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4 Youth w ith a V ision! 8 PrayerA s V astA s G od! 15 Tongue ofFire!

Lilian Stanley Leonard Ravenhill W alter Sundersingh

Y ou th w ith a V ision !
From the General Overseer...


Dearly beloved,

Grace be to you and peace from God our Father

and the Lord Jesus Christ!

We thank God for the bygone “Year of Faith”

in which I am sure all of us grew one foot in faith.
Our programmes in Madhya Pradesh, Assam,
Gujarat, West Bengal and other States were very
fruitful and continue to bear fruits till today. BYM
has completed thirty years of ministry in Karnataka
and is triumphantly marching into the fourth
decade. We had a three day Celebration Camp
at Hubli from November 8 to 10 in which our
missionaries, present and former, partners and
the public participated joyfully. It was a joy to
see the former missionaries, 200 Siddi Tribal use their talents for God. 50% of the population in
Christians and 200 other believers from our new India is youth and it is essential to tap their
congregations. Their testimonies were the resources. The youth are longing for love, care
highlights of the camp. and concern. “The young children ask for bread
but no one breaks it for them” (Lam 4:4).
The National Leaders Restoration Camp was
conducted in Chennai from November 22 to 25 in Saul, like a fire-breathing dragon, was
which the State Coordinators, Regional threatening to kill and persecute the disciples of
Coordinators, Administrative Committee Members, the Lord Jesus Christ. While Stephen was stoned
to death the witnesses laid their clothes at the feet
Board Members and the other leaders participated,
of the young man Saul. But on his way to
75 in all. Some of the leaders were given new
Damascus he was struck down by the power of
responsibilities for this year. The promise God gave God and he committed his life to the Will of God.
for the Camp was, “The little one shall become a Scales fell off his eyes. His whole life was
thousand and a small one a strong Nation and the transformed by that vision and he went to work
Lord will hasten it in its time” (Isa 60:22). The for God. Most of the New Testament Epistles were
theme was, “Arise and Build!” It was a moving written by him and several churches were
experience to see the young leaders (two were established through him.
less than 30) take up the baton from old hands.
We don’t appreciate the youth, trust them, give
The year 2008 is declared as the “Year of them responsibilities and encouragement and train
Youth.” The theme text is, “I will pour out them. Rather we despise and marginalise them.
My Spirit on all flesh.... Your young All these scales and many more need to fall off
men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). In the our eyes if we need to rope in the youth and use
world, youth are gradually moving from invisibility their full potential. Let youth be our focus this year.
to visibility. The vision of BYM is revival among
Youth and Evangelism through Youth. This has Similarly the Prophet Isaiah, after he had a
lost emphasis over the years. This year we will vision of the Lord, cried saying, “Woe to me for I
be turning our headlights on the youth. They will am a man of unclean lips.” He heard the voice of
be encouraged and given more opportunities to the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will
BLESSING/ January 2008 2
go for Us?” Isaiah responded to the call. Our Lotus in a Dirty Pond!
vision should be to challenge the youth for
reaching the unreached and encourage them to Around 2 pm one day my husband and I
go as Missionaries. finished lunch and sat at home, chit-chatting. I
heard the creaking of the front gate and peeped
We had our National Youth Consultation Meet outside to see who it was. Our opposite house
at Jabalpur on the 9th and 10th November 2007, uncle entered in and told us that some work was
chaired by Bro. Victor P. S. Kumar, ACM (Youth) going on in his house and he had brought a man to
in which the activities in various States for the sit in our verandah and work. My husband told
year 2008 were planned. him that by all means he could do so.
The man by name Sundaram sat there quietly
The brief details are furnished below— and worked. I sat in the steps and struck a
conversation with him. It was then that I realized
1. Three day camps will be conducted for the that he was fully drunk. I asked him why he drank
youth in the following places— and he told me his sad story as follows: “I have a
loving and virtuous wife. We were living happily.
North : Sathal, Uthranchal But our life was thrown out of gear when my wife
South : Kodaikanal/ Ooty/Kothagiri was found to suffer from cancer of the uterus. To
East : Darjeeling escape my sorrow I took to drinking.”
West : Pune / Goa
I introduced to him the Great Physician Jesus.
2. Programmes designed to propel youth in When I told him that He could without fail heal
his wife, hope glittered in his eyes. “Can I bring
personal evangelism will be planned.
my wife to your church?” he enquired. Gladly I
gave him the address and service timings.
3. Youth of various churches will be revived
through programmes specially planned for The next day morning when we went to the
them. church we found Sundaram and his wife Kokila
waiting for us. Sundaram said he had some
4. A Bible Quiz will be conducted in each State important business and slipped away but Kokila
for youth. There will also be a National level eagerly sat in a corner. I introduced her to our
quiz programme. pastor at the end of the service. The congregation
along with the pastor prayed for her. Without fail
5. Special meetings will be conducted for parents Kokila showed up every Sunday. She was saved
of youth. There will also be counseling sessions and was baptized. Her health improved. She
for them. received the Holy Spirit.
She started coming with us for ministry and
6. Two Training programmes will be conducted would share her testimony enthusiastically. She
this year, one in Jabalpur and another in Jaipur invited the oureach team to her house. When the
to develop Youth Speakers in Hindi. group of ladies visited her we understood the kind
of life the women folk there led. In the front portion
7. An exclusive Web Site will be developed for of the house they baked rice cakes and sold them.
our youth ministry. The back portion was to brew liquor. Kokila was
a lotus in a dirty pond!
8. Mobilizing prayer force for youth will be top She started to pray that the place would be
most in the agenda of this year. transformed. In answer to her prayers the new
police officer who came on transfer to our area
My heart is thrilled even now to think of the closed down all the liquor sales. God proved
great things the Lord is going to do in and through Himself Almighty. Though she is not on earth today
the youth. to witness this miracle one day she will receive
Your brother, the reward of her labour.
A. LIONEL —Esther Rani Ebenezer, Chennai.
BLESSING/ January 2008 3
Youth with a Vision!
Dr. Mrs. Lilian Stanley

More than 2000 years ago Peter black and white whatever we need to
quoted Joel’s prophecy: “It shall know about the past, present and
come to pass in the last days, future. “God, who at various times and
says God, that I will pour out of in various ways spoke in the past to
My Spirit on all flesh; your sons the fathers by the prophets has in these
and your daughters shall last days spoken to us by His Son” (Heb
prophesy, your young men 1:1,2). Even today God gives super-
shall see visions, your old men natural visions but very rarely. We
shall dream dreams. And on my don’t need to seek after them.
men servants and on My
maidservants I will pour out My So, what does ‘vision’ mean to us,
Spirit in those days; and they who live on the other side of Calvary?
shall prophesy...And it shall ‘Vision’ literally means the faculty of
come to pass that whosoever sight. When stretched, it means an
unusual competence in discernment
calls on the name of the Lord or perception or to put it simply:
shall be saved” (Acts 2:17-21). intelligent God-given foresight.
True to the quotation of Peter, an
This is what Solomon meant when
outpouring of the Holy Spirit followed
he wrote, “Where there is no vision
and people were converted in droves.
the people perish. But happy is he who
The remarkable outcome of the obeys the law” (Prov 29:18). When
‘prophecies’ and ‘ visions’ and people cannot discern the mind of God
‘dreams’ was the ingathering of they will stumble. In other words, it is
souls . Those who were anointed the ability to clearly understand what
spread out with bold authority to God reveals to you as His Will. It is
proclaim salvation through the name discovering what God wants you to do
of Jesus. with your life. If you are not clear about
that, you will be wasting your life. A
Many have ideas that ‘vision’ means man or woman with a vision is
seeing just red horses and white one who has clear foresight of
horses or making up and down trips to what God wants him/her to
heaven. Before the Scripture was accomplish on this earth.
completely written, God spoke to His
people through mystical visions, pro- Young people are confused these
phecies or revelations. These mystical days, because they are misguided.
experiences of seeing the supernatural Each person’s vision may be different.
as if with the eyes were given to It may not be very clear in the begin-
persons chosen by God who then ning. But as you take God’s hand
interpreted it for the people. and walk step by step with His
guidance to accomplish the
But after the Scripture was complete dream that is churning inside,
the Word of God took precedence over your vision will gradually
these to become the main guidance for unfold on your path as a carpet
God’s people. God has put down in that is unfurled.
BLESSING/ January 2008 4
The Bible records many young looked at his
people who had a vision and accom- h e a r t and the
plished the mission: longing in his
heart and paved
JOSHUA was a youth with a vision a way for him to
to possess the land of Canaan. He was fulfil his vision.
Moses’ trusted servant. He never He was the youn-
sought to succeed Moses. But God
gest son and sent
chose Him. Moses would just command
to keep the sheep.
him to go fight Amalek. Joshua would
There in the
finish the job and come and stand
before Moses (Ex 17:9,10). God took jungles he was
notice of him (Ex 17:14). Moses would quietly strengthening his muscles in
speak to God in the tabernacle and faith. His father didn’t think much
return to the camp; but his servant about him, neither did his brothers.
Joshua would not leave the tabernacle Even Saul had no confidence in him.
(Ex 33:11). He was chosen to be one But the day he cut off the head of
among the twelve who went to spy Goliath all the earth knew that there
Canaan. Seeing his faithfulness God was a God in Israel.
gave him the vision of Canaan and the
mantle of Moses fell on him. JOSIAH was a youth with a vision
to purge Judah and Jerusalem of all
RUTH was a youth with a vision to idolatry and bring his subjects back to
stick it out with the new God she had God (2 Chr 34:3). He repaired and
found. To follow that vision she restored the house of God (34:10). He
sacrificed her own family and country. read the Book of the Covenant to the
She never ever imagined that a cozy people and made a covenant before the
home at Bethlehem was not the end Lord, to obey His commandments with
of her vision. The place she thought
all his heart and all his soul (34:30,31).
was where her vision ended was where
God blessed his projects. He met with
it started all over again. It was here
a tragic end because he could not, at
that Obed was born, to whom Jesse
was born, to whom David was born. It a point, discern the will of God.
was here that a Rod came forth from
ESTHER was a youth with a vision
the stem of Jesse and a Branch grew
out of his roots (Ruth 4:17; Isa 11:1). to save her people. She realized that if
Did it end there? It still continues in she did not step in, God will use
the offspring of the woman who obey someone in her place. She threw her
the com-mandments of God and have life to fulfil her vision and the
the testimony of Jesus Christ (Rev crisis ended in a celebration.
12:17). Ruth never thought light
of her vision but put heart and ZECHARIAH was a youth with a
soul to stay on the road to the vision to strengthen the hands of the
end. people and leaders to restore the
dilapitated temple of God. The result
DAVID was a youth with a vision that was that the disheartened people and
all the earth might know that there leaders rose up as one man and the
was a God in Israel (1 Sam 17:46). God job was done in a jiffy (Zech).
BLESSING/ January 2008 5
JOHN was a youth with a vision to floundered along
prepare the way of the Lord. He paid the way, his wri-
for it with his head. ting of the gospel
according to Mark,
MARY and JOSEPH were youths more than made
with a vision to bring up the Messiah up for all the losses
as His heavenly Father would. They due to his insta-
had no other goal in life. They neither bility.
performed miracles nor attain any
status. Yet their vision was more than God created two
fulfilled because they were dedicated youths, Adam and
to the task. Eve and blessed them with a vision to
rule the earth. But satan sold them
JESUS was a youth with a vision to the wrong dream to become like God.
glorify His Father by fulfilling His Will, They traded the God-given vision to the
which was to seek and save what was one satan offered and defeated the
lost. Like a slave He humbled Himself purposes of God. Samson was a youth
and obeyed to the point of death by with a vision to put down the Philistines.
crucifixion. Therefore God exalted Him The Spirit of the Lord moved upon him
highly and gave Him the name above and he started with bright eyes and
every name. Satan’s offers to Him to clear vision. He was going right till his
give up His vision, to enjoy the glories flesh took over and he fell for women
of the world by worshipping him were of easy virtue. He lost the Spirit and
tempting. But Jesus overcame him and His power and ended up a man without
obeyed His Father to the utmost. vision, without sight (Judg 14-16).
Absalom had a vision to pluck the
SAUL was a youth with a hellish kingdom from his father’s hand and
vision to bind men and women who rule Israel. God was nowhere in the
were of the Way and bring them to picture. He was cruelly murdered (2
Jerusalem to torture and murder Sam 18). Rehoboam was a visionless
them. But God gave him a heavenly youth footballed by his own
vision to declare repentance, first to indecisiveness and the dictates of his
his own brothers and then to the young friends. His life was a total
Gentiles, turn them to God and teach failure (2 Chro 10:10). A nameless
them to do works befitting repentance. youth with a vision to attain eternal
He was not disobedient to that reve- life met Jesus. But he was struggling
lation of God (Acts 26:19,20). He laid to serve two masters—God and money.
down his life for his vision. The end result was sorrow (Mt 19:16-
23). Hitler’s vision was to exterminate
MARK was a youth with a vision to the Jews. Nero’s vision was to wipe out
be a missionary. May be the prayer Christians off the face of the earth.
meeting his mother conducted at home We know their ends.
influenced him (Acts 12:12). He joined
the ministerial team of Barnabas and What is your vision dear young man,
Paul (12:25). In the contention between young woman? What are you doing
them he polarized towards Barnabas about it? Life is short; but if you
(15:37). Later on he became profitable live with a vision and accomplish
to Paul (2 Tim 4:11). Though he a mission, that’s enough! U
BLESSING/ January 2008 6
Gujarat—What’ss happening there?
Robin Sam & Esther, Missionaries
We joined the BYM as youths and married. We conducted Revival Meetings for two days
For some years we worked in Rajasthan. It was in the Municipal High School ground in Nadiad in
a day of small beginning when we with our two November. The 500 participants were revived by
small children Esme and Lionel were asked to shift missionaries Deena and Elisha’s messages. 25
our base from Rajasthan to the State of Gujarat. received the Holy Spirit. Nadiad prayer cell
Place, people, language everything was new. With students led the worship. Elisha and Deena shared
our small feet we had to take big steps. But by the Word in the Youth and Ladies meetings. 30
the grace of God we have got a foothold and the youths and 40 ladies decided to lead a God pleasing
ministry is promising. life. Mr. Bekabhai obeyed the Lord and received
the Holy Spirit. He wants to bring many to the

Village Meeting
Nadiad SFJ Prayer Cell Students ministering
God has opened the doors for us in Marapur,
Mr. Peter’s visit from Mudaloor in October Attakandi, Muktipur and Rajpipla villages. In
was a big bang to us and our partners here. He Rajpipla 10 obeyed the Lord and joined the church.
brought God’s message in the Partners Meet, Five of them received the Holy Spirit. 12 joined
Prayer cell students gathering and monthly staff the church in Samarpada. Mr. Kailash and Mrs.
meeting in Nadiad. He also addressed our partners Meena Kailash have joined the Vadodara field to
rev up the Revival ministry there.

Samarpada new believers

Youth Meeting, Muktipur Dear young people, we joined the Mission
at the evening prayer meeting in Vadodara. The trusting the Lord in blind faith. There were
fifty participants decided to support missionary problems, pressures, persecutions. But God never
work by contributing every month. Again in the let us down. It is a great joy to work in God’s field
night meeting at Samarpada village he presented and bring in the sheaves. Today we do not regret
the gospel powerfully to the 150 villagers who our decision to give away our lives for God’s
gathered. 70 committed their lives to Christ. Praise service.
God for the hard work of our native workers Mr. You don’t lack when you throw away your life
Narpath and Mr. Samuel who did all the ground for God. Rather goodness and mercy will follow
work. you all the days of your life. U
BLESSING/ January 2008 7
Prayer As Vast As God!
Leonard Ravenhill

God-gripped prophets of old had a sensitive The secret of praying is praying in secret.
awareness of the enormity and unpopularity Books on prayer are good, but not enough.
of their task. By pleading their own inefficiency As books on cooking are good but hopeless
and inadequacy, these care-bowed men sought unless there is food to work on, so with
to escape the delivering of their burdened prayer. One can read a library of prayer
souls. Moses, for instance, sought to evade a books and not be one whit more powerful in
nationwide commitment by pleading a stammering prayer. We must learn to pray, and we must
tongue. Yet note how God evaded his evasion pray to learn to pray. While sitting in a chair
by supplying a spokesman in Aaron. Jeremiah, reading the finest book in the world on physical
too, reasoned that he was but a child. Yet in health, one may waste away. So one may
Jeremiah’s case (as in Moses’), the human read about prayer, marvel at the endurance
objection was not sustained. For men of divine of Moses, or stagger at the weeping, groaning
selection were not sent to the council chambers Jeremiah, and yet not be able to stammer the
of human wisdom—to get their personalities ABC’s of intercessory prayer. As the bullet
polished or their knowledge edged. But God unspent bags no game, so the prayer-heart
somehow trapped His man and closeted him unburdened gathers no spoil.
with Himself.
“In God’s name, I beseech you, let prayer
If according to Oliver Wendell Holmes, a nourish your soul as meals nourish your body!”
man’s mind, stretched with a new idea, can said the faithful Fenelon. Henry Martyn spake
never go back to its original dimensions, then thus: “My present deadness I attribute to
what shall we say of a soul that has heard want of sufficient time and tranquility for
the whisper of the Eternal Voice? “The words private devotion. Oh that I might be a man of
that I (the Lord) speak to you, they are spirit, prayer!” A writer of old said, “Much of our
and they are life” (Jn 6:63). Our preaching is praying is like the boy who rings the door
much diseased today by borrowed thoughts bell, but then runs away before the door is
from the brains of dead men rather than from opened.” Of this we are sure: The greatest
the Lord. Books are good when they are undiscovered area in the resources of God is
guides, but bad when they are our chains. the place of prayer.

Just as in atomic energy, modern scientists Who can tell the measure of God's power?
have touched a new dimension of power, so One might estimate the weight of the world,
the Church has to rediscover the unlimited tell the size of the Celestial City, count the
power of the Holy Spirit. To smite the iniquity stars of heaven, measure the speed of lightning,
of this sin-soaked age and shatter the and tell the time of the rising and setting of
complacency of slumbering saints, something the sun—but you cannot estimate prayer power.
is really needed. Vital preaching and victorious Prayer is as vast as God because He is
living must “come out of ” sustained watches, behind it. Prayer is as mighty as God because
in the prayer chamber. Someone says, “We He has committed Himself to answer it. God
must pray if we want to live a holy life!” pity us that in this noblest of all employments
Yes, but conversely, we must live a holy life for the tongue and for the spirit, we stammer
if we want to pray. According to David, so. If God does not illuminate us in the
“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? closet, we walk in darkness. At the judgment
He that has clean hands, and a pure heart” seat the most embarrassing thing the believer
(Psa 24:3,4). will face will be the smallness of his praying.
BLESSING/ January 2008 8
Here is a majestic passage from the venerated It took a heartbroken, mourning Moses to
Chrysostom: “The potency of prayer has subdued cry, “Oh this people have sinned a great
the strength of fire; it has bridled the rage of sin...Yet now, if You will forgive their sin—
lions, hushed anarchy to rest, extinguished and if not, blot me, I pray, out of the book
wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, which You have written” (Ex 32:31,32)! It
burst the chains of death, expanded the gates took a burdened, pain-gripped Paul to say, “I
of heaven, assuaged disease, repelled frauds, have great heaviness and continual sorrow in
rescued cities from destruction, stayed the my heart. For I could wish that myself were
sun in its course, and arrested the progress accursed from Christ for my brethren, my
of the thunderbolt. Prayer is an all-sufficient kinsmen according to the flesh” (Rom 9:2,3).
panoply, a treasure undiminished, a mine which
is never exhausted, a sky unobscured by If John Knox had prayed, “Give me success!”
clouds, a heaven unruffled by the storm. It is we would never have heard of him; but he
the root, the fountain, the mother, of a thousand prayed a self-purged prayer— “Give me Scotland,
blessings.” Are Chrysostom’s words mere rhetoric, or I die!”—and his prayer scored the pages
to make a commonplace thing look superlative? of history. If David Livingstone had prayed
The Bible knows nothing of such cunning. that he might split Africa wide open, as proof
of his indomitable spirit and skill with the
Elijah was a man skilled in the art of sextant, his prayer would have died with the
prayer, who altered the course of nature,
wind of the forest; but he prayed, “Lord,
strangled the economy of a nation, prayed
when will the wound of this world’s sin be
and fire fell, prayed and people fell, prayed
healed?” Livingstone lived in prayer, and literally
and rain fell. We need rain, rain! The churches
died upon his knees in prayer.
are so parched that seed cannot germinate.
Our altars are dry, with no hot tears of
For this sin-hungry age we need a prayer-
penitents. Oh for an Elijah! When Israel
hungry Church. We need to explore again the
cried for water, a man smote a rock, and that
“exceeding great and precious promises of
flinty fortress became a womb out of which
God.” In “that great day,” the fire of judgment
a life-giving stream was born. “Is anything
too hard for the Lord?” God, send us a man is going to test the sort, not the size of the
that can smite the rock! work we have done. That which is born in
prayer will survive the test. Prayer does
Of this let us be sure, the prayer closet is business with God. Prayer creates hunger for
not a place merely to hand to the Lord a list souls; hunger for souls creates prayer. The
of urgent requests. Does “prayer change understanding soul prays; the praying soul
things?” Yes, but prayer changes men. Prayer gets understanding. To the soul who prays in
not only took away the reproach of Hannah, self-owned weakness, the Lord gives His
but it changed her—changed her from a strength. Oh that we were men of like prayer
barren woman to a fruitful one, from mourning as Elijah—a man subject to like passions as
to rejoicing (1 Sam 1:10; 2:1), yes, changed we are! Lord, let us pray!
her “mourning into dancing” (Psa 30:11).
Perhaps we are praying that we might dance (The above article is taken from the author’s
when we have never yet mourned. We choose book, Why Revival Tarries? You will experience
the garment of praise while God says, (Isa deep stirrings in your soul as you read this
61:3), “To them that mourn (I give) the garment Revival classic. This book of 128 pages, as well
of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” If we as its sequel, Revival God’s Way, 140 pages, are
would reap, the same order is true, for “He available at Rs. 50/- each from Blessing Literature
who goes forth and weeps bearing precious Centre, 21/11 West Coovam Road, Chintadripet,
seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, Chennai 600 002. Please add Rs. 10/- for postage
bringing his sheaves with him” (Psa 126:6). for each.) U
BLESSING/ January 2008 9
Dear Friends who carry the missionaries in give me.” Without missing a beat she said, “I too
your heart, don’t buy. For me too people give.” Oh, how my
heart jumped! You are really taking care of us
There is a question lingering in the hearts of very well. We thank every one of you who blessed
many as the leaders of BYM grow older and older, missionary families with a portion of your
“Is Blessing Youth Mission becoming a Blessing Christmas Cheer that they too may celebrate the
Oldies Mission?” Aroma 2007 dispelled such blessed day with new clothes. I remembered the
fears from us all. The younger generation ruled verse, “Our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured
the stage and over 1000 girls were blessed through in palace style” (Psa 144:12). All the missionaries
their anointed messages. In every area of ministry received their portion
we see the older servants of God handing over
the baton to the young and energetic. You will see Early missionaries never enjoyed such
the same story repeated in Halo 2008. Pray privileges. They literally poured their sweat in the
specially for this programme as over 1500 bundles fields trusting the Lord. The Mission said a sweet
‘Goodbye’ to them when they retired. Many
of energy will be shut up in God’s presence for 3
joined as youths. They retired with a meagre bank
days during Pongal Holidays up in Sitteri Hills.
balance, not even a small plot to build a little house
This being the Year of Youth our concentration
or a good amount to get their children married or
throughout the year will be on the younger an LIC policy to ensure health care. Those days
generation. the mission’s resources did not permit a decent
With the nation basking in the glory of the salary or even a modest pension. Now the leaders
Twenty 20 World Cup victory and subsequent feel it is injustice to extract labour when they are
smash ups, it’s time to put our chins up and stand strong and send them off with ‘Thanks’ when they
tall. Aren’t you proud to be an Indian? Let’s rejoice become weak. They must be honoured because
they laid the foundation. So the leaders have
with our nation. We thank God for all that the
introduced a “Missionary Old Age Assistance
government is doing to keep abreast with Scheme (MOAAS) by which the already retired
advanced nations. Let’s pray that our leaders will missionary will get an MOAA according to the
find peaceful solutions to the problems rocking the number of years of service in the Mission. This
nation. will raise the total monthly expenditure of the
The Writing Contest has handpicked hidden Mission by 70 thousand. We need to build up a
gems. It is exciting that a new generation of writers Pension Fund towards this cause to the tune of 70
is wriggling to the top. We are sure in the coming lakhs. What shall we do for this amount? Again,
as always, we look to you for help. You know the
days the expanding religious market will be blessed
cost of living and the need of the day. You may
with their life changing pens. The opportunities
donate one tenth of your property or put aside all
for Christian writing are huge with unlimited
the 5 Rupee coins that come in your hand and
possibilities for publication. The field of Christian send them once in six months or think what you
writing is burgeoning but writers are desperately can do about it. Like Naomi we now relax saying,
needed today. Writers care about others. They “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what
want to help people by sharing God’s voice to happens. For the man will not rest until the matter
human need. A word fitly spoken can turn around is settled today” (Ruth 3:18). The pension scheme
a life. We thank God for the noble group of writers for the present missionaries is under planning.
He has given us, that has transmitted to humanity
its legacy of thought. We want more of you to join There will be an Annual Camp this year
this group by using your writing skill for God. focussed on Youth. The details will be announced
later but start praying.
Recently when a missionary complemented me
on my sari, I replied, “This was given by so and A Young Editorial Team is formed in
so. Nowadays I don’t buy any clothes. People Chennai which will help us do the magazine to the
BLESSING/ January 2008 10
taste of youth. This month’s first page was
designed by them.
The need to reach out to the Siddis is pressing.
So we are engaging 10 Siddi Tribal volunteers in
the outreach ministry of Karnataka. The Tippapani
church in Orissa was completed and dedicated
last December. God bless the sponsor Mr. Victor
P. Lawrence, Madurai. Fortyfive more congre-
gations are waiting for a place of worship to be
built so that they can worship the Living God.
Bro.A. Lionel has come forward to sponsor the
Janakpuri Worship Hall in Umerkote area and
Bro.D. Samraj the Pipalapadar Worship Hall in
Umerkote area. 43 more will be waiting as we
comfortably worship God in our mosaic churches.
We thank Mr.A.P. Berry and family (Neyyoor)
and Mr.A.K. Narayanan and family (Sultanate of
Oman) for coming forward to support a missionary
family each. We bless the Missions Fellowship
Australia for volunteering to support the Neymalai
work in our Pungamaduvu station.
Mrs. Stella Johnson is doing medical ministry
In Tamilnadu... in the Sitteri Hills, Tamilnadu. She is treating skin
diseases, scabies, wounds, allergy, dysentery,
About 200 key persons of our mission in
Tamilnadu gathered on the 10th and 11th of peptic ulcers, ear-ache, viral fever etc. She
November in Madurai to pray and plan the State conducted two deliveries recently. The believer’s
ministry for this year. 35 of our women leaders baby was fine. The unbeliever’s baby was very
from 11 districts of Tamilnadu gathered for a day sick. When the baby recovered with treatment
in October to plan Women’s Ministries. and prayer the mother and relatives accepted the
Lord Jesus as their Saviour.
Our tribal children up there need toys. If your
children have outgrown their tricycles and dolls,
shoes and clothes please pack them and send to
us. Your junk will become jewels for them.
In Orissa...
A girl named Shanti lost her senses. She was
violent and tried to kill herself. Temples and witch
Students Bible Study Programme was doctors could not help. When she was brought to
conducted in Kovilpatti, Trichy and Vellore in our missionary Tinku Baroi she was delivered by
October. Around 100 students in each centre prayer. Now the mother and daughter come
absorbed the teachings like sponges. regularly for prayer.

Penngal Kalakkal Thiruvizha in Ramanatha- A lady came to our missioanry Subarnalatha

puram was a hit. 265 girls participated. Mrs. Baby Korada depressed that her husband deserted her
Raja showed them the way to salvation and Mrs. and his whereabouts were not known since four
Monica answered their questions. months. After prayer when her husband came
BLESSING/ January 2008 11
back she believed on the Lord and joined the children have already booked their travel. The
church. Soon he also accepted the Lord and theme is Celebrate His Faithfulness. Pray that our
obeyed the Lord. They started a petty shop. The kids will be rejuvenated. Pray for the need of Rs.
Lord blessed it and they are very happy now. 1,50,000/-.
Anita, a Rajput girl of sixteen years was Dr. Subhash Waghmare and Suchita are
mentally unsound. Since the witch doctors could blessed with a baby girl.
not help she was brought to the church. Noticing
some improvement they came regularly. In six Please pray for Mehala Daniel, our lay leader
months time she was totally healed. who is admitted with severe anaemia and is getting
blood transfusion.
Gangaram and his wife were terrified when
their three year old daughter took seriously ill. If we are standing tall today, it’s because God
Earlier they lost three children, all at the age of has blessed this mission with people like you to
three. Fearing it could be due to witchcraft they uphold us. There were times of exhilaration and
spent a huge sum to ward off evil powers. When times of exhaution; times of joy and times of jeer;
nothing helped they came to missionary times of accomplishment and times of annoyance.
Daneswar’s hut. Since he was away his wife We have come sailing through them all unscathed
Mary prayed for them. Immediately there was to set foot on a brand New Year! May our good
improvement. The parents begged to stay with Lord guide you throughout this year.
them till complete healing. Though their residence Best Wishes,
was a small hut, Mary allowed them to stay. After Lilian Stanley
7 days the child was completely normal and they
left embracing Christ as their God. A YOUTH A DAY!
30 year old Mruthyanjoy was dying due to Being the Year of Youth,
cerebral malaria. Three people approched our share the Gospel atleast to one
missionaries for help. Though the husband was youth personally per day and get
away Manjula Pal accompanied them and prayed his address in capital letters &
for him and treatment was given. The next day Phone/Mobile Number and follow
they came and informed her that the boy was him/her. (Male-to-Male & Female
-to-female—no crossing of boun-
completely alright. dry). Keep a separate note book
At Kormari, Sanmoth was practicing black for this in your home and send
those addresses to us immedia-
magic but he himself was sick and going through
tely after the month is over. We
family problems. He started attending church. will also follow them by our
Now he testifies that he has found peace and encouraging letters. You are
health. Now he attends church with his family. going to win “366” youth for our
Lord! You will also get attractive
In Madhya Pradesh... prizes every month and a big
Blesso 2007, a Revival Camp was conducted bumper prize after 2008!
in Indore, in October. Around 150 attended the Details:
day time Seminar and 900 the evening meetings. Blessing Youth Mission
18 youngsters committed their lives to serve the Youth Ministry
Lord fulltime. Church Colony, Vellore 632006
Tel: 0416-2242943, 2248943,
Mrs. Lalitha Mathansingh is arranging an MKs 2241803, 2248170, 098945 62350,
Mela 2008 for the BYM Missionary Kids, above 098283 78411
14 years, married or unmarried, working or <>
studying, in the Scripture Union camp centre, <eben_usha@,>
Mahabalipuram, 12-14 this month. The last Mks <>
gettogether was in 1993, 14 years ago. 50 of our
BLESSING/ January 2008 12
The origin of DAILY LIGHT is so closely honoured by a personal visit from Queen
bound up with the family of Bagster and the Victoria, who, it is said, knelt at Mrs. Bagster’s
publishing firm of that name, that the proper bedside to receive the blessing of this, her
background of the compilation of this most revered and venerable subject.
popular of all daily devotional books necessarily
included some account of Samuel Bagster, Samuel and Eunice Bagster were blessed
his antecedents and life. with twelve children, and it was Jonathan,
their tenth child, who was mainly responsible
Samuel Bagster was born on December for the idea and for the method by which
26, 1772, the second son of George and DAILY LIGHT was compiled. He was the
Mary Bagster of a Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire, Editor-in-Chief, and his daughter Ann was
family. Samuel Bagster's father, George Bagster, his chief assistant.
was a member of the congregation which
assembled for worship under the pastorship The practice of corporate daily worship
of Dr. Andrew Gifford, a Baptist minister, had always been followed in the family, and
notable antiquarian and assistant librarian at it was the daily text that Jonathan Bagster
the British Museum. It was at these prayer selected that the family, joined together in
meetings that George Bagster met his friend prayer, were asked to illustrate by further
Mr. John Birch, whose daughter, Eunice Birch, applicable texts. The resultant Scripture quotations
became Samuel Bagster’s wife. were then carefully considered, discussed
and arranged by common consent of all those
When Samuel Bagster was seven years present, after which the manuscript would be
of age, his father sent him to school with the laid aside for prayer and meditation to see if
Rev. John Ryland, a Baptist minister who there would be any guidance for its further
was the father of the well known Dr. Ryland, improvement. Sometimes it was weeks before
of Bristol. From his parents and from Rev. it was felt that the reading for a particular
John Ryland, Samuel Bagster learned the day could not be improved and then that page
precepts and practice of a devout Christian would be sent to the printer to be set in type.
which sustained him throughout his life and Later it would be read and corrected and all
which in turn he passed on to his children. the references would be verified. Each day
for over two years the readings were compiled,
Samuel Bagster was indentured to a corrected and improved in this way until the
bookseller in the Strand and on completion of whole book was ready for publication in two
his apprenticeship he opened his own bookshop volumes, one of the Morning readings and
at No. 81 Strand, London, on April 19, 1794, the other of the Evening readings.
when twenty-one years of age. As one might
expect from a high principled and religious- Robert Bagster, one of Jonathan’s sons,
minded man, he made it a rule that he would who as a 1ad was present with the family at
never sell any book which might be considered these daily prayers, wrote these words many
questionable in taste or subject—an attitude years after: “Few are able to appreciate the
of mind by no means common in those days. heart-searching care with which every text
was selected, the days, nay the weeks, of
Samuel Bagster and Eunice Birch were changes, alterations and improvements, until
married at the Parish Church of St. Giles in at last each page was passed to the printer.
the Field on December 19, 1797. She was a It has been said that each page was prayed
brave woman of high principles and steadfast over. This is true enough, but far less than
faith, a real help meet to her husband throughout the fact that portions were left over for
their long married life. She died the day weeks to see if any further guidance came.
before her hundredth birthday on August 22, So this book stands today quite unrivalled,
1877, a few months after she had been with not one word altered since those devoted
BLESSING/ January 2008 13
people put it forth to the world. It has struck
me as a wonderful thought that hundreds of thœéaš és¡f ntjhfk«
thousands of Christians throughout the world,
to its remotest corners, are each day reading
the same page with its message of comfort
and help.”
The truth of this last statement is amply
borne out by the many letters that are still
received which tell of the help that DAILY
LIGHT has been, and still is, to the Missionaries
from the frozen wastes of Canada and Alaska
to the steaming heat of the jungles of Assam, gÂ¥ghÁça®:
Burma and tropical Africa and every climate Dr. Mš~¥u£ njtjhr‹, M.Phil., Phd.
between these extremes.
¥ ntj¤Â‹ ngU©ikfis m¿ªJbfhŸ
Thus the spirit of God-fearing devotion, sΫ, njt‹ éU«ò»wgo thHΫ,
passed down through successive generations, njtD¡F Cêa« brŒaΫ têfh£o
bears fruit which increases year by year and ahf cŸsJ.
spreads to the very ends of the earth. The ¥ ntjhfk¤Â‹ x›bthU g¡f¤ÂY«
parable of the grain of mustard seed was és¡f¡ F¿¥òfŸ, trd§fS¡nf‰w
never so aptly illustrated as by the story of és¡f§fŸ, b#g¡ F¿¥òfŸ, JÂ¥gj‰
DAILY LIGHT. U fhd F¿¥òfŸ, Ïiwæaš F¿¥òfŸ,
ntj¤ Âahd¡ F¿¥òfŸ, r_f be¿fŸ,
thœ¡if¥ gaÜ£L¡ F¿¥òfŸ k‰W«
NEW YEAR brašgLtj‰fhd MnyhridfŸ.
FASTING PRAYER ¥ Ku©ghLfshf njh‹Wtd k‰W«
(5 & 6 January 2008 òçªJbfhŸtj‰F¡ fodkhd gFÂ
Saturday & Sunday) fS¡fhd és¡f§fŸ.
¥ ntj¤Â‹ x›bthU g¡f¤ÂY« ika¥
We sincerely request all our gFÂæš x¤j th¡»a§fŸ ju¥g£
Friends, Lay Leaders, State Co- LŸsd.
ordinators and Regional Coordi- ¥ gy ntjhfk kåj®fë‹ thœ¡if
nators to arrange two days of tuyh‰W¡ F¿¥òfŸ: mt®fë‹ e‰g©ò
fasting prayer locally or regionally fŸ, bt‰¿fŸ, gyÅd§fŸ, njhšéfŸ,
at your convenience on 5 & 6 of Ïd¤jh® k‰W« mt®fis¥ g‰¿¡
January 2008 (Saturday & Sunday). F¿¥ÃL« ntj¥ gFÂfŸ ju¥g£LŸsd.
This will be a nationwide Fasting
Prayer to intercede for a mighty ¥ thœ¡if¥ gaÜ£L¡ f£Liufëš
intervention of the Holy Ghost in Ïšyw thœ¡if, ghèaš ght§fŸ,
the New Year Ministry and in all nk‹id ghuh£Ljš Ï‹D« gy...
of our personal lives and family. ¥ Á¿a x¤j th¡»a mfuhÂ, Ï‹D« gy...
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land” (2 Chr 7:14). Tel: 044-28450411,<>

BLESSING/ January 2008 14

Tongue of Fire!
Rev. S. J. Walter Sundersingh, Ranipet
Of all the organs God has kept in our body On seeing her, Augustine
the tongue is truly made of fire as James quickened his pace in
rightly puts it (Js 3:6). One of the ten another direction. She
commandments God gave to Moses was was not a quitter. Augus-
regarding the tongue (Ex 20:16). Man’s sinful tine took to his heels. “Oh
tongue can be a sanctified tongue to become Augustine” called out the
a sharing tongue if it is surrendered to God. confused lady, “Darling,
you used to come running
The Sinful Tongue to my bosom. You used to call me by so many
The Bible lists out the sins of the tongue in pet names. Today why are you fleeing away
many places. Backbiting, lying, boasting, from me?” Augustine shouted, “Very true. The
cursing are a few examples to quote. Countless Augustine who was drawn to you like a
are the couples who have gone to the extent magnet is not alive anymore. Each organ of
of divorce because of arguments. We know the Augustine you now stare at is surrendered
of young women sweet talked into pregnancy to God and sanctified” and disappeared.
by their lovers. Thousands are hurt and A sanctified tongue can no more be a sinful
humiliated everyday by their friends. tongue; God has touched it with fire.
“The tongue is a little member and boasts The Sharing Tongue
great things. See how great a forest a little
fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world What is the purpose of the sanctified
of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our tongue? It is to share about the Holy God to
members that it defiles the whole body, and unholy sinners. Yes, God wants us to be his
sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set spokes persons. In the Old Testament God’s
on fire by hell” (Js 3:5,6). Proverbs 6:17 speaks devotees like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Hosea
about the lying tongue; verse 24 of the same revealed His will and purpose to people of
chapter describes the flattering tongue; and their generation. God used their tongues to
Psalm 52:2 marks the deceitful tongue. If not convey His message to His people. We read
handed over to the divine Master for taming about how God used the tongue of Philip for
and tempering, our tongue remains evil. the growth of the Ethiopian church in Acts
Chapter 8. “Then Philip opened his mouth,
The Sanctified Tongue and beginning at this Scripture, preached
No man can tame the tongue, but with God Jesus to him.”
nothing is impossible (Js 3:8; Lk 1:37). God Oh, people of God let us never be ashamed
alone is mighty enough to purify our sinful to share the goodnews to people. It is our
tongue. When the prophet Isaiah envisioned bounden duty. Our fiery tongue can slay
the Holy God, his first thought was about his souls for God.
unholy mouth. “Woe is me, for I am undone,
because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell To conclude, “Be careful with your tongue;
in the midst of a people of unclean lips” was it is in a wet place and can slip easily” said a
his shocked cry (Isa 6:5). When this confession servant of God. So let’s be careful as if we are
was made, God sent a seraphim to sanctify walking on wet mosaic! Death and Life are in
him with a live coal (vv 6,7). the power of the tongue. This little organ is
fire, it can either warm us or destroy us. May
If you are beaten by a cruel tongue my God sanctify our sinful tongue so that we
friend, bend your knees and intercede to the can share God’s message of love to one and
God of Heaven for a mighty intervention to all.
tackle your tongue. God is able!
(The author, a theological graduate, and his
It was the time when Saint Augustine was wife Hepzibah, a Staff Nurse, lead the Fishing
just converted. As he was walking along a For Christ ministries. They are blessed with a
street, a familiar call girl cooed on seeing him. boy and two girls.) U
BLESSING/ January 2008 15
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Printed by Paul Aravamuthan at M/S Bapuji Printers, 5 Kurban Ali Street, Woods Road, Mount Road, Chennai 600002 and Published by
V.Ashok Immanuel on behalf of Blessing Ministries, No.21 West Coovam River Road, Chitadripet, Chennai 600002. Editor: Dr. M. Arthur John

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