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The fattest country in Asia is Malaysia with approximately

half of the population overweight or obese. Based on the World

Health Organization (WHO) classification, in 2016,39 percent
of adults aged 18 or above have overweight in year 2016,13
percent was obese. The world’s population lives in countries
where obese and overweight people were killed more people than
an underweight person. Obesity will affect physical changes such
as sleeping, tiredness, breathless and others. Obesity will also
affect the health of the body, it will cause Cardiovascular diseases,
Diabetes, Gall Stone, and Cancer. The unhealthy lifestyle will
lead to people's obesity.
First and foremost, unhealthy lifestyle will result in health
problem. Nowadays, most of the people especially new generation
always lack of regularly exercises. If people not active enough,
the energy provided by the food enable to use up, and extra
calories are stored as fat in the body. This attitude will threaten to
body health. Furthermore, the rate of obesity is increasing is due
to unbalance diet behavior. Number of people always choose the
food which rich of sugar and fat. This bad eating behavior will
lead to a series of heart disease. Based on Journal of Family
Medicine and Primary Care the teenagers often consumed the
food at fast food restaurants which contain a high number of
calories with low nutritional values. This eating habits contributed
to the overweight problem among teenagers. Besides that, poor
quality of sleep is also considered as one of the contributing
factors to obesity. According to the Journal of the American
College of Cardiology, people who sleep less than six hours a
night may be increased the risk of cardiovascular disease such as
atherosclerosis. Eventually, unhealthy lifestyle certainly caused a
lot of heart problem in the real life.
Moreover, heath problem will cause the accumulation of fats
in the body that cannot easily released out. This is because they
do not have regular medical checkup. Canadian Task Force on the
Periodic Health Examination is recommended people to have the
test frequently. Most of the people are think this is not necessary
but this is a chance to tracking their health and have the prevention
of the health issues. There is another reason that affect health
problem is energy imbalance. This is show that energy gain of
people is not equal to the energy release. When energy gain which
is taken from the foods and drinks is more than energy release
when physical operation such as breathing so that the excess
energy will become fats and store in the body. There is an example
that will affect which is health diseases cause by high cholesterol.
This is a kind of cardiovascular disease because the cholesterol
will deposit on the wall of artery and form plaque that will cause
atherosclerosis. Artery become narrow and cause insufficient of
blood flow. Thus, health problem is critically impact the
accumulation of fats.
Accumulations of fats in the body will leads to obesity.
If high amounts of energy were consumed by people, which is
sugars and fat, and the energy is not burn off by them through
physical activity and exercise, the surplus energy inside our body
will be stored as fat. The continuous accumulation of fat in the
human body has a result in gaining of weight. The fat inside the
body was not being used up and form unwanted weight inside the
body. When lack of physical activity, fat cannot be burn off or
used up by the body and caused overweight to be form. Less
consumption of energy by the human body cause people to gains
weight and become obese when excessive amount of fat gets
deposited. The example of fat stored in the body are triglycerides.
The main components of body fat in human are triglycerides.
Triglycerides is present in the blood so the bidirectional
transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver can
occur, and it is one of a major component of human skin oils.
Therefore, this show accumulation of fats will lead to obesity.
In conclusion, this is noted that the negative activities in daily
life may lead to fatness. If having a unhealthy lifestyle, one can
suffer health problem, causes fats store in body and gives rise to
obesity. Nowadays, obesity has become a public health issue in
the worldwide. To avoid or to reduce the problem, one should do
some changes in their lifestyles, and put some efforts on attitude
change. Obesity can b explain as abnormal or excessive fat
building-up that presents a risk to health (World Health
Organization [WHO], 2014). This means that obesity is a critical
problem that should be worried more. This is said as a healthy
nation is the wealthy nation. In brief, having a healthy lifestyle
tends to reduce the rate of obesity.

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