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A training report submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of degree in
Bachelor of Technology in Electronics & Communication Engineering


RAVI KUMAR (40620807317)

Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

Jan-May, 2019

The training opportunity I had with BPIT was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, I considered myself as a lucky individual as I
was provided with an opportunity to be a part of it. I am also grateful for having a
chance to meet so many wonderful people and professionals who led me to the
training period.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude and special thanks to PROF. PAYAL

department (BPIT), MR. SANDEEP SHARMA, assistant professor (BPIT), MR.
RISHEEK KUMAR MISHRA, assistant professor (BPIT) for providing me with
the opportunity to complete my training and project.


Table of Contents
1 Overview of Embedded Systems………………………………………7
2 Introduction to microprocessor and microcontroller……….…………. 8-10
2.1 Microprocessor……………………………………………………...8
2.2 Microcontroller……………………………………………………...8
2.3 Comparison between Microprocessor And Microcontroller……….9-10
3Devices used in Embedded Systems…………………………………..11-22
3.1 LED Matrix ………………………………………………………..11-12
3.2 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)……………………………12-14
3.3 Temperature Sensor (LM35) Interfacing…………………………..14-15
3.4 Switch led interfacing…………………………………………...…15-16
3.5 Seven Segment Display……………………………………………16-17
3.6 GLCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display)……………………....18-19
3.7 UART interfacing………………………………………………….20
3.8 2Channel Relay……………………………………………………20-21
3.9 Bluetooth Module(HC-05)………………………………………...21
3.10 L293D…………………………………………………………....22
3.11 DC Motor………………………………………………………...22
4Result and References………………………………………………...23
4.1 Result……………………………………………………………...23
4.2 References…………………………………………………………23

FigNo. 1 …………………………………………………………… 6

FigNo. 2 …………………………………………………………… 6

Fig No. 3 …………………………………………………………… 7

Fig No. 4 …………………………………………………………… 7

Fig No. 5 …………………………………………………………… 8

Fig No. 6 ……………………………………………………………8

Fig No. 7 …………………………………………………………… 9

Fig No. 8 …………………………………………………………… 10

Fig No. 9 …………………………………………………………… 11

Fig No. 10 .…………………………………………………………. 12

Fig No. 11 ..………………………………………………………… 13

Fig No. 12 ……………………………………………………………14

Fig No. 13 …………………………………………………………… 15

Fig No. 14 …………………………………………………………… 16

Fig No. 15 …………………………………………………………… 17

Fig No. 16 …………………………………………………………… 17

Fig No. 17 …………………………………………………………… 19

Fig No. 18 …………………………………………………………… 20

Fig No. 19…………………………………………………………… .20

Fig No. 20 …………………………………………………………… 21

Fig No. 21 …………………………………………………………… 21


Table No. 1 ……………………………………………………… 9

Table No. 2………………………………………………………. 16

Table No. 3 .……………………………………………………… 18

Chapter 1

Overview of Embedded Systems

Embedded system is a scaled down computer system which is designed toperform a specific task or operation.
The whole system is embedded into anappliance. This reduces human effort to a great extent. A single chip
containsboth hardware and software. Some important things to note about embeddedsystems:
✓Once an embedded hardware is programmed for a certain task, it isused forever for the same task. Changing
the firmware afterwards isnot possible.
✓ Such systems are limited in computational resources like memory,CPU processing speed, I/O facilities but are
still capable ofperforming the task given to them very efficiently.
✓ Embedded systems can also be having a reduced functionality versionof operating system called RTOS (Real
Time Operating System) forhighly specialized applications.
✓ Interacts with physical elements in our environment, viz. controllingand driving a motor, sensing temperature,
etc. Embedded system indaily life Digital Clock, DVD Player, Traffic Light, Smart Phones etc.

Fig.1 Devices made using embedded system

Chapter 2
Introduction to microprocessor and microcontroller

2.1 Microprocessor
Microprocessor (MPU) A microprocessor is a general-purpose digitalcomputer central processing unit(CPU).
Although popularly known as a―computer on a chip is in no sense a complete digital computer. The block
diagram of a microprocessor CPU is shown, which contains an arithmetic and logical unit (ALU), a program
counter (PC), a stack pointer (SP), someworking registers, a clock timing circuit, and interrupt circuits.

Fig.2 Block Diagram Of Microprocessor

Fig.3 Different types of microprocessor

2.2 Microcontroller
Microcontroller (MCU) Figure shows the block diagram of a typicalmicrocontroller. The design incorporates all
of the features found in microprocessorCPU: ALU, PC, SP, and registers. It also added the other features
needed to make a complete computer: ROM, RAM, parallel I/O, serial I/O counters, and clock circuit. RAM CPU
GeneralMICROCONTROLLERS(MCU)- Purpose ROM I/O Port Timer Serial COM Port.

Fig.4 Block Diagram Of Microcontroller Fig.5 Micro- controller

2.3 Comparison Between Microprocessor AndMicrocontroller

The microprocessor must have many additional parts to be operational as aComputer whereas microcontroller
requires no additional external digitalparts.
✓ The prime use of microprocessor is to read data, perform extensivecalculations on that data and store them in
the mass storage device or displayit. The prime functions of microcontroller is to read data, perform limited
calculations on it, control its environment based on these data. Thus themicroprocessor is said to be general-
purpose digital computers whereas themicrocontroller are intend to be special purpose digital controller.
✓ Microprocessor need many opcodes for moving data from the externalmemory to the CPU, microcontroller
may require just one or two, alsomicroprocessor may have one or two types of bit handling instructions
whereas microcontrollers have many.
✓ Thus microprocessor is concerned with the rapid movement of the code anddata from the external addresses to
the chip, microcontroller is concernedwith the rapid movement of the bits within the chip. 4. Lastly, the
microprocessor design accomplishes the goal of flexibility in the hardwareconfiguration by enabling large
amounts of memory and I/O that could beconnected to the address and data pins on the IC package.
Themicrocontroller design uses much more limited.

Table 1 Microcontroller Microprocessor

1. A microcontroller is small in size and has along with microprocessor many other
many components on a single chip and so devices and chips making it bulky.
is compact

2. It is economical and cheaper in cost as It is expensive as number of components

everything is integrated on a single chip and chips have to be used.

3. It is heart of embedded system It is heart of computer system

4. Power consumption is less Power consumption is more

5. They are based on Harvard Architecture, They are based on Von- Neumann

6. Mainly used in computers. Mainly used in washing machines, MP3



Fig. 6 Difference between

microcontroller and processor

Devices used in Embedded Systems

3.1 LED Matrix

LED dot matrices are very popular means of displaying information as it allows bothstatic and animated text and
images. Perhaps, ou have encountered them at gasstations displaying the gas prices, or in the public places and
alongside highways,displaying advertisements on large dot matrix panels.
In a dot matrix display, multiple LEDs are wired together in rows and columns. Thisis done to minimize the
number of pins required to drive them. For example, an 8×8matrix of LEDs (shown below) would need 64 I/O
pins, one for each LED pixel. Bywiring all the anodes together in rows (R1 through R8), and cathodes in
columns(C1 through C8), the required number of I/O pins is reduced to 16. Each LED isaddressed by its row and
column number.

Fig.7 LED matrix

PORT X is the Negative port of the LED dot Matrix that means we need to passlogic =0‘ on the wires connected
on this port, while PORT Y is the Positive port of the LED dot Matrix that means we need to pass logic =1‘ on the
wires connected on this port.
LED matrix which are available in market are either 4X4 or 8X8 matrix.
For interfacing we need two PORTs: one for row and one for column.
✓ The DDR registers of both the ports is to be made as output.

✓ For selecting a row we give 1to that row pin and 0 for deselecting that row.

✓ For selecting a column we give 0 to that column pin and 1 for deselecting thatcolumn pin.
LED matrices are available in different styles like single color, dual color, multi-color or RGB LED matrix.They
are also available in different dimensions like 5 x 7, 8 x 8, 16 x 16, 32 x 32 etc. Based on the arrangement of the
LEDs in the matrix, an LED matrix can be either common row anode orcommon row cathode.
In case of common row anode type LED matrix, the current sources (high or positive voltage) are given to the
rows A-D and the current sinks (low or negative voltage or ground) are given to the columns 1-4.In case of
common row cathode type LED matrix, the current sources (high or positive voltage)are given to the columns 1-4
and the current sinks (low or negative voltage or ground) are given to the rows A-D.

3.2 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)

RFID or Radio Frequency Identification is a method in which electromagnetic waves are used for transmitting
data for the purpose of identifying tags attached to objects. An RFID system consists of a transmitter (tag) and a
reader.The tag is encrypted with a unique code and the reader scans this code for the identification purpose. The
tags are generally of two types: active and passive. Active tags have a battery fitted to it and it transmits the
unique code periodically or in the proximity of the reader. Passive tags are powered using the electromagnetic
induction from the signal transmitted by the reader. Typical applications of RFID are access control systems, ID
cards, human identification, animal identification, payment systems, tagging books, replacing bar codes, tagging
merchandise in stores etc. . RFID tags are available in different shapes but the most common shape is in the form
of a card.

Fig.8 RFID Components

The RFID card is available in different sizes and shapes and the most commonly used type isshown above. The
image of a typical RFID reader module is also shown above. Basically itcontains a semiconductor memory for

storing the unique ID code, modulating circuit and a coil.The coil acts as the power source by means of
electromagnetic induction while in the vicinity ofthe reader and it also serves as the antenna for propagating the

ID code. The modulating circuitmodulates the unique code into the transmitted wave. The reader basically
contains a coil and anelectronic circuit. The coil serves as exciter for the card and also the antenna for receiving
the signal propagated by the card. The electronic circuit demodulates this signal and converts it into a form
suitable for the next stage (microcontroller).

3.2.1 How RFID Works

A Radio-Frequency IDentification system has three parts:

• A scanning antenna
• A transceiver with a decoder to interpret the data
• A transponder - the RFID tag - that has been programmed with information.

The scanning antenna puts out radio-frequency signals in a relatively short range. TheRF radiation does two
• It provides a means of communicating with the transponder (the RFID tag) AND
• It provides the RFID tag with the energy to communicate (in the case of passive RFID tags).This is an
absolutely key part of the technology; RFID tags do not need to contain
batteries, and can therefore remain usable for very long periods of time (maybedecades).

Fig.9 RFID working

The scanning antennas can be permanently affixed to a surface; handheld antennas arealso available. They can
take whatever shape you need; for example, you could buildthem into a door frame to accept data from persons or
objects passing through.When an RFID tag passes through the field of the scanning antenna, it detects the

activation signal from the antenna. That "wakes up" the RFID chip, and it transmits theinformation on its
microchip to be picked up by the scanning antenna.In addition, the RFID tag may be of one of two types. Active
RFID tags have their ownpower source; the advantage of these tags is that the reader can be much farther away

and still get the signal. Even though some of these devices are built to have up to a 10year life span, they have
limited life spans. Passive RFID tags, however, do not requirebatteries, and can be much smaller and have a
virtually unlimited life span.

RFID tags can be read in a wide variety of circumstances, where barcodes or otheroptically read technologies are
• The tag need not be on the surface of the object (and is therefore not subject towear)
• The read time is typically less than 100 milliseconds
• Large numbers of tags can be read at once rather than item by item.

3.3 Temperature Sensor (LM35) Interfacing

The LM35 is an integrated circuit sensor that can be used to measure temperaturewith an electrical output
proportional to the temperature (in degree celsius).
Why Use LM35s to Measure Temperature?
✓ You can measure temperature more accurately than a using a thermistor.
✓ The sensor circuitry is sealed and not subject to oxidation, etc.
✓ The LM35 generates a higher output voltage than thermocouples and may notrequire that the output voltage be

Fig.10 lm35 temp sensor

What Does an LM35 Do? How does it work?
✓ It has an output voltage that is proportional to the Celsius temperature.

✓ The scale factor is .01V/oC

✓ The LM35 does not require any external calibration or trimming andmaintains an accuracy of +/-0.4 oC at
room temperature and +/- 0.8 oC over arange of 0 oC to+100 oC.
Another important characteristic of the LM35DZ is that it draws only 60 microamps from its supply and
possesses a low self-heating capability. The sensor selfheatingcauses less than 0.1 oC temperature rise in still air.

The types of temperature sensor vary from simple ON/OFF thermostatic deviceswhich control a domestic hot
water heating system to highly sensitivesemiconductor types that can control complex process control furnace
Temperature Sensors measure the amount of heat energy or even coldness that isgenerated by an object or
system, allowing us to “sense” or detect any physical change to that temperature producing either an analogue or
digital output.
There are many different types of Temperature Sensor available and all havedifferent characteristics depending
upon their actual application. A temperaturesensor consists of two basic physical types:
• Contact Temperature Sensor Types – These types of temperature sensor arerequired to be in physical contact
with the object being sensed and use conductionto monitor changes in temperature. They can be used to detect
solids, liquids orgases over a wide range of temperatures.
• Non-contact Temperature Sensor Types – These types of temperature sensor useconvection and radiation to
monitor changes in temperature. They can be used todetect liquids and gases that emit radiant energy as heat rises
and cold settles to thebottom in convection currents or detect the radiant energy being transmitted from
an object in the form of infra-red radiation (the sun).
The two basic types of contact or even non-contact temperature sensors can also besub-divided into the following
three groups of sensors, Electromechanical,Resistive and Electronic.

3.4 Switch led interfacing

The switch is a basic input device, use to control the operation of any output device using the microcontroller or
control unit. It basically breaks the electrical circuit and interrupts the flow of current.

Fig.11 electrical switch

Led comes in various colour, its colour depends on its semiconductor material. Led have two leads one is the
cathode and another one is the anode.We can easily identify the cathode and anode to see the length of leads, the
length of cathode leads is lesser than the length of anode but sometimes they come in equal size.

Fig.12 led

3.5 Seven Segment Display

A seven-segment display (SSD) is well representation of 8 LED, or seven-segment indicator, is aform of
electronic display device for displaying decimalnumerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot-matrix
displays. Seven-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, and other electronic devices
for displaying numerical information.

Fig.13 seven segment display

Seven Segment display is of two types:

✓ Common Anode
✓ Common Cathode
Common Anode:In this type of SSD, the anode (positive end) of all the 8 LEDs in madecommon. Thus, to
select the LED you need to provide 0 to that LED.

Common Cathode:In this type of SSD, the cathode (negative end) of all the 8 LEDs in madecommon. Thus,
to select the LED you need to provide 1 to that LED.
Seven Segment Displays are mainly used to display numerical digits.
The figure below shows which LEDs to turn ON to display the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6,7,8and 9.

Fig.14 examples of seven segment display

Other numbers can be displayed by turning ON the appropriate LEDs.A Seven Segment Display can also be used
to display certain letters of the alphabet

Table.2 Binary Codes for Common cathode Seven Segment Displays

3.6 GLCD (Graphical Liquid Crystal Display)

Fig.15 GLCD

The 16x2 Character LCDs have their own limitations; they can only displaycharacters of certain dimensions. The
Graphical LCDs are thus used to displaycustomized characters and images. The Graphical LCDs find use in
manyapplications; they are used in video games, mobile phones, lifts etc. as display units.

Fig.16 internal distribution of bits in GLCD

✓ 128x64 LCD implies 128 columns and 64 rows. In total there are (128x64 =1024) pixels.
✓ 128x64 LCD is divided equally into two halves. Each half is controlled by aseparate controller and consists of
8 pages. In above diagram, CS stands forController Select.
✓ Each page consists of 8 rows and 64 columns. So two horizontal pages make128 (64x2) columns and 8
vertical pages make 64 rows (8x8).
The 128x64 LCD is divided into two equal halves with each half being controlled by a separate KS0108
controller. Such LCDs (using KS0108 controller) involve paging scheme, i.e., whole LCD is divided equally into

Table.3 Paging scheme of the GLCD

* It uses two display segment drivers. Since segment driver has 64 channel, GLCD modulecontains two segment
drivers to drive 128 column segments.

* It has one common driver which drives 64 row segments as well as it generates clock andcontrol signals for two
segment drivers

3.7 UART interfacing

UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter. It is a very popular serial communication
interface which provides Full Duplex communication between two devices. UART uses two data lines for
sending (TX) and receiving (RX) data. Ground/Reference of both devices should be made common. As the name

indicates it is an asynchronous communication interface, which means that it doesn’t need to send CLOCK along
with data as in synchronous communications.
Some of the Microchip’s PIC Microcontroller has built in USART Module. USART stands for Universal
Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter and it can be configured in following modes.

1. UART – Asynchronous (Full Duplex)

2. USRT Master – Synchronous (Half Duplex)

3. USRT Slave – Synchronous (Half Duplex)

Fig.17 UART communication using PIC microcontroller

The operation of the Enhanced USART module is controlled through three registers:
• Transmit Status and Control (TXSTA)
• Receive Status and Control (RCSTA)
• Baud Rate Control (BAUDCON)

3.8 2 Channel Relay

A relay is defined as an electrically operated switch; their main use is controlling circuits by a low-power signal
or when several circuits must be controlled by one signal. Basically they repeated the signal they received from
one circuit, and transmitted it into a different one, they were also used in early computers to perform logical
operations. The Arduino relay module is designed for a wide range for micro controllers such as the Arduino
board, AVR, PIC, ARM, with digital outputs.

Input: Vcc connected to the 5V pin on PIC BOARD

GND connected to the ground

IN1 AND IN2:2 digital inputs

Output: 2 normally Open (NO), 2 normally closed (NC) and 2 common Pins (COM).

Fig.18 Channel relay

HC‐05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module, designed for transparent
wireless serial connection setup. The HC-05 Bluetooth Module can be used in a Master or Slave configuration,
making it a great solution for wireless communication. By default, the factory setting is SLAVE. The Role of the
module (Master or Slave) can be configured only by AT COMMANDS.
Bluetooth module has 6 pins:
ENABLE: When enable is pulled LOW, the module is disabled which means the module will not turn on and
it fails to communicate. When enable is left open or connected to3.3V, the module is enabled i.e. the
module remains on and communication also takesplace.
Vcc : Supply Voltage 3.3V to 5V.
GND: Ground pin
TXD & RXD: These two pins acts as an UART interface for communication
STATE: It acts as a status indicator. When the module is not connected to / paired with any other Bluetooth
device, signal goes Low. At this low state, the led flashes continuously which denotes that the module is not
paired with another device. When this module is connected to/paired with any other Bluetooth device, the signal
goes High. At this high state, the led blinks with a constant delay say for example 2s delay which indicates that
the module is paired.
There is a BUTTON in this HC-05 which is used to switch to AT COMMAND mode press it once for few
seconds it will start working until it is connecting to a device it will fail to work.

Fig.19 Bluetooth module

3.10 L293D:
L293D is a typical Motor driver or Motor Driver IC which allows DC motor to drive on either direction. L293D
is a 16-pin IC which can control a set of two DC motors simultaneously in any direction. It means that you can
control two DC motor with a single L293D IC.
It works on the concept of H-bridge. H-bridge is a circuit which allows the voltage to be flown in either direction.
As you know voltage need to change its direction for being able to rotate the motor in clockwise or anticlockwise
direction, Hence H-bridge IC are ideal for driving a DC motor.
In a single L293D chip there are two h-Bridge circuit inside the IC which can rotate two dc motor independently.
Due its size it is very much used in robotic application for controlling DC motors.

Fig.20 L293D

3.11 DC MOTOR:

The DC Motor or Direct Current Motor to give it its full title, is the most commonly used actuator for
producing continuous movement and whose speed of rotation can easily be controlled, making them ideal for use
in applications were speed control, servo type control, and/or positioning is required. A DC motor consists of two
parts, a “Stator” which is the stationary part and a “Rotor” which is the rotating part.

Fig.21 DC Motor

Result and References

4.1 Result
The aim of this REPORT is to talk about embedded system in short and the goal has been achieved.

 wikipedia
 Nevon projects
 Circuit digest


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