, including South Carolina
cities Charleston and Myrtle Beach. Hugo was responsible for 60 deaths and
$7 billion in damages, with the highest storm surge estimated at 19.8 feet
at Romain Retreat, South Carolina. More...

 Camille 1969 (SLOSH Historical Run)

Camille was a Category 5 hurricane, the most powerful on the Saffir-

Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale with maximum winds of more than 155 mph
and storm surge flooding of 24 feet that devastated the Mississippi coast.
The final death count for the U.S. is listed at 256. This includes 143 on the
Gulf coast and another 113 from the Virginia floods. More...

 Audrey 1957 (SLOSH Historical Run)

There were 390 deaths associated with Audrey as the result of a storm
surge in excess of 12 feet, which inundated the flat coast of southwestern
Louisiana as far as 25 miles inland in some places. More...

 New England 1938 (SLOSH Historical Run)

The Long Island Express was a fast-moving Category 3 hurricane that struck
Long Island and New England with little warning on September 21. A storm
surge of 10 to 12 ft inundated the coasts of Rhode Island, Connecticut,
southeastern Massachusetts, and Long Island, NY, especially in
Narragansett Bay and Buzzards Bay. Six hundred people died due to the
storm. More...

 Galveston 1900 (SLOSH Historical Run)

At least 8,000 people died when hurricane storm tides (the surge plus the
astronomical tide) of 8-15 feet inundated most of the island city of
Galveston, TX and adjacent areas on the mainland. More...

Surge Vulnerability Facts

 From 1990-2008, population density increased by 32% in Gulf coastal

counties, 17% in Atlantic coastal counties, and 16% in Hawaii (U.S. Census
Bureau 2010)
 Much of the United States' densely populated Atlantic and Gulf Coast
coastlines lie less than 10 feet above mean sea level
 Over half of the Nation's economic productivity is located within coastal
 72% of ports, 27% of major roads, and 9% of rail lines within the Gulf Coast
region are at or below 4 ft elevation (CCSP, SAP 4-7)
 A storm surge of 23 ft has the ability to inundate 67% of interstates, 57%
of arterials, almost half of rail miles, 29 airports, and virtually all ports in
the Gulf Coast area (CCSP SAP 4-7)

What Causes a Storm Surge, and What Are Its Damaging Effects?

Chelsea Leary | MORE ARTICLES

September 12, 2018

Whether or not you’re expected to be in the path of a hurricane, it’s wise to know
just what to do should one come your way. That includes being informed on
everything to expect, such as the dangers you and your property could be facing.

Storm surges are a particularly threatening aspect of hurricanes. In fact, the

National Hurricane Center claims they are “often the greatest threat to life and
property from a hurricane.” Here’s everything you need to know, including what
causes a storm surge, what types of damage they can cause, and how to prepare.
Hurricane Florence | NASA via Getty Images
What is a storm surge?

The National Hurricane Center describes a storm surge as “an abnormal rise of
water generated by a storm, over and above the predicted astronomical tide.” And
when a storm surge and an astronomical tide combine, it creates a storm tide (risen
water levels during a storm).

While locations along the coast are vulnerable to storm surges, the water’s edge
isn’t all that’s in danger. During 2008’s Hurricane Ike, a Category 4 storm, the
storm surge traveled 30 miles inland in Texas and Louisiana.

What causes a storm surge?

Storm surges occur when winds from a hurricane blow onshore. As the wind
circulates around the eye of the storm, it blows on the ocean surface and creates a
vertical circulation.

“Once the hurricane reaches shallower waters near the coast, the vertical
circulation in the ocean becomes disrupted by the ocean bottom,” according to the
National Hurricane Center. “The water can no longer go down, so it has nowhere
else to go but up and inland.”

Hurricane Ivan | Stacey Pardini/U.S. Coast Guard via Getty Images

What is the best way to prepare for a storm surge?

According to Joel Cline, a tropical program coordinator with the National Weather
Service, all you can do to prepare for a storm surge is evacuate. “You really can’t
run away from the winds of a hurricane, but you can avoid the water,” he explained.
While getting your family and pets to a safe place should be your first priority,
Cline also advises gathering the essentials. Items on your list should include fresh
water, canned food, a handheld can opener, batteries, battery-operated radios,
propane, and flashlights. He also recommends bringing along important documents
in waterproof bags.

Most importantly, listen to and obey evacuation orders. If your area is deemed too
dangerous to stay in, don’t take any risks. You may also be advised to shut off gas
and electricity in your home. Therefore, it’s important to educate yourself on how
to do so beforehand.

What are the damaging effects of a storm surge?

A storm surge can do major damage to anything (or anyone) in its path. The
extreme rise in water levels and strong winds can cause severe flooding, property
damage, and beach and coastal highway erosion.

The life-threatening nature of storm surges is nothing to take a chance on.

According to Cline, “Storm surges in general used to be a leading cause of fatality
with hurricanes, but now — because of evacuations and getting the word out so far
in advance — [the number of deaths] has gone down. But [storm surges] still remain
to be the potential largest loss of life from a hurricane.”

Impacts of Storm Surges

by Phillip Harwood on Sat, 2012-11-10 12:57

Storm surges can be extremely destructive, causing extensive flooding, severe

damage to property and infrastructure, and in extreme cases significant loss of
life. Moreover, there are many areas which are potentially vulnerable to such
events, with approximately 44% of the world’s population living within 150km of the
coast, and with eight of the world’s ten largest cities being located by the sea.
Although in recent years the number of casualtes has decreased (although it is still
significant), the economic damage has increased.
To take a few examples:
 Most fatalities from tropical cyclones are due to the associated storm
surge, in some cases up to 90%. This can easily be reduced with proper
warning systems, but in poor countries with dense housing this is not alwasy
 It has been estimated that over $220 billion of property in the USA is at
risk from a storm surge, with over $40 billion in the Miami areas alone.

Storm surge is the abnormal rise of water generated during a storm over and
above the expected tides. The rise is caused when an atmospheric low pressure
system combines with strong swirling winds in a hurricane or Nor’easter. The
resulting surge causes flooding, often severe, along coastal areas. People
frequently consider wind to be the most dangerous part of a storm; however,
flooding and the fast flow of water that characterizes storm surge often result in
more damage and can be far more devastating than any other part of a storm.
Since storm surge is directly related to air movement, we must first consider how
air in the atmosphere moves to understand how water levels rise during a storm
and lead to a storm surge. Air, like water, is a fluid medium, constantly rising and
falling as it warms and cools. When air molecules cool, they lose heat energy and
move closer together, becoming denser and heavier. This is the reason cold air
sinks. In contrast, warm air molecules are energized and move away from each
other. This makes the air less dense and causes it to rise. As the sun warms the
surface of the Earth, such as at the Equator, warm air rises and exerts less
atmospheric weight and force onto the area to form a low pressure system. When
an area of the Earth receives less of the sun’s energy, such as near the Earth’s
poles, the surface cools and the air above it becomes more dense. The dense air
falls toward the Earth, and exerts force down onto the area to form a high
pressure system. Air pressure is a driver of weather. When high and low pressure
systems interact, wind is created by the gradients (the differences in temperature
and pressure). Areas of high air pressure always move toward areas of low air
pressure because air pressure always strives toward equilibrium. Atmospheric
pressure systems are dynamic, depending on how much the sun warms different
areas of Earth’s surface. Low pressure systems can cause severe storms. The
warmed air results in rapid water evaporation and rapid rising of water vapor. As
water vapor reaches the cool upper atmosphere, it condenses to form clouds and
precipitation. When this occurs, an empty space is created near Earth’s surface.
Higher pressure air that is denser moves down to takeover that space. This
movement of air from high pressure to low creates wind. When low pressure is in
place over the ocean, less weight (and thus, less force) is exerted downward,
causing water levels to rise. A barometer is a meteorological tool used to measure
how much atmospheric pressure is exerted down onto Earth’s surface in a
particular area. It reports measurements in millibars (mb). For every barometric
pressure drop of 1 mb, sea levels will rise by 1 cm. Strong storms and hurricanes
can have a barometric pressure drop of 30 mb, causing sea levels to rise 30 cm.
Warm ocean water is like fuel for a storm since it warms the air above it quickly.
The higher the water temperature, the faster it will warm the air above it and
cause the air to rise. This rising warm air creates a void close to the ocean surface
that is quickly filled by cooler atmospheric air; as a result, winds grow stronger. As
water vapor condenses and precipitates (generally in the form of rain) during a
storm, it releases heat energy or latent heat. This latent heat warms the air even
more, causing additional air to expand and rise. The result is air movement up and
away from the center of the storm, which causes the storm to expand in size. As
wind blows over the ocean for extended periods of time, it transfers some of its
energy into the water, which results in waves. Waves will increase in size and
intensity the longer the winds blow (duration), the faster they blow (speed), and
the length of the area they travel (fetch). During a storm all of these factors
combine to make strong, large waves. As these waves move into shallow water and
push up onto the land, they do so quickly and furiously. As a result, the waves
cannot retreat back into the ocean fast enough, so they grow even larger in size
and pile up along the shoreline. This pile-up is known as wave setup. Wave setup
raises mean water level and can cause flooding on the land. Air pressure changes
and wind are not the only reasons for air to move horizontally and/or vertically in
the atmosphere. Since Earth also rotates on its axis, there is also planetary air
movement. This is known as the Coriolis effect. The Coriolis effect is defined as
the deflection of air in the atmosphere due to the rotation of the Earth. In the
Northern Hemisphere, the rotation deflects air currents to the right (northeast).
In the Southern Hemisphere, the rotation deflects air currents to the left
(southwest). During strong storms or hurricanes, very low pressure in the center of
the storm causes the higher-pressure air that surrounds the storm to try to move
in and fill the space created by rising warm air.

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