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Chapter 1


This chapter includes the includes the introduction, background of the study,

scope and limitation of the study, statement of the problem, hypothesis, theoretical

framework and definition of terms.


Physics has always been perceived as a difficult subject compared to other

science counterparts. Lack of interest and having negative attitudes toward learning this

subject lead to unsatisfactory Physics achievement. Results of experimental research

done by Soomro Qaisrani and Ugaili ( 2011 ) verified that the involvement of students to

science process skills, through 5E’s ( Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate )

instructional model, developed the student’s attitude towards learning in Physics. With

the efforts of making Physics fun and interesting, activities and various approaches can

make positive implications to students towards the subject and attitude towards learning

in Physics ( Veloo, Nor, Khalid, 2015 ) Hence, the utilization of localizing enrichment

materials can be addition to the pool of activities which can influence student attitude

toward acquiring knowledge in Physics.

Poor achievement in physics could be attributed to many factors ranging from the

attitude of students towards the subject, methods of teaching the subject, lack of

motivation on the part of the teachers, lack of basic sciences background at the primary

school and teacher’s strategy which was considered as an important factor. This implies

that the mastery of physics concepts might not be fully achieved without the use of

instructional resources. The teaching of physics without instructional resources may

certainly result in poor academic achievement. Onasanya and Omosewa (2011)

stressed that a professionally qualified science teacher no matter how well trained,

would unable to put his ideas into practice if the school lacks equipment and

instructional resources for him to translate his competence into reality.

One of the main features of the K to 12 is the delivery of the lessons through

Contextualization and Localization. In Article XIV of the 1987 Philippine Constitution

which states that:

Section 14 – “The state shall foster the preservation, enrichment and

dynamic evolution of a Filipino national culture based on the
principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and
intellectual expression”.

Section 15 – “The state shall take into account regional and sectoral
needs and conditions and shall encourage local planning in the
development of educational policies and programs”

Based on this article, it is about making content usable and adaptable to meet

local needs, address a particular teaching style or learning style, to adapt to a different

grade level, to adapt for a different discipline, to adjust to a different learning

environment, to address diversity needs, to address a cultural preference, to support a

specific pedagogical need, and to address either a school or a district's standardized

curriculum. Being one of the degrees of contextualization, is the process of relating

learning content specified in the curriculum to local information and materials from the

learner’s community. We localize and contextualize the curriculum and the use of

learning materials in terms of geography, cultural diversity and individuality.

According to Taylor (2004) it is “...Freedom for schools or local education

authorities to adopt this curriculum to local conditions,” and “relating the content of the

curriculum and the processes of teaching and learning to the local environment”.

With these processes, teachers can present the lesson in a more meaningful and

relevant context based on the learner’s previous experiences and real-life situations.

Both of which adhere in making the lesson flexible, fit, creative, relevant, meaningful,

and adoptive to students’ level of understanding and instructional needs.

The advantage of using localized materials can be summarized as follows: The

use of local materials makes teachers and learners aware of the resources to be found

in their environment and stimulates creativity to use them. The experiments and models

can be constructed in a very short time, with a few tools, with locally available materials

even by unskilled persons as part of pre- and in-service teacher training. The self-

construction develops a sense of proud ownership and promotes a more frequent use.

Repair and replacement of broken parts are possible locally without technical or

administrative problems. For the storage no special storage facility is needed; a

lockable cupboard is enough. Security is no problem, because of the low material value.

For the implementation no special infrastructure is needed. The innovations go straight


to the schools. What has been learned today in a training workshop can be applied

tomorrow in the classroom.

In spite of the many efforts to make science education effective and popular,

there are many problems faced by planners and people responsible for the

development of science education and among these problems the major once are

related to practical activities. It has been recognized that teachers are reluctant in

producing and using low cost materials for science laboratories, and lack of physical

facilities due to financial constraints.

In this age of Information and Communication Technology [ICT] teachers must

be able to use available local resources to produce instructional and learning materials

in schools. As good as improvisation might be in teaching and learning if learners are

not taken part in the process of improvisation its aim may not be fully achieved. Learner

participating in improvisation of instructional materials makes them exposed to

creativity, innovation and curiosity, all of which are fundamental to teaching and learning

of science. Improvisation in science teaching is an important issue in science Education

which has attracted a lot of contributions from science teachers.

As a science teacher, the researcher fully understands the fact that students

need to be motivated to study science and technology. Instructional material is one way

to motivate the students to learn. It is a need that instructional materials maybe user

friendly and as interesting and down to earth as possible. In view of the statement

above, researcher will develop Localized Enrichment Materials in Grade 10 Physics.

The materials will serve as an additional tool in teaching.

Background of the Study

In particular achievements in Science, Filipino students appeared to be below the

international standards ( Orleans, 2007 ). This poor performance in physics can be

attributed to different factors affected the student’s learning in Science. Such factors

included the student’s lack of self confidence and inability to solve physics questions

correctly, incompetent teachers and lack of engaging instructional materials for physics

classes ( Olusola and Rotimi, 2012 ).

Because of the importance of science education across the nations, the

Philippines is on its way in upgrading Filipino learners to be globally competitive and

holistically developed through the implementation of one of the major changes in the

Philippine educational system, which is the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum,

kinder to 12 years of Basic Education. This reformation is constituted in the Republic

Act 10533 of the Philippines known as the "Enhanced Basic Education Act of

2013".One item here is:

"The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure

mastery of knowledge and skills after each level" as well as the

implementing rules and regulations which state that “the curriculum

shall be contextualized and global and shall be flexible enough to

enable and allow schools to be localized, indigenous and enhance


the same based on their respective educational context.”(Rule II,

Curriculum Section, 10.10.2)

Contextualization refers to the educational process of relating the curriculum to a

particular setting, situation or area of application to make the competencies relevant,

meaningful and useful to the learners. Localization, on the other hand, is the process of

relating learning content specified in the curriculum to local information and materials

from the learner's community. In contextualization and localization, teachers can

present the lesson in a more meaningful and relevant context based on the learner's

previous experiences and real-life situations. Both processes make the lesson flexible,

fit, creative, relevant, meaningful, and adoptive to students' level of understanding and

instructional needs.

In one of the messages of former DepEd Usec. Dina Ocampo, she

emphasized that in order to localize and contextualize the curriculum, "you have to think

of where you are so that you can make the curriculum relevant to you." This means that

different areas in the country shall use different materials and different instruments to

deliver a curriculum relevant to the needs of the learners. Teacher should take note that

localization maximizes materials that are locally available. It is based on local needs

and has relevance for the learners where there is flexibility and creativity in the lessons.

In particular achievements in Physics, Filipino students appeared to be below the

international standards ( Orleans, 2007 ). This poor performance in physics can be

attributed to different factors affected the student’s learning in Physics. Such factors

included the student’s lack of self confidence and inability to solve physics questions

correctly, incompetent teachers and lack of engaging instructional materials for physics

classes ( Olusola and Rotimi, 2012 ).

It is clear that developing countries face greater challenges in science education,

than economically developed countries, due to lack of teaching materials, including

books, computing and communications technologies, community-based science

centers, laboratory facilities and equipment, as well as shortage of skilled teachers.


Unfortunately New Era High School is one of the many schools in the country

facing the same problem – declining school performance. Some instructional materials

are limited and not enough for the number of students to use. And also some are quiet

expensive because it is made of abroad.

To alleviate the level of mastery of students of New Era High School in Physics

10, the researcher improvised locally - available instructional materials which can

enhance the performance and participation and leads to better student’s achievement. It

also give the students an opportunity to see, feel, and touch the materials during


The adequate supply of instructional resources have significant effect on the

student’s academic performance. No matter how well a curriculum plan is, if there are

poorly planned and designed instructional materials and other inputs, the aims may not


Knowing the learning “waterloos” of the students, teachers should have enough

compassion for them. They should be allowed to work seriously at their own pace –

even without the guidance of the teachers. They should be given something complete in


The Importance of this localized materials, is creating an effective and efficient

future for the students who can build this nation stronger and better.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study is focus on the Localization of Enrichment Materials in Physics 10.

The respondents in this study are Grade 1o students for the School Year 2019-

2020. They are divided into two groups under the researcher’s class. The Grade 10

students are divided into two groups which composed of the control and experimental

group .The experimental group is exposed to localized enrichment materials while the

control group is exposed to non- localized materials.

The study is limited to determine the effectiveness of localized enrichment

materials for least mastered competencies of Grade 10 students of New Era High

School in their performance after utilizing the materials.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims determine localized enrichment materials in Grade 10


Specifically, the study will attempt answer the following questions:

1.What are the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the pretest

and posttest with respect to the following learning competencies:

1.1. explain the operation of a simple electric motor and generator ;

1.2. predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, and magnification)

of images formed by plane and curved mirrors and lenses;

1.3. compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic


2. Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest mean scores

of the experimental and the control groups in learning competencies?

3. Is there a significant difference in posttest mean score between the

experimental and controlled group?

4. What are the feedbacks of the students using localized enrichment materials?

Hypothesis of the Study

Based on the questions presented above, these hypothesis were tested:

1. There is no significant difference between the pre – test and post – test mean scores

of experimental groups and control groups with respect to the different competencies.

2. There is no significant difference between the post test mean scores of the

experimental groups and control groups in terms of the different competencies.


Theoretical Framework

Through the dramatic and significant change has made in the curriculum, still the

theme of the theoretical framework and the K-12 curriculum shows Progressivism as its

Philosophy adapts the view of the Constructivist theory of learning.

The Progressivism theory of John Dewey states that philosophy of education is

dominated by the technological experimental advancements which have so powerfully

shaped to our modern culture. Meaning that education should focus on the whole child,

rather than on a content or teacher. This educational philosophy stresses that should

test ideas by active experimentation. It is concern with the recognizing change and

adjustment through the use of scientific method that concentrated on the modern

problems rather than the application of a priori to the situation at present.

Dewey believe that the successful classroom teacher possesses a passion for

knowledge and an intellectual curiosity in the materials and methods they teach. This

theory relates to the development of learning materials by providing instructional

materials that they can work on. With the use of learning materials in teaching-learning

process, teacher can identify the topic which is suitable to the topic being presented.

Teachers can present learning materials with in the level of learners understanding that

can be use in their own and time at their own pace

In the K-12 curriculum, the intellectual capacities and other characteristics of a

child considered, hence due to recognition was given to individual differences. In

teaching a child, teacher consider the level of intellect, its interest and physical abilities .

According to John Dewey, Progressivism is a type of political philosophy that

believes in a reform with a gradual pace and promotes the protection of Social Welfare,

Moral Improvements, Creating Economic Reform, and Fostering Efficiency.

Progressivism declares that education is a continual construction of experience. In

progressive education, freedom is the rule with students and they are constrains by the


As far as instruction is concerned, the teacher should try and encourage his

students to discover principles by themselves. The task of the teacher is to translate

information to be learned into a format appropriate to the learner’s current state of

understanding. Curriculum should be organized in a spiral manner so that the students

continually build upon what they have already learned.

Bruner’s learning theory has a direct implication on teaching practices

especially in Science such as instruction must be appropriate to the level of the

learners. Being aware of the learners’ learner mode ( enactive, iconic, and symbolic )

will help teacher plan and prepare appropriate materials for instruction according to the

difficulty that matches learners’ level. The teachers must revisit material to engance

knowledge. Building on pre taught ideas to grasp the full format concept is of

paramount importance according to Bruner. Feel free to reintroduce vocabulary,

grammar points and other topics now and then in order to push the students to a

deeper comprehension and longer retention. Material must be presented in a sequence

giving the learners the opportunity to acquire and construct knowledge, also transform

and transfer his learning. Students should be involved in using their prior experience

and structures to learn new knowledge . Help students categorize new information in

order to see similarities and differences between items. Teachers should assist learners

in building their knowledge. Teachers should provide feedback that is directed towards

intrinsic motivation. Grades and competition are not helpful in the learning process.

Bruner stated that the teachers must “experience success and failure not as reward and

punishment, but as information”. It is the aim of the study to instill among students

among students the mastery of the basic concepts and skills in Science through varied




 Localized  Effectiveness of
Materials  Development and
Validation of Localized
 Curriculum Guide Localized
for Grade 10 enrichment
Science ( K to 12 ) materials.
Materials in
 Results of Pretest  Construction and
and Posttest validation of
Teaching Grade
 Conduct of
10 Physics will
Interview  Administration of
be determined.
 Experimental and  Conduct of
control group Experiment
 Administration of  Feedbacks of
 Result of  Conduct of the Students in
Interview Interview
FE  Analysis and Developing
ED Interpretation of
Data Localized
CK Materials

Figure 1.

Localization of Enrichment Materials in Physics 10


The conceptual served as a reference for the researcher in pursuing the study of

Localization of Enrichment Materials in Grade 10 Physics. The model illustrates the


The input block consist of Curriculum Guide for Grade 10 Science K – 12,

pretest and posttest, interview – questionnaires, experimental and control group and

result on interview.

The process block consist of development of localized enrichment materials in

teaching least mastered skills in Grade 10 Physics, construction and validation of

instrument, administration of pretest, conduct of experiment and administration of post


The output block was effectiveness of localized enrichment materials in teaching

Grade 10 Physics

The arrow suggests the processes on the localized enrichment materials in

teaching Grade 10 Physics to attain the objective by the researcher.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined under the context of the study:

Enrichment materials - are materials given to the students

Experimental group – refers to the respondents who will be handled by the researcher

and exposed to the developed localized enrichment materials.


Localization of enrichment materials–this term refer to development materials

derived from locally available resources which can be bought at the cheapest cost and

are prepared by the teacher or pupil themselves

Posttest – is the research - made test which was after the used of localized and non-

localized instructional material in teaching in teaching least mastered skills in Physics

for Grade 10 for the control and experimental

Pretest – is the research - made test which was given before used of localized and non-

localized instructional material in teaching least mastered skills in Physics for grade 10

for the control and experimental group..

Students – they are the Grade 10 learners at New Era High School.

Physics has always been perceived as a difficult subject compared to other science

counterparts. Lack of interest and having negative attitudes toward learning this subject

lead to unsatisfactory Physics achievement. Results of experimental research done by

Soomro Qaisrani and Ugaili ( 2011 ) verified that the involvement of students to science

process skills, through 5E’s ( Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend and Evaluate )

instructional model, developed the student’s attitude towards learning in Physics. With

the efforts of making Physics fun and interesting, activities and various approaches can

make positive implications to students towards the subject and attitude towards learning

in Physics ( Veloo, Nor, Khalid, 2015 ) Hence, the utilization of localizing enrichment

materials can be addition to the pool of activities which can influence student attitude

toward acquiring knowledge in Physics.


The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of localized enrichment materials in

Grade 10 Physics.

It will be conducted at New Era High School, Tandang Sora Avenue

Quezon City, during the Second Quarter, School Year 2018 – 2019. Primarily it will test

the effectiveness of instructional materials including the following competencies.

The respondents of the study are Grade 10 students to be selected

randomly. There is an experimental and control group. One sections will be the

experimental and the other will be control utilizing experimental research.

To determine the feedback of the students on the instructional materials

used, qualitative research can be used using Focus Group Discussion.

The conduct of the study will be limited only to Second Quarter.

For schools to help address this need, educational institutions would need to go

beyond the one-way transmission of content from teacher to student. The aim is for

educators to promote “learning to learn” in their classrooms and guide students to

become lifelong learners capable of finding information and using the relevant ones for

their tasks ( Thornburg, 2000 ). As Gerlach ( as cited in New Mexico Public Education

Department, 2010,p.4 ) stated “our [ educator’s ] task is to provide an education for the

kinds of kids we have, or want to have, or the kids of our dreams”

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