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Euthanasia is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the act or practice of killing or permitting the

death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy”. This

medical practice is used sparingly on terminally ill patients. The patients are usually in a great deal of

pain and suffering or are brain dead with no chance of living a “normal” life again. Although euthanasia

is a personal decision, most times it involves medical assistance which adds an institutional aspect.

Euthanasia produces an ethical dilemma of what is morally right. People have varying beliefs of what is

morally right and this subject is no different. There are two main ethical issues involving euthanasia: Is it

ethical to do? And who should be involved in the decision-making?

The first being that many people consider euthanasia murder as at the most basic level it is

taking the life of an individual. ). Euthanasia in the public eye is almost on the same level as abortion.

Meaning, it It is viewed as murder and many “pro-life” people try to be involved and enforce their views

on those actually involved in the dilemma. Also, many physicians believe that euthanasia is a “slippery

slope” to murder and they have a “moral responsibility to keep their patients alive by the Hippocratic
Oath”. The other main ethical issue involving euthanasia is determining how much the government

and media can be involved in a medical state of affairs involving the possibility of euthanasia. This

subject should be a personal one but as it is interesting to the general population, many outside the

situation tend to try to get involved. Recently, society has turned to deeming issues politically important

if they are those sparking personal interest. The bottom line is that there are many external

influences on the decision which should remain within the family and the final determination should be

made by the individual with power of attorney.

It should not be a matter of what the government thinks or the mass media thinks. It is a

personal decision made by an individual’s appointed power of attorney and family support. Euthanasia

is a realistic and sometimes beneficial solution to helping a loved one ease out of this world and end

their pain and suffering. At times, it is even a request of the individual themselves. Patient care should

revolve around the patient and what they want. I believe that the decision should be left up to the
power of attorney and the familial support. The government and mass media have no place in personal

medical matters. The biggest issue lies within the medical community and that is the only issue that

needs to be addressed. Doctors should do what is best for their patients but keep the patient’s desires

in mind. If it is the best option for the patient as there is no saving them, then I believe it should be done

if it is what they want. Some issues should be left up to the patient and this is one of them.

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