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— Cee Aus Urinary Bladder Soa aT .aooen (Ecronia Vesicnt) B bxtcophy of bladder is complete ventral defect of Urogenital sinus arc the overlying skeletal system? ‘+ Defect in the infraumbilical part of anterior abdominal wall associated with incomplete development,apterior wall ofthe bladder® Embryology + Basic defect is abnormal overdevelopment ofthe cloacal membrane snd its rupture. ‘+ Timing of this rupture ofthis defective cloacal membrane determines the variant othe extrophy-epispadias complex that results Clinical Features ‘+ Posterior wall ofthe bladder protrudes through the defect with mucosal edges fused with skin and urine spurts onto the abdominal wl from the ureteral orifes® 7 Rectus muscles which ae inserted on the pubic rami are also widely separated, ‘+"An umbilical heria® though usually small is present along with extrophie ladder, ‘+ Anus is dislocated anteriorly in both sexes and there may be reetal prolapse°. Complication: + Consequeoss of unread Bladder exstrphy are total rinay incontinence? and an increased incience of bier cance, usually coe + Many untreated extrophy of bladder ees ross derangement of muscularis cons and croncinfection lading tohydronephroi® Treatment G Eatercysaplsiy® isthe method of choice to augment ber cepa and si in revert function Urinary diversion with estectomy/®is treatment of coke for enal, bro or inelni DadSer + Complete rconsratien is acored by

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