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Classroom Management
Alexis Wach
Salt Lake Community College

Classroom Management

For a classroom to run smoothly teachers must have a classroom management plan, a

good plan can help create a productive learning environment and reduce misbehavior from

students. I believe a classroom management plan can also provide a constant guide for teachers

and give students a consistent environment that they really need. When things get crazy or

unpredictable as they often can in a classroom a management plan can significantly reduce the

amount chaos.

The biggest aspect of my classroom management plan will be to create a positive environment

for learning, there are several ways I want to achieve this. The 1st way will be to give students

opportunities to bond with each other through organized class activities and games. To

strengthen student relationships with me I plan to greet students by name at the door everyday

with a visual chart that students can point to a “high five”, a “handshake” or a “hug” because I

would like to be respectful their preferences as well. I plan involve my students in learning by

collaborating on classroom “expectations” not “rules”, students can give input on our classroom

environment and expectations and we can discuss why we have those expectations so they can

understand the reasoning behind them. Understanding why an expectation is in place can help

students remember and follow them and take responsibility for themselves if they break those

expectations. It is no secret teachers have little to no prep time yet are always expected to be

prepared, However I want to use my time efficiently to make sure I am well prepared and

organized. While I have to complete routine tasks I want to have premade academic activities

that students can work on to keep the learning going such as an “independent warm up” or

“morning work book” . Another big piece of creating a positive environment for me is

reinforcing and praising my students, giving specific and timely praise to increase good

behaviors in class is so important. I also want to set up an “awesome points” system, students

can earn points for displaying the appropriate “expectations” the class has agreed upon, I really

want to praise good social skills and behavior because it gives students recognition for doing

their best even if they are academically struggling. The “awesome points” will be displayed on a

wall or the board for students to see and motivate them, after a certain amount they can exchange

them for a physical prize or special reward such as “line leader for a day” or “5 minutes of free

time”, these rewards will of course have limitations but can motivate students with a variety of


A second major part of a classroom management plan is helping students develop their social &

emotional skills. I could develop these skills by first making sure my class is a inviting and

friendly place and showing my students I care. I will communicate caring by holding my

students to high standards and developing a general class routine for them to follow, sure things

are not always going to work out as planned but a routine can help students feel safe, especially

those who don’t have much consistency at home. Another big part of social & emotional care

intervening correctly when misbehavior occurs, from time to time no matter how much planning

went in students might show some undesired class behaviors. It is how the teacher responds to

these behaviors that either increases or decreases them, teachers must also act quickly and

without bias or emotion. Getting caught up in an argument with a student or following up long

after a behavior has occurred is not going to very effective. Corrections should be quick, fair and

not interrupt learning too much, if the misbehavior keeps occurring it might be time to pull the

student aside before or after school or have more higher consequences and if it continues it is

time to involve administration and parents. Keeping parents involved not only when students are

misbehaving but when they are doing great as well is a great way to keep the lines of

communication open and send a message that you care about their student. Another major way I

would like to care for my students socially is take a public stance on bullying, stepping in when

bullying does occur and teach my students appropriate ways to respond to a “bully”. On the other

end of things I want to model to my students good values such as friendship and problem solving

and give them the tools and opportunities to practice those skills.

In conclusion I think a classroom management plan is essential to creating the best environment

for both social and academic learning for my students. According to Ben Franklin (n.d.) “If you

fail to plan, you are planning to fail”, without a plan chaos can overrun the classroom and turn

quickly into a toxic environment for both students and teachers.

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